Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, M AY 18, 1939 ARCADIA JORDAN VALLEY John Zittercob sold some of his Mrs. Frank Swisher and Mrs. fat steers Monday to a Caldwell Bernard Maher were in town Mon buyer. day. Leo Wagner left Saturday for the Bern to Mr. and Mrs Frank Mah coast to run a logging train. er a son May 11 at a Boise hospital Keith Orris is working for J. M. Miss Tudor of Crooked creek was Wagner. in town Monday. The Arcadia Sun Shine club will M r .and Mrs. Frank Elguren were meet with Mrs. Dick Smith in in town Tuesday night. Nyssa M ay 18. Chris Drlcoll was a business visit A. L. LINDBECK Mr. and Mrs. Chas Bullard call or in Jordan Monday. State Capitol News Bureau ed on Mr. and Mrs. Lackey of A l Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Warn were berta Valley Tuesday. in from Soldier creek Sunday. Mrs. Lloyd Orris and Mrs. Theo. Mr. and Mrs. William Shea mov Matherly visited with Mrs. Anna ed to Jordan Creek Monday. T A X P A Y E R S C O N TR IB U TE TO Dail Thursday evening. CONTROL BOARD APPROVES Mrs. Lucille Scott and son left COUPON C LIPPE RS Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Long and son Friday for La Grande were they B U ILD ING PLANS State Treasurer Walter E. Pear Max were dinner guests of Mr. and will spend the summer. Tile Board of Control this past Mrs. C. Bullard Wednesday. Jack Swisher of Antelope was in week gave its approval to plans for son has figured it out that the tax town Monday, two new building projects. One of payers of this state have contribut ed a total of 646,667,821.57 to cou KINGMAN KOLONY these was the new dining room and trip to Boise Monday. pon clippers who Invested their sav hospital to be constructed at the David Castero has been in town ings in Oregon bonds since this state prison proper. The other was The regular meeting of Kingman since Saturday. state first entered upon its big the new dormitory to be constructed grange was held Monday evening Miss Georgia Eloldl announced on the site of the prison annex, five spending orgy back in 1917. with a number of visitors present. her engagement to Walter Scott miles south of Salem and which Ray G ill state master was present Saturday. will house first offenders sentenced GOVERNOR W A N TS F A IR DEAL and gave a talk on legislative mat Mr. and Mrs. George Parks, Mr. FOR PRISONERS to short terms for minor crimes. ters. and Mrs. Floyd Parks and daugh This latter project calls for a three- The order that prisoners now in Chas. Wicklander state deputy of ter spent Sunday at South Moun story concrete building 52 by 150 the Oregon penitentiary shall not La Grande gave a short talk also tain. feet in size with dormitory accom be discriminated against through the Pomona master, Edwin Johnson Mrs. Joyce Palmer is helping Mrs modation of 200 prisoners, all of operation of the new indeterminate of Vale. Florence Ross this week. whom will be employed in the sentence act which becomes effec- j The masters from Oregon Trail, Mr. and Mrs. George Wayne Fos farming activities of the prison. tive June 14 Governor Sprague has) Boulevard, Big Bend and Vale gave ter left for La Grande Sunday. Prison labor will be employed in let it be known that he will resort' short talks also. Miss Jeri Thayer returned to her the construction of both buildings. to his authority to extend executive Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cool of Agate home in California Friday. Miss Dora Helm returned to her clemency to prisoners whose sen Beach and Mrs. Arvin Ross of Port tences are shown to have been un land were visiting at Snively hot home in Boise Friday. 1939 SESSIONS LAW S READY Graduation exercises were held duly harsh. The governor has in spring with Mrs. Susie Johnson and The 1939 session laws will be Saturday night. Those taking part structed his parole board to review Mrs. Dollie McCreary. ready for distribution in about 10 th 3 record of all prisoners now in The 4-H Sewing club gave a style were Chris Shea, Anna Acordagoitla. days. The 555 new laws enacted by the institution and to make recom show at Kingman school house Sat Georgia Elordi, Lola Zatica. Helen the recent session will cover 1275 Rementeria and mendations in such cases as the urday. Those exhibiting were Shir Stults, Richard pages and will constitute the largest board may regard as entitled to the ley McFate, Beth Mitchel, Vida W al Jim Skinner. volume of its kind in the history of Miss Louise Eloidi is visiting her governor’s attention. A difference lace, Betty Shelton and Forestine Oregon. of opinion exists among attorneys Wilson of the second year sewing: parents here. Ms. Sam Scott entertained at a as to the effect of the new law on Nadine Nichols third year; and EARLY SETTLERS HAD RELIEF old prisoners. Some of the sponsors night. Pauline Gowey fourth year. Mr. bridge party Wedensday PROGRAM of the measure are of the opinion Hauser of Ontario and Mr. and Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evert’s Oregon Almanac, a photo- that the act is retractive. Others Mrs. Roehr