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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1939 ‘ PO U LTRY m ERS laullng Good ! 06J2. 23Ftfc house, ion at 20Atfc J odd Prices L Al 20Atfc kind. 47. 23Ftfc /S yard, which is then used as an arti ficial yard. This is satifactoiy un til the accumulation of dropping fills the space between the stones It is then necessary to remove the gravel and wash it or replace it with fresh gravel, a p. ocess which in most location is too expensive. STOCK AND GRAIN MARKETS In the Realm of the HONEY BEE By L. G. K LIN KKN BERG State Deputy Bee Inspector dry and windy that they haven't had a chance to do any nector gathering and there probably would not have been any on account of the dry condition Wet cloudy wea ther is bad too as it keeps the bees i nand they cannot get either pollen or nector. thus retarding the pro gress of the colony. (Next week—Place in the world) ALBERTA VALLEY Mr. Hart from Oregon Trail and (Editor's Note: The following Gerrit Groot were in Vale Satur market Information is supplied from material obtained over the are a few animal pests that day. and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. Government leased market wire are There too. Bears, although and Mr Mrs. Klaas Tensen and Mr. in the office of the extension they a ar nuisance found more often on the and Mrs. Dick economist at Oregon state college. Groot were in On — And Its Care The material is in the form of a coast and in the mountains, some tario Friday. weekly summary of trends in times luin a whole apiary. I heard Lola Lee Gaston was a Sunday the livestock market and is not of one completely destroying an visitors of Alta Salasbury of Nyssa. YARDING intended to replace spot day by apiary of about 40 hives just before Mr and Mrs. George Smith of the owner came to gather the honey Apple Valley spent Saturday eve It is highly desirable to let chicks day market reports.) for extracting. Skunks bother the ning or poults out ol brooder houses just with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. hives quite a bit sometimes in the Norma Cattle Markets as quickly as the season and wea of Nyssa Heights, the fall, they scratch on the side Lucy Mae Suitor Cattle Maikets ther will permit. A yard must be Green and Doris Graham provided around the brooder house Cattle supplies at North Portlund ol the hive and the bees come out of Nyssa and Marjorie Oroot of this to see what the trouble is and the for this purpose. The kind to be Monday were almost the same as a community rode their bicycles to provided in any particular situation week previous, 2250 being received skunk eats them Sometimes they Adrian Saturday. scratch so much on the ground by will depend upon the type of brood of which about 1850 were salable. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Osborn vis er house used, and to some extent Medium to good fed steers brought the hive that it tips over, many ited with the M W. Osborn family upon the means and preferences of up to $9 25, the same as a week times causing the loss of a colony. of Nyssa. Mice cause a great deal of trouble, C. M Tensen was in Juntura on the poultryman. earlier. California grass heifeis were especially in the soft winters, as Thursday and Friday. Soil Contamination. It is poor $8.25. make their way into the hives business Mr. and Mrs. Andy Boersma call brooding management to attempt There has been a good demand they and destroy many combs. Even to brood chicks or poults year after for stocker cattle in the past week though they are poisoned they ed on the Joe Woodard family of Nyssa Heights Thursday. year on the same soil yards. There although supply continues small. A seem to do much damage. Gerald Jensen of Salt Lake City are many kinds of diseases, germs few steers of high quality last week and parasite eggs with which such sold up to $9.65, while other grain The next thing is disease. In this is visiting at the Clayton Jensen soil may become contaminated and fed steers ranged from $9.50 down part of the country the only disease home. of any great consequence is Ameri Mr and Mrs. Gerrit Stam at serious losses are likely to result in ward. young stock having access to con At San Francisco good Idaho fed can Foul Brood. When a colony tended the grange meeting in King- gets this disease it will in time man Monday. taminated yards. There is no very brought $9.85 on Monday cause the colony to die. This dis The Guy Sweet children have had practical or effective way of disin steers while native grass stuff moved at ease attacks the brood when it is in the measles this week. fecting soil. $8.85. the larva and pupa stage. The bees Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Little of This problem is handled best, in Sheep and Lamb Markets themselves do not have the disease Caldwell were week end guests of the case of portable brooder houses, Although supplies of lambs at Tills menace could be cleaned up Mr. and