Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1939)
reate N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1939 . Guild Entertained— prominent speakers of the day were Party Guests— Mrs Dick Tensen with her moth Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gray attended general stake hoard members Holt oi the the reception and party extended er. Mrs. Betty La Frenz were hos Weiser stake of the L. D. S. church and Junius Tribe of Salt Lake and to the Rev. J. Ktemal In Fruitland tesses at Mrs. Tensen'a home for was well attended and many went Clelland Jones of Nyssa ward Was on Monday evening. the members of St. Pauls Episcopal from the Nyssa ward. Among the alto among the speakers. guild on Wednesday afternoon. Banquet Friday Evening— Tire committee in charge of the Following the business meeting mother and daughters banquet tea was served by the hostesses. sponsored by the Girl Scouts and to be held tomorrow evening at the Return From Trip— Sunday ConfweaM— The Sunday coni'’rclicc BANANAS PO TA TO E S G R A PE FRUIT ORANGES APPLES FOR SALE—I have for sale com plete Blacksmith equipment. Sell very cheap. Oscar C. Olsen, R e ceiver. llM lx c I ATKESON’S STORE FOR S A L E -B e e t cultivator. Carl Sebum, Nyssa route 1. llM tfc GRAB BAGS 25c llM lxp Johnston’s Box Candy Leather Hand Bags Lamps Stationery Perfumes Toilet Waters Irrigators Boots All Wool Flannel A Real Price on these Rubber, Lace Type Reg. $4.79 <j*Q ylQ Now 'P O / f j Slack Suits W o rk Suits Suede Cloth Sport Jacket with Zipper. The very latest for sport wear 5 Brother Brand G ang Buster Shirts to match 98c Kahki Sanforized Cloth <1*1 0 7 *P |.3 / All Sizes for Women and Children in Cot ton Prints. Made by Mary Ann Gay New Shipment of Shoes Coming For Men, Women and Children GRAB BAGS FO R SALE—Large wood and coal range with waterbaek. green and Ivory enamel, excellent condition. Stunz Lumber Yard. Phone 110. llM lx c Compacts Toilet Sets Owyhee Drug Co. PHONE 29 Next to Idaho Power Company BASEBALL NYSSA vs. WEISER CHAMPIONSHIP GAME FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2 p. m. Admission 10c-l 5c-25c ____ --swwgMHnwMMMHHH FOR F R ID A Y and S A T U R D A Y — May 12-13 You ’ll FEEL Spring IN FRESH, CLEAN CLOTHES - , » t —m i DONT DELAY PHONE 56-J • *- •• “ * It’s the out-of-doors season . . . time for long walks and shop ping expeditions in the warm Spring air. To enjoy spring to the utmost, be sure that your clothes are small and clean. An easy way to do that it to have Mains Cleaners clean them. You’ll like our work and our prices, too! Beware of Misrepresentation! Crackers packages 1 1 ________ made by Foster Money i<> ib. paiis 1 1 made bv Foster Money 5 ib paiis Pork 6 • Beans ^„?mps Bacon Squares lh I Hamburger £ * New Potatoes n,) D _____ New Garden Heas 4 ib. Tomatoes 2 ib. Toilet Soap 4 Ubars Toilet Soap lji£ „ Buoy il s o n MAIN’S CLEANERS Atkeson Bldg. 3rd A- Main St. ^ 4 lb. packages J All Pick-ups and Deliveries are Made With Delivery Car Bearing Our Firm Name Only “C L E A N IN G A T IT’S BEST” S U N D A Y and M O N D A Y — May 14-14 Adlophe Menjou, Roger Daniel, Dolores Costello and Alan Dinehart in “K IN G OF T H E T U R F ” Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. Evening 10c-30c Admission Matinee 10c-25c T U E S D A Y — May 16 P A L N IG H T —DOUBLE FEATURE Rudy Vallee, Rosemary Lane, Hugh Herbert and Allen Jenkins in ________ “G O L D DIGGERS IN PA R IS”_________ W E D N E S D A Y and T H U R S D A Y — May 17-18 George O’Brien and Loraine Johnson in “A R IZ O N A L E G IO N ” Corrine Luchaire and Edna Best in “PR ISO N W IT H O U T B A R S ” Movietone News _________________________ Admission 10c-30c_________________________ NOTE: Our date of May, 26-27 on “ UNION P A C IF IC " has been Cancelled. We are playing “ LET FREEDOM R IN G " with Nelson Eddy, instead. 