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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1939 Oregon, 1 acre Railroad owned Stone Park. you value your lile, don’t burn up and Mrs. Yellow by Otegon excepting Short Line Dick Davis visited Mrs. Jess Company the roads and don't burn up the countryside Throwing lighted cig- Lackey in Ontario Tuesday. 5. E NE’.SEU 16, T. 21 S. County, R. 46 W. M Sec. in Malheur arettes and cigars out of the win Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff stop Oregon, on contract to E L. dows of your car as you pass along ped at the Bratton farm on their Firestone sold on which there is ta 09 the road, may cause great loss of way home from Ontario Wednes- unpaid balance owing ol $370 and interest. Sec. 16, T. 21 S R. U life end property. Use the ash dsy trays p.ovided by the car manufac Npllie Stewait is pickin; cher- 6. NW'.SE1. E W. M. in Malheur County, 0 ft E Sl0(N ~)N Í & S ( f Ä P E R turer cl disposing of stubs an.I ries for F. A. Hoag. Oregon, Sold on on contract to Isaac is ashes. And be sure you have plenty W. which there Mr and Mrs. Andirw Brown ana an Firestone j Ministers or others interested In church publicity are Invited to use unpaid balance owing of of ashtrays around the summer children of Vale called at the W E $271.00 and intetest. P ub s h | e r y A s s o c i a t i o n I to the their columns ol the Journal important messages notices congregation Please to try carry to get your copy in by and Tuesday ot t.m p or cottage. Brown heme Saturday evening. 7. NhSW ', Sec. 16, T. 21 S. R 4,1 , each week. Do your part to protect your life, Hans Oft took some cattle to E. W M in Malheur County, _ a -II f Oregon, sold on contract to Clias your property, and the great out Portland WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS - - - • Owner METHODIST COMMUNITY doors F IRST CHURCH OF CHRIST B West on which there is un against fire. — The Journal. the train. Friday. Mrs. Oft went on paid CHURCH LOI IS P THOMAS . . . . Editor and Publisher balance owing of (278.00 SCIENTIST Prairie City'. and V, interest. E. White, Pastor Irene Amidnu help J Mrs. Qeorge 8. f,W 213 North 9th Street. Payette, Idaho A. B Floyd Sec. 35, T. 20 S. R. 46 E. W Sunday school supt. Stewart during haying last week. A branch ol the Mother Church, Sunday Hahn, INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION. OPTIMISTIC M in school 10 o'clock Mr. Derry and Vernon and A. A. 13 Malheur and 14 in County Block 14, Oregon Orig the First Church ol Christ, Sclent- Subject What It means to keep NEWS OF RECORD Bratton spent the week end In Bak 9. Lots IN DISPOSITION WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE inal Townaite ol Nyssa. Malheur lest, in Boston. Massachusetts. EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY County Oregon, sold on contract the Faith" R county. The Wednesday evening meeting, Golden text "I have fought the Deane Goodman et ux to State er Beulah E Ensminger on which Brock nf Ontario spent a to Frank at which time testimonials of Christ good is an unpaid balance owing of Oregon—8.83 acres In NEW'i- ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES light, I have finished the NW1, sec. 12-21-37. 6-3-39. $385 55. few days this week with Sybil Penn. there ot $135.00 and interest. ian healing and remarks on Christ Open rate, per Inch........... 30c 10 Lot 12 In Block 1, Original Town- I have kept the iaith.” Guy Pratt stopped at the Arm ian Science are given, is held at course, One Yesr •*> David M. Kime et ux to Alvin L site of Nyssa, Malheur County, National. Per Inch 30c Morning worship 11:15 a. m. Six Months ........... 1100 strong home Friday on their way Oregon. eight o'clock. Lee—lot 15. Harper Ranch subdi Classifieds. Per word ......Ole Judge Chapman of Boise will Simile (Strictly Copies In .....................OS 11 That part of Block 7 of the orig The Reading Room is located in Baker. 6-8-39. $100. <Q. C. deed.i to Melvin Minimum 25c Advance) the message. Also J. J. Flem vision. inal Townsite of Nyssa, Malheur the Church Building, where the bring Spitze left for Corvallis to County, Marvin Imler et al to Alfred Mat Oregon, lying west of tire ming of Eoise a former pastor of Bible and authorized Christian this church will be a guest at the thews et ux-metes and bounds In attend summer schol Sunday- rllev and south of the A. Hlnscli Science Literature may be read, bor morning wish Kenneth Baker of tract and noith of the Lawrence SW>, sec. 36-16-47. 