Mrs John Lackey. by moving them at frequent inter North Portland Monday were far in a couple of years if all the bee Mr. and Mrs. Andy Boersma vals to clean ground; namely, 37 ' last week’s meager offerings, keepers would lend a hand and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ground upon which no poultry, above trading was active and the market completely get rid of it. Speaking of spent Stam of Oregon Trail. young or old, has been kept for a strong. Among the 2000 head of sal animals some beekeepers are Gerrit Groot was a business vis year or longer. Stationary brooder able stock received, highest price re bad worst, as they have been known itor in Ontario Wednesday. houses cannot be moved, and so, in ported was $9.50 for choice spring the to have deliberatly placed diseased Mr. and Mrs. Bill Findltng and their case, the most frequent solu lambs. Good, weighty old crop, fed material for 'neighbor' bees to get. Fred Koopman visited Mrs. John tion is the employment of artificial shorn lambs were $7.80. San Fran Another disease is European foul Stam of Oregon Trail Sunday. yards of one of the several available cisco, Chicago and Omaha all report brood, which seems to be a great Emanuel Brown of Nytssa pur types; namely, wire porches, cement markets steady to strong. menace to the bees in a wetter cli chased 40 acres of land in this com porches, board porches, or gravel Pastures and ranges are drying mate. yards. rapidly in California tending to Weather has a great affect on munity. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Boersma vis Wire Porches. Good brooding re hasten the lamb movement from bees spring has been very ited at the Lee Smith home in Lin sults have been obtained with wire there. Most sales and contracts severe too. on This them as it has been so coln Heights Tuesday. sun porches. They may be used with were reported from the Mojav des any brooder house, but are most ert area and Sonoma and Napa val frequently used with the stationary leys with prices ranging from $8.85 types. The porch should be about to 89 00. 12 feet wide and as long as the Hog Markets brooding chamber. The wire should Hog receipts at North Portland be galvanized and of 18-gage or with 1850 head out of 2500 reported larger. The mesh should be % -inch. salable were almost exactly the I.O.IV. Cement Porches. Another type of same as a week ago. The market of artificial yard that often Is used was fully steady with good to choice TRADE ROUTE with stationary brooder houses is trucked-in light butchers from $7.25 the cement porch. It should be to $7.35. although carlots brought Nevada-Califomia Markets built 15 to 20 feet wide and as long up to $7.50, the same as a week ear Scsi* or Statute Milts as the brooding chamber, and lier. One particularly choice load should slope away from the build last week brought $7.75. Chicago LEGEND IE X IC 4 ing at the rate of about three- hog prices this past week have been According to hundreds of wise farmers that means to plant seed fourths inch to the foot. Provision above 35c lower than a month ago grown from Irvine A Cottrm certified, the superior sixains of Designated Blis», White Rose and Netted Gems should be made for washing off ce and $1 15 under prices of a year ago. U 7 * 119 ment porches every few days during Wool Markets HURRY, THE SUPPLY IS GOING FAST! the brooding period. This is best Sizeable amounts of new wools accomplished with a hose and wa were purchased by dealers during J. C. WATSON Co., Parma ter under considerable pressure. A the past week on the Boston mar TRAIL 4-H HEALTH CLUB Sunday in Nam pa— J. C. SEWELL PRODUCE Co., ADRIAN gutter around the outside of ket Wools offered for direct ship At Nampa, Idaho or Vale, Oregon Miss Georgia Dennis spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A1 Cochran of Boise cement By Mary Atagi the porch will facilitate the flush in Nampa where she visited with were guests Monday night of Mr. ing away of the water and material ment from the country were quoted higher than a week previous. In her sister and family. and Mrs. Henry Hatch. hosed from the porch. From the Boston French combing length The Oregon Trail 4-H Health Cream Buying Station Opens— Mrs. Glen Pounds spent Sunday disease standpoint it is very import bring 66c to 68c, scoured basis. Sim club met at the school house Mon The Goodrich Independent Cream visiting her parents in Vale. TRY day. The meeting was called to or buying station has opened for busi Mrs. Prank Farnsworth, Mr. and ant that the birds cannot reach ilar wools offered for shipment di der by the vice president in the ab ness in their new building on the Mrs. Fred Gibson attended the fu through the fence into this gutter. rect from producing areas to useis sence of the persident. “Oregon My highway north of the Y. It is own neral of the former’s uncle in Nam This can be prevented by construct were sold at 63c to 65c. Spring Valley Butter Co. ing the gutter eight