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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1939 PACKING SHEDS BEING BUILT WASHINGTON NEWS (Continued from Pkge 1) 1 mental in busting the Pendergast ADRIAN (Special)—Tile Adrian ! political machine; Jim Farley, packing house is being opened and j chairman of the democratic nation made ready for potato packing, un al committee. Mr. Roosevelt is now der the management of the Duncan ! supposed to have about 260 dele Bros. A good yield is expected with Inspector Here— gates, or 25% of the convention In Caldwell— fair prices and packing will begin Mr. and Les McClure visited with Charles Daley, regional inspector voting strength and the convention about July 5. for the state milk board was in 12 months away. relatives in Caldwell Sunday. Another packing shed is being Nyssa on state business Saturday. put up near the Dale Garrison Unde Sam as Loan Shark Visits Lodge— ranch, Andrew Boersma and Char President Roosevelt favors the Mrs. J. C. Beam visited the Cald Returns from Trip— les Flegel are the reported owners. “profit motive” for the federal gov well chapter of Eastern Star on Mrs. George Henneman returned ernment, Albert Heldt. Nyssa contractor has despite a small group of from a visit with her parents in Tuesday. the contract for the building, which new dealers who do not believe in Wisconsin on Sunday. will be completed in time to allow profits for industry or business, Visit In Payette— the owners to start sorting and large or small. Mr Roosevelt's plan The O. Z. Mathews family visited Leave for East— grading by Saturday. in Payette on Sunday with rela Mr. and Mrs. Lem Wilson left Is to lend almost four billion dollars tives. the first of the week for a trip and to self-liquidating projects, to South American countries, etc. Those re visit in the east. SPUDS MOVE TO In McCall— ceiving loans are to repay the prin EASTERN MARTS Mrs. Hazel Gildea and her son I Sunday Guests— cipal and interest and the interest Theron are spending the summer in ] Mr and Mrs. Chet Tarleton and on $3,840,000.000 would at the least first carload of early potatoes MacCall. sons and Mrs. Lucy Sepncer of Em calculation bring in $40.000.000 a Carlos C. Cloce, vice president. was The shipped out of this territory year—possibly twice that amount. mett visited the Emil Stunz family The First National Bank of Port Carpenter III— through the Bonawits sheds at This would be velvet to Uncle Sam. 8unday. newly appointed trust officer Cairo on Monday when Charles P O. O. Prawitz, a Nyssa carpenter Putting the government into the land. and elected member of the Board of Overstreet and his crew finished is ill at his home and under the Relatives Visit— money-to-lend business on such a care of Dr. L. A. Maulding. digging for M. Atagai, a Japanese Mrs. L. C. Pounds of Caldwell and titanic scale is being received with Directors of that institution. grower in the Kingman district. sister, Mrs. Ike Redding of Oakland. little enthusiasm at present. Sunday Guests— spuds were moved east at a Mrs. Belle Pasley and daughter Neb., spent Friday at the Roy A Junket—Turned Down GROWERS GET fair The price although with the in of Caldwell spent Sunday with her Pounds home. Round trip to Europe, with all ex SPUD creased handling charges the income ADVICE ON WILT sister Mrs. Carlos Buchner. penses paid, offered to senators and acre is not as great as hoped Visit From Caldwell— of the Pacific north Hugh Taylor Federal and State: per for. Son Bom— On Wednesday evening. Miss Anna representatives west was unanimously declined. Inspector is asking farm Wire worms are doing consider A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Beth Carnes and Miss Mildred Mc invitation was for the first Produce ers who are harvesting potatoes to | able damage in some fields and A. A. Schmidt of Parma last week Kee with John Ernest visited with The flight of the Yankee be on their guard against bacterial causing earlier digging than other with Dr. J. J. Sarazln attending. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les trans-Atlantic Clipper. Alibi of one lawmaker: wilt. The average yield per acre to Ernest. “My duty to my constituents re Growers are advised to rogue the wise. To Visit Sons— date has been 80 sacks to the acre quires my presence at my post of areas Mrs Lillian Newby left this morn Leave for Baker— Monday two other carloads Infested with wilt or any oth of Since ing on the Rose for Hoodriver where Vernon Warren and his friend duty." these Eastern Oregon nuggets er disease, before digging. Mind Our Own Business she will visit for the next six weeks Archie McDonald of Corvallis, who have gone to eastern markets. Wilt is of primary concern to the The neutrality act promises to inspector who stated that when in with her sons, Tom and Harry, were here surveying for the high bring more discussion as this way department left Wedneday for session about potatoes are run through the, Visit Daughter— OF ADRIAN of congress goes into the fected wash that the water becomes in TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pox spent Baker. Vernon is the grandson of summer; the situation in the Far SHOWS GROWTH fected and will in turn infect other the week end in Seneca where they Mr and Mrs. P M. Warren East has helped to bring this about. By Mrs. JAMES McGINNIS wise healthy potatoes that are eith visited their daughter and her fam Visit Parents— . . . Many senators voice the opin er bruised or machine cut. ADRIAN-Bordering on a quarter ily. the best thing for us to do a century of existence this little Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beam of Bend ion that Instance was sighted showing of strictly mind our own business. the An rapidity town now boasts a thriving busi who has been on a fishing trip for is Our to interests Niece Visits— with which potatoes in are not being molest ness district, thirty-four homes, a Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fuhrman, ten days near Logan Valley stop with wilt will damage healthy j grade school and a newly completed Phyllis and Clarence of Montana, ped a couple of days with his par ed in any way, and by attending to fected potatoes packed in with them. A own affairs It will do more than load of 64 sacks showed a 10 per high school and gymnasium. stopped over Tuesday night at the ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Beam They our anything else to keep us our of for cent decay in less than 24 hours, With an eye toward taking care Emil Stunz home. Mrs. Fuhrman is left Saturday for their home. eign conflicts. the recreational activities, Adrian a niece of Mrs. Stunz. caused from the leaking of the dis of On Wedding Trip— has a playground at the school and ease ones on the healthy ones. Minor Operation— Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mercer who j concrete tennis court. The site of Mrs. Vernon Rowell had her ton were The shipment of infected pota a Adrian COURT BUILDING TO married recently in Portland is on what was known as sils removed at the Sarazin clinic stopped for a two days visit at the BE REMODELLED toes to eastern or California mar the McCreary ranch. on Tuesday and later was removed Frank Morgan home and on Tues kets will cause an unsatisfacory re to her home and is now recover day left for their new home at j SALEM—The state supreme court action to potatoes grown in this which is the reason for the CRASH VICTIM ing rapidly. building, oldest of the capltol group, section Great Falls, Mont. request by Taylor for co-operation OUT OF DANGER will be remodelled during July while Returns From Hospital— Return— on the part of potato growers and ADRIAN — Verne Lindermann, the court is on vacation. Mrs. Bobbie Burns who was oper Vistiors shippers. On Monday Mrs. William E The work will cost $25,000. Before j who last week suffered a severely ated upon by Dr. Maulding three took her grandmother. the new state library building was | lacerated leg when a car in which weeks ago in Ontario returned to Schireman Mary Wilburn and her aunt, completed a few months ago, the he was riding went through a wire her home on Monday and is being Mrs. W. Jones to their home near library was on the ground floor of I PILOT ROCK WOMEN fence, is Improving satisfactorily, cared for by Mrs. Westerfield. Mrs. Mrs. They had been her house the court building. GET BRAVERY MEDAL according to the attending physi Bums expects to be able to get up Welser. guests for the past week. cian Dr. Maulding, Nyssa. On the same floor was the attor a few hours each day soon. ney general's office and the sup SALEM, June 29—Two women who j X-ray pictures taken last week Daughter Bom— Mother Visits— of public instruction. remained at their telephone switch showed now trace of gangrene in Word reached Nyssa friends this erintendent Mrs L. L. Rickman of Salem ar past Under the plan the attorney boards during the flood were awurd- fection. Dr. Maulding said. that a daughter had been general and new rived on Thursday to be with her born week the clerk of the su ed Vail medals for bravery, the pre to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Young