Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1939)
s s Mrs. Artie Robertson and Mrs John Ray of Nyssa called at the Mr. and Mrs Pete Tensen and George Ray home Monday Mrs. Ed W olle and Glen, Mrs Dick left Friday lor California, f o r . a visit with Mr. and Mrs John | Eva Quinley and Mrs. Gilbert Klin- kenberg and son viisted friends in Broad. _ , ' Fruitland Wednesday. The F C. Hathaway fam ily^at-j Mr and Mrs M arlln Osborne and tended the cherry festival in Em daughters and Keith Prestal were mett Thursday. at the Owyhee dam Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mager of The F C Hathaway family had Oregon Trail weer Sunday visitors an ice cream social at the R. H. at the Martin Osborne home. Johnson home in Nyssa Heights Leola Johnson of Nyssa Heights Saturday was an overnight guest of Marie Klaas Tensen is cutting spuds. and Bartha Sweet Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wilson of Mrs Glenn Suiter of Nyssa | Nyssai Klaas Tensen and Bob Yost Heights called at the Gerrit Stam were fishing at the dam Sunday, home Monday. Keith Prestal of Garden Valley is M r and Mrs. Gerrit Groot were | visiting Mr. and Mrs Martin Os- Sunday visitors at the Davidson j bQm e anti family home in Parma Mrs Oerrit Groot spent Wednes- M r and Mrs Andy Boersma and j d a y afternoon at the Dick Groot family visited the Tom Lowe fam- home. lly in Owyhee Saturday. John Kakebecke and grand- Miller Jensen left Tuesday with daughter Kathryn of Ontario left Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sewell of Nam- [ vvedensday for 8easide. pa for a vacation at Yellowstone Mr and Mrs ciiffto n Neilson are Par*t- j living op his farm this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam werej M rs. T. M. Beranek of Baker is business visitors in Ontario Satur- visiting her daughter Mrs. Clayton day | Jensen this week. Marjorie Bingham of Nyssa was, c M Tensen left Monday for a Sunday guests of Joyce Cham- p rairie City. hers j Mr. and Mrs. Les Bogart. Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Dean Fife were In Maud Bogart and Woodrow and Boise on business Monday. j B0h Yost were in Caldwell Satur- Mrs. Clifford Neilson was a Mon- I day day visitor of Mrs. Jack Gannon. M r and Mrs. Diok Groot visited The community Sunday school' M r. and Mrs. Z. Davidson in Parma meet at the Ed W olfe home next Thursday. Sunday Klaas Tensen has been ill with Mrs. R H. Johnson and children spotted fever, but Is up again. of Nyssa Heights were Sunday vis Mr and Mrs. Clayton and family itors at the Guy Sweet home. and Mrs. T. M. Beranek called at M r and Mrs. Don Moss of Salt the John Serva home in Nampa Lake City are visiting the B. G. Monday evening. Bybee family this week. Gerrit Groot was in Ontario on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marshall and busienss Friday. Louice and Ludell of Baker visited Mr. and Mrs. Andy Boersma and the C. M. Tensen family Sunday. family visited friends in Big Bend Mr. and Mrs. Sid Flannigan of Sunday. Sunset Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mr. and Mrs. Rulan Egan and Goulet of Adrian accompanied Mr. family of Logan. Utah, were week and Mrs. Stanley Goulet to the pic end guests at the L. T. Chambers nic of the Blessed Sacrament home. church in the Butler grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot and son Mr. and Mrs. Jake Relk and of Arcadia were visitors at the G er daughters of Oregon Trail called at rit Groot home Monday evening. the Gerrit Groot home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Ray and son Velma Fox is working at the Nyssa were week end guests of Mr. and theatre. Mrs. Herschel Lofton in McCall Miss Bessie Humphery of Nampa Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot and spent Sunday at the Floyd Thomp Mr. and Mrs. Andy Boersma were son home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam visited Tuesday guests of Mrs. John Stam at the George Schlemer home In In honor of Klaas Stem's birthday. Alvin Campbell of New Plymouth Newell Heights Sunday. called at the W H. Fox home Mon day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Marjorie were in Ontario Sunday. John Scott of Nysst Heights vis ited Glenn Wolfe Saturday and Monday. ALBERTA V A LLE Y J FENCE See Us for NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1939 Crop Insurance Provided by Electric Irrigation System | and sister returned this week from San Francisco. Mrs. Belle Wern and daughter were in town Saturday. Anthony Yturrie of Ontario spent some time in town Saturday. Bob Markison. