Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1939 OREGON TRAIL Nyssa Junior Gate City Journal Edited by Students of Nyssa High School STAFF Co-Editors—Ann Johnson II and Merle Kurtz. NeWs Editors Doris Hite and Vel ma Fox. Sports Editor Willard Whitman. Sports Stall—Frank Johnson, Har vey Bingham, Hollis DeGrofft and Joe Robertson. Feature Editor—Juanita Franklin. Editorial Board- Sally Fyllingness, Dwight Wyckofl, Ann Johnson I and Frances Foster. Copyreaders—Marjorie Groot, Na dine Crocker. Lloyd Cleaver, Burl Wyckofl. Prool Readers—Zelda Brown, June Webster, Nelda Chamberlin and Jess Gregg. Typists — Floy Byram, Joyce Ash- cralt. Iris Miller and Lorraine Rld- der. BINGMAN, TENSEN, MILLER KLINGBACK, NOMINATED FOR STUDENT PRESIDENT SCHOOL LEADERS WORK OCT VALE EVALCATION Vale high school was evaluated last Thursday and Friday by several superintendents and men from the state education department. D. A. Emerson of the state de partment was chairman. Other members of the committee were Mr. Stevenson of Payette, Mr. Kim brough of Weiser, Mr. Lane of Par- man, Mr. Hollenberg of Nyssa, Mr. Conway of Harper, Mr. Turnbull and Mr. Richards of Ontario. Criteria for this survey were worked out by the nationel com mittee on school evaluation. Vale’s school is the eleventh to be evaluat ed In Oregon. N. H. S. <^>Twu Complete Sets of Officers To Be Elected On Tuesday SCHOOL CALENDAR Dale Bingman and Louise Tensen were nominated for president of the Tomorrow—Last day of regu Nyssa high school student body for lar classes for seniors. the coming year and Jim Miller and Saturday — Eastern Oregon Louise Klingback were nominated field and track meet at to lead the Adrian high school stu LaGrande dent body at a student body meet Tuesday—Band practice 2 p. ing Tuesday. m. Other nominations included Sid Wednesday—Boy’s chotus 3 p. ney Brown and Helen Boydell, of m. Nyssa and Donna Ashcraft and John Thursday—Band practice 2 p. Timmerman of Adrian, for vice- m. Girls chorus 4 p. m. president; Alma Westerfield and Marjorie Groot, of Nyssa, and Betty N. H. S. Each us and Dorothy Hamilton of THE RED DEMON LETTERMEN CONDUCT Adrian for secretary. Voting will be By Harvey Bingham held on Tuesday. ANNUAL INITIATION • Editors Note: This narrative N. H. S. BOY SCOUTS GIVEN description was selected from SENIORS AMBITION RANK ADVANCEMENTS Eleven Admitted To Student the senior English class as be Zelda Brown is 11 years old. She Athletic Organization The Nyssa Boy Scouts attended a ing worthy of special recogni was transferred from Ontario at court ol honor Sunday night. tion. We are printing it in the Initiation of new lettermen was the beginning of her senior year. school news so that the students Dick Tensen, Jim Cook, Robert Zelda has taken 4 years of dra may read it.) Brown. Elton Council, Chester held Saturday evening at the school matics. Ambition, nurse. The morning sun came up over Council and Lyle Miner of troop 19 house. Houston Wilson, 18 years old, has were advanced to the rank or sec Those initiated were Willard gone to Nyssa high school for four the hill, sending long fingers of light through the tall pines. Here ond class scouts. Harvey Bingham Whitman, Norman Cram, Raymond year and is a football and basket were glorious radiant rays of of troop 56 completed his require Morfltt, and Ken Lewies, football; ball letterman. Ambition, civil en warmth, sent to raise a cloud of ments for the rank of Star scout Bill Wilson, Frank Wilson and gineer. dense steam from the forest floor. and was awarded merit badges In Wren Ensminger, basketball; Stew Ivan Aufderhttr is 21 year old and Here and there a chipmunk or a carpentry and scholarship. Several art Schweizer, and Gerald Warren, was transferred from Fort Morgan, squirrel would sramper over the scouts from both troops completed track; Charles Short, and David Colo., in the spring of '39. He is an dead leaves, chattering incessantly. their