Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1939 I Sisters Seeing World From Novel Car Ye Snooper’s Column Things About Nyssa’s Shops ------ ------------------------ We were with ou.- permanent ts- among tho:.e (ortunates who panicked witn tin Kingman Kol- ,,ny Book club ami their lesser liity i.erceiits at the Tom Lowe ranch in ahell Butte this last Sunday aft- i ■ noon. And were reminded again that by u.h groups as this one have the cu Lure and high ideals of tire na tion been nurtured and carried on i r< n generation to generation in lands. And also didst also realize all over again how infinitesimal and insig nificant is the genus homo when compared to the whole creation down through tlie ages. We struggle and strive, love and hate, have wars, and peace, dictators, tyrants and ranting politicians but little happi ness and security for any because of greed and the false pride and the love of power of a few, who forget that the span of active years allowed to any is not more than 70 years. While these layers upon layers of rock, bespeak of a creation old beyond imagination. While here in the walls old Buttes strata of soil formation and that along tire canyon give indisputable evidence of aeons of past years when life in other forms was here and now is gone. Years when the whole valley lay hidden beneath the wa ters of a mighty lake, where shell fish lived and now are buried far under the top soils, and rocks where in live fishc . • time were en tombed by s ; ince forgotten cataclysm. 1 :>f a different climate and . 6e tat ion when the waters had receded and a river had cut through the rocky layers of earth. Then man came, and truly he doest have his place in the scheme of things, else he would not have been created but tis his own folly and selfishness that keeps from him the peace and Joy that has been prepared for him, until today we do groan under the yoke of a worlds adversities. Rather tis the folly and greed and selfishness of a few The Hitlers and Mussolini's great and small the world over who make us even here in America in our political security and freedom of thought and action Professional Cards DR. J. C. BOWMAN Veterinarian Phone 39W NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME L ibrarian...... Mrs. S. B. Davis CiTY TRANSFER TRANSFERRING and TRUCKING Phone 15 and Phone 28 C. KLINKENBERG OPTOMETRIST •See MeFall and See Better" "The Story of Transportation" might be the title of this group of pictures, showing the Misses Constance and Peronne Arntzenius, of The Hague, Holland, and some of the scenes they have photographed in the course of a 21.000-mile tour of the United Stales and Central America during the past year. Traveling in an American make of car equipped with a special body of their own design, the sisters have taken motion pictures and “stills” in vir wondering if some maniacal misfit will ever get the power to take our liberties from us and make us slaves In a tyrant ridden dictatorship. Only by keeping ever on the alert to all foreign propaganda of what ever land and of constantly keeping the control of this government from the hands of a few can we hope to escape the latest world wide trend of one man governmental control. For this reason no thought of a third term should be considered here, for once that saving precedent is broken, tis but a short step to de claring an emergency exists, putting the land under military law from which there can be no escape, out side of internal war and blood shed. If one man gives the best of what he has to the service of his country and withstands the rigors of that ordeal for eight years as president of these United States, tis enough to ask of him or for him to deside. No man yet has held down any job so well that another has not been created who can do it better. Even to the presidency of this county. If all could look upon the old Butte and feel the power and mind and ever lastingness that made it, then indeed would they be humbled in spirit, or looking out through the rimmed canyon over green fields to the blue mountains in a far distance gain some idea of a great love and ])ermanent peace that has since the beginning been prepared for mankind by an all Prevading Spirit. Surely the cool days have enabled us to wear our cool weather gar ments a bit longer than usual, but such comfort they wilt not last for ever, and when old Sol doest get out in full force again he will be mak ing up for lost time and we wilt all a swealter be and