PAGE TWO NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL' THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1939 Recipes ■ * THE MODERN WOMAN - Society tween the word "Bonds" and the sons of Lincoln visited Mrs Jack Home Again— Then she met him. A doctor of three years of hard duty, long word "No,” whichever indicates his Downs Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner and choice. shady repute. Much older than her­ hours, perhaps 12 on duty through William Me Elroys wefe Sunday son returned last week from a two The polls will be open from 2:00 self A man of good birth of fine a busy day without relief, then a manners and much of this worlds sudden demand to relieve a sick dinner guests at the A. A. Bratton week’s vacation which they spent o'clock P M., until 7:00 o'clock P M., on said day, when the same goods She became his office nurse, night nurse, 10, 12 hours or more home. at Nellscott on the coast. They shall be closed, for the reception of and in time lived with him without spent in a hot nauseous surgery to made short trips to other points of ballots cast for or against the con­ The Pinochle club met with Mrs. traction of such indebtedness. benefit of law nor clergy The little go off duty, to drop into bed. feet Interest enroute home. Albert Bohy Thursday. This notice is given by order of girl became a young lady of 22, pol­ swollen from long standing, head SAVAGE-HAROLDSEN Mr and Mrs. Herman Johnson, I the District School Board, made the On Saturday at a quiet ceremony Miss Mary Warren and Dick Wells ished too. wise in the ways of the splitting because she was too tired 26 th day of July, 1939. ALICE WILSON, | world. Had her own car and fur to eat at meal time and then in the In Caldwell Miss Mary Haroldsen. of Ontario were Sunday dinner Chairman. District School Board. ' coats and jewels. Traveled and liv stillness of night to be called out daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben guests of Pete Countrymans honor­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Attest: Department of the Interior, Gen­ again, an emergency A half day a Haroldsen, of Oregon Trail became ing Mrs. Johnson’s birthday. ed in fine hotels. B. B. LIENKAEMPER, eral Land Office at The Dalles, Then Into this man's office one week respite If she was lucky, two the bride of John Savage, son of Dlstrlt Clerk Oregon, July 26, 1939. Eldon Hickey of Lincoln visited Damon Savage of Buena Vista. day came another woman. A school extra hours on Sunday afternoon. NOTICE is hereby given th a t| First publication July 27, 1939. at the H. E. Noah home Tuesday. Last publication August 10, 1939. Those attending the ceremony in­ Walter Mellville Thompson, of teacher too young and inexperienc­ But the hospital Is a busy place Mrs. Myrtie Stewart spent Thurs­ Nyssa. Oregon, Rt. No. 2, who, on ed too. the partial support of her and people come and go and take cluded the bride's parents, Mr. and day evening with Mrs. C. V. Stover July NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 8, 1936, made Original Home­ Things About Nysaa's Shops parents, a girl with spotless repu­ each one for what they are worth Mrs. Reuben Haroldsen, the Misses stead Entry, Act June 17, 1902, No. Department of the Interior. Gen­ tation from a small town up the and more and more her worth was Laura and Ann Haroldsen, sisters of in Ontario. 030325, for NW14NE14 or Farm Unit eral Land Office at The Dalles Mrs. C. W. Ogren and children "B”, Section 23, Township 19 S., Oregon. July 24, 1939. country. But heavy hearted now mounting Till at the end of her the bride, the bridegroom's father NOTICE Is hereby given that left last week for Salem. West Vir­ Range 46 E., Willamette Meridian, and burdened with shame and a three years she was one of the most and Vernon Chadwick. has filed notice of intention to make David Eugene Brady, of Nyssa, Ore­ Following! the wedding services a ginia to attend a church conven­ We did speak with the friends knowledge that ere school opened popular graduates both with the gon, who. on June 30, 1638, made final Proof, to establish claim to the tion. Visiting in Missouri, Iowa and luncheon was served at the Harold­ again she would be an unwed patients and with her daily asso­ this past week and In the conver­ land above described, before Geo. K. Original Homestead Entry. Act Illinois before returning home. Aiken, U. S. Commissioner, Ontario, June 17, 1902, No. 031216, for Farm sen home for tlie wedding party. sation came the question of whether mother In fact already she had ciates. Oregon, on the 8th. day of Septem­ Unit "C” or S 4 NW %, Section 12 Wanda and Jimmy Leffler visited At present the young couple are or not a so-called notorious wom­ fears that those in authority sus- But life yet had not taken the Township 19 S., Range 46 E., Will­ 1939. at the S. T. Curtis home at Plea­ ber Claimant an may ever overcome her reputa- picloned her. So she came for such full toll. Had not melted aU the living with Mrs. Savage's parents. names as witnesses: amette Meridian, has filed notice of sant Ridge. Earl Blackburn. Arthur Rouse, Rob­ intention to make final Proof, to tatlon and live usefully and respect­ aid as this man gave and empty