NYSSA G ATE C IT Y .JOURNAL, TH U R SD AY, M A Y 4, 1939 The Gare City Journal / lf* w À -C S L O r e Gioii P u b l i s h | c [ PER I A T I ON W IN IFR E D BROWN THOM AS - - • * Owner IA )UIS F THOM AS - - - • Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN P O LIT IC S AND R E LIG IO N. O P T IM IS T IC IN D ISPO SITIO N W ITH NO INTERESTS T O SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY SU BSCRIPTION RATES • ■ ¡a ...... »} ™ ... ...... »100 One Year SI* Month* 8 n*!stO ctly*in Advancel AD V E R TIS IN G RATES Open rate, per Inch............30c National. Per Inch _ 30c ( .llisMflpds per word ......0le °* Minimum 25c Published every Thursday nt Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at ttie postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United Stales Minis, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879 NYSSA G A TE C IT Y JO U R N A L’S PROGRAM ----- + ------ Completion of the I-O-N Highway. Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Farmers. T V A STATES A W A K E N S of Tennessee and C ITIZE learning what it means to '¿¡¡L ■ * t y , ì ' -, •/ Alabama are take private power utilities o ff the tax rolls by acquiring their properties in public ownership. They have discovered the unpleasant truth that about all the savings expected to be realized in their power bills will be nullified by increases in their tax bills unless something is done about the situation. When present deals are consum­ mated only about 10'. of the aggregate of one­ time private power facilities of Tennessee will remain under private ownership. Tennessee stands to lose $8,512,000 a year in property taxes as result of T V A and municipal purchases of power company properties. As yet the only offset is “ around $10,000” paid the state by T V A as required under the federal statutes which created the power authority. The requirement is that T V A pay 5'. of gross rev­ enues from electrical sales made from Norris Dam, also a trifling amount on sales from Mus­ cle Shoals Dam in Alabama, computed as made possible hv overflow feedings from Norris Dam reservoir. It is computed that the maximum to which the present tiny “ tax" payments from the T V A dams may grow in the remote future is $025,000. Thus the increased tax load on the state’s tax­ payers would be not less than $8,000,000, grant­ ing that the companies would have experienced a normal expansion of physical properties. Tennesseeans awakened belatedly to the truth that most of the vaunted “ savings” prom­ ised through public ownership of power systems actually are a myth. This is to say, they consist of a subsidy for benefit of ratepayers created by transferring added taxes to shoulders of the taxpayers. This truth, due to painstaking dis­ semination of facts, is well comprehended in Oregon. In Washington it is going to be learned by unpleasant experience. But, anyhow, some leaders in Tennessee have gotten busy on the subsidy problem. A bill has bean introduced in the legislature to exact a 8 '. gross revenue tax from municipal power sys­ tems. Whether it passes or not remains to be learned. This tax, immediately taking away some of the margin of expected savings, would come within $540,000 o f restoring the tax loss to the state. There would remain a tax loss of $(>70,050 for the counties and school districts— Most serious loss and most difficult to recoup. Even if the 3 '. tax is imposed upon municipal power sales, the problem remains of somehow recouping the $1,217,000 remainder of tax losses. For 22 Tennessee cities which have acquired investor-owner distributing systems the annual saving in electrical bills, according to data in Wall Street Journal, is expected to be $300,000. Apparently something wrong with this picture is there not? Why should taxpayers be com­ pelled to increase their contributions $1.200.000 to give the ratepayers a savings of one-fourth of that amount? In Alabama sector