Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1939 SW'i. S W 'i 7; Acres, S',. $60.00. I Lots i's A * - pn.o I Lo »3 i's prlce Ad- Lots 4 iditlon 1.00. l Lots I's price Ad- Lots 6. 0. Town- Lots Town- 19 00. i The Ml Lot jwnsite jots Ori- 11, >0 i, price n Lots Irlglnal $ 10.00 Lots 1 ts 1, 2 Town- 00. n Iverside Lots $35.00. Lots 7, 5 no. Addi Lot 29, dditlou i Lots Terrace intano, a Lots Terrace intarlo. Lots 7 ownslte Lot 21, ition to Lots 5 Lddition Lots 7 lddition a Lots >pe Ad ii. I 0 Lot Vale, 8, Lot 14, lddition Lots 1 lddition Lots 1 Town- 1 $10.00. Lots 18 1, Hock tlon to NN, Oregon. IRS IT OP N FOR [EUR. :ate of d. the by of the eceased, to the having ;ased to ecessary fter the this no- ersigned fice the selects s le to said all AD. tate of e Will id April 1939. BIDS ived by in High Malheur the of- Oregon, 939, for nd Mis- Union len School and :ly read he time be con form of : ilerk exain- of Adrian. Oregon, ¡cations, I at the Adrian. Oregon. oslt for be ro- r within ceipt of be re exceed- xtuction stum of ondition date of npanied rs check d surety payable not less bid. State of o reject »ive in- his bid opening ontract. •d for a It Oregon, No. 4 lirman. 1939 1939 IRS ien ap- of the eceased. ich. All nst ent said the under- County, the af rom this RD | Estate 939 ». rll 1939 president from Haines. Mrs. Leming Alma Day was a dinner guest at current of the Snake. Tis not worth Ostrom last week about the build bU LN A VISTA OWYHEE gave a very interesting talk on “the Mr. and Mis. Ivan King of Los the Paul Tuttle home in Nyssa Sat the chance. ing needs of this community and he child.” And too we didst last week join didst say that many were the re Anfteles, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. King urday. school is quite proud of adolescent Mirs Harold Fivecoat, president of Kansas and Miss Leta King of Mr. and Mrs Alva Goodell and the early morning crowd which pairs, remodeling and new build her Owyhee contestants in the track meet at watched a might-have-been-danger ing that is going on and that at his Vale last Friday. Georgia Hillrs, 6th of the pre-school group of the Red Bird Kentucky, called at the C. family were Sunday dinner guests Butte district gave a very C. Wyckoff home Friday. at the O. E Cheldelin home ous fire die out through the quick [ Nyssa Lumber yard they do have grade placed first in the 50 yeard j Mitchell interesting outline oi th»1. work Gladys Florea and Opal Robbins Mr and Mrs. Claude Day and action of our volunteer fire depart what it takes and on a loan plan dash and Bert Garner 6th grade, coming year. ment and didst hear on every side tat will be hard to beat. visited at the H. L. Day home Gerry and Mr. and Mrs. HarcAd in the 75 yard dash and second for The the Pclly Robbins were Sunday dinner guests Anna club held their Thursday only praise for their work. The de Came the hot days and tire oil in in first running broad jump. Bonna partment co-operates and works as the family jalopy disappeared like Franklin place third in standing regulai meeting with Mrs. Bill Alva Goodell Jr. attended the or at the H. L Day home. efficiently as a trained crew and the butter on the hot cake. But twas broad jump. Thea Garner, 8th grade Toombs Wednesday. Tne club gave ganizing of a 4-H pig club at the Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and shower for Mrs. Iia Price at Ritter home Saturday. children attended a family diner at with their limited 'equipment tis the time had come for a took second in the 75 yard dash and a this stork meeting She received many Mr. and Mis. Leslie Topliff were the Russell Cochrum home in Nyssa amazing what it accomplishes. But because change in the grade of the stuff standing broad jump and Sammy Vale visitors Monday. Sunday. they cannot work miracles and if and not because the old jalopie wast Pullen 8th grade was second in the lovely gifts. Miss Agnes Nichols of Wilder each property owner would keep all on its last jump. But when tire 100 yard dash and running broad spent the week end with her moth refuse and rubbish from accumu at the Powell service station Jump. Mrs. Mary Nichols. lating and if the city council’s fire crew drained and flushed it and p. T. A. members who attended er, Mrs. Lily Bach returned home zoning ordinance be heeded by had refilled with the summer oil it didst the special meeting in the Kolony every one, much will have been run as