Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1939)
77)<?NYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon, JOURNAL Fastest Growing City In Oregon GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE ~~$7.50 PER YEAR VOLUME XXXIV NO. 30_________________________________________ NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1989 TUNE UP JALOPIES Beet Growers NYSSA COUPLE IN Band Concerts, Storage Plant AUTO STATE PICNICS FOR COUNTY FAIR, ACCIDENT Colorado-Oregon Picnic. Big BOYS ADVISED Hold Meeting Athletics For Opens Monday Edgar Dilley and his wife, Mar Bend park, near Adrian, Aug. are recovering from injuries 6 . "Tune up your Model T, for the EXECUTIVE BOARD MAPS PLANT TO BE MOST MODERN garet, received in a head-on automobile Kentucky-Idaho and Eastern Fall Festival last day of the Malheur County DRIVE FOR NEW MEMBERS IN INTERMOUNTAIN DISTRICT accident near McCall early Sunday j Oregon, Municipal park at — y Fair," Vernon Jackson said this PAYETTE SCHOOL BAND morning. Aug. 27. begins at 1 p. WILL JOIN PARADE week to the boys of the county. The The executive board of the Nyssa L. T. (Doc) Marshall, announced In the car with the Dilley's at the Boise, m. hundred mile jallopy race scheduled today that his new venture, the time District Sugar Beet Grow the accident were Mr. and Minnesota-Oregon. August 6. for that day will bring $150 to the Factory ers association held its regular Polar Cold Storage and Locker Mrs. of Grant Band concerts, athletic events, Gardner of Fruitland. winner with big prize money to Bring your own lunch. Free plant would be opened Monday, In the other car figuring in the coffee and ice cream. Wilcox such as boxing and wrestling, those who chug in behind. monthly meeting in the city hall August. The plant represents an crash were four people from Boise, Tuesday. Those attending were greased pig race, greased pole climb Orders for the race include the Charles Marshall, chairman; investment of about $12,000 and is one of whom, a woman received park ekqt of Ontario. ing. horse pulling contest and two one that the car must be a Wm. Hogg, Homed Nyssa, ale; Tom Harris, the only modem plant of it’s kind cuts about the head and a man is Kansas Picnic. 12 noon. Aug parades were added to the events big car, no "make and break Payette, and Wm. Carson, Weiser. between Salt Lake City and Port suffering from a cut on the head, ust 6. Gala Gardens, Payette- to take place during the Nyssa Fall stock sparks,” no “overhaul values,” no land. L. Fletcher is secretary of the other two people in the car Ontario junction. Bring your Festival September 15 and 16. bodies," in other words A. association. The new plant, according to the On Friday 17. it is the plan of the "underslung were uninjured. Washington. D. C. News Bureau of Marshall, no “souped up," cars will be allowed Routine matters of business was is equipped with a chill Mrs. Dilley had four teeth knock committee to stage a 4-H stock par to enter. the Nyssa Gate City Journal ing room where taken up and a plan for en meats are first chill ed out and Dilley suffered a cut ade after the close of the judging in Boys around Nyssa and Vale are first larging associations member ed, a processing room where the the Nyssa Sales yard at the foot of W e ste rn Idaho Fair WASHINGTON, D. C. August 3— meat will be cut before it is wrap over one eye which required two to see their local Legion command ship was the taken up. During this dis Second street. Then on Saturday er stitches. It is under cover yet, but the de ped, for further details on the race, the accomplishments of the freezing room main at 4 p. m. the committee plan on in Ontario see Wilmer Boyer or cussion, D ates S e t For partment of state is alarmed at the tained a at sharp association were given. of 10 de staging a five division parade, in Vernon Jackson. number of alien plotters and con grees below a temperature Briefly, the following is a history where the meat, cluding the Payette school, and spirators and gangs of assassins who vegetables and zero, A u g . 2 2 -2 6 of the association which was form fruit will be quickly Nyssa city band, a children’ s divis are planning the overthrow of frozen to preseive their freshness, ed in 1938. ion, commercial floats and fraternal friendly governments. Many of and the locker room itself where the SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS AND or civic organizations. In the first year of its existence these aliens are known and their temperature of 10 degrees to 15 de CONTESTS FOR FIVE DAYS the association was instrumental in The Nyssa Civic club has asked purpose is known but there is no grees above zero will be maintained FREE TRANSPORTATION FOR bringing about a reduction in the that due to an unexpected interest federal law by which the revolu all times. (Special)—When the en in cost of seed to the growers. For CHILDREN OF NYSSA VICINITY try BOISE the flower show that the exhibi tionists and assassins can be either at The lists are completed within the tion hall be changed to the store $73,000 BUILDING