of the Tennessee Valley no large power companies have been taken over in public ownership. Big Alabama Power Co., alone this year will pay in excess of $3,000,000 of taxes. T V A has untaxed physical properties in the state equaling those o f the Alabama com­ pany. Under the Government’s magnanimous plan of contributing to local government up­ keep. T V A in 1938 paid the state of Alabama $84,656.45! Authorities state that if T V A were taxed in an amount equivalent to taxes lost on power company properties acquired, as has been sug­ gested in Congress, it would take 50’ c of its rev- The Union High School District price $10.00. Returns f rom Visit— Tract No. 503-A, description 8 ‘a No. 4 in Malheur Counly, State of Mrs Bud Harmon returned Mon­ S E 1,. S E 1. S W 1,. N W 1. S E 1«, Oregon reserves the right to reject day from an extended visit at Bur­ sec. 28. twp 29. rge 45. price any or all bids, and to waive in­ ■ t& t. ley and she and Mr Harman have $80.00. . . 411 formalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid Tract No 504-A. description All taken an apartment on ,Third st. South and East of Jordan Creek after the hour set for the opening Mrs. J. J. Sarazin who left for the in N E 1. and in SE1« N W 1,. sec. thereof, or before award of contract, Dalles and Portland last week was 19. twp 30. rge. 45; SE1, less 3 unless said award is delayed for a Acres more or less West of A n­ period exceeding 30 days. (cined by Dr. Sarazin and Margaret Unon High School District No. 4 telope Unit. sec. 19. twp 30, rge. in Portland on Saturday where they in Malheur County. State of Oregon. 45. price $60.00 Ministers or others Interested In church publicity are invited to use visited with Miss Harriet over th? Tract No 505-A. description N E 1, H R. OTIS. Chairman. the columns ot the Journal to carry important message* and notices week end. Dr and Mrs Sarazin and First publication April 27. 1939 SE 1,. sec 1 twp. 18. rge. 46. price Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday_ol to their congregations Last Publication May 11. 1939. $30.00. Margaret teturned to Nyssa on each week. i a tia i Tract No. 506-A. description North Wednesday. 15 Acres of SE 1 , N W 1 *, sec. 12 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE M ETH O D IST C O M M U N ITY F IR S T CHURCH OF C H RIST twp. 21, rge. 46. price $15.00. IN TH E C O U N TY C O U R T O f CHURCH Tract No 507-A. description NEV« SC IEN TIST TH E STA TE OF OREGON FOR Floyd E. White, Pastor S E 1,. Lot 7. Lot 8. sec. 13, twp. 21, M ALH E U R CO UNTY. 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho rge 46. price $60 00. Mrs. C Teeters, pupaary supt. In the Matter of the Guardianship Tract No. 508-A, description E 'j A branch of the Mother Church, of the Estate and Person of A. B Hahn. Sunday school supt. N E 1, S W 1,. sec. 20. twp. 17, rge A L B E R T HINSCH. an insane per­ the First Church ol Christ, Scient- Sunday school 10 a. m. Lesson 47, price $20.00. son. iest, in Boston. Massachusetts. Tract No. 509-A. description N W 1, subject: Paul Pleads His Own Case. This matter coming on for hear­ N W 1,. N E 1, S W 1, N W 1,. sec. 5, ing on the Petition of Loring T ay­ Scripture: Acts 21:27 to 23. twp. 18, rge 47; E 'j N E 1 ,, sec. 6, lor, Guardian in the above-entitled Subject: Adam and Fallen Man. Morning worship 11:15. Sermon twp 18. rge 47. price $65.00. matter, for a license to sell real Golden Text; 1 Corinthians 15:22 subject: The Great Physician. List of Legal Adver­ Tract No. 510-A. description N E 1, property. It appearing that the N W ',. sec 5, twp, 18. rge. 47, ward herein owns the following des­ As in Adam all die, even so in Epwortli league 7 m Jesse W at­ tisements in this is­ price $20.00. Christ shall all be made alive. cribed property, to-wit: son, leader. sue, as required by Tract No. 511-A. description N E 1, Lots 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Junior league 7 p. m. S W 1,. N 'j S E 1, S W 1,. sec. 6, Block 2, Original townsite. Lots Law. twp. 18. rge. 47, price $60.00. Evening worship 8 p. m. with the 7, 8. 