3-1-39. $1.500. Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon service. Service Station tract In said rowed or purchased, and Is open morning Harriet C. Barlow to E. Cole 1 Ontario, Entered at the postoffice al Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Block or 7, being 142 feet and in width, Brother O. F. Bacon of Boise who Thornburg every day from two to four p. m„ ex sec. 21- Mr. anti Mrs. Elmar Harmon end et ux—W'iNE more less, north south, through the United Stales Mulls, as second class matter, under was teacher of the adult Bible class 16-47. 3-11-39. $870. cept Sunday and holidays. and 100 feet in Mr. and Mrs. John McDaniels of the act of March 3. 1879 The public is cordially invited to for over 13 years will be back to give Anna W Medlin et vir to Callie Boise visited from Friday evening less, east and west. width, more or 6 and 5 In of Block Origin attend our services and make use ol a summary on the life and teach Chastain et vir—lot 3, Harper until Sunday afternoon at the home 12. Lots al Towrsite Nyssa, 17, Malheur ings of Paul that we have been Ranch Subdivision, less a strip of of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dad County, the Reading Room. studying the last quarter. 3 Oregon. In Block 13, Oii •• land 80 feet wide along south line, i Armstrong. Saturday afternoon they 13. Lot Epworth Leaugue 7 p .m. NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S Townsite of Nyssa, Maineur 6-8-39. $2.091. motored to Cambridge to attend the L. D. S. CHURCH Oregon. Besides the regular lesson at this J. H. Howland et ux to Lillie B. funeral of Mr. Armstrong’s niece, County, PROGRAM 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. And the the league is making plans for i Green—lots 35 and 36, block 4. Mrs. J W. Frazier w ho died Friday property: following person.» 11:30 a. m. Priesthood meeting. hour --------+ -------- the Lake institute which starts on Riverside Add to Ontario. 5-25-39 morning. 1 saddle 1 and steel wheel 8:00 p. m. Evening services. July 10 All leaguers are urged to be $800.00. Co-operative Marketing Association wagon; wood bridle; wheel 1 wagsn. , «1 2:00 p. m. Tuesday, relief society Dr. a . V. Strauss of New Ply- tons hay; 350 posts; 1 giwalint- present. for Malheur Farmers tractor; and the following hates Mike Needham et ux to Thomas mouth called on WJU Brown Sun- of stock in Northwestern Pot:- meeting. worship 8 o'clock, sub Patrtck A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp Needham—16 8 acres in (]ay. 2:00 p. m. Saturday, primary ject Evening "Blessed Assurance." Cement Company: 20 -nans children’s meeting. E'l'W'i'SW1, sec. 23-18-45. 6-13-39 shirley Davis spent Monday and land A City Park common stock, 20 shares 1st pre ferred stock and 20 shares 2nd °®- Hutchinson et ux to Floyd Tuesday ASSEMBLY OF GOD GOSPEL ** Ray A Comprehensive Street Improvement preferred stock. Ontario wtih her grandparents in Right T.ABERNACLE ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH is reserved to reject any Plan McBride—E'zNE1, sec. 18; E 'jSE', ____________________ Three blocks South of Main on sec. and all bids. Rev. Stanley Moore, Pastor 7-16-46. 9-30-38. $1.00. June 7, 1939. Church and Sunday School at First street. O. L. Gleason et ux to Frank E. Daughter Home— E. M GREIG, Tl Ernest C Knull, Pastor. 9:30 Sunday. Oregn.. Miss Margaret Olsen arrived in Smith—metes and bounds In sec. LIFE INSURANCE IS SCREWY! Communion the second Sununs ol Sunday school at 10 a. m. Mrs. 29-19-47. 5-7-39. $100. (Q. C. deed.) Nyssa Friday to spend the summer First published Ontario, June 8. 191 . Last published July 6. 1939. Gene Honey, superintendent. ii T . IFE insurance is screwy,” writes an insur- the month. vacation with her parents, Mr. and Elva Krise Oakes to Mrs. R. M. Guild meets second Wednesday of Classes for everyone, and every Turteling—lot 1. sec 28-17-47. 1-3- Mrs, Oscar C. Olsen. Miss Olsen is ance authority. “You have to buy it when one welcome. a teacher in the Seattle schools. you don’t need it because when you do need it, each month at 2:30 p. m. L o d g e M e e tin g s Morning worship at 11:15 a. m 39. C. $1.00. W. Glenn. Sheriff to E. A. Pen you can’t get it. It is designed to take care of Young peoples meeting at 7 p. m. Visiting Members Invited to Attend PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH nington—all block 160, Ontario. 