tenderfoot requirements. Green, baseball. active member of the band. Ambi From within the depths of the for. Rev. Allen form Frultland gave a Merle Kurtz, president, was in tion, mechanic. est, came the twinkling laughter of talk on “clean living.” Ray Lewis, charge of the initiation. Those on Lovaine Ridder is 17 years old scoutmaster of troop 56. Grant the planning committee were Claud and transferred from Caldwell last the little brok, as it rolled its way Myriad sounds Rhlnehart, scoutmaster of troop 19, Patterson, Milton Schneiter, Harold year. She was in the all-student toward the sea. echoed from the recesses of the ra Wesley Brown and Rev. Floyd E. [ choat, and Harold Holmes. play and is a member of the glee vines, and reverberated back from White were in charge of the court The initiation started with a mil club. Ambition, designer. the surrounding hills. All was calm of honor itary drill with Mr. Hollenberg in Marianna King is 16 years old. and serene, from the birds in the N. H. S. charge. Following the drill was en r: ed active fr0m COUnCi! ,38 uttermost branch of the tallest tree, Floy Byram was absent from tertainment by the initiates such as - 39. “ She takes part in in glee to the lowlies insect In the thick school for two days beacuse of ill cross question examination, rolling club. Ambition, millionaire. spongy humus that carpeted the ness. a ball with the nose, and blind box Anne Marie Johnson is 18 years floor. A verttable sportsman's old and transferred from Rogue paradise, and a picture to make any ing and a few solos. After the initiation refreshments River in '38-’39. She is co-editor of lover of nature stand in awe at the the paper and member of the glee sight. were served in the Coffee shop. club. Ambition. African missionary. N. H. S. . Away over on the other side of Lloyd Cleaver is 18 years old and | the forest runs a busy highway. A AROUND SCHOOL Gib reciting his favorite saying was transferred from Houston, Mo., car comes speeding by, and care about his "Daddy" to the senior in ’37-'38. Ambition. Deslel me lessly a man tosses out a lighted g W e s t ’ s L ea d in g girls Seniors commenting on the chanic. cigarette stub, and goes on, not Doris Hite is 18 years old. She thinking that that act is going to good fun they had picnic day—Doris has spent all four years of high getting knocked out!—Miss Martin cost the government somewhere in giving a shorthand party — Mrs. school life in Nyssa. Ambition, Live the neighborhood of a million dol happily ever after. lars. The stub lies smouldering in Young being pleasantly surprised by Special Tuition Nelda Chamberlain, transferred the humus, when suddenly a little a "chocolate shower"—Biology trips Tile senior day proving too much from Athol. Idaho. She is 17 years breeze springs up and gently fans Ambition. Ain’t got any-Nurse the coals into sudden life. A thou- Send for FREE catalog for Luella—Public speaking stu- ^ Milton Schneiter who is 17 years sand rogues have been loosed to „ dents mumbling about readings and speeches—Willard Smith blushing old, arrived here from Las Vegas prey upon the lnnocent {orest. ^ from being ’’teased’’ so much—Ileta Nev.. in 37- 38. He has been in protector of all animal life is about chasing a humming bird for her school plays and is a letterman to go down in defeat. Crackllng and jß&autu School bug collection—“Bright pants” be- Ambition, Aviation-find his worn- roaring the fire fanned by a strong NOW BEAUTY SCHOOL EX-CEL-CIS sported—Girls playing baseball— Luella’s marriage license—W3 want ing to learn the Gettysburg address. N. H. S. Studen Briefs Frank Wilson is absent from school because of pneumonia. an; .. __ , „ i breeze, now eats Into the forest Juanita Franklin, transferred wlth great blte5 from Payette in '35-’36 at midyear. The animals fly before the dread She is 17 years old. Ambition, ful menace, but it is of no use. The School marm. fire is gaining