9. 10 Block 3, Original The Wednesday evening meeting, Tract No. 512-A. description S 'j townsite. Lots 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. 10. at which time testimonials of Christ Rev. James K. Allen bringing the N 'j N W 1, S W 1,. S ' j N W 1, S W 1,. 11. 12. 13, Block 5, Original message. His subject will be "Clean lan healing and remarks on Christ­ sec. 6. twp. 18, rge, 47; N 'j S W 1 ,* townsite. Lots 14, 15, 16. Block S W 1,. sec. 6, twp. 18. rge. 47; S ' j ian Science are given, is held at Living." Both Boy Scout troops of 5, Original townsite. Lots 3. 4, S W ', S W 1, less West 7 'j Acres, the town will be our special guests NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY Block 12. Original townsite. eight o'clock. OWNED LAN D S sec. 6, twp 18. rge. 47, price $60.00. South 40 feet of lots 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, The Reading Room is iscateu In and a court of honor will be held. Tract No. 513-A, description Lots Block 6. Original townsite. Lots Pursuant to an order of the 1, 2. 3 and 4, Block 79 Green's Ad­ the Church Building, where the A and B, Block 8. Original County Court of Malheur County. dition to City of Nyssa. price ASSEMBLY OF GOD GOSPEL townsite. Lots 13. 14, 14A 17. 19, Bible and authorized Christian Oregon, dated the 22nd day of April. $40 00. Block 8, Original townsite. Lots TABERNACLE Science Literature may be read, bor­ 1939. I will on th.e 3rd day of June. Tract No. 514-A, description Lots I, 2, 6. 7, Block 14, Original Three blocks South of Main on 1939. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. rowed or purchased, and is open 6. 7. 8 and 9. Block 75 Green's A d ­ townsite. Lots 1, 2, 7. 8, 9, 13, 14. M , at the front door of the County dition to City of Nyssa. price every day from two to four p. m.. ex­ First street. 15, 16, Block 17, Original town- Court House at Vale, Oregon, offer $30.00 site. Lots 7. 8. 9. 10, 11, 12, Block Ernest C. Knull. Pastor. cept Sunday and holidays. for sale the tracts of land herein­ Tract No 515-A, description Lots 4 59, Greens Addition. Lots 21, 22. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. after described and numbered for The public is cordially invited to and 5. Block 65 Green's Addition 23, 24. Block 59, Greens Addi­ Classes for all ages. Mrs. Gene not less than the prices fixed by to City of Nyssa. price $30.00 attend our services and make use of tion. Lots 29, 30. 31, Block 61. said Court with the proportionate Tract No. 516-A, description Lots Honey, superintendent. Greens Addition. Lot 6, Block the Reading Room. cost of publication added thereto. 17 and 18. Block 147 Ward’s A d ­ 64. Greens Addition. Lot 13. Morning worship at 11:15 a. in. Said lands will be offered for sale dition to City of Nyssa. price Block 72, Greens Addition. Lots Young peoples meeting at 7:30 p. to the highest bidder for cash; or $75.00. 8, 9. 10, 11, 12. 13. 14, Block 79, L. D. S. CHURCH all tracts priced at $200 00 or less to Tract No. 517-A, description Lots 6. m. Greens Addition. Lots 5. 6. 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. the highest bidder for cash, and all 7 and 8. Block 78 Original Town- Block 3, Taylor Addition. Lots Evangelistic meeting at 8:15 p. tracts priced at more than $200 00 site of Ontario, price $30.00 11:45 a. m. Choir practice. II. 12. 13. 14. 15, 16. Block 2. m. and not more than $500 00 for cash Tract No. 518-A, .description Lots 19 Teutsch Addition. Lots 3, 4, 5, 8:00 p. m. Evening services. Special meetings now going on or for not less than 20r; cash and and 20, Block 82 Original Town- 6. 7. Block 6, Teutsch Addition. 8:00 p. m. Monday Priesthood here. the remainder to be paid under site of Ontario, price $100.00. Lots 8. 9, 10. 11. 