preme court will share daughter Mrs. Heinz Sonnekas who in Antioch. ground sentation by Gov. Charles Sprague FUNDS APPROVED The Youngs made floor. As in the past the the court has been ill and under the care of their home Cal. li In his offices here. Nyssa for several brary will occupy the second floor, Dr. L. A. Maulding for the past ten years while Mr in Young The women were Mrs. Maud Gil FOR AGENCY DAM employ with private chambers for the jus bert, days Mis. Sonnekas is now improv ed in construction work was chief operator, and Miss Erline Funds for the payment of $1700, at the dam. tices and the main court room on Gilliland, ing and is able to be up a little. operator, who were cred representing wages due men who ited with warning the people of Pi worked on the Agency dam were the third floor. A Son Bom— Brother Visits— Other buildings in the capitol lot Rock that a cloud burst was on assured last week with the approval Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Crawford Word was received in Nyssa that group, by the budget committee, according besides the new capltol itself the way June 22, 1938. a son was born to Mr. and Mrs and their oldest son visited from The Vail medal is in honor of the are the state office building, the word received here from Walter Monday evening until Wednesday Holly Smith, owners of Smitty's agricultural building, the new state founder of the American Telephone to M. Pierce, congressman from the morning with his brother Malcoln Orocery, on June 24 at Duchien, heating plant, and the new state and Telegraph company. second congressional district. and Mrs. Crawford. The visitors Wis., the home of Mrs. Smith’s library. The group make up one of were enroute to their home in parents. The lad has been named the most modern capitol units in Ogden after a visit to San Francisco Clarence Edward. the United States. and other coast points. To Live In Nyssa— DINNER PARTY Mr and Mrs. Sid E. Smith of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ostrom en FORESTRY SERVICE Idaho Falls who have purchased tertained at a 6 o'clock dinner on TO USE RADIOS the Owyhee Drug store from the Wednesday for John Kolberg of Owyhee Drug company and have Nampa. John Burkholl of Portland. SALEM. June 20—The state for rented the Thomas house on south Betr Ostrom of Klamath Falls and estry service is experimenting with short-wave radio as a means of Fourth street and expect to move Charles Ostrom of Emmett fighting forest fires. their household furnishings in the -§ ~ Installation of 13 sets in various first of the month. PINOCHLE CLUB parts of Curry county gives fight FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY Wedding Announced— The pinochle club was entertain ing forces a more mobile range, and _____________June 30, July 2-3______ _____ Mrs Ruth Brooks received word on Friday by Mrs. Ed Pruyn and will allow CCC crews to be rushed to last week that her daughter. Opal ed danger areas much faster than in Mrs. Charles Ninemlre at Mrs. had married Joe Miller of Ctncln- Ninemlre's home, with three tables the past. 2L S e S iz e P k g s- atti. Ohio at Yuma, Ariz. State Forester J. W. Ferguson has play. Mrs. Miller has lived in San Diego in Prizes predicted a brilliant future for the were won by Mrs. Dan for the last three years and her new method of fire control. }b„ r ce1' husband is enlisted in the U. S. Chase and Mrs. Norvell Leuck. navy and is stationed aboard the U. S S Saratoga at San Diego where they will make their home. L 'h House Guests— Dr Bill Peterson and Clare Pet erson of Scobey. Mont., visited over Wednesday night and Thursday at | the J. J. Sarazin home The doctorr is on his way to begin his intern ship at St. Vincents hospital in Portland. His brother a graduate of this years class at the U of O. will accompany him to Portland but will return to Nyssa for the Fourth Sisters Visit— On Monday Mrs. O. S. Kellerman. sister of Mrs. L. A. Maulding and her son Keith, and Mrs. L. K. Lewis and two children. Jack and Jill all of Portland arrived for a short visit with Dr and Mrs Maulding. On Tuesday Dr. Maulding per formed a small operation on Jill's head at the Holy Rosary hospital, from which she is about well. Dr and Mrs Maulding and their guests will leave on Sunday for Portland where they will spend a weeks vacation. Safety Council— This evening at the Reclamation offices there will be a meeting of the safety council at which arrange ments have been made for special entertainment and several reels of moving pictures illustrating the conveying and measuring of