8- Miss Mary Brotzman is our young 12-37. $153.60. two major hazards of life; i. e., either you will A. A. Schmidt. Pastor LIONS CLUB people's All the young folks Francis N. Grigg et ux to Golden not live long enough of you will live too long.” Statistics tells us that only eight are urged leader. Meets: Monday noon at 12:10 to come, and be on time. of the people of our land T. Gregg—NW'.NWbNE'i, NEH- It’s easy to postpone buying life insurance— percent Sinclair Cafe will enjoy it. attend services on Sunday morning You NW1, . and N'-SE1, NW1, sec. 12- A. L. Fletcher ................. President Evangelistic meeting at 8:15 p. m. anyone can have a lot more fun with money and two percent on Sunday eve Mid-week meeFing Wednesday at 18-44 5-26-39. $10.00. K. K. Lienkaemper .......... Secretary than paying premiums. But there’s no fun in ning but About forty percent of the 8 p, m. Samuel Fliegman et ux to Her people are on church reg waking up some morning with the knowledge American bert P Fuller et al—N'-SE’ ,N E', NYSSA CIVIC CLUB isteis. but only twenty-nine percent CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE sec. 29-31-41. 2-21-38. $10. Meets on the third Wednesday of that it*s too late to obtain adequate insurance ever attend church. A nation that each month at 2 p. m. United States to Pearl Tulley— protection—and to have to face a dependent old has wandered Vern W. Martin. Pastor Parish Hall so far from God and Sunday N'-NW’, sec. 34-14-41. 3-25-1912. school at 10 a. m. age. Mrs. Andrew Boersma Persldant has thus neglected and disobeyed Morning worship at 11 a. m. R. D. Lyons et ux to N. N. Elliott Mrs. C. C. Hunt ...... '¿"retary his plain commands need not be Message by the pastor. —N'-NW’, sec. 34-14—41. 5-25-39. Mrs. K. E. Bailey .... , usurer $80.00. surprised when evil days come upon NOTICE TO CREDITORS Young peoples service 7:15 p. m DO WE WANT DEMOCRACY? the Matter of the Estate of it. History is proof sufficient of the Evangelistic service begins at 8 Harrison M. Russell et ux to Irel In Taylor OREGON TRAIL -*E « I F we want democracy we cannot dispose truth that men can not prosper p. m. Thomas J. Hickman—Undivided NOTICE IS Gudmundsen, HEREBY deceased. GIVEN, Meets on the 2nd anu ’.uesday when they neglect the Everyone invited to come. interest in E'-NE1, sec. 25-18-45. That of our responsibilities by marching to the continually the undersigned has been William DeGrofft ........ ... Master ance of God's Word. For the Tuesday noon, prayer and fasting 12-4-24. $10. duly and regularly appointed ad Frank Parr ........................ Overseer Ê olls once in a while and giving lip service to the quid ministratrix of the above entitled sake of your soul and the welfare Elna Koopman et vir to H. H. at the parsonage. estate; all persons having claims Mrs. Albert Hopkins ...... Secretary ¡ill of Rights,” writes Carl Dreher in Harper’s of your nation we bid you come and service Richaardson—lots 3 and 4. block 17. against the above entitled estate Wednesday evening prayer meet- Ontario. 6-15-39. $10. Home Economics Club of God. “If we want democracy we have to work at it. I hear 10 a. the m Word are hereby to present | ing, 8 p. m. verified notified as by law required, the to Meets; 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Sunday school for all. Alfred R Ditton et ux to Everett We have to accept the idea of politics as every , 10:30 a m Divine services with Every second Thursday the For Lynn—SESNW'i NE'iSW', part! same, tlle undersigned at Nyssa, Oregon, Mrs. Neil Dimmick..........Chairman enn iNW Mun , „„ j Miwi or to her attorneys. Biggs & six Yturri at [---------------------------------------------- citizen’s primary and unremitting concern, as : the celebration of Holy Communion eign Missionary society hold theii of S\V and part of NW Ontario. Oregon, within months r e ig n Ivans meeting. our business in a very concrete and personal Sermon subject: The Need of the monthly SW>4 sec. 24-28-46 12-12-38. $650. of the date of the first publication 1 VETERANS ' 1 Owyhee 55 OF 01 Post fo FORtIGN Mrs F A. Powell president. No. 3506 WARS Bessie Doolittle to Marion Ken-! hereof. _________ Hour sense.” Meets: 4th Friday of each moniu These services will be held In the dall—lots 14. 