12, Block 6, written agreement with the pur­ Tract No. 519-A. description The meeting. Teutsch Addition Lots 7, 8, Evangelist and Mrs. William chaser in equal installments over a South 10 ft. of Lot 9 and All Lot Block 8. Teutsch Addition. Lots 2:00 p. m. Tuesday relief society Skondeen are now with us. Come period not exceeding 5 years; and 10. Block 205 Original Townsite 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. Block 146. Ward's meeting. 7:30 p. m. M. I. A. meeting. hear the old time Gospel. all tracts priced at more than of Ontario, price $15.00. Addition. $500 00 for cash or for not less than 7:00 p. m. Thursday, choir prac­ Tract No. 520-A, description Lots 11. Special music and singing each all in the City of Nyssa. County of 20'I cash, and the remainder to be 12. 13. 14 and 15. Block 250 O ri­ Malheur and State of Oregon. tice. 7:30 p. m. genealolical class. night. Don't miss it. come and bring paid under written agreement with ginal Townsite of Ontario, price It appearing that the sale of said 2:00 p. m. Saturday primary t|)e (ampy the purchaser in equal installments $50.00 property is necessary and expedient meeting. over a period not exceeding ten Tract No. 521-A, description Lots and that the sale will be beneficial Everyone welcome. years; all deferred payments to 16 and 17. Block 291 Original to the ward; that said ward is a draw interest at the rate of 6% per Townsite of Ontario, price $1000 widower and that the only person ST. P A I L'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH K IN G M A N C O M M U N ITY annum, payable annually; all sales Tract No. 522-A, description Lots 1 interested In said estate is A. O. and agreements to be subject to all to 10. incl.. Block 314. Lots 1, 2 Hinsch. a son, age 38 years, resid­ Rev. Stanley Moore, Pastor CHURCH terms and conditions of Sec. 69-813, and 3. Block 315 Original Town- ing somewhere without the State Church and Sunday School at Ernest Tetwiler. Pastor Oregon Code, and Chap. 402, Laws site of Ontario, price $65.00. Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs M. F of 1937: all lands within the bound­ Tract No. 523-A. description Lots of Oregon and whose address and 9:30 Sunday. place of residence are unknown. It aries of Irrigation or Drainage Dis­ Communion the second Sunu „ j ot Nichols, superintendent. 13 to 19. incl.. Block 1 Riverside Is Therefore tricts to be sold subject to any valid Addition to Ontario, price $35.00. Morning worship 11 a. m. the month. Ordered that A O. Hinsch and assessments made or to be made by Tract No. 524-A. description Lots 7, all persons interested In the estate Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. Guild meets second Wednesday ol said District since the date said 8 and 9. Block 12 Riverside Addi­ and each of them shall appear on Evening worship 8:30 p. m. each month at 2:30 p. m. lands were acquired by the County tion to Ontario, price $15.00. the 6th day of May, 1939. at 10:00 and all lands within the boundaries Tract No. 525-A. description Lot 29, o’clock A. M.. at the Courtroom of Everyone welcome. of the Warmsprings Irrigation Dis­ Block 2 Terrace Heights Addition the above entitled Court In the AD RIAN FU LL GOSPEL f i l l K i ll trict which have been classified as to Ontario, price $15.00. of Malheur County. ( I I I R C H OF THE NAZAKENE in classes 5 and 6, and as to which Tract No. 526-A, description Lots Courthouse Mildred E. Marvin, pastor Oregon, to show cause. If any there said County has heretofore by reso­ 49 and 50. Block 2 Terrace Vern W. Martin. Pastor be, why said license should not be Sunday school 10 a. m. lution dated September 3rd. 1930 Heights Addition to Ontario, granted; it is further ORDERF.D Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. authorized a transfer to said dis­ price $10.00. that this order be published In the Morning worship at 11 a. m. trict of the water rights appurten­ Tract No. 527-A. description Lots Nyssa Gate City Journal for three Young peoples service 7:15 p. m. Message by the pastor. ant to said lands or to be sold with­ 38 to 42, inch. Block 5 Terrace (3) successive weeks, being four <4> Evening service 8 p. m, Heights Addition to Ontario, publications, the first publication Young peoples service 7:15 p. m. out water right. Wednesday, mid-week service 8 price $50.00. Said lands numbered as to tracts being on April 13. 