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carrolll and sons of Salt Lake stop ped in town Monday on their way to southern points. Mrs Peggy Elordl was an over night caller in Boise Thursday. M r Lawrence Del Grossa return ed from Flint creek last week. The new race track Is ready for the Fourth celebration. Mrs. Dela Sinclaire of Antelope was a business visitor in town M on day. Fred J. Palmer was in from Cow creek Monday looking ofr a cook for haying. Jean Loveland shipped a truck load of steers to Caldwell Monday. M r and Mrs. H. A. Parks. Marlon Wroten, Mrs. D. P. Connors and son were visitors in Boise last week Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Palmer stop ped to visit old friends on the way to their home in Baker from Cali fornia where they spent the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Buffington of Crooked creek were in town Sun day. Dr. W. W. Jones made a trip to his mine Sunday. Bernard Maher visited his wife and new son Monday. Haying; on most of the ranches is well under way. Mrs. V. P. Laca gave a dinner in honor of Mr. Laca’s birthday on June 23. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parks and Wm. Helm. The C.C.C. boys left Monday morning. Miss Janet Connors is home for for a week’s vacation from St. Al- phonsus hospital in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Maher and family enjoyed dinner at the Ed Maher home at Lone Tree. Part of a tan-acra truck garden whera rain maklng pays blg dividends these various plana, It la aufficieni to say that the contour and area of the land to be Irrigated, the texture of the HERE Is scarcely a humid area soil, the kind of crop to be Irrigated in this Country that doea not ex and the availability and quantity of perience at some time of the year the water supply will determine —and moat frequently during the which system la the most efilclent and growing season—a drought of great economical In each particular case. er or less magnitude and duration. Detailed Information on the vari As a result, many of the more ten ous systems of irrigation, the condi der crops are practically total losses tions under which each is to be pre and the yield and quality of the more ferred and whether or not you can hardy are seriously affected. use It at a profit, can be obtained from Because droughts have occurred the U. S. Department of Agriculture, with Increasing frequency in so many your state college or university, youi sections, more and more farmers— power company or the manufacturers especially those whose sole or prin of irrigating and pumping equipment cipal Incomes are derived from truck Where high-line electricity is avail —have turned to crop insurance in able, an electric motor Is the ideal the form of Irrigation. To a lesser but source of power for irrigation, as it is steadily-growing extent, irrigation of economical, dependable, quiet and numerous field crops as well as pas requires little or no attention. On tures and orchards also is under those farms which do not yet have taken by many farmers. electric service, a tractor can be used There are three general types of if it is not much too powerful for the irrigation employed at present: Sur Job at hand. Otherwise, to avoid ex face, sub-surface and spray. The first tremely high power costs and rapid of these is subdivided Into furrow, deterioration of equipment, a gaso flood and porous pipe methods: the line engine of the correct size— second into ditch and pipe systems; either vertical or horizontal, new or and the last into revolving sprinkler, from an old passenger car or truck- low-pressure perforated pipe, over should be installed. Whatever the head pipe sprinkler and eyelet hose power, the use of irrigation for crop types. insurance should receive the caieful As space does not permit ; <!' :cus- consideration of every farmer whose alon of the methods and merits of income is affected by droughts By IRA MILLER R u ral E lectrifica tion Bureau T V A L L E Y VIEW ______ Mr. and Mrs. Blaine May and son Jesse made a trip to Portland on business last week. Mrs. Henry