dross from the gold. claim to the land above Mr. and Mrs. Don Lankford mov­ ert Vest. Clarence Barrett all, of establish ed again In the everyday world. handed for his price was high and In the last year of her training, LAWN DINNER described, before George K. Aiken. Complimenting the birthday an­ ed their house to Nyssa on some Nyssa, Oregon.W. F. JACKSON, Some felt not. We ourselves know she had no savings, had nothing to while she was assisting at the office U. S. Commissioner, at Ontario. Ore offer for his services but the prom­ in the early morning hours, an ac­ niversaries of Mrs. Hausch and lots owned by her mother, Mrs. gon. on the 7th. day of September. Register. that It can be done. 1939. First published August 3, 1939 True It Is not easy. This return ise to pay. cident case was brought in and the Mike Wilschinsky, Mrs. Wilschin- Belisle. Claimant names as witnesses: Melvin Spitze arrived from Cor­ Last published August 31, 1939. again to respectability and the es­ And In pity for her he operated officer who investigated, a brawny, sky entertained at a dinner party Ellis Warner, Mrs. Ellis Warner. on Sunday on Mrs. Hausch’s lawn. Olin Lay, Robert Lay, all of On­ on her without charge vallis Saturday morning, where he NOTICE OF ELECTION teem and friendship of Mr. and black haired Irishman with a twin­ SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 26. MAL­ tario, Oregon, Rt. No. 1. She died of hemorrhage on the kling blue eye say this nurse and Covers were laid for ten. has been attending college. Mrs. Average citizen, for many W. F. JACKSON, HEUR COUNTY. OREGON. there are who will always add a table in the little office surgery fell In love. Twas not long before Mira Noah and Wilma Brown at- I NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, Register. — §— First published July 27, 1939. boot Instead of a boost to the trans- with none present but the doctor. the hospital corridors buzzed with THURSDAY BRIDGE tended a quilting party at the hom e) That an election has been called Last published August 24, 1939. Mrs. Aden Wilson was hostess to of Esther Parker in Ontario and will be held in School District gresser when they start on that up­ He was panic stricken. In all this new love affair and all hoped No. 26, Malheur County, Oregon, on the years of this unlawful business that the wedding would come soon. the members of the Thursday eve­ Thursday. ward climb. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Monday the 14th day of August, If It Is only the warm smile of nothing like this had happened. It Came the day th at it was an ­ ning bridge club at her home on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson mov- | 1939, at the District School house Department of the Interior, Gen­ Wednesday evening. Mrs. Andrew meant prison or worse And dis at Nyssa, Oregon, in said District, eral Land Office at The Dalles friendly recognition that one gives nounced and they went with the ed away from the Dad Armstrong the hours of 2:00 o’clock P. Oregon. July 25, 1939. to such a one It Is as a warm sun grace to the old father and mother good doctor friend and his wife to Boersma was a guest player and ranch last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs between M. and 7:00 o’clock P. M., at which NOTICE is hereby given tha, prizes for the evening’s play went shining through a dark fog of men in the east. This above all must the church where the girl embraced time the polls shall close, and that George Paxton of Vale moved In Marion L. Kurtz, of Nyssa, Oregon, tal misery. I t warms their souls be averted. Against the pleadings the mans faith, was blessed by the to Mrs. Stafford, Mrs. Harry Miner on Thursday and Mr. Paxton is car­ at said election there will be sub­ who, on July 11, 1936, made Original mitted to the legal voters of the dis­ Homestead entry, Act June 17, 1902, of the girl, with the help of an of priest and radiantly happy started and Mrs. Ike Brown. and helps them keep the faith. In ing for Dad's crops. trict the proposition of contracting No. 030329, for WMsNEVi, EViNW1» flee boy the body was hidden. world gone wrong. down the steps on the arm of her a bonded indebtedness in the sum or Farm Unit “A”, Section 8, Town­ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns from W C. T. U. Like a maddened frightened ani $36,000.00 for the purpose of re­ ship 21 S.. Range 46 E., Willamette husband to be. Only to be met by She was a dainty, fun loving lass Parma visited Mr. and Mrs. George of The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. C. financing and funding warrants No. Meridian, has filed notice of inten­ This woman In the long ago, with mal he took to flight and the girl his wrathful sister who when she Paxton Friday evening. 