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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1939 — T h e Gate City Journal /y«— c 0 R f &]0(T)N É> S¡í p e r I ATI ON P u b l i s h i k Ì Ì A ss WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS - • • • Owner LOUIS r THOMAS - - - - Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES Open rate, per Inch............30c *1 50 One Year ....... National. Per Inch ...........SOc *1 00 Six Months classified». Per word ---- Ole Single (Strictly Copies In Advance) 0 « Minimum 25c Published every Thursday at Nysaa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice al Nyssa, Oregon (or transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1878 NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM Co-operative ------+------ Marketing Association for Malheur Farmers A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan WHEN ALL BENEFIT all heard of the benefits that agricul W E’VE tural marketing co-operation has brought the farmer—fairer prices, more stable markets, etc. And the fact shouldn’t be lost sight of that this kiml of business-like co-operation serves consumer as well. For example, it assures the city-dweller of a constant, certain supply of high quality farm products. And marketing co-operation, by tend ing to increase the farmer’s cash income, broadens the rural market for urban-manufac- tured goods. A sound plan that helps one large group of Americans, helps other groups as well. And agricultural marketing co-operation is no ex ception to that rule. PUT FOREIGN PRODUCTS ON EQUAL BASIS as Roosevelt, Hull and Wallace are A S so long concerned about the sanctity of trade agreements with foreign nations (trade agree ments are something in which Uncle Sam not only always loses his shirt, but comes home in a barrel) we wonder why they could not a least put foreign importations on an equal labor cost basis with American made products. Take the matter of the Argentine corned beef It was offered and bought by the United States government at about one-third the cost of the American product. In the Argentine the average wage for work ers in the canneries is seventy-five cents a day— while in the United States the average hourly wage is almost sixty-nine cent an hour. Our suggested plan would work out some thing like this—figure out how many man hours it takes to produce a pound of corned beef — say that it takes one hour—then in the can neries in this country it would cost (using the above illustrative figures) sixty-nine cents, while in the Argentine the cost would be nine and three-tenths cents per pound. Obviously there is no chance for the American canner to dispose of his goods against competition with labor costs almost eight times greater. To even this difference in labor costs, why not add to the bid submitted by the foreign manu facturer, the difference between what he pays his laborer—by doing this the laborer in this country would he protected against the starva tion wage paid in other countries. RE-ESTABIJSH THE CCC CAMP the community news coming from Cow I N Hollow, the correspondent writes of the plague that is disturbing the farmers there. This plague is in the form of jack rabbits which are infesting the Hollow. All of which shows the necessity of re-estab lishing the CCC camp, w’hich was changed to a spike camp this spring. In the past the triple C boys have done wonderful work in rodent con trol and we feel sure that if that camp had been maintained as a fully manned one, the present situation of farms being over-run with jack rabbits would not exist. The recent danger of a break in the north can al, which is not as yet eliminated, is another rea son for the re-establishment of the camp. The Federal government has a large investment in the Owyhee project and it seems to us to be but right that every precaution should be made to safeguard that investment. The maintenance of a CCC camp seems to us to be one of those safeguards. — — ■ — '■ ■■■ — » i. ■■« h " '■ 1 acre Railroad owned Kansas, who. on March 26, 1936. Oregon, by Oregon excepting Short Line made 6-17-02, Original No Homestead Act 031088. for Entry, Farm 5. Company NE'.SE1, 16, T. 21 6. County, R. 46 Unit "B" or 22 the 8 , SHSW1 W M. Sec. In Malheur 13, Township Range «,, 46 8ectlon E, Wil E Oregon, sold on contract to E L. lamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final Proof, to Firestone on which there is an establish claim