17c 75c 45c 19c 14c 39c 15c 17c 25c 25c 25c 25c G r o c er y A Dependable Food Store NYSSA THIS W E E K ENDS O U R A N N IV E R S A R Y SALE. S A T U R D A Y 13th IS TH E L A S T D A Y ; BE SURE T O L A Y IN Y O U R S U P P L Y BEFORE IT CLOSES. -------------• ------------- 1 0 : 0 0 A. M . CHILDREN’S RAYON PANTIES Sizes 2 to 16. Regular (? ^ 10c and 15c grades ................................... J C 2 : 0 0 P. M . WOMEN’S COTTON HOSIERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5c Regular 25c 2 p a ir ........ 3 : 0 0 P. M. G rocery S pecials \N Movietone News Matinee Saturday 2:30 p. m. Evening 10c-30c Admission Matinee 10c-25c SATURDAY, MAY 13th HOUR SPECIALS “The Thrift Store” 25c Qt’sZp**! “M E X IC A LI ROSE” Manicuring Sets Flower Holders Kodaks W e wrap and mail yoTir selection— charging only for postage' Dresses 5 0 c up Suits PANTS SH IRT C A P all for Pants *1.49 “W IT H IN TH E L A W ” Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette in W e have a fine selection of M OTHERS D A Y CARDS 5c— 10c— 25c • MORE MON EY SAVERS • Ladies Slacks Ruth Hussey, Paul Kelly and Lynne Carver in LO ST—Toy fox terrier, black and white, near slaughter house, last Friday. Finder please phone 39J. A L L D A Y F R ID A Y and S A T U R D A Y IO BAGS WILL CONTAIN A 50c PIECE DOUBLE FEATURE F R ID A Y and S A T U R D A Y — May 12-13 W ANTED — I f you have property you wish to sell, list with Olsen the Land Man. O ffice Fry Bldg. Nyssa. llM lx c M EN ’S A N D L A D IE S’ W E A R IN G A P P A R E L L _________ Third and Main Street Nyssa Every bag contains useful merchandise It’s our way of making room for the merchandise that is arriving every day THEATRE FOR SALE!—I have choice lots. Sewer and water. Priced at $35.00 and up. Olsen the Land Man. O f fice Fry Bldg. Nyssa. llM lx c Nyssa North of the “Y ’ PROGRAM Too Late to Classify FOR SALE—Metal Baby Bed and mattress complete $3.75. High chair $2.75. Nursey chair $1.75. The Mr. and Mrs Luther Fife return high school, arc urging all those! Nyssa Trader Main highway north planning on attending to purchase ed on .Thursday evening from a at Alberta Ave. llM lx c their tickets in advance as there short trip to Idaho. Mrs. Fife re mained at Glenns Ferry for a visit FO R SALE—New wash tubs 39c up. can be no sales at the door. The tickets are going fast and the with her sister, while M r Fife at Galvanized buckets 25c up. Tin in cups, rust proof 3c each. Good affair promises to be a real success tended to business matters southern Idaho. sturdy beds $1.25. Linoleum rugs in every way. 9x12, genuine felt base $3.95. The Nyssa Trader Main highway north at Alberta Ave. lM lx c Stock Up A t Bargain Prices FOX AUTO CABINS Sunday Picnic— M r and Mrs. C. M. Drewitz with Mr. and Mrs Ellis Buckland mutor- ed to Lowman. Idaho for a picnic Sunday. OREGON MEN’S WORK SOX, pair M E N 'S UNDERW EAR Children’s 37c 4c D RESSES 49 c Summer weight, short sleeve, ankle length, ecru color and sizes 36 to 46 Specials for Mother’s Day -------- • --------- H O S IE R Y 88c Our regular $1.00 re tailer in that famous brand silk hosiery 2 , 3, 4 and 7 thread weights, newest shades. Sizes 8 i/> to 10V» G O W N S and PAJAM AS 93c Made to fit and wear by Lorraine. Numer ous colors, sizes and styles ------ • ------- SEE O U R STOCK OF OTHER A PPR O P R IA T E GIFTS Regular 79c to $ 1.00 M e n ’s FELT H A T S $1.63 Regular $2.98 pure felt hats. C o l o r s black, d a r k g r a y , green, tan and light grav. Sizes 6 ’* j to 7L5 80-Square P R IN T S 10C yard Fancy patterns and plain color p r i n t s guaranteed fast color print wash dresses, sizes to 12. These are all fast color, fancy m a t e r i a l s. Neatly trimmed and youth fully styled 19c Rayon panties and bloomers, sizes small, medium, large and extra large. Regular 25c FOOD VALUES A S A D V E R T ISE D L A S T W E E K PLU S Marshmallows White and Fluffy ..... JLc Toilet Soap W omen’s Canvas Oxfords Lux, Palmolive, Life Buoy, Camay or Guest Ivory 84c 5C bar White, blue t r i m, rubber sole oxfords, flat or 11 inch heels. A shoe for summer sports Rayon Panties Catsup Tastewell 2 , 12 oz. 19c Battles .. Pork Cr Beans Dinnerette No. 2i/_> Cans 3 for ............ G O L D E N RULE “Make It Right Store” Nyssa Oregon