of Annex were present. George Parks. Mr. and Mrs. The Kingman Sunday school gave Wilson, M r and Mrs. Sam Ross, Mr. •secured by the state library, reveals disagree. Attorney General Van and Mrs. Pete Laca. Mrs. D. P. Con static copy of which has just been Winkle in a memorandum opinion the following Mother's day program: the fact that the needs of the poor to the parole board gave it as his The primary class presented cards nors, Mr. and Mrs. George Wayne was one of the first considerations view that the act will not apply to to their mothers. Miss Nelson’s class Foster, Mrs. Theresea Scott and of the earliest settlers of this P a prisoners sentenced prior to the e f quoted scripture. A piano solo by Mrs. Joe Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Wroton re cific northwest country. In the fective date of the new law which Dudley Kurtz. Nadine Wilson read a storey “ What Our Mothers Have turned to their ranch Friday. first public meeting held by settlers will be June 14. Mrs, Thelm a Lyons and son of Done for Us.” Marie Wallace, Emily south of the Columbia river, pro Otis, Arlene Peterson, Pauline Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver vision was made for the appoint ADRIAN Gowey and Irma Points gave talks young and children of Bend are vis ment of two “overseers of the poor." Joyce and Donna Ashcraft, Doro- on “ Bible Mothers." Mrs. Tetwiler iting at the Clyde Stults home. This meeting was held in the Am Born to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth erican Mission station on February they Hamilton and Iola Parker a t read a paper on “ Christian Mother.” tended the G. A. A. picnic in Nam A solo by Glen Osborn “That Won Greene a son Monday evening. 17, 1841. Charley Bums has gone to the derful Mother of Mine.” pa Saturday. Mrs. Mary Nichols received word railroad for medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and PAROLE BOARD STUDIES son attended a Mother's day dinner from her daughter, Agnes saying W ASHINGTON SET-UP LINCOLN Sunday at the Ness Hatt home in that she is leaving for the San Francisco fair Sunday. The new state parole board which Owyhee. j The Jim Lane family were guests met here last week at an informal Miss Virginia DuPre has been ill Duke Rohland attended a man of Mrs. Mary Nichols Mother’s day. the past week. conference with Governor Sprague, agers meeting at Walla Walla over Mrs. Claude Baxter of El Monte, is spending this week visiting penal Lincoln Stepp and son Gordon Cal., is visiting her mother. Mrs. C. visited Mrs. Lawrence Stauffer in institutions in the state of Wash the week end. Mrs. Charles McConnell, Mrs. C. Cotton. ington and confering with parole Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinkston, officials o f that state which has Earl Sparks, Mrs. Ellen Marker, The last day of school picnic will M untjeweriff and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thrasher and be held Friday. been operating for several years Mrs. Gerrit under the same parole system Mrs. Duke Rohland were shopping Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thrasher were Mrs. W ill Toothacker and family guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pink and George Markham and family which Oregon is just adopting. The in Caldwell Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toombs and ston, Mother’s day. new parole board will be vested were Sunday visitors at the home Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holton attend of Clark King. with outright parole powers and Gordon of Nyssa were dinner guests will meet in Salem once a week to Wednesday at the Vernon Parker ed the baccalaureate services of the Mr. and Mrs. John Magnuson Ontario high school Sunday. give consideration to cases demand home. and fam ily made a trip to Baker The lower grades in th^Kingm an Sunday. ing their attention. Selection of a Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hatch, Ed 7 parole director and staff of office Swarffic, Mr. and Mrs. James M c school held open house Friday. The Mr. and Mrs. Ed Du Pre and son and field workers will probably not Ginnis enjoyed swimming at Sniv- primary room, Miss Nelson as teach were Sunday dinner guests at the er gave a program after which the home of their daughter, Mrs. Dale be made for another 10 days or two leys pool Tuesday. weeks. Twelve eighth garde students will children served punch and cake to Garrison in Nyssa. the parents. Mr. and Mrs. Max Gilchrist and graduate at the Oregon Trail school Miss Bratton^ room put on a son of Emmett were Sunday din Thursday evening. Japanese program after which they ner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch and served tea and wafers to the visit Mrs Robert Gilchrist. family were Sunday guests at the ors. Ray McNeal and family motored Ed W ym er home in Parma. Wednesday is the last day of to Meridian for Mother's day din Mrs. Charles Price has been help school and the children will have a ner at the Henry McNeal home. ing at the Ira Price home in King- picnic at Big Bend