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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1939)
9 NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1939 i Army Parades At S. F. Fair S Ï À Ï c C À P i ï ü i . N ¿ vV¿ A. L. LiNDLLt iv State Capitol News Bureau - W O t o .ii,. , . . - I O \ VC 4'1 . OFfc.4 VCU CAN 'I ELL Tilt.M BV THE HATS TIIEV WEAR SAL KM —Ont’ guess is apparently Oregon new has 367 new laws, as good as another as to who will the new members of the state li which it did net have before June quor control commission to succeed 14 On. that date ail the laws pars Aiihur K McMahan, Albany, who ed by the 1939 legislature except those carrying emergency clauses i rigned over a month ago. C’.cvamor Sprague is taking his went into effect. 90 days after ad lime on the appointment, a maneu- journment. Sillliest new law was one forbidd \er which has made Republican II;.-wigs a bit nervous. The appoint- ing the catching of female crawfish, m nt is an important one as far as or male crawfikh under 2 and a half inches in length. The law does not 1 y :ti ;e goes, but for monetary gain i* dcasn’t amount to much. It pays explain how to determine the sex of “crawdads." t rtly cn a per diem basis. Whispering around the capitol LAST OF OLD CAPITOL fcu iding indicates there may be an Stationed at Camp Hunter Liggett for the duration of the Califor BUILDING other appointment upcoming soon, nia World's Fair is the Treasure Island Company and Band, a crack The old Oregon capitol building unit from tho 80th U. S. Infantry. The precision drills, dramatic which is short on prestige but long retreat ceremonies, drills to music, parades and formal military hon on salary—administrator of the is no more. ors paid to visiting dignitaries form a colorful part of the Exposition. The last traces disappeared this Unemployment Compensation Com Here tho Treasure Island company parades in front of the Federal j week when workmen pulled down mission. Building and the magnificent Colonnade of States. The ceremony the brick chimney which was a part The $4,500-a-year job is now held is a daily feature at the Fair. of the east wall of tl\p old building. by D(. A. Bulmore, appointed by The chimney was left standing as Governor Charles H. Martin several You already hear men talking little chicken within 30 feet of our years ago. Bulmore. a former Port a part of the heating plant, which door. This is the first chicken we about going out and try to get a land banker, is a Democrat under a served to warm the building until ever lost to hawks so we don’t know job. Some will take their stock out Republican administration and a only recently when the new $115,- whether to go gunning for the to pasture and take their families logical choice for the chopping 000 heating plant two blocks away hawks or to just set another hen, as and leave all. Others will leave their block if the new governor decides was put into service. this hawk has doubtless caught doz families to haul stock water while to clean house and replace Demo they go out to work. ens of mice ad sparrows for us. crats in high places with Republi Others who have hay and water (Too Late for Last Week) COW HOLLOW cans who have carried the party Tuesday evening—Well the canal will stay and put in more land and By The Happy Farmer torch. water is gone. We all knew that it try to make it some way, but this Two men are prominently men It sure is a relief to the Cow Hol had to go yet not a man in Cow Hol will be another year to remember. tioned for Bulmore's position— low farmers to see the water back low was prepared for the blow. We hope to have water back in Leon Davis, young manager of the in the canal. We were stacking hay We were stacking hay at Doc Raf the canal in time to get another Hillsboro chamber of commerce, up at Doc Raffingtons when Mr. fingtons when Mort Wickson went cutting of hay at least our old alfal and Homer Carpenter, Portland Wing came out to the stack and to the canal because-it was closer fa will live through. bond and stock man. Davis has the said "Russell Howell just got back than coming to the stack to get a inside edge according to capital from the water office and says the drink. gossip, mainly because of his splen canal never went out. They just NYSSA HEIGHTS He climbed the bank and then did organization job as chairman of turned it off for four days to repair turned around and yelled “boys shes the Washington county Republican it.” And most, everyone let out a gone.” Mrs. Glen Suiter was hostess to committee during the last cam whoop of joy. Those words dropped on us like a the Just-a Mere club at her home paign. He took the assignment Friday. George Gabriel talked with Mr. bomb shell. after the campaign opened; did a Haycock and says “They won’t even Floy and Joe Byram, Lola Lee Elza Niccum yells “lets get my bang up job. say that they think they can hold load off quick I must get home and Gaston, Martha Smith and Mr. and There is an almost surprising lack the water in the canal, but they do try to get some water in my cistern.” Mrs. Dan Corbett attended the Ep- of gossip as to who will get the gov promise to do all the possibly can Soon as his load was off he started worth league box social at the Carl Seburn home Friday evening. ernor's smile for the liquor post. and there is a chance they may be his team off at a full gallop. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cahill, Mr. and Usually when such a position is able to hold it all summer." Doc steps out from the stack and vacant there are scores of names Mr. Haycock told George that waves his arms and yells “come on Mrs. J. B. Quigley were callers at mentioned as possible successors. they had expert geologlists and en in boys lets clean my cistern out and the J. Simpson home of Oregon Trail community Sunday. This time however the governor has gineers from everyhere out there try to get it filled.” Mrs. E. R. Anderson and daughter retained his own counsel and no and no one can suggest anything We jumps off the stack, leaves body seems to know who is being that will stop that hill from sliding. our team and hits across the brush returned from Ontario Thursday. Clyde Harris returned to his home considered. It is possible the gov Mr. Haycock says, "I have been for home to try to get some water ernor has nobody in mind yet. going day and night for two weeks in our cistern. But alas! our ditch in Buhl Wednesday. The Community Sunday school and am sure beginning to need was dry and our cistern now has only dust and a few dead mice in it. met at the E. E. Botner home Sun ROAST CHICKEN AT THE PEN some sleep." We see Elza across the Hollow day. We sure must hand it to George A thousand three-weeks old Mrs. Dan Corbett spent Thursday Haycock now for he is “A man on getting some water in his cistern al chicks were burned to death here the job.” when it comes to a time right. Went back after our team with Mrs. Carl Seburn. when the brooder house at the state Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson of and found Doc got his cistern full of trouble. penitentiary annex four miles Many of the Cow Hollow farmers all right but as we came home past Adrian were callers at the F. J. Ca southeast of town burned recenly. have little patches of new ground Frank Parkers we see him loading hill home Wednesday. The fire probably started In an Miss Alice Reiley of Boise spent ready now for late summer of fall empty barrels on his wagon to start over-heated brooder stove. and the week end at the home of her seeding to alfalfa or clover and now after a load of water. caused damage estimated at $2,000. the question is will there be water We all knew it almost had to go sister, Mrs. J. E. Keyser. The brick walls of the brooder Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woodard picked but we all hoped against fate that to keep it alive? house were left standing. This cloudy and occasional showry she might hold together some way. cherries at Payette Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corbett had as weather doesn’t look too good to the Now we don’t expect to see any Cow Hollow farmers. At this writing more water in the canals for 60 guests Sunday evening at their Mort W'ickson, Clarence Niccum, days and that spells doom for some home Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Anderson Chet Sage, Geo. Gabriel and Earl in Cow Hollow. Most of us are just and family in honor of the Ander Heaton have all their hay in the existing hoping to raise a crop that son's wedding anniversary. The 4-H Eight Star Guernsey stack and Bill Parker, Chuck Share will give us some relief. Those who Jim Trummel and Elza Niccum have hay are more fortunate we al club met with their leader Andrew Bcresma Monday evening at the ready have one third of a crop. have yet to finish up. There is Frank and Dude Parker, Raymond Fox home. A m w mem Johnny Hamilton says, “give me a country where it never rains if Sam Cates, Russell Howell, Elza ber was taken into the club Dannie JESS R. BAKER there is always water in the ditch.” Niccum and Art Eastman all have Pennie. OPTOMETRIST And we might add. “and the ditch stock and no hay. All have a grain Graduate Univ. Cal. College crop and lots of new alfalfa and Returns to Dillon— never breaks." of Optometry All the farmers feel encouraged clover started. For them if there is A. L. Atkeson who spent last week Office Hours 9-5 and by about their hay prices for this fall no water in the