READY the 1939 contract however the asso plant will have 200 lockers jailed or deported. Until the con available immediately with 200 later In conjunction with the Red Cross next two weeks, nearly every south room in the Western hotel. The ciation was successful In keeping FOR PLACING OF EQUIPMENT gress provides the necessary legisla to be added. These lockers are of national swim week which is to be ern Idaho county will be represent Civic club have agreed to furnish the price of sugar beet seed to 14 tion these foreigners can conspire to the most modern design, are made held for this district at the pool in ed on the dairy cattle, horse, beef the prizes for this division of the per pound and raising the seize governments, murder presi of sanitary steel and will hold 300 Ontario from Monday, August 7 to cattle and swine herd registration Fall Festival, the prize ribbons to be The Board of Directors of the cents price of beets 12 cents per Nyssa Union high school met Sat contract dents and high state officials and pounds of meat or other foodsutffs. Saturday, August 12 inclusive, the books of the Western Idaho State in each bracket. by the committee. urday and accepted, as substantially ton Joining be immune in the United States. The rental according to Marshall local chapter of. the Red Cross has Fair to be held at Boise, August 22 furnished other associations in Inquiry has been made from a complete the $73,000 high school September with President Roosevelt knows the will be a nominal amount, well with arranged fair transportation for to 26. inclusive, said Fair Manager carnival of 1938, the Nyssa asso company in regards to lo b u i l d i n g from the contractors facts and is much concerned, for in the reach of the farmer or city children from this area wishing to Frank Winzeler this week. ciation secured a single rate for cating in Nyssa during the Fall Ritchie and Son. the anarchist groups are seeking to Dairy herds, said Winzeler, have Festival. pulling, topping and loading of take advantage of swimming in already The building was constructed with overthrow governments in South dweller. been entered from all of the No estimates on the saving of interest to all struction during this swim week. The next meeing of the Fall Fes the aid of a 45 per cent grant from beets. America, some of the 20 republics One of feature, dairy sections, thus assuring tival to the large number of growers were the lockers, is that the Classes for beginners will star', state's committee will be held in the Public Words Administration. embraced in the administration's users the biggest dairy show in the his Nyssa city hall tomorrow. Friday, at available, but it was agreed that it Polar Cold Storage and Locker each morning at 9 o’ c lock and ' 1 Built on a 15 acre tract, the new "good neighbor" policy. Inside facts plant will be open for its clients 24 continue through until 11:15 for tory of the state. was of a considerable saving to. the 8:30 p. m. school building has facilities for of the plots are as sensational and hours a day. with an attendant on advanced pupils. Competition among the various grower. home economics, Smith-Hughes thrilling as any fiction story on hand at all times. branches of purebred livestock is It is the plan of the executive A bus will leave Nyssa each expected to l e the keenest in years. work shops, an athletic field, which board spies and international intrigue. Mr. The plant is designed not only for morning of the association to Increase 8:30 from the Metho Idaho’s dairy cattle will be compet M alheu r C ou nty when completed will provide a track, Roosevelt realizes the embarrass the storage of meats but any type dist church at for the number of tare men during the those wishing to ing against the famed Jersey, Guern baseball and football field. ment of trying to strengthen the of foodstuffs, according to Marshall. take advantage all loading season. this opportunity sey and Holstein herds of the Utah Leads S ta te In Contracts for the equipment have 1939 bonds of friendship with a South "In constructing this modem type to learn to swim of correctly Last the association had one under the been let and the work of installing man for year American republic while at the of cold storage plant, it was our tuteledge of competent instructors State Agricultural college. this purpose. will be completed in time for the same time the United States is har idea Entertainment at the fair will be “In the near future the growers to offer to the public a place and the local chapter of the Red unusual with special attractions and Sto ck Census fall term of school. boring assassins and revolutionaries which will be faced with a problem fol they could store such Cross is urging all children to take contests scheduled for each after as they work out plans to destroy in lowing the expiration of the pres foodstuffs as, berries or vegetables, advantage of this service. 