wondering how come the ice cubes in the refrigera tor do go so fast. Then wilt she who hast the summers sewing done be wise indeed. And right now is a happy time to buy those yardages for summer dresses, shirts and house hold needs for at the Golden Rule is a counter of all kinds of cot ton materials In gay and bright ef fects or softer and more subdued for the sedate. Especially pratical and yet good to look upon are the check ed and striped ginghams. And when thou doest make thy dry good pur chases there forget not to visit the grocery department as well for there be many a fine bargain just waiting to be taken home. And when of an evening thou canst find no place cool to rest thy bones, forget not that the Nyssa theatre is a scientifically air condi tioned. fitted with sdft and com fortable chairs and with a fine show to please thy esthetic sense or to tickle the funny bone of the lord of thy manor. And whilst thou art away from thy homestead there wilt be no need to worry over lost chicks if thou hast given heed to fencing needs tually every state of the Union. The roof of Iheir car can be rolled back to afford a view of the scenery, and the roomy rear accommodates the two cots on which tiio travelers sleep. Upper left photo shows the car uegoiuu... a dry river bed in Mexico, and the other small v;. depict various contrasting transportation mouea em tered en route. This is the sisters' fifth trip across ,.:o Atlantic, and they plan to remain another year. and corraled them with that escape proof Chic-mesh fencing that Emil Stunz doest sell at his lumber yard on the Hiway south of the Y. And A1 Thompson may be gone on a trip to the fair. We saw him and Ills lady sailing gaily past our door, vacation bound this past week but tis no sign that now as at all times one cannot purchase those Purina Chows for all the animals on the home place. Now if only that food preparing company wouldst just get busy on some husband chow, perhaps wives could get some thing done. And at Wes Browne’s we didst chat with his lady bout mice and men and canning needs and other things and whilst there didst spy out a most noble pressure cooker. One that wouldst take out all the guess work in canning and fine they be for so many other things. If thou be without one of these aides-to-weary housewives best call a treat-yourself-day and treat thy self to one of the best of them from the Baldridge Implement company. And twas a fine sale th a t the Dixon boys did hold on Saturday at their Commission yard on south Second and King streets and every thing didst go, ere the selling was over at fair prices to him that sold and to him that bought. And when thou are preparing thy summer's wardrobe forget not all that fashion these days demand of pedal extremities. Rather the shoes upon thy feet must harmonize with the whole ensemble. And at the Atkeson clothing store they do have a fine lot of shoes of many colors just the thing to complete the de sired artistic effect. And so low in price that one canst afford a pair for each costume. And now Barney Wilson with his ear ever tuned in to the needs of his customers hast arranged to keep his grocery store open these summer months till 9 p. m. so th at one need not drop the ever present pressing household duties and farm chores in the midst of them to dash to town for food for the morrow. Rather when the supper dishes have been cleared away and thy John returns from the milking, then there will yet be time for John junior to wash his feet and tuck them into their leather encasements again and all cleaned up jaunt into town for a leisurely shopping trip and pleasant evening. And at the Wilson grocery mart one wilt al ways find their grocery needs at the lowest prices. And whilst thou art here treat thyself to a soft drink or some of that fine Owyhee Maid ice cream that Omer doest have ever on tap at the Owyhee Drug store next door to the theatre. And to those lads who do have an eye on an especial lass, thou canst not do bet ter than to choose a fine box of candy for her from Omer’s ever fresh supply. And the way to a man’s heart DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIOHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON DR. C. A. ABBOTT Chiropractic Physician Physio-Therapy Phone 25 Office: Next Door West of M. E. Church The Owyhee Community club met at the home of Mrs. Emma Peutz Thursday, June 15 with Mrs. Fred Hite assistant hostess, and Mes- dames Frank Crocker and Louis Skinner also assisted in a shower for Hazel Huffman at which many useful gifts were displayed. Contest prizes were awarded to Mesdames Klingback and Walters who made the two best animals from assorted candies. The motif of the First Aid program was carried out in the refreshments when an apricot sur rounded by whipped cream on gin gerbread represented an egg on toast. Green jello salad and punch completed the menu. The club decided to draw for the quilt on which chances have been The Wahine club met June 15 at the home of Mrs. Adolph Schneider with 8 members present. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. John Reffett on July 29. Mrs. Charles A. Ditty received word last week that her father had passed away in Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wilson and son and Warren McGown motored to Cambridge Sunday. Hazel Huffman of Kingman Kol- ony spent a few days with the A. R. Roberts family. Raymond Pierce of Buena Vista is working for Charles A Ditty. Mrs. John Vanderpool has been ill in bed for the past week. Mrs. Leslie Ditty. Trcssa Ditty. Mrs. Boyd Query and Mrs. John Case attended a baby shower for Mrs Earl Brotzman in Nyssa Fri day. Tressa Ditty. John Case and Mrs. Charles Ditty went to Nampa Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. David Ward and son of Palm Springs, Cal., will spend the summer months at the L. E. Newgen home. Hazel Huffman received many lovely gifts at a showed the O. K. club gave for her last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cloninger and family and Bud Nothice fished in the Snake and Owyhee rivers Sun day: Mrs. Charles E. Schweizer was co-hostess for the Kingman Kolony Book club Sunday at the home of Mrs. Tom Lowe of Mitchell Butte. Charles Schweizer helped round up some horses Sunday to be ship ped south. Roy Rookstool and Adolpli Schneider attended the sale in On tario Wednesday. Miss H. Cloninger returned home last wek from Portland and will Go by Train— Enjoy Superb Comfort at Unusually Low Cost Phone 94 LUM BER COMPANY “There’s a yard near you” “ Professor,” I says, while fillin’ his tank with Super-Shell, “ this Golden Shell Oil cuts engine wear where most o f it happens— on cold starts.” To the great expositions of modern achievements, travel the modern way— in an up-to-date Union Pacific train. Speed to your destination in delightful air-conditioned comfort . . . enjoy marvelous meals . . . restful sleep. Avoid highw ay hazards and nerve strain. “ A h,” says he, “ high fluidity at low temperature, I take it— or to put it more simply, an accelerated velocity of flow from the reservoir to the reciprocat ing and revolving parts.” The Union Pacific and connecting lines offer splen did daily service to New York. “ Yes, yes— I remember reading all the details re cently— one o f your research people reporting to a scientific journal, I think.” $116.20 $106.25 Nordale Furniture Store A nd — 4 -S Q U A R E L u m b e r s a v e s y o u m o n e y ! N e ed le s s trim m in g and saw in g are e l i m i n a t e d by th is guaranteed, trade- m arked lum ber be cause of square, sm ooth ends and exact lengths. T h e r e Is le ss w a s te . Buildings go up faster. F o r better construction a t low e r f i n a l cost , g e t 4 -S Q U A R E L u m b e r from — There’s one thing I like about this business— you never know who’s cornin’ in next. B ut I never before m et one like o l’ P rof. W right from over at the University— he’s a whizz. TO NEW YORK Come in and look over our fine selections. Notice the fine woods . . . turn the chairs over and crawl under the tables . . . notice the per fect mortices and strong bracing. Then compare our furniture and low prices w ith any others. Guarantees the Product aad Gives Greatest Building Value! So c o n f i d e n t a r e w e o f t h e f in e q u a l i t y o f 4- S Q U A R E L um ber th a t o u r name— Boise P a y e t t e L u m ber C o m p a n y — s t a n d s s o lid ly b e hind every stick w e sell. T h e r e f o r e , when you buy 4 -S Q U A R E y o u b u y u nder the a s s u r ance of TW O r e p u ta b le names. 