canal for 60 days, in Nyssa on business returned to Appointment all is lost. with so much water shortage in so | Dillon. Mont., Saturday. Telephone 244-J, 67 S. 2nd St. many irrigation districts and the j Ontario, Oregon range drying up there will be a de-1 mand for our hay. Tis too bad so many must dry and burn up in or CARL H. COAD der to make a market for a few. This rainy weather looks good to ATTORNEY-AT-LAW the stockmen with stock in the hills PHONE 31 where feed and stock water are get Nyssa, Oregon ting so short. Elza Niccum found two partridge Makes hot weather entertaining nests one with ten pheasant eggs easy. No need to fret over what to L. A. Maulding, M.D. and fifteen partridge eggs in it and serve . . . simply order the universal the other with twelve pheasant eggs Physician and Surgeon dessert . . . OWYHEE MAID Ice and fifteen partridge eggs in it. He Phone 37 Cream in a wide variety of favorite has ben watching the nests to see Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to a how they would hatch. He was cur flavors. Nothing will be more Daily—Except Sunday ious about the combination. He re heartily received by children and Fry Building ports the little partridge hen hatch grownups alike than a generous ed six pheasant eggs and quit the portion of their favorite flavor. Giv nest, he broke some of the eggs to DR. E. D. NORCOTT see and found that was all the I ing a party? Order OWYHEE MAID D E N T IS T pheasant eggs that would hatch a Ice Cream and get set for a cheer and the first partridge egg showed Office Phone 35F2 P from all your guests. they lacked three of four days be X-RAY EXAMINATIONS ing ready to hatch so he took them NYSSA OREGON to the house and put them under a attended a pioneer celebration in MITCHELL BUTTE Burns on Saturday. June 4. return- Bible school sponsored by the in home on Sunday. The haying is about over in this M l : : . Sylvcrt?r Rose and children Oregon Trail Sunday scohol was community. hr*.e been very ill ttie past 10 days held last week. Closing Sunday with Jimmie Connaughey who was a very entertaining program. Rut v.ith measles. quite ill the first of the week is do- i icyd Howard, in., ter of Eldora- Scates and Johnnie Relp were eat 1 ing nicely. presented with bibles. Miss Jews ' c1) grange accompanied by his wife Mrs Glen McGinnis and son of a (iaughteis and Mrs. Ernest Lo- Keyes and Miss June Granger oi cey left last Saturday for the State Newell Heights spent the week end Caldwell were the teachers. with her sister, Mrs. E. B. Smith. "ranga convention at Corvallis. The ladies of Oregon Trail P Lucile Mitchell, June Smith. Nina Wl.ile working with a buzz saw A. met at the school house Fridt.y afternoon for a social meeting last week Bill Woodcock had the Bonas, Betty and Peggy Chard, May went to Emmett last Each cne bicught a flour sack misfortune to cut his hand He was Rookstool which they hemmed and embroider taken to Baker for medical aid. week. Russ Talljot who has been quite ed fer dish towles for P. T. A. use. were his little finger had to be am ill with the mumps was moved to The July meeting will be Friday; putated. Eldoiado grange held a success the Clyde Mitchell home last week. afternoon cf July 21 at the schc He is doing nicely. ful dnne June 11. house. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lowe went to L v.eek Ralph Boor made two The Merry Matrons club w meet next Wednesday at the home trips to Ontario by truck hauling Ontario Saturday to meet their roan daughter Mrs. Carl Quickenbush of of Edna Landreth with Bessie Ash down eight thoroughbred Spokane. by assisting Officers for the next '... lham bulls. Mr. and Mis. Harold Flvecoat Guests one day last week of Mr six months will be elected at this time. All members are urged to at i ’. M.s. Floyd White and H. C. have returned home after helping [!'ms were Mrs. F ench of Portland hay at the Walt Benson farm in tend. Oregon Trail. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes wer ■ ai’i son and daughter. Mrs. Errt Lawrence of Omario hosts at dinner Wednesday honor ing Mrs. Holmes' cousin Dick Hol t - k two of the thoroughbred roan Visit in Country— mes of Santa Anna. Cal., and M Durham bulls from the Coy Wise Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Norcott were Folish also of that city. Other guest ranch last Monday to her home guests of the Sid Flanagons in Ore ■ar Ontario. included Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hol gon Trail last Friday. The J. D. Ayres family moved t ; mes of Nyssa. he J II. Cario ranch in Cow Val Mrs. Lucille Johnston who spent the winter in Corvallis returned ley where the former has employ Tap and Acrobatic home last Thursday. Mrs. J. B ment. DANCE LESSONS Smith who has been visiting rela- j On Sunday the Fred Laurence tives on the coast returned with and Elmer Molthan families motored Private and Classes her They are visiting at the F. C. to Dixie. Mt. where they joined oth Instruction er members of the family form Vale Fry home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin visit and Prairie Cito to hold their an Enroll Saturday ed at the R. W. Holmes home last nual reunion and Father’s day pic June 24 nic. Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. DeArmond of On At Home of Mrs. . Mrs. Wyatt Smith went to Hus tario were visitors at the Bruce Lof Ted Anderson ton last week to pick cherries. Mr and Mrs. F. G. Holmes enter ton home last Tuesday. Hinemoa Cloninger tained at dinner Saturday evening honoring the birthday of their USE JOURNAL WANT ADS. daughter, Mrs F. S. Byers. H ie center piece was a lovely blue and white bouquet of delphiniums and baby breath matching the birthday cake which was white with blue trimmings. Guests included Mrs. © V Hattie Rodgers of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Goodson and Estella of Ten Davis and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holmes and children and Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers and family of this community. Do the Men in your life show the proper enthusiasm for your cook IRONSIDE ing? If not, don’t blame it entirely on your ability as a cook—it may be The weather the past week has due to another factor: the bread been unusually cold and cloudy, but you seive. Men especially like! the long hoped for rain failed to plenty of wholesome, nutritious I materialize, several mornings the bread with meals. Serve McClure’s hills were white with snow. bread and see! Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wise returned from Boise last week where the lat ter had an operation on both eyes for cataract and has partially re Phone 20 gained her sight. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Buren OREGON TRAIL "My wife’s meals taste better when she serves McClure’s Bread!” M cClure Bros. Bakery COUNTY CREDIT BOARD PART OF A PERMANENT, STATEWIDE ORGANIZATION OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN TO IMPROVE CREDIT CONDITIONS, OPERATING IN OREGON, IDAHO, UTAH AND NEVADA Monthly Delinquent Lists Issued Delinquent debtors trailed from county to county, and from state to state. Members exchange information, through the medium of our state office, reporting those who do not properly respect their credit. We do not guess at credit information, but in our report to members we list debtors’ names, addresses, and the amount of their indebtedness. All Debtors Notified Before listing the name of any debtor, we give him due notice and ample time in which to take care of his past due accounts. It is not our purpose to embarrass any man, rich or poor, who' DOES HIS BEST TO MEET OBLIGATIONS. Names of debtors are not removed for any reason until their accounts are PAID. Simple Party Dish WINS HOSTESS PRAISE TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meetings of the Townsend Club are held 1st and 3rd Thursday in the Eagles Hall. The Public Is Invited D. R. D eG ross.......... President Mrs A. V. Pruyn Secretary NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER, Sec. ART NARCOTT, Pres. hen. He says “you better tell Geo Aiken to start a league to educate partridge hens for better mother hood and for pheasant hens to use more discreation about where they lay their eggs." In spite of all the dry weather the thistles are getting a mighty good start in Cow Hollow again. Some places wher none grew last year the ground is covered with a good thrify growth this year Talk ing with Jack Parker the other day | we asks “you got alfalfa on that hill side over yonder?" and he answers “no we got a dandy stand of import ed Rushian thistles there and we are going to raise seed." Mrs Gabriel's aged aunt of Cal ifornia is visiting her The other day a hawk caught a i * Unpaid Claims Offered For Sale No Commission On Collection Where payment is persistenly refused, unpaid claims are of fered for sale to the highest bid der, and are sold for whatever they will bring, for the benefit of creditors. We are not operating a Collec tion Agency— Debtors must pay direct to their creditors. No fil ing fees. . . No docket fees. . . Wlien collections are made, you get the money. . . No contracts to sign and regret. > IT PA YS T O PA Y W H EN Y O U A R E N O T IFIE D E r . - V , Owyhee Maid Ice Cream PIONEER SERVICE CO. OREGON-IDAHO-UTAH- NEVADA DivUion - OWYHEE DRUG CO. “The Thrift Store” PHONE 29 Next to Idaho Power Company Good Credit is your Greatest Asset Watch for Lists of Accounts for Sale DIVISION OFFICE— EUGENE OREGON --