if by magic and the oil didst at the home of Mrs. C. C. Cotton Monday from Kansas, where she been visiting a daughter nnd done to eliminate the possibility of serve as it should. Mesdames J. B. Coulter, Lewis has family. a major conflagration. For be not What if summer doest bring hot were Skinner, Bertha Culberston, Earl deceived if the same wind had days more washing and hours over Strickland and Martha Klingback. Dorothy and Betty Jean Toombs For Safer and Wider Coverage blown at dawn as blew at dusk i on the canning jars, it too brings long From the pre-school group at were Sunday dinner guests of Elea last Wednesday, Nyssa’s business, sunny days just made for picnick Mitchell Butte were Mesdames T. nor and Leona Dutton. SEE US district would have been in ashes ing. Days when the busy mother M. Lowe, Iva Fivecoat and Ernest Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mai tin were Boise shoppers Saturday. ere the flames were stopped. INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE fill the lunch baskets in the Smith. All members considered it a Frank Fredericks returned from Twas a happy bustling throng j can very worthwhile meeting. Owyhee early morning and be off on a dis that crowded the stores on Satur- j tant Jaunt for the day, with her Unit was awarded a membership San Jose, Cal., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft were day, taking advantage of the un- j family. Tis then that a supply of certificate. Nyssa, Ore. Phone 97 usually fine bargains that the Nyssa lunch snacks and fruit juices, can The Owyhee Community club will visiting in Nyssa Sunday. Mrs. Susie Johnson of Snively merchants had advertised, and we ned, be a welcome addition to the be entertained at the regular meet were among them and didst greet family larder and at the Ramsey ing Thursday, May 18 at the home Hot Springs has been visiting at the C E. Elliott and Berthyl Cov- more than one friend in from the and Cash market they do have a ! of Mrs. Ray Franklin and Mrs. erhill homes. country. Friends we seldom see ex fine lot of both on hand. Kygar will be assistant Bill and Jack Elliott are thinning cept when business brings them to •Tis a smart sophisticated little Florence beets. town. And twas a visiting time for shop that the girls at the Model hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Ness Hatt and son Mrs. Chas. Bower s received 100 all. shop do now have since they j Donald went to Ironside Sunday to chicks Wednesday. ’Twill be a hot bath that the | Dress moved into the big residence! visit Mrs. Hatt’s sister, Mrs. Gordon Mrs Hendricks of King Hill has family wilt be wishing for ere many have just east of the Idaho Power build Dickson and to look after cattle been visiting in the Frank Newbill more weeks but the thought of a hot ing. they have on pasture there. home. fire in the stove to heat water wilt j Mr. and Mrs. J. B Coulter enter Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hill were hosts take all the pleasure away from the i And the stock is as new and mod tained at a birthday dinner for | at a pinochle party Saturday eve summers slash. For when the last ern as the spic and span display S. T. Calhoun Monday. ning. guests attending from the drop of hot water is gone the house rooms themselves. Tis a smart new Mrs. Miss Tilly Truelson left Saturday | Kolony were Mr. and Mrs. Bob wilt still be hot from the fire. But lot of summer house coats they re morning for her home in Portland, Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holton. an electrical hot water tank is as ceived on Friday’s train. Look as after a weeks visit at the Wm. Peutz j Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft, Mr. cool to have about as the refriger though they had been planned es home. and Mrs. Bill Toombs and Mr. and for this country. ator and takes up even less space | pecially a grand sale that the Gol- j Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin took Mrs. Conrad Martin. and the cost of installation be less den Twas Rule store put on and is con seme calves to pasture near Fruit- The pupils of the 5th, 8th, 7th as well. And at the Idaho Power tinuing to put on through this week. land and visited the Bill Toll family and 8th grades attended play day company's store they do have some! Fine in Vale Friday. Besides the bus Mr. at prices so low that they Sunday. on display in different sizes and willl