to the land above unpaid balance owing of $370 90 interest. described, before George at K. Ontario, Aiken, 6 and NWl.SEt. Sec 16, T. 21 S. R. 46 U. S Commissioner, E W Oregon, on the 15th day of August, Oregon, M. Sold in on Malheur contract to County, Isaac 1939 Ministers or others interested in church publicity are Invited to use W Firestone on which there 1« Claimant names as witnesses: the columns o( the Journal to carry important messages and notice« an unpaid balance owing of Ed Underdahl, Alfred Costly, and to their congregations Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday o( and interest. Ralph Antrim, all of Homedale, 7. $271.00 each week T. 21 S. County, R 46 Idaho, Clyde Cartsdafner, of Adrian. NHSWK E. W M Sec. in 16. Malheur Oregon. METHODIST COMMUNITY FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Oregon, sold on contract to Chas W -F. JACKSON, CHURCH B West on which there Is un Register. SCIENTIST paid balance owing of $278.00 Floyd E. White, Pastor First published June 22, 1939. 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho A. B. Hahn, Sunday school supt. Last published July 20, 1939. A branch o( Uie Mother Church, Sunday school 10 a. m. Lesson 8. and sw t. Interest. Sec. 35, T. 20 S. R 46 E. W M In 13 Malheur the First Church of Christ, Sclent- subject: “Choosing and Holding NOTICE OF HEARING 9 Lots and 14 In County Block 14, Oregon. Orig iest. In Boston. Massachusetts. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE inal Townsite of Nyssa, Malheur the Best.’’ Golden text: “Give STATE OF OREGON FOR THE The Wednesday evening meeting, Fast County Oregon, sold on contract thy servant therefore an under THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR Frank E. Ensmlnger on which at which time testimonials ol Christ standing In The Matter of the Estate of to heart." At the close of the there Is an unpaid balance owing lan healing and remarks on Christ bible school MARY H NAPTON, Deceased of and interest. there will be a short ian Science are given, Is held at Childrens day program given by the Notice Hereby Is Given, That Carl 10. Lot $135.00 12 in Block 1, Original Town- H Coad, Administrator with the eight o’clock. site of Nyssa, Malheur County, primary and junior departments. Will Annexed of the Estate of Mary Oregon. The Reading Room Is located In Morning worship 11:15 a. m. Ser H Napton, Deceased, has filed In 11. That part of Block 7 of the orig the Church Building, where the mon the above entitled Court and for report final inal Townsite of Nyssa, Malheur subject Blessed Assurance. In settlement, his account Bible and authorized Christian stallation of Epworth League of Oregon, lying west of the of administration, with petition for County, Science Literature may be read, bor ficers at this service. Reception of alley and Hlnsch distribution, and that hearing upon tract and south north of of the the A. Lawrence rowed or purchased, and Is open members Into the church at the the same has been fixed for the Service Station tract In said every day from two to (our p. m„ ex end of the service. 28th day A. of M., July, 1939, at Court 10:30 Block 7, being 142 feet In width, o’ c lock at the County cept Sunday and holidays. or less, north and south, Sunday school picnic at the Apple room in the County Courthouse at more ARCADIA and 100 feet The public Is cordially Invited to Valley Vale, Oregon, where all persons In school house. Bring basket less, east and In west. width, more or attend our services and make use of dinners. terested in said Estate are notified 6 and 5 in Block 17, Origin Otis Bullard and BUI Hlpp ship appear and show cause If any 12. al Lots Townsite the Reading Room. of Nyssa, Malheur. Church membership training class ped a carload of fat cattle to Port to they have why such account should County, Oregon. not be allowed and settled and dis at 6:30. land Friday. Bill went with them. 3 In of Block Origin-*! L. D. S. CHURCH of the estate made to the 13. Lot Townsite Nysaa, 13, M&lneur Epworth Leagues groups will meet J. M. Wagner lost a saddle horse tribution persons entitled thereto. County, Oregon. 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. at 7 p. m. This will be the last Sunday night. H. COAD, And the following personal 11:30 a. m. Priesthood meeting. meeting of the league before start Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Long of Nyssa Administrator CARL property: with Will Annexed. 