1939 and the date Evangelistic service begins at 8 p. m. and with the minimum prices set Tract No. 528-A. description Lots 7 of last publication being May 4. p. m. and 8. Block 4 Original Townsite Young people Friday 7:30 p. m. opposite each tract or as follows, 1939. Everyone invited to come. of Vale, price $10.00. to-wit: Done this 12th day of April, 1939 Everyone welcome. Tuesday noon, prayer and fasting Tract No 480-A. description. N ' j Tract No. 529-A, description Lot 21. D AVID F. G RAH AM . Undenominational. Block 5 Hadley's 2nd. Addition to County Judge. S 'j . sec. 29. twp. 20, rge. 39. E 'j service at the parsonage. Vale, price $10.00. Attest: (County Court Seal» S E 1,. S W 1* SE 1* . sec. 30, twp. 20. Wednesday evening prayer meet­ PAR M A LUTH ERAN CHURCH rge. 39; N 'j N E ',. SE 1. N E 1. , Tract No. 530-A. description Lots 5 H. S. SACKETT. and 6, Block 17 Eldredge Addition ing, 8 p. m. W 'j N W 1,. sec 31. twp 20. rge. Clerk of the above Court A A. Schmidt. Pastor to Vale, price $20.00. 39. price $120.00. Every second Thursday the For­ By Hilton M. Clark, Deputy. Cantata Sunday. Tract No. 531-A. description Lots 7 No 481-A. description SE 1, and 8. Block 17 Eldredge Addition "O sing unto the Lord a new eign Missionary society hold theii Tract NO TICE TO CRED ITO RS N W 1,. E 'j S W \ . S W 1 . S W 1 ., to Vale, price $20 00. song, for He hath done marvelous monthly meeting. Tire undersigned has been ap­ sec. 2. twp. 17. rge 40; N E 1. N E 1., Tract No. 532-A. description Lots Mrs. F A. Powell president. S 'j N E 1,. sec. 10. twp. 17. rge. 40; things This is the theme for the 26. 27 and 28. Block 11 Hope Ad­ pointed as administratrix of the estate of BERT ALFORD, deceased, These services will be held in the N W 1, N W 1, . sec 11. twp 17. rge. present Sunday. The Lord God dition to Vale, price $15 00. has duly qualified as such. All 40. price $80 00 Tract No. 533-A, description Lot 8, and longs to have men sing His praises, old theatre building. persons having claims against said Tract No 482-A. description S E 1. Block 12 Hope Addition to Vale, estate are notified to present the to worship and adore Him. The S E 1,. sec. 26. twp. 30. rge. 40. price $5.00. duly verified, to the under­ SUNSET V ALLE Y CHURCH price $10.00. message on Sunday will dwell upon Tract No. 534-A, description Lot 14. same signed at Nyssa. Malheur County. Tract No. 483-A. description W 'j Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Block 32 Hope-Holland Addition Oregon, (he subject of singing praises to within six months from the SE1,, sec. 13. twp. 13. rge. 41; W 1: to Vale, price $5.00. At »he Clias. Ditty home. God. We welcome you to attend. E 1-. E 'j SE 1,. sec. 24. twp 13. rge Tract No 535-A. description Lots 1 date of first publication of this Greater interest is being shown. 41. price $80 00. Sunday school at 10 a. m. and 2. Block 1 Nelsen's Addition notice. Dated this 17th day of April, 1939. Tract No 484-A description W 1 • Classes for all ages. Divine service at 10:30 a. m. to Vale, price $20 00 L E T T IE ALFORD, N E 1,. E 'j N W 1 ,. sec 35. twp. 18. Tract No. 536-A, description Lots 1 Lesson study for May 7 "The I f you have no church home we As Administratrix of the Estate rge. 41, price $40 00. and 6. Block 16 Northwest Town- of Bert Allord, deceased. urge you to come and hear the Healing of the Withered Hand." Tract No 485-A, description W 'j site Addition to Vale, price $10.00. First published April 27. 