on them rapidly, and Nadine Crocker, who has been ac they go down. In a very short time, tive in girls sports, has attended all the first is over, and we walk of her high school here. She Is 17 among the charred ruins dolefully. years old Ambition. Go to Hono Here, where once stood a gigantic Bernice Davis was absent for two lulu. forest, is a mass of smouldering days while working at home. Ruth Flanary is 18 years old and ruins. Scattered throughout the has attended Nyssa high for four blackened terrain, are twisted bod years. She has been active in girls ies of what were once deer and elk sport and was a yell leader this and moose. The carpet was gone, Attend past year. Ambition, Grow taller. and ns the black stumps jutted into N. H. S. the sky, they gave grim premoni Stiffness nr Dignity tion that never ngain would they Those seniors! In the limelight harbor any wild creatures in the again. It seems as though a group cool shady glens. at of seniors who are supposed to act A man had loosed the red demon, dignified tried to crowd all the ex and it had done its work. citement of Boise into one short N. H. S. day. As a result, several of those seniors came back to school the Baeealau-eate Scheduled next day walking very stiffly in Bnccalaureate services for the deed. graduating seniors will be held in As a warning to the juniors, who the Methodist church on Sunday Boise, Idaho will be seniors next year, the senior afternoon. May 21. victims suggest that they take their N. H. S. D A T E S:— fun by stages rather than all at Faculty News once. Ronald Walk was elected to the N. H. S. faculty of La Grande public schools Exams Scheduled for Teem and The semester exams are to be for the coming year. given on May 22, 23, 24 and grades will be given out on May 26. Those Tack Team at Meet— New Classes in all School Superintendent Leo Hol who have an average of 2 or better will be exempt. Seniors were to have lenberg with Mr. and Mrs. John finished their exams by tomorrow. Young and Art Smith will take the Nyssa track team to La Grande on N. H. S. Including Betty Glass has recently been out Saturday morning where they will of school while working at home enter the track meet there. MAIL COUPON NOW Excelcis Beauty School. 113-115 So. 9th St. Boise, Idaho Please send free catalog. Name .......................... .......... Address .................. ................ City ........................ State SUMMER SCHOOL LINK’S OPENING School of BUINESS M ONDAY, JUNE 5 M ON D AY, JUNE 12 COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS • Bookkeeping and Accounting 0 (JreggShorthand raught Bv The FUNCTIONAL METHOD 0 Typewriting and 0 Stenotypy The A Good Country NEEDS Good Insurance MACHINE W A Y IN SHORTHAND REMEMBER — Link’s System of Training is standard in every way— Expert Experienced Instructors; Up-To-Date Machine Equipment plus earnest conscientious students makes for a combination which en able us to GUARANTEE POSITIONS to all who com plete our regular combined Business Course IN GOOD COMPANIES W E H A V E THEM! FIRE - AUTO - WOOL Our Monthly Tuition Rate is now reduced $2.00 per month as compared with one year ago. Call, Phone or Write NOW for Full Information N YSSA REALTY Phone 53 Bonds The Merry Matrons club met Wednesday at the home of Emma Pitkins with Martha Rood assist ing. Thirteen members answered roll call with something pertaining to mother. During the afternoon each one embroidered a quilt block for the hostess. Guessing contests furnished the entertainment with Nova Glenn and Elizabeth Ashby being awarded prizes. The club will meet May 17 at the home of Virginia Rookstool with Anna Whit man as co-hostess. Mrs. J. B. Smith, Mrs. George McKee, Mrs. F. G. Holmes and Mrs. F. C. Fry attended the P. T. A. tea at the C. C. Cotton home in King- man Kolony last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. H Whitman and Roland made a business trip to Ontario