inches or a foot Oregon,” was sung by the members, ed and operated by Mr. and Mrs. pa Thursday. led by Jane Adams. The members George Goodrich who have pur P T. A. will hold its May meeting beyond the fence, or by employing In McCall— At Nyssa gave the club pledge and motto chased new equipment and have Friday at the Kingman school in as a base board for the fence a 1x12 Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Main spent the With Your board set one inch above the porch. week end in McCall. installed a new and modern steril lead by Lola Rookstool. of Adrian. Since hosing the yard requires quite The healthiest boy and girl were izing system, as well as the neces stead CREAM EG G S POULTRY and Mrs. Ray Thrasher and a little time, cement porches require Sons Visit— selected from the club. The girl sary scales and testing appliances. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Points more labor than wire porches. George and Harry Davis of Salt was Peggy Chard and the boy was The building has been planned Jean, Our Business and your Patronage are based enjoyed a swim at Snivelys springs Board Porches. In emergencies, Lake spent the week end with their for ventilation and light as well as Sunday. Jack Sweaney. upon Courtesy, Service and Fairness provide for an easy drive in and Mr and Mrs. Howard Hatch and board porches may be used as arti mother, Mrs. 8. B. Davis. Harry was The discussion was based upon, to yards. They cannot be rec enroute to San Francisco where he easy parking. Pure Water Supply.” family. John Enos, Virginia Jarvis ficial ommended except as temporary ex will enter TTie marine hospital for The Goodrichs are well known in Albert Hopkins club leader, gave this area having lived in Nyssa or and Mrs. James McGinnis and chil pedients because exposure to sun treatment of an injured arm. He Wiley A. Clowers, Mgr. • the testing tubes to test well water farmed near by since 1911 and for dren enjoyed a picnic at the dam and rain renders them short lived. left for his destination on Tuesday . to each member. and his brother returned to Salt the past three years managed the Sunday. Gravel Yards. Several inches of */j Block South Boise Payette Lumber Co. Bottles were to be sent to Oregon cream buying station for Swift and Mr and Mrs. Ernest Parker of gravel is sometimes spread over a Lake. Big Bend were guests Friday eve State college for results. Company. ning at the Vernon Parker home. Adrian school and Kingman will hold their last day picnic at Big A FRIEND Bond park on Wednesday. May 17 Mr. and Mrs. McFate took their ^ 9 When you need one the most. daughter to the doctor in Boise Our service is designed to help Sunday. PUT Y O U R C H IC K S Mrs. Earl Sparks and son of you through trying times. Yakima. Wash., arrived Friday for an indefinite visit with her par O N TH E N EST EA R LIER ents. NYSSA FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs Charles McCon nell. HOME Feed Them Mr and Mrs. Ivan Farnsworth Phone 73W and children, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Drown and daughters enjoyed a weiner roast at Succor creek Sun Mixed In Our Plant Under Purina Mills License day.Mr and Mrs. Paul Hatch of Mar- sing were visiting friends here Monday. Friday Babe Hart of Vale vis 2 pounds of Startena as a starting feed and only ited On her sister Mrs. Glen Pounds on Saturday she left to visit the 16 pounds of CHOW-MIX will put chicks into and fair at San Francisco. the laying house at 5 months old. Ethel Farnsworth was a Sunday dinner guest at the Phil Bochus home in Lower Bend Mr and Mrs Henry Hatch and Merle were Sunday guests of her mother in Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and Bobby. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Parker of Big Bend spent Sunday afternoon at the dam. Mr and Mrs. Charles McConnell “Fill the Bill’ for the Farmer with a small Notice is hereby given that all delinquent Pounds - $ spent three days last week in Twin acreage. Falls visiting the latter's brother irrigation water charges must be paid on or be Jess Marker and family ------------ • ------------- Full Line of Integral Equipment Available. Mr and Mrs. Ray Drown were fore May 31, 1939, or action will be taken. shoppers Wednesday. STOP IN—LET US TELL YOU ABOUT IT A L TH O M PSO N 6* SO N Boise Mr and Mrs Howard Hatch en tertained the Wade P. T. A at her By Order of the Common Council, COAL—GRAIN—FEED home Thursday Baldridge Implement Co. Mr and Mrs. Fred Oibson. Irene Phone 26 M. F. SOLOMON, Recorder. Firestone, and Leo Farnsworth Phone 113 Nyssa were visiting relatives in Marslng Sunday, PLANT PO TA TO ES FO R PR O FITS Paved or Bituminous Treated Crushed Rock o r t r a v e l ' 6 M ; your class t und Pruyn )xp Jobs. 1 fa'.r Phone Open Saturdays until 10 p. m. THE IDEAL TRACTOR For Your Haying Job CHOW-MIX GROWING MASH CHOW-MIX IS CHEAPER COMPARE THE RECORDS! 100 2.50 ) Notice to Delinquent Irrigation Water Users The Model “L” John Deere