8:00 p. m. Evening services. ing to Institute. saddle and bridle; 1 steel wheel Mrs. George Mollere were call Dated and first published June 22, 1 wagon; 2:00 p. m. Tuesday, relief society Evening worship 8 p. m. Subject: | and 1 wood wheel wagon: ,.VJ 1939 ers at the Chas. Bullard home Sun tons hay; 350 posts; 1 gnwillne meeting. Last publication July 20, 1939. Blazing Aboard. day. tractor; following shares 2:00 p. m. Saturday, primary Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Orris drove to of stock and In the Northwestern Port NOTICE OF HEARING children’s meeting. land Cement Company: Sunday to get their daugh IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE common stock. 20 shares 20 1st snares ASSEMBLY OF GOD GOSPEL Weiser ter who was visiting relatives. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE ferred stock and 20 shares pre 2nd TABERNACLE THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR preferred stock. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Three blocks South of Main on In THEODORE The Matter ROEDER, of the Estate of Right is reserved to reject any Rev. Stanley Moore. Pastor Deceased. and all bids. BUENA VISTA Church and Sunday School at First street. Notice Hereby Is Given, That Carl Ernest C. Knull, Pastor. 9:30 Sunday. H. Coad, Administrator with the June 7, 1939. E. M. GREIO, Ti Sunday school at 10 a. m. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fank Savage trans Will Annexed of the Estate of Theo Ontario, Orego.; Communion the second Sunday ot Gene Honey, superintendent. acted business in Ontario Wednes dore Roeder, Deceased, has filed In First published June 6, 8, 1939. 195 *. the month. for everyone, and every day. the above entitled Court for final Last published July Ouild meets second Wednesday of one Classes settlement, his account and report welcome. and Mrs. H. L. Day and Alma of administration, with petition for each month at 2:30 p. m. Morning worship at 11:15 a. m. and Mr. Bobby Florea called at the Al distribution, and that hearing upon Young peoples meeting at 7 p. m. fred Scott home Vale Friday. the same has been fixed for the Lodge Meetings PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH Miss Mary Brotzman is our young Mr. and Mrs. S. near 28th day of July, 1939, at 11)00 Visiting Members Invited to Attend B. Hoffman en o’clock A, M„ at the County Court A. A. Schmidt, Pastor people's leader. All the young folks tertained at an ice cream supper In the County Courthouse at LIONS CLUB are urged to come, and be on time. Wedensday evening. Guests were room Fourth Trinity. Vale, Oregon, where all persons In Meets: Monday noon at 12:10 We extend a cordial invitation to You will enjoy it. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jennings and terested In said Estate are notified Sinclair Cafe to appear and show cause if any all who love to hear the Word of Evangelistic meeting at 8:15 p. m. family and Jim Trumell. they have why such account should A. L. Fletcher ................. President the Lord, to come and worship with Mid-week meeting Wednesday at Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff were not be allowed and settled and dis K. K. Lienkaemper .......... Secretary us. There Is strength and edifica 8 p. m. dinner guests at the John Murhpy tribution of the estate made to the tion also for you in this word. persons entitled thereto. home Saturday. NYSSA CIVIC CLUB 10 a. m. Sunday school tor all. CARL H. COAD, CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scott and Meets on the third Wednesday ol Administrator With Will Annexed. each 10:30 a. m. Divine services with a Dicky called at the H. L. Day home Dated Vern W. Martin, Pastor month at 2 p. m. message that can satisfy the hungry Sunday school at 10 a. m. Saturday and Alma Day returned 1939. and first published June 22, Parish Hall soul. home with them to stay as Mrs Morning worship at 11 a. m. Mrs. Andrew Boersma .... Persldent The regular quarterly meeting ol Message by the pastor. Scott was called to Nebraska by Last publication July 20, 1939. Mrs. C. C. Hunt ............. Te^retary the congregation will be held im Young peoples service 7:15 p. m the illness of her mother. NOTICE TO CREDITORS mediately after the services. the Matter of the Estate of Mrs. K. E. Bailey __ . xt »surer Evangelistic service begins at 8 Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day and Irel In Taylor Oudmundsen, deceased. Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. the m. Ronnie were Sunday dinner guests NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, OREGON TRAIL ~W. \GE Ladies Aid meets in the social hall p. Everyone at the H. L. Day home. Meets on the 2nd ana 4iL. ’.uesday invited to come. That the undersigned has been of the church with Mrs. Johnson Tuesday noon, prayer and fasting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sornensen of duly and regularly appointed ad William DeGrofft ______ Master ministratrix of the above entitled Frank Parr ............. and Mrs. Perez as hostesses. Wilder visited at the H. L. Day estate: Overseer service at the parsonage. all persons having claims Mrs. Albert Hopkins ___ Secretary If you have no church affiliations Wednesday evening prayer meet home Wednesday evening. against the above entitled estate we bid you come and worship with ing, 8 p. m. Ray and Lloyd Boyles visited are hereby notified to present the Home Economics Club us. verified as by law required, to Meets: Every second Thursday the For their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph same, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays the undersigned at Nyssa, Oregon, Visitors are always welcome. eign Missionary society hold thelt Boyles Sunday. They are working or to her attorneys, Biggs <5r Yturri at Mrs. Neil Dimmick_____Chairman ’’A changeless Christ for a chang monthly meeting. at Homedale. Oregon, within six months Eris Jamison is on the sick list Ontario, ing world”. of the date of the first publication VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS Mrs. F. A. Powell president. hereof. Geraldine Jennings of Payetta is Owyhee Post No. 3506 These services will be held In the spending several days with her par EDNA OUDMUNDSEN KINGMAN COMMUNITY Meets: 4th Friday of each monm old theatre building. Date of the first publication June CHURCH ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Jennings. " 8th, 1939. Meeting Place: City Hall Ernest Tetwiler. Pastor Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and Date of the last publication July E. E. Clonlnger __ Commander SUNSET VALLEY CHURCH family 6th, 1939. Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. E. G. went to Fruitland Saturday. George McKee ................. Adjutant At the Chas Ditty home Osborn, superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Ronnie were Sunday evening supper I-k- 3506 OF THE INTERIOR Meets 2nd. Auxiliary Classes for all ages. Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. guests at the S. B. Hoffman home. DEPARTMENT 027655 Friday at Parish Hall Lesson for July 2. “Solomon Be Evening worship 8:30 p. m. General Land Office at The Dalles, Fredricka Kollen President come King” I kings 1:32-40-1 kings Return From Vale— Oregon, May 24, 1939. Everyone welcome. Mrs. L. Norris .................Secretary NOTICE is hereby given that 2:14, 12. and Lilly Mathews, daugh Maud Miller, of Danner, Oregon, We are glad to report a continual ters Ruth I.O.O.F NYSSA GOSPEL TABERNACLE Increase on May 17, 1935, made Origin of Mr. and Mrs. O. Z. Mathews who, In the Sunday school, last Gate City Lodge No. 214 al Desert Land Entry, Act 3-3-77, Wm. K. Hoag. Pastor returned home from Vale the last Sundays attendance reaching 60. of the week. No. 027655, for the 30 NE**NWV4, 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Section 28. Township S. Range Meets; Tuesday, Everyone welcome. Place: Legion Hall 43 E., Willamette Meridian, has fil J. Meeting Devotional service 11 a. m. C. Greer ................. Noble Grand ed notice of intention Evangelistic service 8 p. m. Proof, to establish claim to to make the final land James Caldwell ............. Secretary KINGMAN KOLONY L.D.8. Bible reading Tuesday evening. above described, before Sam R. SUNDAY SCHOOL Midweek prayer and worship Scott, Notary Public, at Jordan Val Rebekah Legal ley, Oregon, on the 7th day of July, Thursday evening. Meets In Kingman Kolony school Yellow Rose No. 202 1939. All are welcome to our services. house Sunday at 1 00 p. m. Claimant names as witnesses: A. Meets: 2nd and 4th Thursdays F. S. Bruce, T. Advertising Hall and Hill. L. Y. W. Matthews, all T. of Garlic, Arock. Mrs. Jennie Legion Baker Noble Orand | fact that some of their less respon List of Legal Adver Oregon. Mrs. Frank Leuck......... Secretary W. F JACKSON, sible adherents are supporting Register. tisements in this is them —The