Thursday. A daughter. Sally Lorraine was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Gregg at Ontario May 1. At a meeting ofi the different schools last week it was decided to hold eighth grade graduation exer cises in the new Oregon Trail audi torium Thursday evening, May 18. Wyatt and Archie Smith, J. H. Ulrey and Ewen and Earl Chard were in Vale on business Wednes day. Mrs. J. E. Brown and Miss Ala- dean Mills called on Mrs. Ewen Chard and Mrs. F. S Byers Satur- Mary Lou Thomason has the measels. Mrs. A. H. Shoop visited at the Wyatt Smith home Sunday after noon. BIG BEND Rates lc per word,per issue. Minimum charge 25c CASH IN ADVANCE For Sale FARM LANDS ■> * I* STAR HOTEL. Room and Board. Reasonable Rates. Three blocks 160 ACRE R a S c H with 76 acres on the ditch, small house, and barns, north of Main on First street. 27Atfc electricity. Mail and school busses to pass in front. Call Journal. 5M2xp For Sale STOCK For Sale or Trade AUTOS and TRAILERS LARGE Truck bed, for hauling chopped hay or produce. Good PAIR PERCHERON brood mares, age 9 and 10, weight 3200, or pair condition. Ira R Ure, Phone 06J2. 23Ftfc 4-year-old mares, gentle, sound, well broke, weight about 3200. E. H. Strickland, Nyssa, rt. 2. Lytle Blvd. For Sale ',i mi. S., C.C.C. camp. llM2xp MISCELLANEOUS COCKER PUPS. Call Ontario 68J, PLENTY OF used filter canvas. In or write box 307. 4M2xp quire main office of Sugar Fac 4M2xc 3 WHITE SAINEN fresh milk goats, tory. 2 years old. 3 Tagonburg fresh milk goats. Lewis Tuttle, 2*A miles For Rent east of Nyssa in Apple Valley. CITY PROPERTY 4Mtfc FOR RENT—4 room, brick house. TWO HEIFERS two years old. To shade trees. Barney Wilson at freshen soon. Jim Boor. 4M2xp | Wilson Grocery. 20Atfc _________________________ Stray Animals 4 ROOM AND screen porch cottage. Nice cellar and water and sink SORREL MARE, smooth mouthed. and cupboards in kitchen. H. F. Wire cut on front foot. If seen Brown or call Journal office. 20Atfc notify Doc Raffington' Cow Hollow, route 2 Nyssa. llM tfc Wanted GARBAGE HAULING. Also odd jobs by hour day or week. Prices reasonable. Call J. G. Coil, A1 20Atfc BABY Chicks. Hatching every Thompsons feed store. Tuesday and Friday. We do cus GARBAGE hauling of any kind. tom hatching. Get our prices. Call E. J. Steinkc. Phone 47. Thompson’s Ontario Hatchery. 3Jtfc 23Ftfc For Sale Poultry —according to factory 1C specifications-- POWELL SERVICE STATION NOTICE Maty Norcott. daughter of Dr. and Mrs E D. Norcott is confined to bed with a severe cold * ROOM and BOARD Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and Bobbie of Adrian were dinner guests in the E. E. Parker home Sunday and both families spent the after noon at the dam. For Sale Miscellaneous Mrs. Elsie Welsh was a dinner MACHINERY guest in the E. E. Parker home F U R N I T U R E UPHOLSTERING Thursday evening and Iola Parker and Repairing. All Work guaran JO H N b E fe R E . Model " A 1 and Phyllis Haworth returned to teed. Canvas. Dalton Tent and Tractor. Used one season. Caldwell with her and were over Awning Co. Payette. Phone 157-J Mechanically in fine condi night guests at her home. 16Mtfc tion. 2 sets wheels, rubber and Keith Eachus entertained a num skeleton. Terms. Baldridge ber of his friends at his home Local and Long Distance Implement Co. Nyssa. Thursday evening in honor of his HAULING birthday Phone 72W ONE 10-gallon visible BOYLE- Mr. and Mrs. George Swigert Lawrence and Barnett DAYTON Gas Pump. 1 550-gallon spent Friday at the home of their 4Mtfc metal gasoline storage tank. Cheap. son Wilford in Fargo. W. B. Hoxie. 