4- SQUARE Lum ber a l w a y s g i v e s f u ll va lu e . T he Prof, an ’ I speak the sam e language LOW Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREGON % OWYHEE SUNSET VALLEY And to San Francisco— double the pleasure of your trip by visiting glamorous Southern California on the way, at little or no extra rail fare. WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE ROBT. D. LYTLE may be through his stomach but the way to a gal’s ist oft by the gaso line route. A smooth ride down the country lane wilt do more towards making a lass matrimonial minded than any thing that she may put in her stomach. So if the oggling swain will fill up the old heap at the Powell ser vice station where Bert and Charlie do be ace high in command and with good service, then indeed he will be sure to get to where they started for—and back again ere the sun is up and an irate parent turns thumbs down on any further schemes. And if it be the other way round, then if the designing miss wilt but set before her lad a meal cooked by her own hands where in the piece de resistance do be a fine meat cut from the Nyssa Packing company store, then indeed ist her battle half won. Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad vertisers and thou wilt not waste thy time and thy gas going farther. sold at tile Louise Skinner store at | spend the summer months with her House Guests— the Owyhee corner on Saturday paernts. She is starting a dancing Mr and Mrs. S. E. Flanagon had evening, June 24 at 9 o'clock. class in Nyssa at the home of Mrs as tneir house guests over the last lc.lise KUngburk and Ileta 1 Ted Anderson. FrankliT i lu m :! from iie ir trip Kenneth Footstool celebrated a week end, the Misses Dorothy Bail to the i-H Summer v io m at Csr- [ birthday Saturday and Mr. and ey and Beverly Rogers of Seattle. valiL- F Uay rv •.. .Margaret .'.'13. E. E. Cloninger and family a t Mrs. Flanagons guests were her sor iriir .’eacl: who also sd step- tended. ority sisters and classmates at the p :J of: el Wall'. W 'lla I r a visit Mr. Van Hcugh cf Portland vis Univerity of Washington and are with relatives. ited at the Albert Notice home last on a tour of the southwestern states. Mrs Tpd William', and little Thursday. latr.htrr Mlttic of Twin Falls, are Oregon Trail and Sunset Valley Nyssa is the Bargain Center. visiting her broti ?r Howard Evans and family. Other guests Sunday played a close game of baseball on were Mts. T. II. Erewer and Mr. and the C.CC. diamond Sunday with Mrs. Darrow Williams and daughter Sunset winning with the score of The Latest Song Hits rt Ontario, Mis. E. II. Parker of 4 to 3. and Phonograph Kingman Kciony and Geo. Evans Records of Wri or. Mrs. Cha las Culbertson and little Bond ond Orchestra Instru BOISEWINNEMUCCA' vcn returned hem? from the Dixon ments, Guitars, Home Appli STAGES feme Sunday. ances, Office Supplies Grace Ernest and Georgia Dsnn's 11:15 A. M. of Nyssa were guests in the Win. Leave Boise GIPSON-SHANE 12:10 Noon P tiilt home Sunday. Jam 's Liddlv Leave Caldwell APPL. & MUSIC CO. end family of Jordan Valley and Arrive Winnemucca 5:15 P. M. Ontario 10:10 P. M. Miss Sv.etzer cf Ilsmedale were Arrive Iteno upp guests at the Cha ; Bradley Arrive San Francisco 8:05 A. M. ! ! ome Tuesday. Mr. r.nd Mrs. Rus*e!t Patton and wààatm daughter left Sunday morning for a vlrlt in Klamath Falls. John Westfall who l as been 111 at his mothers home in Ontario re turned to his home hero improved in health. Young folks from the J. B. Mitchell family spent Sunday pic- nicing at the Owyhee dam. Their house guest Mrs. Sarah Moss ac companied them. $83.40 R oandT rip R ound T rip RcundTrip in S t a n d - i n C h a llo n - l a C o r n a r d P u l l - g a r S la a p - f o r t a b l e m ana — IngCara; C oachaa B«rt h Extra B erth Extra Ask about $ 9 0 taxe in C o a c b a a a n d $ 1 3 3 in Pullm ana for c ir c U trio to b o th tb a Naw York « a n d S a n F ran- C is co Faira a n d r a tu r a . FARES T O SAN FR A N C IS C O VIA L O S A N G E L E S $53.50 $50.85 $44.45 R oundT rip R o u n d T rip Sonn*T rip i n S t a n d i n C h a lla n - i n C o m - g a r S la a p - f o r t a b l a a r d Pull- C oacha« ra a n a — i n g C < r i ; Berth Extra B a rth Extra ___________»r D a m *n ro u ta to S o a th - a rn C a lifo rn ia . A ll-a x p a n s« « d a trip Dotn L s * V « w ii New , aa low aa $ 4 65. _ to tJ a ä k H /iltU U oommu U i E. C. CRANDALL PHONE 27 “ W hich?” (I gulp a little.) “ You mean you already know Golden Shell 13 fa st-flo w in ’ ? Y ou know how it gets up into the engine q u ic k when you start y >:r m otor?” “ Quite,” answers the Prof., “ and I seem to recall the mention of certain economies . . .” “ Oh, you mean the price? Well, it’s only 2 St a quart, Professor.” (I’m gettin’ more confident now.) “ Then, under the circumstances, I feel, as my students say, ‘ I shall go for it in a big wayV ” And he went. A complete oil change!