Oregon Voter. ORDER OF EAGLES NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION FRATERNAL sue, as required by DEPARTMENT Aerie No. 2134 OF THE INTERIOR Editorial opinions as seen “SURE I’LL RUN” Meets: Every Wednesdy. Eagles Hall Law. 025635 by other editors. The opinions Some day some American states- Worthy President General Land Office at The Dalles, A. C. Norcott expressed may or may not | man is going to be approached with Oregon, May 24, 1939. Harry Miner.....................Secretary NOTICE Miller, Is hereby given Oregon, that agree with the policy of The the idea of running for the presi ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Ancel of Danner. Sealed Bids for furnishing furni- who. on L. May MASONIC LODGE Oate City Jounral. dency. And he will say. “Sure 111 ! ture 17. 1935. made Origin and equipment for High School Golden Rule No. 147 run I" al No. Desert Land Entry, Act 3-3-77, 1 Building will be received by Carl H. for WHNWI4, SEV«- Meets: Stated. 2nd Monday Just like that. And his questioner Coad. Clerk of Union High School NWV 025635, SW'i, 43 Section 28. Township Special, 4th Monday District No. 5, Malheur County, 30 S.. Range will fall In a dead faint, for a great Oregon, E.. Willamette Mer his office at P. Nyssa. Ore Meets in Masonic Hall American precedent will have been gon, until at 2:00 idian. has filed notice of intention o'clock M.. July LOAN SHARKS Mac Donald .......... Master broken. to make final Proof, to establish Douglas 17, opened 1939. at and which publicly time said will claim to the land above described, Leo Hollenberg................. Secretary Loan sharks are busy In the Cali This is one question which has be read bids aloud. Sam R. Scott. Notary Public, Tyler received will after time fixed before fornia legislature promoting legisla never been answered directly and Bids opening at Jordan Valley, Oregon, on the George Re berger ......... not the be considered tion similar to what they were sup simply except perhaps by Sherman, for Plans 1939 and form of contract docu 7th day of July, EASTERN STAR porting In Oregon. As usual this who left no doubt with his “I will names as witnesses: A. may be examined at the of F. Claimant O. E. S. No. 131 Hill. W S. Bruce, T T. Garlic, legislation Is Introduced by suscep not run if nominated and will not ments fice of the said Clerk, and a set of and L. Y Matthews, all of Arock, Meets: 1st and 3rd Monday plans, specifications and forms may Oregon. tible labor leaders or left-wingers serve if elected." at the office of the said Masonic Hall whose credulity Is imposed upon Coyness has become the tradition be obtained W. F JACKSON, at Nyssa. Oregon, upon de easily especially when baited by op Coolldge’s “1 do not choose to run" Clerk Register. O Eva Boydell Worthy Matron posit of $5.00. The full amount of Mrs. Hilda Tensen .......... Secretary for one set of documents portunity for heroics denunciatory was the subject of reams of com deposit NOTICE OF SALE wiil within be returned to each actual bid of responsible agencies for lending ment essaying to interpret exactly der a reasonable time after In the Circuit Court of the State AMERICAN LEGION money What the loan sharks want what he meant. Now Senator Van- receipt of bids. deposits will of Oregon for Malheur County. Post No. 79 is a larger share of small-loan busi derberg has added another expres be refunded with Other deduction not ex the Matter of the Trusteeship of Meets: 1st Nyssa and 3rd Thursday the actual cost of reproduc In John ness such as now goes to the banks sion which may be ringing down ceeding F. Reece. Legion Hall of the documents, upon the re Notice Is hereby given by E. M. and other responsible lenders. If beside that of Coolldge: "If there tion turn of all documents in good con Warren Richardson Commander Orelg as Trustee of the property ot they can induce the legislature to are responsibilities of a broader na dition within 30 days after the date John F Reece that, pursuant to an Albert Heldt..................... Adjutant opening bids. enact usury laws making It unlaw ture (than the senatorship) I shall of Each of the Circuit Court of Mal bid shall be accompanied order heur County. Oregon, he will, on ful to charge a rate of interest high meet them to the best of my abil by a certified check, cashier's check and after the 8th day of July, 1939, Auxiliary enough to cover expenses and pro ity." said he. or bid bond as with surety