188 to No. 543, both inclusive, and tion to make final Proof, to estab­ Klinkenberg on Tuesday afternoon a figure neater than any present with him, pleading always that he had done talking had ruined the interest thereon accrued, of the lish claim to the land above des­ day glamor girl’s, eyes deep brown return and take the consequences. happiness for years to come of the with ten members and three visitors Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hawks of issue and series of 1938-1939. the cribed, before George K. Aiken, U. Gooding, Mrs. Gibbons of Preston oldest of which warrants was issued S. Commissioner, at Ontario, Oregon, but flecked with the golden light He refused. In flight lay safety. other two. There was no wedding. present. and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Simpson November 1, 1938, and all of which on the 7th. day of September, 1939. Following reports from the com­ But It did not. of the sun as was her hair, hanging Only long days and long nights warrants were issued prior to July Claimant names as witnesses: In the gray mountin dawn at a of heartsick misery and loneliness. mittees election of officers was held. of Kethum spent the week end with 26. In heavy braids far past her tiny 1939. Jess Sugg, M. L. Judd, D. L. Ander­ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Winegar. Mrs. Dave Hawkins was elected little wayside inn came the law. For The vote will be by ballot upon son, Tony Zubizaretta, all of Nyssa, waist. And shoes number 3 ft were But bye and bye the sun did shine Mrs. H. L. Brooks and sons have which there shall be the words Oregon, Rt. No. 1. not too small for the little feet But both of them. She had not thought again. And In a lttle mountain president, Mrs. Mary Marshall “Bonds ----- Yes” and the words W. F. JACKSON, gone to Boise to stay with relatives her hands even then might have of this. town another man who loved her treasurer and Mrs. Ethel Wild sec­ until Mr. Brooks gets a house built “Bonds ----- No”, and the voter Register. Back to the city and hours and greatly, who when he learned the retary. been called capable, and In later shall indicate his choice by plac­ First published July 27, 27, 1939. ing a cross (X ) between the word The next meeting will be at the to replace the one that burned. Last published August 24, 1939. years were to prove It. Proved the days of questioning for both of them truth concerning her, still it made courage and will of this woman to but particularly for the girl. She no difference. "Not what is behind Seward home on the Idaho side of Otis Bullard combined wheat and “Bond" and the word “Yes” or be­ would not tell. She cared for this barley for W. E. Brown Thursday be. us," he said, “but what is ahead.” the river. and Friday. Happily she tethered the cow on man and her sense of loyalty and They were wed. TUESDAY BRIDGE On account of the work slacking the pasture below the house attend­ and falrplay would not let her tell Then came a baby daughter and Mrs. A. C. Sallee entertained at a up at the game farms four men ed the grade school or visited at a the things she knew. Not even to the cup of the girls joy ran over. dessert bridge on Tuesday after­ were laid of this week. coffee Klatch with the mutter. For save herself. But they did break Today that little one is grown to noon for the members of the Tues­ they were German folk, hard work­ her staunch spirit. And she did Ruth Bratton entertained a group ing, thrifty metlcuously clean and tell. Things that she knew would young womanhood, lovely as a sum­ day bridge club. Guests playing of young people from Nyssa Sun­ mer dawn and as unspoiled. She is send this man who had been so with the members included Mrs. G. strong In their family affection. solo dancer with a fine ballet. B. Oiezentanner, Mrs. George Sallee day at dinner. Then the mother passed away kind to her through so many years Will Brown is able to be up each And the mother is with her, helping and Mrs. Carl Coad. to the penitentiary perhaps for life. leaving this child, turning to wom­ day for a little while. He has been not only her own daughter but And the laws penalty for him was High scores for the afternoons anhood, In the old rambling home mother's daughters as well to play were made by Mrs. Bumall ill for several weeks. alone with the aging father. The 15 years. Fifteen years behind bars other keep a straight and sane path. No one sisters and brothers were married and cold walls. For her came free­ Brown and Mrs. Bernard Frost. USE JOURNAL WANT ADS. remembers the old story. Tims has and none had a place for this wom­ dom. healed that wound as it does all But gone was the joy of living. an-child. LOWER BEND She started on her own and found Oone friends and luxuries. The others if we will just be still and S U R E P R O T E C T IO N work In the city. A steamstress' help­ home she had known, the protec­ let it. She is among the thousands who Mr. and Mrs. Will Cummings re­ er and apprentice. But the earn­ tion the man had given her. Once for the a u t o m o b il is t in ings were too meagre for more than again she was alone untrained for each year find themselves on the] turned from Field, Ore., where they have been visiting. wrong road of life and through un self support. Alone In a disdainful, cases of financial loss due a mere existence and she wanted Mrs. Harry Russell accompanied believable sacrifice and effort more from life than that. Wanted to resentful and relentless society. to fire, t h e f t , p r o p e r ty None would give her work. Old scramble up again into the right Mrs. Ed Abbl to Nampa Friday. dance and to sing and to play, way. friends shunned her. Her name There will be a special meeting of damage, collision, or law­ wanted nice clothes and a boy gave her away at every turn, her We knew her well. She was our the P. T. A. at the school house friend. And of course some day roommate and we loved her much suit, is the result o f a wise picture had been blazoned on every August 9. All members are urged to husband and a home and little ones front page. And there were no funds and still do and when she come come. as every girl does and regretfully. investment in proper auto­ west she does us the honor of a to start in new fields. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scott of Dixie visit. But always there are some who were distributing sale bills in the mobile insurance. Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad­ Bend Wednesday. see beneath. See a soul quivering The easy digestability of Gate W e write all forms o f in shamed anguish See the good vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy Mr. and Mrs. Joe King returned that may be saved. This time it was time and thy gas going farther. City Dairy Milk promotes a Sunday from a week’s outing in the a u t o m o b ile in s u r a n c e . another doctor friend. A man of In­ hills. restful relaxation and easy fluence and large practice Through Come in and let us explain Teddy Howell and Junior Lowe of sleep. Enjoy a glass before In White or Colors. All Siles him she was admitted to training Return from Trip— Nyssa were Sunday callers at the this n e cessa ry fin an cial retiring. for a nurse in one of the city's lead­ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Trent returned Harry Russell home. ing hospitals. But only on the con­ the end of the week from their va protection. William Stradley celebrated his Morning and Evening dition that she make good under cation spent at the fair in San 74th birthday Sunday with a family All Sizes JESS R. BAKER Francisco and motoring through Deliveries her own name. dinner. Those present were his sis­ OPTOMETRIST Canada. With them was their house And make good she did. Through ter, Mrs. Margaret Bradney of Oraduate Unlv. Cal. College guest Miss Smith of Nebraska. of Optometry Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Strad­ Office Hours 9-5 and by ley and family of Arcadia and Miss Phone 97 Appointment Garden Club— Farmer and the Walter Stradley Men’s and Ladies’ Wearing Apparel Telephone 244-J, 67 8. 2nd St. Nyssa, Oregon Morgan Park Garden club met at family. 3rd & Main Sts. PHONE 104W Ontario. Oregon the Bennett home on July 26. The Lower Bend Scouts won a base­ Nyssa next regular business meeting will ball game from the Arena Scouts. be August 9 at the E. L. Jamison CARL H. COAD home in Beuna Vista. Important VALLEY VIEW business meeting. Anyone interested ATTORNEY-AT-LAW In the park development is cordially The farmers are putting up their PHONE 31 Invited to attend. ________ second crop of hay. Nyssa, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Vern Noyes of K an­ sas called at the Bratton home Thursday evening. L. A. Maulding, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rees were Sun­ Physician and Burgeon day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Penn and family. Phone 37 Mr. and Mrs N. A. Peacock of Hours: 10 to 13 and 1 to 5 Fruitland were Sunday visitors at Dally-Except Sunday the Arthur King home. Pry Building Fred and August Moeller threshed Let outside temperatures soar to 110 grain the first of the week. Owyhee D r u g Co. or go below zero, proper insulation Mrs. Ed Ingraham accompanied DR. E. D. NORCOTT d o e s n o t sacrifice will keep your home at comfortable Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ingraham to the DENTIST quality in the interest dam Sunday. temperatures regardless of the Office Phone 35F2 of low price. When Mr and Mrs Beul Hickey and weather! X-RAY EXAMINATIONS you have your pre­ NYS8A OREOON We have several grades of Insulat­ Society Ye Snooper’s Column WILTSHIRE SPORT SHIRTS /W l FT, S A T IN - *1.98 COTTON You Can Depend onOwyhee Drug Prescriptions Gate City Dairy Atkeson’s Store Frank T. Morgan A Cooler, M ore C om fortable H om e- W ith Proper INSULATION TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meetings of the Townsend Club are held 1st and 3rd Thursday In the Eagles Hall. The Public 1« Invited D R. DeOroaa..........President Mrs. A. V. Pruyn _. Secretary NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meet* Wednesday Night AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER Sec. ART NARCOTT Pres scriptions filled here, you are sure of get­ ting ingredients com­ pounded by a trained experienced pharma- cist at a FAIR price. FILMS—KODAKS DEVELOPING Cool off at our Fountain ___ Owyhee Drug Company Phone 29 Next to Idaho Power ing Boards of highest quality at reasonable and competitive prices. Estimates gladly given without cost. After a Cool Swim— Stay REFRESHED! Put on Triplex Cleaned Clothes NYSSA TAILOR SHOP PHONE 74 DELIVERY SERVICE Insulate Your Home at Small Cost on Monthly Payments Under F.H.A. Modernization Plan STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Phone 73W________ / Nyaaa | ‘Satifaction W ith Every Transaction” Southwest of “ Y* Phone 110 Nyssa