15. 16. 17, and 18. block j EDNA GUDMUNDSEN If you have no church affilia- old theatre building. We have left politics to the politicians—and ¡ :ions. 13. Riverside add. to Ontario. 6-10-, 8ti?ai |3§f the flrSt PUbUcat‘°n June I Meeting Place: City Hall Commander we bid you come and worship what a mess has resulted! We have regarded | with us Strangers and visitors are 39 $1.00 Adjutant 6th, Date 1939. of the last publication July ! George G1°nmger McKee ..... KINGMAN COMMUNITY M A. Moorris et ux to Wiliam welcome. government as something in which we have no j always CHURCH changeless Christ for a chang Hickling— lots 12 and 13. black 13. direct interest, and the consequence has been a ing A world. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Auxiliary * '503 Ernest Tetwiler, Pastor Riverside add. to Ontario. 5-31-39. DEPARTMENT 027655 OF THE INTERIOR Meets , 2nd. „ ? “2*7?” , . „ Hall „ Friday at , Parish steady extension of bureaucratic power at the Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. E. $10 (Q C. deed). General Land Office at The Dalles, j Fredricka Kollen President Osborn, superintendent. expense of us all. We’ve worked on the principle William Hickling to Marion Ken SUNSET VALLEY CHURCH Oregon, May 24, 1939. Mrs. L. Norris ............Secretary Morning worship 11 a. m. dall—lots 12 and 13, block 13. River NOTICE is hereby given that of “Let George do it”—and George has done us Sunday school 10:30 a. m. at the Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. side add. to Ontario. 6-17-39. $10. Maud Danner, I.O.O.F in, good and plenty ! Chas Ditty home. Evening worship 8:30 p. m. who, on Miller, May 17, of 1935, made Oregon, Origin Nampa-Weiser Co.. Inc., to John Gate City Lodge No. 214 al Desert Land Entry, Act 3-3-77, Classes for all ages. Everyone welcome. Not until we all realize that government is oui- Aeschclimann—part of lot 6. block 027655. for the NE'.NW1,. Meets: Tuesday, 8 p. m. Lesson for June 18 "The Last Sup 26. Eldridge add. to Vale. 6-8-39 No. business, will we have the fair, effecient and per." Section 28, Township 30 S. Range Meeting Place: Legion Hall Matt 26:20-30. NYSSA GOSPEL TABERNACLE 43 E., Willamette Meridian, has fil J. C. Greer .......... Noble Grand $17.00. economical government that is essential to Come and study God's word with ed notice of intention Wm. K. Hoag, Pastor Marriage Licenses Issued Proof, to establish claim to to make the final land James Caldwell ............. Secretary us. democracy.—Industrial News Review. Sunday school 10 a. m. above described, before Sam R Luther Clarence Correll and Everyone welcome. Did you vote Monday? Are you going to vote Scott, Notary Public, at Jordan Val- j Devotional service 11 a. m. Rebekah Harmina de Boer 6-14-39. ley, Oregon, on the 7th day of July, Evangelistic service 8 p. m. Yellow Rose No. 202 at the High School election. Complaints Filed in Circuit Court 1939 KINGMAN KOI.ONY L.D.S. Bible reading Tuesday evening. names as witnesses: A. Meets: 2nd and 4th Thursdays A. Oliver vs. Earl Skinner F. Claimant SUNDAY SCHOOL Midweek prayer and worship et John Hill. W. S. Bruce, T. T. Garlic, Legion Hall al. 6-12-39. Damages. $2.000. WHY OFF SHORE SUGAR? and L. Y. Matthews, all of Arock, M Mrs. Jennie Baker Noble Grand Meets In Kingman Kolony school Thursday evening. J. C. Woodward vs. William E. Oregon. All are welcome to our services. Lees. 6-15-39. Recovery of money. Secretary T is hard to realize pust what motivates the house Sunday at 1:00 p. m. W. F. JACKSON, I Mrs Frank Leuck Register. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGl.ES $275.00. reasoning of President Roosevelt in his Ross O. Branch vs. Dorothy B. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Aprtp Nfl recent letter to Governor Bottolfsen in regards gained from summer homes and Branch. DEPARTMENT 025635 OF THE INTERIOR Meets. Every Wednesdy, ? 7 V Eagles , Hall . 6-17-39 Divorce. camps can be transformed easily to the sugar beet acreage situation. into tragedy and loss by fire. These I General Land Office at The Dalles, A- c - Norcott Worthy President Roosevelt and his cabinet are moving heaven Oregon. May 24, 1939. ] i___________ Harry Miner................ Secretary temporary homes, by their very na VALLEY VIEW NOTICE is hereby given that _ _ _______________ and earth to raise the wages of the laboring Editorial opinions as seen ture. call for greater vigilance dur L. Miller, of Danner. Oregon, MASONIC LODGE class in the United States, yet turn around ami by other editors. The opinions ing week end and vacation occu M r and Mrs Jim Flaherty and jf Ancel k S S r t'ii„ d Entty™Art S-^-TT , Golden RuIe N° 147 pancy. expressed may or may not foster foreign manufacturers employing labor daughters of Baker spent the week no . 025635. for W'sNWU, SE1/,-! Meets: Stated. 2nd Monday agree with the policy ol The The use of kerosene for lamps end with Mrs Flaherty's parents. Ifflf'i, SW'., Section 28. Township Special, 4th Monday at a day rate that in some cases is not much Oate City Jounr&l. and stoves is a common source of Mr and Mrs Ed Ingraham Mrs 30 s - Range 43 E . Willamette Mer- Meets In Masonic Hall more than the laborer in the United States gets fire. ----- But if a few simple rules are F]nhprtv flnd dfliiffhter* VntieH nn idian- has fUed notice of intention J the danger ---------- can ..-------- Fianerty and daughters on t0 m3ke {inal Proof t0 establlsh Douglas Mac Donald .......... Master for an hours work. And this labor wage, in the observed, be greatly | Mrs Martha Amidon called and Mira claim to the land above described, Leo Hollenberg...................Secretary reduced. Fill lamps and stoves In Noah Sunday Sam Valiev. R. Scott. Oregon, Notary on Public. United States is made mandatory. Yet when Tyler the daylight so you can see what. Mr. ,, and Mrs. Coy Brown are the at before Jordan the George Reberger ........... TRY IT 7th day of July 1939 the American producer asks for a reasonable are doing Store kerosene and EASTERN STAR of a baby girl bom June 14 Clairiiant names as witnesses: A. Voters are funny people in many you protection for his market he is told to go jump ways all other flammable liquids outside | at parents No. 131 the Brittingham home in On- F H11> W S Bruce. T. T. Garlic, For some reason, never the house. Use a tank or drum that tario. The baby weighed 7 lbs. and “nrdgo^ Y MattheW5' aI1 of Arork Meets: 1st O. and E. S. in the creek. 3rd Monday fathomed, they will kick mightily has a drip-proof faucet and keep a j Masonic Hall Roosevelt. Hull, Wallace and all the rest of about taxes, yet will completely Ig drip pian under the faucet. Never j is named Ann Marie. W F JACKSON. Register. O Eva Boydell Worthy Matron, election that controls one start or hasten a fire with kerosene Mrs. Dick Davis and children ac- the politicians are bent on letting in more sugar of nore the the biggest Mrs. Hilda Tensen ........ Secretary bites that is tak or any other flammable liquid If j compamed her parents. Mr. and from foreign shores, their every action screams en out of their tax NOTICE OF SALE Mrs. R A. Houston to Weiser Mon pocketbooks a portable kerosene heater Is to be' day. AMERICAN LEGION In the Circuit Court of the State to high heaven of the fact. Which makes one every school district used, Oregon for Malheur County. make sure it is one listed by Frank Cazier returned home to of Nyssa Post No. 79 wonder how much money they have invested in in On the Monday, In John the Matter of the Trusteeship of county will hold an annual I lhp Underwriters' Laboratories Meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday F. Reece. . Payette Friday. school meeting In some cases, this these off shore sugar plantations and factories. Legion Hall make improper alterations; ^ c w familv of Mis_ Notice Is hereby given by E. M will be merely for the election of a or Dent's Greig as Trustee of the property of Warren Richardson -.... Commander Roosevelt points out that each additional acre director extensions of electric wiring. I ^ have movpd t0 the old Grakp a clerk, in others, the Ouard against over-heating of John F of Reece that, pursuant to Mai-1 an I Albert Heldt Adjutant of sugar beets impairs our foreign market for budget for and operations ‘ j house order the Circuit Court of of the schools stoves which are near woodwork Roger Christenson started work hedr County. Oregon, he will, on will be discussed, or adopted, with the the production of