at 9:00 A. M at his office In On Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday company surety, authorized made payable vide a reasonable return on the Neat, modest, and carrying the to Oregon, offer for sale and sell Hall District In an amount not tario. at private sale for cash to the high Mrs. W. Legion capital. Urey will shut borrowees off properly coy note for the tradition less said Richardson President than 5% of the amount of bid est bidder subject to the approval of from being able to borrow from re Is this phrase of the Michigan sen Union High School District No 5. said court, the following described sponsible lenders. The sharks would ator. Translated. It means. "Sure Malheur County, Oregon, reserves real and personal property, to-wit: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE right to reject any or all bids, 1 WWNE1, of Sec 29 and that part Meets: Every Wednesday noon get the benefit of borrower neces I'll run"—Evening Times Reprint the and to waive informalities, and to the SE1« of Sec. 20 and of the sity. as the borrowers would be driv from Gooding Independent. Sinclair Cafe award such contracts as shall seem of NEliNE1* Sec 29. west (4 the Bernard Frost ------------- President en to patronize bootleg lenders who to the best Interests of the District Oregon Short Line Railroad Co. are skilled In law evasions such as No bidder may withdraw his bid F. T. Morgan Secretary right of way. all In T. 19 8. R. after the hour set for the opening 47 E W M in Malheur County. no responsible loaning agency would NEWS OF RECORD of bids, or before award of contract, Oregon, except 1 acre In south CLUB employ. With a governor who won unless exceeding said award 30 Is days delayed for a west comer of said SE*4 Sec. 20 Meets: TOWNSEND 1st and 3rd Thursday election by catering to "ham-and- Hazel V Tons et vir to Alfred period sold on contract to Wm. Paul Meeting Place: Eagles Hall CARL H. COAD, Clerk eggers" and a legislature in which Vogue—S'tSW 1, sec 34-18-43 5- Union High 1 acre in southwest comer SE*4 D. R. DeC. ross — ............... President School District No. 5. 2. Sec. 20. T. 19 S. R 47 E. W M. both houses have a majority of un 23-39 $100 (Q. C. deed ) County. Oregon Mrs. a . V. Pruyn Secretary In Malheur County Oregon, sold stable politicians, the opportunity Parks Commercial Co. to Robert Malheur First publication June 29. 1939 on contract to wm Paul on for the loan sharks is inviting. The E Long—Lots 8 and 9. block B 5. Last publication July 6. 1939 which there of Is $65 an 00 and unpaid bal Secretary’s of an lodges or clubs ance owing interest hope of defeating them seems to lie Pioneer Add to Jordan Valley 9- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 3 Lots Invited to send in to this paper 2 and 3 and a strip off the are with union labor leadership of an 16-3» $60 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR north side of Lot 4. 15 02 chains the contained in the informed and responsible character Frank O. Oliver et ux to James General Land Office at The Dalles. in width, all In Sec 6 . T. 21 S. R above Information cards. Changes In dates of 17. 1939 It happens that heads of AP of L Murphy et al—part of NHNEH- Oregon, June 031098 47 E W M in Malheur County. meetings or meeting halls must be and CIO are fighting the loan shark 8W>* see 4-18-47 6-17-3» »2.000 NOTICE is hereby given that Wil Oregon \ 8W»» Sec M. T. 20 8. R. j sent In by Monday before pubUca- bills at Sacramento In spite of the Oladys Worsham to A. C. liam Douglas Walsh, of Collyer. 4 NW 46 E W M In Malheur County I • * I Others Say... B'aSW'.SWtl sec 29-13-41. 9-8-38 $250. (Q. C. deed). Parks Commercial Co., to Ernest Vick Panzeri—lots 4, 5, 6 and 7 block 5 B. Pioneer Add., to Jordan Valley. 6-16-39. $600 Eva D. Woodward, eaecutrix to Catherine T Joyce—lots 3, 4, SE1.- SW14, and SWUSE1, sec. 1; 36 acres In NEViNW-i sec. 12-21-37. 6-7-39 $2,000. Ralph D. Moore to M. M. Mc Neill— NWNW14 sec. 36-19-42. 3-2- 39. $ none given. (Q C. deed.) Thomas B. Bown to Frederick W. Steigner— SEy«SEli sec. 15-33-40. 12-14-36 $1.00. Mairiage Licenses Isssued Willard Edison Knapp and Ruth Louise Pope. 6-24-39. Complaints Filed in Circuit Court Leone Wareham Terkle vs Edna Maxine McCullogh. 6-19-39. For de claratory judgment. Nyssa-Arcadia Drainage District vs Tri-State Investment Co., 6-22- 39. Foreclosure of tax liens. $4.606.89 Fred Miller vs John Rusey et al 6-23-39. Suit to rescind contract.