10 YEAR PERIOD SHOWS that particular republic. noon and night of the five days. LAST ent National Sugar Act. In order and imagine having sweet corn, ber CATTLE INCREASE 123 % All those wishing to enter this Some fine day the lid will be lift ries and other vegetables served years classes should register with Winzeler said that many of the at that our Industry shall be stabilized ed from this situation and the with garden freshness at Christmas Mrs Dick Tensen at her home on tractions would be announced at a Malheur county leads the state and that each of the producing papers will be carrying first page time,” Marshall said. later date. • areas shall be assured a fair share average in a recent survey of farm and Ehrgood or with Mrs. stories. For the present, however, W. K. Worsley, sales engineer of Fourth in the United States domestic mar stock compiled by H. H. Anderson P. Thomas at the Journal of secrecy surrounds the facts which Salt Lake City, Utah, will give a Louis livestock loan Inspector for the LACK OF PI.AYER INTEREST ket, we must exert our united ef VIVIAN HIGBY have been disclosed to only a few lecture and demonstration to the fice. not later than August 6. forts toward securing favorable ac First National Bank of Portland. MAY FORCE WITHDRAWAL high officials. A bill is now being public at 8 p. m„ on the opening MAULED BY BULL tion by the next session of congress, Malheur county, since 1928 to drafted by the state department day. Monday. Those who have made and only wll our 1938 shows an Increase of 123 per The Nyssa baseball team as a Vivian Higby, 17, daughter of cent in cattle, a decrease of 21 per forerunner of possible withdrawal needs by be association which will be introduced by a sen arrangements for locker space in presented, and our influ Leon Higby was alive today due to ator of the Pacific Northwest pos the cold storage plant will be shown in the number of sheep, an from the Idaho-Oregon baseball ence be persuasive in the enacting the presence of mind and the calm cent sibly next January. in detail how their products will increase of 40 per cent in the num league, postponed, indefinitely, (he of beneficial laws.” Charles Marsh efforts of her 12 year old sister, It All Depends be prepared for the lockers. Wor ber of hogs old dobbin, the scheduled game with Payette that all said in an interview. Mary Lou, when a 2 year old bull horse, not to and Social Security board cut off sley has had a long experience in COUNTY SHOWS INCREASE be outdone increased was to have been played Sunday. knocked Vivian down and began his numbers by 76 per cent. "match” money to Ohio because the the field of cold storage plants, and FOR MONTH OF JULY The Reason for the plans to withdraw FIRST TABULATIONS pawing and butting her, Wednesday. monthly checks for old-age assist complimented Marshall on his judg averages show that Malheur county from the league is lack of player in On being knocked down by the ance carried a note announcing the ment in putting in such a modern The early shipment of potatoes leads the state averages. For the terest on the part of a few ‘key’ ON QUEEN CONTEST bull. Vivian remained as motion- governor was a candidate for re- plant. from Malheur county has resulted ’less as possible, while Mary Lou state the averages are cattle, an men. according to members of the election. Now SSB is under control “People living in this part of the in a substantial increase of car By LOUISE AIKEN increase of 25.3 per cent; sheep a team. drove the animal off by throwing of Paul V. McNutt and the monthly country load shipments to eastern markets should make a special ef decrease of 25.7 per cent; hogs, a Last Sunday at Vale the Nyssa Due to the length of the entire stones and sticks at it. bulletin mailed to beneficiaries in fort to see this wonderfully mod for the month of July. of 15.3 per cent, and horses team, minus its pitching staff and tabulations, the following standing The father found his daughter decrease Indiana (an official publication' is ern storage plant, Nyssa leads Vale and Ontario in unconscious because there is a decrease of 36.3 per cent. two outfielders went down to a of candidates for the Malheur and although painfully boosting him for the democratic nothing like it in this part of the the number of carloads shipped out, Jefferson county was the only score of 24 to 0. county fair queen contest is for bruised, no bones were broken. nomination for president. McNutt it was revealed yesterday by E. C. Vivian is reported as recovering county in the state that topped three districts only, Nyssa. Adrian has not cracked down on Indiana, country.” Wbrsley said. Crandall, local station master for from her terrifying experience. Malheur in increase in cattle, that and Jordan Valley: which is his home state, for doing JAPANESE CLUB TO the Union Pacific. Crandall’s fig county showing an increase of 150 District No. 5 what Ohio did. Beneficiaries in PRAY RE-APPOINTED ures, gathered from the other two PLAY TWO GAMES per cent. Betty Skinner, 1.200, Louise Kllng- Oregon and Washington will soon AS HEAD OF STATE cities shows that Nyssa. during July NYSSA DELEGATION The report, compiled by Ander back, 100, Nadine Crocker, 850, receive similar propaganda. shipped out 224 carloads of potatoes, TREKS TO BAKER sets for his reasoning for the The J. A. A. C., a Japanese organ Juanita Franklin. 