1939. SE 1,. sec. 36. twp. 19. rge. 41. Tract No. 537-A. description Lots 1. Word. Your soul. too. needs the Matthew 12:10-21. Last published May 25. 1939. price $50 00. Everyone welcome. 2 and 5, Block 17. All Block 18 bread of life and the water of life. Tract No 486-A. description S E 1, Northwest Townsite Addition to Come and enjoy this hour of NO TICE OF SH ERIFF S SALE You may be able to live without sec. 17. twp. 21. rge 41; W ‘ j S E 1,, Vale, price $20.00 On the 6th dav of May, 1939. at N E 1. SE 1,. SE1, N E 1,. sec. 32 Christ, but you dare not die with­ study with us. C W. GLENN. the hour of 10:30 A. M . at the front twp. 21. rge 41; W ‘ j. sec. 21, twp. out Him. and you cannot live eter­ Sheriff. Malheur County .Oregon. door of the Court House In Vale, 20. rge. 42. price $160.00. nally unless you have Him as your N YSSA GOSPEL TABERNACLE Malheur County. Oregon, I will sell Tract No. 487-A. description N 'j N O TICE TO CREDITORS at public auction to the highest Savior For your soul's sake. Come! Wm. K. Hoag. Pastor S W 1, S W 1,. sec 15. twp 31. rge IN TH E C O U N TY CO URT OF bidder for cash, the following des­ "A rhangless Christ for a chang­ Sunday school 10 a. m. 41. price $10.00 TH E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR cribed property, to-wit: Lots num­ Tract No 488-A. description N ' j THE C O U N TY OF MALHEUR. ing world " Devotional service 11 a. m bered One ( l i . Two (2>. Five (5» N W 1,. sec. 14. twp 15. rge 42. In the Matter of the Estate of and Six <6». and the Southwest Evangelistic service 8 p. m price $50 00 ERMA R. WADE. Deceased. quarter of the Northeast quarter of Bible reading Tuesday evening. K IN G M A N K O LO N Y L.D.S. Tract No 489-A. description S 'j Notice hereby is given by the Section Six (6). Township Twenty SE 1,. SE 1, S W 1,. sec 23 twp 15. undersigned Administrator of the (20i. south. Range forty-seven <47>. Midweek prayer and worship SUNDAY SCHOOL rge 42. price $60 00. estate ot Erma R Wade, deceased. East W. M . containing one hundred Meets In Kingman Kolony school Thursday evening. Tract No 490-A. description S W 1« with the Will Annexed, to the fifty-six and 43 100 (156.431 acre;, house Sunday nt 1 00 p. m. All are welcome to our services. N W 1,. sec 25. twp 15. rge. 42; j creditors of and all persons having less" the Oregon Short Line Railway S E 1, N E 1,. sec 26. twp 15. rge. 42. claims against the said deceased to Company right of way over and All West and South of Orchards file them, with the necessary across said land being 9 'j acres Water Canal in the S W 1« N E 1« i vouchers, within 6 months after the deeded to said company along the IF WE EXPECT Olili less Cemetery, sec 26. twp 15. rge -.late ol first publication of this no- Snake River, together with 80 42. price $50.00 tice. at the office of the undersigned shares of Owyhee Ditch Company INDUSTRIES TO S U P W WORK Tract No. 491-A. description N 'j at Nyssa. Oregon, which office the stock -W E MUST BUY TRE PRODUCTS S E 1,. S W 1, S W 1,. sec 23. twp 15. j undersigned Administrator selects Said sale Is made under execution BY OUR READERS ige. 42: S 'j S ' j , W ' j N W 1, S W ’ ».j as the place of business as to all issued out of the Circuit Court ■ f PRODUCED I T OUR IN D U ST R IE S', sec 25. twp. 15. rge. 42; All sec. matters connected with the said the State of Oregon for the Count • 36. twp 15. rge 42. price $470.00. i estate Submitted by readers of The of Malheur to me directed in t i e Tract No 492-A. description S 'j C AR L H COAD. case of John Stringer, plaintiff, v Journal and th? opinions may N W 1,. sec 13. twp 16. rge 42. Administrator ol the Estate of George P Ward and Honoré Ward, or may not agree with the S W 1,. W 'j S E 1,. S 'j N E 1,. sec. Erma R Wade, with the Will his wife. Corrlnne M Ward, a 14. twp 16. rge 42: N W 1*. W 'j Annexed. policy of The Journal. You are widow, and Marion M Ward, de­ N E 1 *. sec 23. twp 16. rge. 42. i Dated and first published April Invited to send in your Ideas fendants. Rex Marquis, defendant price $320 00 27. 