Davis was quite ill last week, her daughter. Mrs. Victor Belisle has been caring for her. Vera Shelton is doing her house work at present. motored to the Kansas-Nebraska picnic at Golla Garden Sunday. Mrs Clarence Wood attended the P E- O. meeting at the Del Taggert home Friday. Miss Inez Frake visited a few days last week at the Val Becker Stunz Lumber Company CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Let us do your work! NYSSA PACKING CO. J Trade In Nyssa! VEGETABLES CANNING CHERRIES FRESH PEACHES VEGETABLES FRESH CANTALOUPES FOX ÀUTO CABINS North of the “ Y* Nyaaa At The For Sale MACHINERY For Rent C ITY PROPERTY FO R SALE—International Tractor. FURNISH ED O R unfurnished 2- 15-30 model, in good condition. room home, lawn in. water and W ill sell at bargain or trade for hay sink in kitchen. 22Jxc or grain. D. G. Bamberry. back Texaco Service Station. 22J2xc FIV E ROOM modern house and gargage. Inquire Star Hotel. 22Jtfc For Sale STOCK MODERN N IC E L Y furnished apart- ment| Heat and hot water fur JERSEY COWS— fresh and coming nished. Herbert H. Fisher. Phone fresh. Curman Jersey Farm. Vale. 104W lJ tfc 8J4xc For Sale Musical Instrument SM ALL PIANO , beautiful mahog any finish. W ill sell for balance due—a bargain. Factory agent, P. O. Box 2505, Boise. 22J2xp For Sale Poultry Call friers. R E C E N TLY REDECORATED four room home Nice cupboards witli water and sink in kitchen, screen porch, cellar. Lawn in. Also large two room cabin. Water Just outside door, good condition. See H. F. Brown at Fourth and Locust or cali Journal. 29Jtfc Wanted 80R1 for W. J. Browne ranch, fine white rock 29Jtfc G ARB AG E H AU LIN G . Also odd jobs by hour day or week. Prices reasonable. Call J. G. Coil, A1 Thompsons feed store. 20Atfc G AR B AG E hauling of any kind. Call E. J. Stelnke. Phone 47. 23Ftfc Miscellaneous For Sale MISCELLANEOUS F E R T IL IZ E R FO R Trees, Lawns and Garden. 12 lbs for only 40 cents. 25 lbs 75 cents. $25 per ton. Nyssa Lumber Co., Goode Ave. & Hiway 201 Nyssa. 29J1XC CUSTOM H A Y C H O PPING AND G R IN D IN G D. G. Bamberry Back of Texaco Station Nyssa. 15J4XC NBW Q U A R T jars, 69c dozen com F U R N I T U R E U P H O L S T E R IN G and Repairing. All Work guaran plete with rubbered tops. Order teed. Canvas. Dalton Tent and Mr. Magee was taken to his now for future use as our supply Is Awning Co. Payette. Phone 157-J daughter's home in Emmett, last limited. The Nyssa Trader, Main lfiM tfc highway north at Alberta Ave. week where she can take care of 29Jlxc him. Local and Long Distance Mrs. Lillian Appleoff of Reeds H AU LIN G NEW LINO LEUM rugs, genuine felt Port. Ore., is visiting with her aunt Phone 72W base 9x12, $3.95. Lawn mower > Mrs. Mary Hicks and Miss Hicks Lawrence and Barnett $2.75. Toilet and enamelled seat | this week. 4Mtfc $5.50. The Nyssa Trader, Main high M r and Mrs. Claude Wilson and way north at Alberta Ave. 29Jlxc family called at the Erick Peterson SACKS, SACKS, Sacks, The Nyssa SHEEPMEN A T T E N T IO N ! I t will home Sunday. pay you to see or phone J. JOR- Trader, Main highway north at Mr. Stobie came down from Nam- SON, Welser Alberta Ave. Order now and save. M ULO W SKE and Phone 504, before you sell. We pay Wheat, barley, oats and potato pick Mrs. Forrest Whisler the past week. highest market prices for Pelts, Louise Fields of Caldwell is at the up. Guaranteed as sold. Highest Wool and Tags. 2Ftfc prices paid for hides, pelts, wool home of Mrs. Ida McCollum. and metals. 29Jlxc Mrs. Loyd Caldwell and Mrs. J. B RAKE W O R K —Let us put your L. Sparks entertained the Ladles BERRIES, YO UNG , Boysen, Dew, car or truck brakes In first class Aid at the church on June 29, Special equipment and Cory Black. Now ready. T. T. condition. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Landing- Elliot, Kingman Kolony. 22J3xp trained men at your service. Pruyn ham of Marslng visited at the Lloy Auto Repair. Phone 56W. Caldwell home on Sunday. Mrs. IN ORDER to acquaint the public with the modern size and colors Glen Johnston and son Duane also of iris I will send a selection of ten called Sunday afternoon. Long and Short Herbert Nelson has purchased a choice varieties postpaid for $1.00 Distant Trucking Mrs. Glen Suiter. Nyssa Heights. new Chevrolet sedan. Dick Smith 22J3xp Mrs. John Poage entertained Miss Phone Nyssa 43 Doris Lutz and Frank Lutz of Nyssa 2F10xp B L A C K CAPS, 15 cup crate $1. Ripe Sunday. about June 26. Run for 3 weeks. Irrigation water allowance has been cut in this district the past few Drop a card when you want yours W ANTE D —All your welding jobs. and we'U have them picked. H. H. days. We promise good work and fair Weideman, Nyssa Rt. 1. 