250 and Emma POLICE FORCE Vale 104. and Ontario 90. Figures The Nyssa delegation, 25 strong, son, West Shows Water Power in cattle by saying. “In the ization. announced this week that Nein, 7700. Survey of potential water power SALEM—The fate of no Oregon for last year show that Nyssa .dur composed of Chamber of Commerce increase past 10 we witness the ac a double-header baseball game be District No. 7 in the United States, just completed, public official ever aroused greater ing July, had shipped only 63 car members and Lions clubs went to cumulated years tween that club and the Asahl club Eleanor Haworth, 30,581, Joyce surplus of various com places Washington state at the and observe most of all from Hood River will be played on Ashcraft, 1410, Gloria Glascock, 120, interest than did that of loads of the tubers. Baker last Tuesday night, to attend modities, head of the list, with Oregon second public production including agri the Ontario ball field this coming Donna Ashcraft. 20.070, Ethel Farns Chas. P. Pray, superintendent of a joint meeting of service clubs in cultural, at values, and California third. Washington's state police last week. low ebb and have seen Sunday at 2 p. m. worth, 320 and Louise Hinton. 830. L. D. S. LEADER that city. potential power shows 8-768,000 Publication of a rumor that Pray the farmer scurrying hither and District No. 8 Frank Morgan acted as toastmas BALLARD DIES horespower available 90 per cent of was scheduled to “walk the plank" Word was received here in L. D. yon in an effort to find a market Returns Home— Irene Yturrl, 200 and Dorothy ter for the Nyssa group, and Ray G. the time and 12.021,00 available 50 at the expiration of his term S. church circles, that Melvin J. for his crops. In many cases this Mrs. John Bishop of Billings, Baltzar, 100. Larson, manager of the Nyssa dis per cent of the time. Oregon's po brought a flood of protests to the Ballard, a member of the quorum trict factory spoke on “What the market was found within himself, Mont., who has been visiting several Rating as of July 30. Entries Into tential horsepower available 90 per executive department from every of the twelve apostles of the L. D. placing on his farm small days with Mrs. Evans Jones, left contest closes August 5. Votes can Beet Industry Means to Eastern through cent of the time is 4.502.000 and corner of the state. numbers of beef or dairy cows, or today for her home. be cast for girls in any district. church died in Salt Lake Sunday Oregon” Other Nyssa speakers breeding 6,104,000 available 50 per cent of In announcing the reappointment S. ewes, or in the feed pens, of this week after a month’s illness. were Bernard Frost, president of the time. The three Pacific coast of Pray last Friday, Governor Ballard, who was 66 at the time the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce cattle or lambs to be fattened for At Anthony Lakes— states have 4167 per cent of all Sprague characterized the rumors of his death, began his evangelical market. * • *’’ and Bumal Brown. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazln and DRIVERS EXAMINER the power which is available 90 per as number of head of stock in family, “reporters’ guesses” but at the career under the late Brigham H. was furnished by the Total and Mrs. R. A. Tacke of HERE NEXT FRIDAY cent of the time. It will always be same time he explained that he was Roberts and serving missions in the the Entertainment are as follows: Cattle, 296,- Ontario. Dr. Miss Satin Songsters” com 856: state Sarazln of The examiner of operators and potential until there are enough investigating certain phases of the northern and northwestern states. posed “White 824.473: hogs, 28.638; Boise. Miss Eva Isobelle Mrs. Laura McCoy, Mrs. horses. sheep, Boydell and Warren chauffeurs people to supply a market. 49.612. state police problem which indicat He was named an apostle early in Wilma of Flemming, will be in Nyssa. Friday. Ruth Wamecke Larsen of Twin Falls spent the week August 11. at Sticks and Stones ed that he was undecided and that the city hall between and Sally Fyllingsness. end at Anthony Lake. John Llewellyn Lewis, head of there was some foundation for the 1919. Special Speaker— the hours of 11 a m , and 5 p. m . CIO. who contributed $500,000 (dues rumors. Miss Myrtle Walmsey of New according to an announcement Evangelistic Services— Born— from union members) to the Roose Mexico will given an illustrated talk Daughter from the secretary of state’s office. Beginning on Wednesday evening, A daughter was born on August velt campaign in 1936. is really as Taken to Hospital— on the life and condition of the All wishing permits or li August 2. the local Nazarene church to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garrison of censes those ROUND TOWN Spanish people, at the Methodist 2 Jamieson fnad at President Roosevelt as he Is Martin Osborn of Kingman Kol- is holding evangelistic