stock not be duplicated soon again, Mr and Mrs. Howard Evans en and Mrs. McPartland. Mrs. Hinton. finish. And thou wilt be surprised tertained at dinner Sunday for Mr. Mrs. Doty and Mrs. Martin furnish in any town. how easy they are to pay for. do hear that at lost the I-O-N and Mrs. John Westfall and daugh ed cars. Kenneth Elliott was second Already picnic time has caught | is We to be completed and that ere j ter and for Mrs. Daisy Mullen of in the high jump for the 5th and up with us and soon now every j autumn 6th grades. Albeit Dunbrasky was comes again the way will Ontario. mothers thoughts wilt be on can be finished over this short route! Mrs. Frank Crawley and daugh second in the high Jump for the 7th ning. Preparing fruits and veget to the southlands. Besides a good ter. Marguerite of Ontario were and 8th grades. ables for a coming winters use. And | end guests at the Chas Brad The Kingman and Adrian schools tis the time to take stock of the j road to be provided, the drive will be j week have an enrollment of 137. The end tiling that wilt have to be replen shortened also so that the once long ] ley Mr. home. Henry Peutz of of the school year will be celebrated ished for when the harvest time is tiresome trip to distant points will) Payette and were Mrs. guests Thursday of with a picnic at Big Bend park on at hand there is apt to be a short be shortened many miles and can his brother Wm. Peutz. The> the 17th. made unless evil luck doest be- j age of just the things needed at the | be This year, on Mother’s Day, telephone your brought their new car over for in Mr. and Mrs. McPartland, Miss one in a single day. most inopportune moment. We do j fall Shop mother. She will thrill at the sound of your with Journal ad-1 spection. Betty Nelson and Miss Eulah Brat remember last summer when we vertisers in and Nyssa not waste your Hazel Huffman and Asa Roberts ton were dinner guests of Mrs. C. voice, for there’s real magic in a telephone call forgot to replenish and there came time and your ye gas will going farther. were Sunday guests at the Lynn Elliott Thursday. back home. Your greetings will be warmer a day when the berries were ready Kygar home. because they will be spoken. Try a telephone visit on Mother’s for the jars and not a jar to be had. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Culbertson Move to Caldwell— That is not until a friend didst Day, Sunday, May 14th — and you’ll want to do it often all DANNER and daughter Betty were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards have learn of our need and supply it from year round. Rates are low during the day and are even guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Slip moved to Caldwell where Mr. Ed the over aboundance of her own (Too late for last week) lower to most points after 7 P. M., and nil day Snndnv in the Kolony. wards has been employed for the store. And at the Gamble store A company composed of F. A. py Mrs. Martha Klingback and past year. Their daughter and hus they do have a fine cold pack can- | Nethken, Johnson and Nelson, all entertained at a birthday band, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sample are ner at a price enabling every thrifty of Boise have organized a company duaghters dinner for Mrs. Earl Strickland now living in one of the new Miller and needy house wife to own one of which will furnish building stone Sunday. Guests were the Klingback Jensen houses west of the highway. her own. for commercial purposes. families. And as for jars and their trim At present they are hauling ma and The Strickland meeting of the Owy mings the Wilson grocery store has terial for the new bridge across hee P. regular T. A. will be at the school long been tops in purveyors of Crooked Creek on the I-O-N cutoff. home Friday afternoon, May 12. them. And verily they of know F. A. Nethken left for San Fran what it takes for best canning ser cisco last week where he will visit vice in these parts. the fair. KINGMAN KOLONY And with the warm days comes Bow Downs is running horses the call for cooler housings for ones around White Horse for a short Leonard Nichols returned to Cor pedal extremities and at the new time. vallis after spending a few days In Atkeson store at Third and Main Mr. Crosby is building a service the Kolony with home folks. they do have a fine lot of strapped station at the Owyhee river on the The P T. A. tea given at the