26Jtfc Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach SHEEPMEN ATTENTION! It Will were week end guests of their son pay you to see or phone J. JOR- Rex in Pendleton. LINCOLN MULOWSKE and SON, Weiser Mr. and Mrs. Ed Abbl and fam Phone 504, before you sell. We pay There is to be a P. A. T. business ily left Saturday for a visit with highest market prices for Pelts. relatives at their old home in Can meeting at the home of Mrs. Tom Wool and Tags. 2Ftfc Pettit. ada. Mrs. Lincoln Stepp is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan left SHOE REPAIRING home of her daughter, Mrs. Sunday for a couple of months visit the in the east. They will visit relatives Lawrence Stauffer in Fruitland. Only Highest Grade Material Don Markham has the measles. in Illinois, their daughter, Mrs. used Mrs. Eva Knox of Ontario was Grover Lee in Yonkers New York Work Done While You Wait and also the World Fair in New a Sunday guest at the DuPre home. ABBOTT’ S SHOE SHOP The Charlie Willis’ bus driver York. Next to Nyssa Cafe E. M. Hauser visited Wade school through the Lincoln district gave 16M last Wednesday and reported that his annual bus party at his home Dwain Hatch was awarded a shol- near Ontario. Games were played arship by Ontario Commercial club and cake and ice cream were served. BRAKE WORK—Let us put your car or truck brakes in first class Mrs. Calvin Taylor and family for his work in 4-H club last year. Special equipment un;l Mrs. Ferris, county nurse examin are occupying the house recently condition. ed 4-H health club members and vacated by the Whit Redsul family. trained men at your service. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone 56W. Iola Parker and Keith Cameron The latter moved to their home- were selected to compete with oth sead leaving their 2 daughter in er winners at the county meet in Ontario to finish school. Long and Short August when the winners will be Distant Trucking awarded a trip to the state fair. C attle to P ortlan d— Dick Smith The Wade baseball team will play O. Z. Mathews left on Friday Phone Nyssa 43 Big Bend at the park Tuesday. morning with a car load of cattle 2F10xp Last Friday the pupils in Mrs. which he sold on the Portland Welsh’s room attended the track market and returned home on Wed meet in Vale, Lilly Stiner also rep nesday morning. WANTED—All your welding Jobs resented Wade at the spelling con Mr. Mathews reported the mar We promise good work and fa:r test. ket ns “steady," and Improved over prices. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone Mrs. Anna Sparks and her pupils the previous week. 56 W. and their parents enjoyed a picnic at Big Bend park Friday afternoon. Wade In club enjoyed a weiner roast Thursday evening as a last get-together meeting for the school year. Mrs. Elsie Welsh and Mrs. Anna Sparks have been elected to teach in Wade school for the coming year. Thursday evening. May 11 will be Spring calls for a lighter grade achievement night, for the pupils at Wade school. At this time awards of grease in your car. Every car will be given for accomplishments greased according to scientific in 4-H clubs. E. M. Hauser will pre grease chart. sent the awards. School closes Friday, May 12 and the pupils, parents and friends of Wade district are celebrating with a picnic at the Caldwell park. Phone 76 2nd. & Main Sts. Mrs Rene Nightingale of Ontario was a guest in the Phelan home Saturday. Mrs. Dyre Roberts and son spent the past week visiting her parents in Meridian. On Thursday evening she attended the May fete in Nam pa Mrs. Earl Sparks and son of Yakima were Sunday callers in the Parker home. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hobbs are moving to Roswell having rented one of the Steel cottages Mr and Mrs H R Hatch. Mr and Mrs B G Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and R. S. Grant attended grange meeting at King- man Monday Mr. and Mrs Arch Parker were I Sunday guests In the La Rue home j in Vale Thursday evening. May 18 joint graduation exercises will be held at { Oregon Trail school at 8 o'clock Schools taking part are Big Bend. Wade Adrian. Owyhee and Oregon Trail. Dm**titer III— Notary C LA SSIF IED ADS 1939 Dog Tax Now Due And Payable To A .V .C O O K Chief O f Police MalesS 2.00 Females$ 3.00