park. The children of Mr. and Mrs man Kolony, caring for the mother Robert Gilchrist are recoveing from and new baby. In Rupert— the measles. Ellen McConnell spent the week Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bailey were Roscoe Conklin is remdellng and JESS R. BAKER end with Mrs. Duke Rohland. in Rupert over Saturday and Sun enlarging his house. O PTO M E TR IS T Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly were in day. Graduate Univ. Cal. College The Avery Anderson children are Boise on business Wednesday. of Optometry Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pounds took O ffice Hours 9-5 and by Mother’s day dinner with the lat Appointment ter’s parents in Vale. Telephone 244-J, 67 S. 2nd St. Bids were let for the equipment of Ontario, Oregon the new high school Friday. Mrs. Earl Sparks and son spent the week end with Mrs. and Mrs. | CARL H. COAD Elmer Sparks of Big Bend. Adrian Girl Scouts held their A T T O R N E Y -A T -LA W meeting Saturday at the Elmer PHONE 31 Prosser home in Big Bend. Nyssa, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and family were shopping in Boise Sat urday. L. A. Maulding, M.D. Mrs. Dan Holly and Mrs. How ard Hatch attended the Wade Physician and Surgeon — OR— school, last day picnic at Caldwell Phone 37 Friday. Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Mrs Ed Newton of Oregon Slope D aily- Except Sunday is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gerrit Fry Building Muntjeweriff this week. Bobby Madden of Ontario spent Saturday visiting his uncle, Glen DR. E. D. NORCOTT Pounds. DENTIST Perle Laurance of Meridian spent a couple of days the past week vis Office Phone 35F2 E LG IN —H A M IL TO N — W A LTH A M — BULOVA iting his daughter and family. Mr. X -R A Y E X AM IN ATIO N S Dainty, practical watches in nat and Mrs. BiU Olsen. ural gold oblong or round— with N Y8SA OREGON Tw o of the young peoples classes metal or cord bracelets, for as little as _______ __________________ of the Sunday school enjoyed a hay ride and weiner roast Saturday eve TOWNSEND CLUB ning. MEETINGS On May 21 at Big Bend park Meetings of the Townsend there will be a horseshoe pitching Club are held 1st and 3rd contest, to select the team who will Several varieties of best make, Thursday in the Eagles Hall. represent our community in Ontario. plain or gold mounted, black or The Public Is Invited Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson colors, from ..... ..................... of Nyssa were dinner guests Mon D. R. D eO ross... ..... President day evening of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs. A. V. Pruyn . Secretary Hatch. STATE C A P IT O L N E W S Professional Cards The Sweet Girl Graduate | Bobby were in Caldwell Thursday. having the mumps. Lawtence McCrary. Mrs Mayfield Thq Lincoln Heights farm com- i raunity organization held a megt- and Mrs. Ida McCollum were in | ing at the school heuse Saturday Middleton Monday. night. The roads committee p e- Mona Gee was a guest of Betty sented names for the Lincoln j Correll Sunday. Heights roads which will be voted Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd entertained on at the next meeting. After a their children and families on Sun short program refreshments were day those present were, Mr and served. Mrs. Glen Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. WRIST WATCHES $1275 PEN and PENCIL SETS $39S NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night A T EAGLES H ALL Visiting Eacles Welcome H A R R Y M INER. Bee. A R T NARCOTT, Pres. Attended Tea— Mrs. Leo Hollenberg accompanied her husband to the field meet at La Grande last Saturday and was a truest at the mothers tea given In the new girls dormitory of the Eas tern Oregon college, where her daughter Marzene is finishing her first year of collegiate study. Diamond and Diamond Jewelry Blue White Diamonds! No better nor more lasting gift could be selected, as low as .................. J $900 Paulus Jewelry Store Mr. and Mrs. George J. Mitchell visited over the week end in Boise with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bodle. Son Visits— Dr and Mrs. J. E. Long and son are visiting at the parental J. T. Long home in Arcadia for the next few weeks. Returns from Trip— Mrs. O. M. Kimsey returned on Anne Marie Johnson was among Sunday from a two weeks trip to those who attended the educational Missoula, Mont. Mrs. Kimsey also bible teachers conference in Caldwell made stops at Spokane and Butte Saturday. before her return. Harold Blackburn is improved from his illness of measles. Attend Club— Mr. and Mrs Bert Barr of Valle Mrs. J. J. Sarazln and Mrs. Her- jo, Cal., came Tuesday morning to shel Currey attended the meeting of visit with their sister and brother- P. E. O. at Vale on Tuesday after in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Walter noon at which the hostess was Miss Thompson. Mr and Mrs. Barr have Hazel Hope. been touring the west coast. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Clowers vis ited at the James Armstrong and George Clowers homes Monday eve ning. The Community Sunday school met with Mr. and Mrs. Frank G ra ham last Sunday with 51 attending. RICHLAND The next meeting will be at the Ernest Johnson home. The young people of the Nazar- Kathleen Loe was an overnight ene church held a prayer meeting guest of Reta Johnson Monday , at the F. A. Powell home. night. The Richland and Buena Vista Dr. and Mrs. Earl Harvey of youths association held its party at Scottsbluff, Neb., visited Sunday the H. V. Maw home Thursday eve at the home of Tom Loe. ning. W iley Clowers attended the Moth- I The meeting was called by C lif Mrs. George Clowers and Mrs. ford Nielson, president. Jean John er's tea given by the Girl's league son was chosen next president. Nyssa to San Francisco and return Tluesday afternoon. The next party will be at Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Art Jackson pur park. (via Bus ..................... $26.60 chased 600 baby chicks last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McGinnis Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nielson called at the Clowers home Sunday and Lois were callers at the H. V. Nyssa to San Francisco and return evening. (overnight train from Winnemucra Maw home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Norvllle Leuk and — including lower berth Mrs Minnie Leuk of Nyssa were APPLE VALLEY $34.30 callers at the G. C Johnson home. both ways) The Chatterbox club met at the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood and son spent Saturday in Nampa and home of Mrs. C. H. Bennnett Wed Leave Nyssa Boise. i t nesday afternoon. Owyhee Drug Store 8:35 a. m. Leulla Leuk of Nyssa spent Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Ray are at Arrive Welser, where he is selling insur Thursday evening with Ann John San Francisco 8:05 next morning son. ance. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ray are with Visitors at the H. V. Maw home Tickets— Information her folks in New Plymouth. Sunday were Pat and Jack Sweaney, OWYHEE DRUG STORE Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller are Lowell Wills. Jean and Ann John son and Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Cheldel- with his folks in Boise. Phone 29 Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers are at en and family. Ontario with his people. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Miller of Melba attended church with her mother, Mrs. Lenis Wilson. Bowman Vertrees is enjoying a weeks vacation. Miss Yulah Vertrees and Dorothy W offel of Boise spent the week end at the C. D. Vertrees home. For Safer and W ider Coverage Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stout and SEE US Marvin spent Sunday In Boise. Ralph Summy of Boise is spend INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE ing a couple of days at home. Mrs. John Poage attended the Girls club tea at Nyssa Tuesday. Nyssa, Ore. Phone 97 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gee and Excursion Rates NOW W O O L IN S U R A N C E F R A N K T. M O R G A N FOUNDER’S SALE! S T A R T S F R ID A Y , M A Y 19 This Founder's sale is one of the greatest of the year for GAMBLE STORES— every item on sale must be good— it must be an item our customers need. So here they are. come In and see our other bargains too. Founder's Sale Founder's Sale 7 Piece Crystal Berry Set 1 Gal. Linseed Oil and 2 Qts. Turpentine - at 29c Founder’s Sale Radio "B” Batteries no extra charge Colonial Design. 1 large Bowl and 6 Individual Bowls Guaranteed for 320 hours service. Com pare with 11.25 value With Each Purchase of 5 GALLONS 98c “Homeguard” Founder’s Sale P A IN T Kitchen S TO O LS Coronado Car Radio Automatic T u n i n g Excellent tone and Selectivity All Steel Construc tion Enameled GAMBLE'S That Fine Boy Graduate WILL ADORE THESE! Cedric Caldwell and Mr.and Mrs. Conley Wilson and families. Commencement exercises for the eighth grade were held at the Apple Valely church Monday evening. Those taking part in the program were: processional. Mrs. Poage, sal utatory, Doris Bonser, violin duet. Irene Brewster and Star Robinson, class history, Ailie Scott, essay. Heber Campbell, solo, Dorothy H uff man, prophecy, Betty Jean Honey, will. Dorothy Huffman, class song, class, valedictory, Bertha Campbell, address, “ Villages and Princes” , Rev. F. H. Hall, presentation of diplomas, J. A. Pettit. Sunday 21 relatives and friends helped Mrs. Barker celebrate Moth er’s day. RIVERVIEW Visit in Boise— Founder's Sale Electric IR O N S Automatic Tempera ture control. List price (3.85. A special ♦2.98 ♦19.95 Grade A BARN P A IN T 5 Gals. *1.75 Per G al A Fine 4-inch Brush Charge Founder's Sale Auto Fog LIG H TS Included K A L S O M IN E at No All Colors 5 lb pkg. A p p r o v e d in all states. Heavy bracket. Chrome plated Extra ♦2.19 34c Founder's Sale Screen W ire Founder’s Sale Per Foot 51/2 c And Up Heavy Ouage GarbageJCans£ Galvanized Founder’s Side 6 Founder’s Sale AUTHUWI / . LU a GCNCY GAMBLE STORES Geo. C. Henneman, Owner Phone 106 Nyssa