22J3xp The Apple Valley Epworth League prices Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone are having an ice cream social at REED B A B Y buggy, bedstead. 56W. the school house Friday evening. springs and mattress. Baby bath- Carl Pielstick finished haying the inette. Congoleum rug. All In good last of the week. condition. Texaco Service Store. Jonh Peterson and Jim Martin 15Jtfc spent Sunday at Owyhee dam. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stephens spent Work Wanted Sunday with their son. Ralph D RESSM AKING , prices reasonable. Stephens and w ife in Nampa. mens shirts made to measure. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sparks and daughter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lamb. 1*4 block north Bud 29Jxp Mrs. T. J. Sparks in Big Bend Sun short Service. .„a bo », s. *^.171.:;?.5.“.“ : from Buhl are visiting at the L. L. Huber home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wood and Dorothy visited Dr. and Mrs. W. Weese and son Paul that just re turned from a trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and family motored to the Harris or chard north of Payette Saturday for cherries Mrs. Arthur Doman was hostess at a shower for her sister. Mrs. Roy Doman Wednesday. Mrs. David Rees and Douglas went to Vale on business Friday. A. A. Bratton and family enjoyed Sunday dinner at the Henry Derry home. Then all motored to the Kansas-Nebraska picnic. Ben McConnel called at the Derry home Sunday. BANK CLUB itt&SH fn Ulfe r Rates lc per word^per issue. Minimum charge 25c CASH IN ADVANCE APPLE V A LLE Y At the annual school meeting Knox Alexander was elected di rector and A. S. K ing re-elected clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Han o ff returned Returning From T r i p - Come in and get our prices from Portland Tuesday. While there Miss Eva Boydell and Mrs Heinz on the fence that costs you they called at the W illiam Shaffer Sonnekas returned the latter part of less per rod per year home and learned that he was In the week from a two weeks trip to the hospital. the coast. While away Miss Boydell Mrs. Bratton. Gladys, Eulah and attended Grand Lodge of the Eas 7im e 7tctcd Oscar motored to Vale Wednesday tern Star at Portland and visited on business returning by C. C. with her sister. Mrs. E. B Nedry at Wyckoffs to see their sick girls, Betty Tigard. and Barbara, who have been 111 with Mrs. Sonnekas visited at her par the measles. ents home in Salem. Made of natt-ntcd "Gal- Leland Kings are the parents of vaunealed ' copper heal an 7 H pound daughter. ing steel wire tested and proved on farms every Mr. and Mrs, Dad Armstrong vis where Put it up right, Try The and R E O U R A N O fence ited Mr. and Mrs. John Lemons of will give you many extra Fruitland Monday. of good service Í ears )oc»n’t cost any mure Miss M ira Noah has been ill with than others See REO U R A N O fence before you a cold (North of “ Y ” Nyssa) JORDAN V A LLE Y I ni y Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hazen of Mesa For orchard have been visiting Mr. and Several crickets have been on tfis- Mrs. Henry Derry the last few days CHINESE NOODLES | play at Pete's Service station che and calling on freinds in the neigh- pnst few days ^ ey were brUflght CHOW MEIN boihood j jn from j unlper Mt. by Sam Ross CHOP SUEY Mrs. Robert Davis had Sunday where they have been taking the "Satisfaction With Every All Kinds of dinner with Mrs. Geo. Stewart range. Transaction- Tom Amidon sold some early po Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Laca and fam SANDWICHES Southwest of “ Y " tatoes Tuesday. ily made a trip to Boise Thursday Phone 110 Nyssa Mr and Mrs. Will Brown visited returning the same day. Mrs. Ruth Williams o f Ontario First hay is over on the Owyhee I Sunday evening. river. Loie and Virgil Belisle finished The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. | haying Thursday. Bernard Maher was baptised at the A. A. Bratton stacked hay