sandals and pumps at prices that I-O-N cutoff where he will have a ome of Mrs. C. C. Cotton was well do be a saving indeed. So low are general store and cold drink stand. attended by women from several they in cost that one can afford a adjoining districts and the Kolony. pair for each color combination of Day in Boise— Mrs. Toombs sang a song, “Moth costume. Well made they are and of Mrs. R. J. Davis and her daugh er McCree," after which Mrs. Roehr materials that do bespeak of extra ter. Mrs. Arthur Cochrum who is county president spoke, then she visiting here from Grants Pass, introduced the main speaker of the value. And we didst speak with John spent Monday in Boise. afternoon Mrs Leming, district vice T Ye Snooper’s Column Things About Nyssa’s Shops Up betimes and about our chore on Friday morning and was greeted first thing by the news of the trag edy which struck this community during the night. Unbelievable it seemed at first That the surly Snake should take its yearly toll of human life from among those so full of youths vigor and ambition. Taylor Gudmundsen had been our friend and business neighbor since first he came to Nyssa. Honorable generous and cheery always. He made a place for himself in Nyssa that will not soon be filled and friends who will not soon forget him. Kenneth Crist we did not know, but those who did, loved him much, and he too will leave an empty place among his Nyssa neighbors. Tis a relentless cruel and imper sonal force expressing itself in the muddy swirling waters of this river as it curves its way through the valley and along the Idaho bluffs Just east of town. And yet 'tis lovely too. Tall trees and flowering shrubs and blossoms of every hue from March till late autumn crowd lushly along the banks. Innumer able birds nest there, beavers build their dams and in its deep waters the fish thrive, which in these lean years have been meat for hungry people. To watch a white heron follow its course along the mirroring waters into the setting sun is a picture for a masters brush. But to take chance in the muddy stream that flows in places with the speed of a mill race, 'tis folly. But last week we watched from the bank a huge log floating midstream suddenly sucked under ns tho by unseen hands and was not seen again for several minutes, when it bobbed up a half block away in a whirl pool, was sucked under again and disappeared entirely. No man, not even with the strength of a could have es caped alive had he been in the stream instead of the log. And now we are hoping that the lesson of this recent tragedy will not soon be forgotten and that not again will anyone tempt fate and take a chance in the malicious eddying Professional Cards DR. J. C. BOWMAN Veterinarian NOW W O O L IN SU R A N CE FRANK T. MORGAN Wlif, Boy Always Telephones VftsL on Mothers Day Malheur Home Telephone Co. VETERAN BARGAIN HUNTERS Shop Electrically! Phone 39W NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian Mrs. S. B. Davis cut Stop-and-Go 25% Everyone enjoys a bargain possible! CITY TRANSFER TRANSFERRING and . but we all want the best bargain Your cheap electricity offers you the biggest bargain you can get. Your low, "step down" rates make it possible to add elec tric appliances to your home, increase the comfort and con venience of your whole family, while the cost of the electricity you use nets cheaper and cheaper all the time. TRUCKING Phone 15 and Phone 28 V. KLINKENBERG OPTOMETRIST ••See MrFall and See Better" That's why veteran bargain hunters shop electrically know it offers them the biggest bargain possible they That's why we say, "use your cheap electric service freely," just as hundreds of our customers are doing every day. DR. J. A. McFALL A* EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON YOUR JOY OF LIVING. WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREGON DR. Chiropractic C. A. ABBOTT Physician Physio-Therapy Phone 25 Office: 3 Blocks Soath of M. E. Church The flagt, in maritime eoJe, mean “/ am giving way" Super-Shell Saves on Stop-and-Go Join the Shell SHARE-TH E-ROAD Club — Get FREE emblem for your car at your Shell dealer’s SHOW YOUR COLORS in the nation-wide crusade to rid the road of “ Screwdrivers.” Traffic authorities say this will cut Stop-and-Go 25%. “Share the Road” and Super-Shell both save on Stop-and-Go. 'Dotvn YO U R ELECTRIC R A TE IDAHO GROWER &edhictÙj. to** So MUCH Cv.ts So LITTLE!