three acres of com. three acres opportunity Auxiliary after A. the day office of July. in 1939. sheet of metal attached to the state game farm Saturday and at 9:00 M 8th at his On Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday of cotton or six acres of wheat—the solution of say his say for every taxpayer to the usual woodwork is of little value In at morning. tario. Oregon, offer for sale and sell Legion Hall against ignition. Smoke- Mr. and Mrs Albert Bohy and at private sale for cash to the high that problem is given by Tom Heath, chairman If you are satisfied with the way protecting pi pies should not pmss through walls family. est bidder subject to the approval of Mrs. W Richardson.........President Mr and Mrs. Otis Bullard of the Idaho Republican party of Idaho, the voi& school is being run. you should or court, personal the following _____ __ OF COMMERCE — say so. through your ballot If you lath. partitions of wood of with wood and family motored to the Owyhee said real and propertv. described to-wlt: i 4 ___ HAMBER smart thing to do would be to raise more beets. think dam Sunday, 1. W\.NEl4 of Sec 29 and that piart | Meets: Every Wednesday noon children and those of Bum accumulations of There would be less land under cultivation and your your the SE'4 Sec of Sec 29. 20 west and of of the Sinclair Cafe CafP rubbish turned home from the 4-H summer of neighbor deserve a better NE'.NE'. the Bernard "OSt less work for the fanners, with we dare say at break than they are getting, or if and litter in a metal incinerator j joe Stewart and Doyn Price re- Oregon President 3rt Line Railroad Co ------------- fires are started outdoors school at Corvallis Friday night. right of Short way. all in T 19 S. Co., R .! „ F T. Morgan ... least an equal amount of revenue. you think your district has been ex when Secretary E W M in Malheur County.----------------------- ---------------- Mr. and Mrs Ted Rogers of Ad- 47 travagant. the only way your opin never leave them unattended The thing that they all seem to overlook is ion Oregon except 1 acre in south- TOWNSEND CLUB rtan were callers at the Bratton Because summer homes and will be heard Is by your vote west comer of said SE1. Sec. 2C Meets: 1st and 3rd Thgrsdav that sugar is a deficiency crop in the United Probably no other branch of our camp» usually are remote from fire ranch Wednesday sold on contract to Wm Paul Veetlne Pise» Eagles J Hall r. 1 acre in southwest comer SE1» p,a<*. States—the American grower producing some government has so much effect on departments, and since water is not Dick Alexander is employed at 2 Sec 29. T 19 S. R. 47 E W M. I D R DeOross................ President future of the natlon—and gets always readily available, keep fire the Ted Frahn ranch where around 29'. of the sugar consumed in the so the little in Malheur County Oregon, sold Mrs. A. V. Pruvn Secreta^v pails and pump tanks or fire extin Eulah. Gladys and Oscar Bratton attention from those who on contract to Wm Paul on — -_________!__________ m ~ ______ _ United States. To our mind it is little less than should control it Grants Pass Bul guishers on hand and know how to and Melvin Spitz attended a box which Uiere of Is $65 M 00 and unpaid bal- 1 arP Secretary’s of all lodges or clubs foolishnew to refuse this market to farmers in letin owing interest invnprt 1 use them If there is an extin- suppler at the Carl Sebum home ance Lots 2 and 3 and a strip off the , ! tpd *° wnd ln 40 Ud* p*>er qutsher In your car. that too affords Friday evening. the United States whose dollar makes up the side of Lot 4. 1502 chains Information contained In the valuable fire protection to the sum Mr. and Mrs. A N Schoepf of north in width all in Sec 6. T 21 S. R above cards Changes ln dates of hulk of the long lost prosperity that those now in PROTECT SUMMER HOMES AND mer home as well as on the road Wanna Ore., called on Miss Helen Oregon^ ** Malheur County meetings or meeting halls must be Washington have been trying to spend and wish C AMPS FROM FIRE Countryman Saturday They were or In the garage SW1. Sec 36 T 20 S R * nt ln by Monday before pubtlca- back into existence. The pleasure and profit to be And speaking of automobiles If on thetr return trip from Minnesota NW', 46 E W M In Malheur County. The Gate City Journal u HIIRCH I Others Say,