services every to drive cars are asked to at teh Brlttlngham Nurs get in touch at Vice President Gamer. His call ony is under the care of Dr. L. A. evening at 8 o'clock with Evangelist Biggest spuds of the week were church Sunday evening. with the examiner dur ing home in Ontario. ing Gamer “an evil old man.” is Maulding at Holy Rosary hospital R. W. Jackson speaking, and to shown by Bunny Schweizer whose ing these hours. tuber topped the scales at 3 pounds paralleled by his charge that Mr. for treatment and care following an which the public is cordially invited. Improves From Injuries— 5 ounces, and a White Rose grown E. M Spencer who last week re Son Born— Roosevelt was an ingrate when the acute abdominal attack. Mr. Jackson is a forceful and in the John Lackey place and toted ceived severe bums from ignited A baby boy was born to Mr. and Visits In Ontario— president sat silent during the sit teresting speaker with a full under on back forth by Walt Alfred that gasoline is reported by his physi Mrs. E. L. Kingston of Kingman Mrs. Betty La Frenz returned the down strikes. And from the whis House Guest— of his work, which makes came and in at pounds 15 ounces and cian. Dr. L. A Maulding to be re Kolony on Tuesday wtih Dr. L. A. first of the week from a weeks visit pers which have circulated in Wash Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Poage of standing heart felt message each night a a runner-up 2 by with friends in Ontario. Klaas Tensen of 2 covering nicely. ington for two years, the president Torrington. Neb . are house guests his Maulding attending. worth listening to. pounds 4 ounces . . . then there’s has his own opinion mot flattering), of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Trent. They sermon song services by local tal one of Ed Dilly’s at the bank Has Narrow Escape— of Lewis. It was the sit-down strike are on their return from a visit to ent Special NYSSA MARKETS will also be a feature of these the Out— . . . it took a special set of scales Frank Deasy who works on the Tonsils and the administrations refusal to the fair at San Francisco. Thursday Quotations | meetings. Allene Talbot, oldest daughter of . . . and the Wednesday evening Bert Burroughs ranch at Napton Mrs. Jenny Talbot was among the step in and establish law and order By Wiley C'lowers band concerts getting better ’n’ bet that caused the break between the Siding fell from a farm wagon this Orade A _____________ .23 THE WEATHER for Vacation— ter . . . then there’s the human morning and narrowly escaped be tonsil losers at the Sarazln Medical Cream, vice president and president. Cactus Following are the weeks tempera Leave Cream, Grade B ...............................22 On Friday A. M. Highsmith. Joe clinic last Tuesday. Jack, after telling the president tures as given by the local Reclama- Paulus and Glenn Whitman left for fiend who put six cats in a sack and ing ground beneath the combine. CASH PRICE hung them on the slaughter house As it was he escaped with a bruised what he thought, packed up and tlon office. Eggs, large _____________ 15 California and the worlds fair at to die in the summer's heat and sprained right shoulder and a Baby Born— went home to Texas, not returning Date Hens, h ea v y _____ __ .11 Low High 8an Francisco Mrs Highsmith who fence and four of them did . . . the boys badly lacerated head and face. He On Sunday morning a son was Hens, light and Leghorn .... until Mr Roosevelt requested him July 27 09 58 107 has been attending summer school at the market are hoping that the was taken to the Sarazln medical bom to Mr and Mrs. Wm. Duffy to return and smooth out the fight July 28 Springs 107 Joined them at Orants Pass They guilty ............ 5« persons get the same treat the Infant developed a defective Colored, under 4 lbs................. .11 over the court bill. 69 106 expect to remain about 10 days or ment for Just one hour but we’d clinic and Is reported to be In good but July 29 heart and lived only two days, al Heavy, 4 lbs. and u p __________ .13 condition. Reclamation Money 53 89 two weeks July 30 stretch it to a day . . Hoxle's curves though Dr J J. Sarazln had him Light and Leghorn _____ .09 One of the arguments for ear July 31 57 95 breaking behind the batter Sunday m With Pneumonia— removed to the Ontario hospital Cockerels ..... .04 marking 90 million dollars for rec August 1 51 96 Visits in Orden— . . Jim Caldwell has learned to Dr L. A. Maulding reports C. A. for care he passed away Wednes Egg Market lamation projects in the lending August 2 53 103 Ed Boydell left on Monday eve catch rabbits without salt. ( Trade In Price) improving from an attack of lobar day morning and graveside services spending bill so bitterly fought, was ning for a visit with friends in Og Water in Owyhee Dam were held at 10 o’clock this morning Eggs ....... 18 den. 496.330 acre feet (Continued on Page 6. Col. I) ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Swim Week Set By Red Gross Hi School Board Accepts Building Nyssa May Drop Out Of League Nyssa Leads In Spud Shipments