for Mr. St. Bernard church Sunday. j Wagner in the Arcadia district Both dances at Cow Creek and I Wednesday DeLamar drew a large crowd from I The Farmers Daughters had their Jordan Valley. Beef for the Hide regular meeting at the home of Dr. Jones has been called the their leader Wilma Brown Thurs K irk Skinner ranch as several of Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 day. They studied the open kettle the the family are ill with measles. Cutting 1 cent per lb. method of canning. Floyd Parks made a trip to K in- Grinding 1 cent per lb. Lee Taylor has been confined to gie. Ore., Tuesday and returned Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. his home with lumbago Wednesday with his fam ily who Mrs Coy Brown and baby return have been visiting there the past ed home from the Brittingham month with relatives and friends. home Saturday. Chas Johnson. Jean Loveland. Hal Frazier of Indian Vally visit John and Lucille Connors were call ed at the Dad Armstrong home ers In Caldwell Tuesday and W ed Wednesday nesday. Mr and Mrs W S Rees. Mrs. T. Mrs. V. P Laca and children and PHONE 6 W Penn and children Paul and Mrs. D. P Connors called at the Virginia Alexander motored to Marion Wroten home Sunday. j Middleton Thursday. Among those 111 with measles this Mrs Eva Belisle and son and Mr. week are Delphine Yturrespe. Lois and Mrs Lester Belisle of Ontario Steams. Owany Stulls, Mary and were Thursday evening visitors at Julia Zatlca. the Alva Amidont. Miss Josephine Gluck Is helping Mr. and Mrs Bohy and son. and ! at the H. A. Parks ranch. Mr and Mrs. Rlchman and fam ily Miss Loretta Fretwell. Bob Dowell RED BRAMO) CLASSIFIED ADS SPRING VALLEY BUTTER CO. A Full Line of Poultry Feeds Priced RIGHT Our Station W ill Be Closed From 1 p. m. Mon day, July 3, u n t i j ^ j i i ^ e d n M d ^ ^ Wiley A. Clowers, Mgr. In Downtown Nyssa— Va Blk. So. Boise Payette day. Norman Sparks who had been ROOM and BOARD visiting his uncle returned home UNCLE SI SAYS: with his parents. S T A R HOTEL. Room and Board. “ I hear tell Lige Peters sold Mr. and Mrs. Wilke who were liv Reasonable Rates. Three blocks his old tractor fer sixty per ing In the tenant house at Wittes north of Main on First street. cent of what he paid fer It six have moved to the Levi Stephens 27Atfc years ago. Perty good. I calls place and Mr. Wilke will work for It but they say things like Mr. Stephens Nazarene« in new Building— that happen every day If you use the Nyssa Journal want Rev. V em Martin announces that ads!” all future meetings of the Nazarene BONITA church will be In their new building W e’ll help you write it Oliver Sandy and wife accompan on Sixth near Main. ied by their sister. Mrs. D. E. Haw kins of Nyssa returned home June 21 after a 10 days trip through Tar- When the Fluttering khee national forest in Idaho. Y el- | Wing of Life is lowstone park. Cody. Wyo., and the Stilled— Black hills of South Dakota. Jake Shultz recently sold some One must turn to those whose cattle to Claude Derrick. long experience has de Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watts of veloped a keen sense of Payette visited at the Vario ranch sympathy and responsibility. Sunday. These two essentials are as Mrs. Bessie Carver Loveland who sured you. plus economy at underwent an operation at Portland the last January is able to do most of NYSSA FUNERAL her house work. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wise passed HOME through Bonita Wednesday on the Phone 73W Nyssa Stage enroute to their home at Ironside Louis Pratt helped In the Vils- meyer hay at Brogan. Rankin Crown who has charge of Guss Davis' steers pasturing in this community worked on springs sev eral days last week Jim McDe Roe helped Mr Crow Bob Anderson of Ontario Is the rider In charge of Curt Ingle’s cow camp on Pole creek Thats the reason for this Ad. W e be Andy W hite and wife and Mrs. lieve the A TLA S TIRE h the tops on Pumphrey called at the Bush ranch the market. Ask us about our BUDGET recently In regard to buying pigs Crops are short In this community PLAN and LIBERAL TRADE IN due to lack of moisture also cool ALLOWANCE. nights Pete and Cor Smit of Vale finish ed fencing and have some beef cat tle in on pasture at the Sheep Phone 76 2nd A Main St. Creek ranch Y E S — W E S E LL T H E M Powell Service Station