irri gation water, one of the Carlsbad cavern and others of general inter est. The meeting will open at 7 SO p m with Joe Cooper of Ontario special speaker The public is invited to at tend NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY—June 30-July 1 Richard Greene, Nancy Kelly, Preston Foster and George Bancroft in “SUBMARINE PATROL” Movietone News Matinee Saturday 2:30 p. m Admission Matinee 10c-25c_______________Evening Mc-SHe SUNDAY and MONDAY—July 2-3 Fred MacMurray, Madeline Carroll and Shirley Ross in “CAFE SOCIETY” March of Time Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. Admission Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-30c TUESDAY—July 4 Claudette Colbert, James Stewart and Guv Kibbee in “ITS A WONDERFUL WORLD” Admission 10c-30c WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY—July 5-6 Double Feature, Pal Nights Lynne Overman and Patricia Morrison in J. Edgar Hoover’s “PERSONS IN HIDING” George O’Brien and Rosalind Keith in “TROUBLE IN SUNDOWN” Movietone News (NOTE THIS IS NOT PAL NIGHT) Admission 10c-10c Post Toasties 15c Marshmallows bags 25c Crackers l>kgs' 16c Pork & B e a n s ^ Ä “61' 19c Peanut Butter ^ 25c l - rJ 4 1b. u packages 37c Snowdrift ^ 57c Bacon Squares lb 14c Hamburger 'b„ £“halsGround 15c Cucumbers f i g aize 25c String Beans grown 23c BUNCH CARROTS, BEETS and TURNIPS, 3 for 10c Cantaloupes f f r s,zo 25c w ILSON G NYSSA rocery A Dependable Food Store OREGON GARDEN CLUB HEARS GAME COMMISSION TO MEET ON PROBLEM TALK SEASONS___ The Garden club, last night met at the home of Mr. and Mrs E. L. Jamison, on Entrprlse avenue and heard an instructive talk on the problems of developing garden and park projects. The talk was deliver ed by Mrs. H O. Mansfield. Region al Vice President of the Oregon Federation of Garden clubs. A surprise visit was made by three other state officers, Mrs. Ru fus Beam, press correspondent, Mrs. Walthers, chairman of the state garden center committe and the state president. Mrs. Smith. All four of the guests were intro duced to members of the club by the president Mrs. E. L. Jamison. The four ladies will also be hon ored guests at a meeting to be held tonight in the Parish hall commenc ing at 8 p. m. The public is invited to attend. CROCKER RE-ELECTED TO ADRIAN BOARD ANNUAL HEARING TO SET SEASONS AND LIMITS PORTLAND — The Oregon state game commission will hold its an nual hearing to determine the 1039 hunting seasons and bag limits on Friday and Saturday. July 7 and 8 The meeting will be held at the office of the commission in the Ore gon building. Portland. Sportsmen and the general pub lic are invited to submit, either in person or by letter, their recom mendations in regard to any changes in season and bag limits for upland birds and game animals. Sheriff Here— County Sheriff Charles W. Glenn of Vale was in Nyssa on business and called at the Journal office this afternoon. NYSSA MARKETS Thursday Quotations By WUey Clowers E. E. Crocker, incumbent member of the Adrian high schol board was Cream, Grade A ...................... re-elected to office here Monday, Cream, Grade B ................... CASH PRICE for a three year term. Crocker re ceived 20 votes, with two votes be ing cast for write-in candidates, Jim Langdon receive one and Lynn Kygar the other. Serving on the board with Crock er are Claude Eachus, Harry Rus sell, H. R. Otis, and J. O. Lane. John Holly, Adrian merchant is clerk of the board. USE JOURNAL WANT ADS. Eggs, large ............................. Hens, heavy ........................... Hens, light and Leghorn Springs Colored, under 4 lbs. Heavy, 4 lbs and up Light and Leghorn ... Cockerels ................... Egg Market ( Trade In Price) Trade-in ............................. S-A-L-E SHOES .23 .22 .14 .11 . 0 » .11 13 04 09 .16 W O M E N ’S, MEN’S AND CHILDREN'S SANDALS $ 1.00 Colors White, Black and Red. Patent, Kid and Calf leathers. Sizes 2 14 . to 8 }/o. Values to $2.50 EVENING AND STREET SHOES $2.87 Regular $3.95 and $5.00 This group consists of pumps, Medium and Hig Heel, White Black, Wine, Japónica and Blue. Also ties and straps. New styles and colors. Siges 4i/2 to 9. Width C to A A. ; TIES, STRAPS AND PUMPS $2.47 Values to $3.95 Styled for dress and ser vice wear. New Summer colors, wash and fine kid fabric and calf materials You’ll not want to miss these bargains for your 4th of July outfit. Width C to AA. Sizes 4 V j to 81/.. A CLOSEOUT GROUP OF BROKEN LOTS AT 50C pair These are mostly Black and Brown. See this group. We may have your size too. GOLDEN RULE Nyssa “Make It Right Store” Oregon *