1939 by order of Court. on current questions Tract No. 493-A. description All sec Last publication May 25. 1939. C W GLENN. 5. twp 31. rge. 42: All sec. 7. twp Sheriff. Malheur County. Oregon 31. rge. 42: All sec. 19. twp 30. ADVERTISEM ENT FOR BIDS First published. April 6. 1939 rge 42: All sec 31. twp 30 rge 42 Sealed Bids will be received by Last published. May 4. 1939 Board and Tiustees of Union High price $640 00 Lvtle A t Swan Vale Oregon, Dear Boys and Girls: Tract No. 494-A description E 'j. I School District No. 4. Malheur Attorneys for Plaintiff. E S W 'j . sec 31. twp 30. rge 43 County. State of Oregon, at the o f­ Didn't you have a good time at fice of the Clerk at Adrian. Oregon, price $240 00 TICE OF SALE Morgan Park last Sunday? wrT9wt*KW 09Kn$ur Tract No. 495-A. description SE1, ! until 8:00 P M . May 12. 1939. for IN THE NO CO U NTY C O URT OF The sponsors of the park want to N E 1,. sec 25. twp 17. rge 44 General School Furniture and Mis­ TH E STATE OF OREGON FOR cellaneous Equipment for Union thank you all for coming We hope price $40 00 M ALHEUR CO U NTY High School, union High School In The Matter of the Estate of Tract No 496-A. description S you wtll feel that you now have a Week End in Boise— sec 35. twp 17. rge 44. price District No. 4 and will then and S ' Hi ” ■ THEODORE ROEDER. Deceased part in the park Remember its Mr and Mrs George J Mitchell $160 00 there be opened and publiclv read Under authority of an order giv­ going to take lots of work, but we spent the week end in Boise as Tract No 497-A description EH aloud Bids received after the time en by the above entitled court on N W 1*. lot 1. E ' j lot 2. sec. 7. twp fixed for opening will not be con- the 5th promise you fun along with the house guests of Mr and Mrs W W 50 day of April. 1939. the un- 18 n o 8 ; N W ', of lot 2. sec 7. j sidered. der signed administrator of said work and lots of enjoyment as the Howell V " K ' « 18. W • rge » fa * » * « »W » » 1, * V iv * * Plans, . . . . specifications . « . . v u v iv iiü n and iiu I form V U t l U of i twp 44: N S - a S - » W of 'l lot, Estate of Theodore Roeder with the “ 2 N ---- — 7. twp ---- •* 18 rge - ------ -— * docl-------- park develops. E 1. S W • 1,. sec contract documents ------- mav • be exam- will Annexed, will sell at private 44 price $55 25 ] inert at the office of the Clerk of sale the following described r<>., Watch the papers for news of the Attend Ball Game— Tract No 498-A. description All lying said Board of Trustees at Adrian. next gathering property In Malheur County. Ore- North and West of County Road Malheur County. State of Oregon, gon: A crowd of Nyssa baseball fans Your Garden Club Reoprter in N E 1, SE1*. sec 3. twp. 19 rge and a set of plans, specifications. The Northeast quarter of took In the night game in Boise on 44 price $10 00 and forms may be obtained at the Northeast quarter iN E '.N E 1. > Tuesday Tract No 499-A. description All oflioe of the said Clerk at Adrian. of Section 25. Township 21. South and West of Malheur River Malheur County. State of Oregon. Stake Conference— Among those going were M r and South of Range 46 E W M . to­ In N E ', S W 1, sec 6 twp 19 rge upon deposit of $2 00 gether with the water rights On S u n d a y t h e congregation ol Mrs Bernard Frost. M r and Mrs. 44. price $10 00 Tlie full amount of deposit for tenements and appurtenances the local I*. D S church will attend George J Mitchell. Art Norcott. Mr Tract No 500-A. description S 'j each set of documents wtll be re- thereunto belonging the sake Sunday school conference and Mrs A Chadwick and M r and S 'j S W 1, . sec 25 twp 30. rge 40 turned to each actual bidder w i t will h i n be _ received by the un- Bids and convention a t Welser. Mrs Dwight Smith. 1 • ,A fr^ , An,*“loP i V * '- ' i me of d em in ed "a t- his office at Nvssa. eral in N '; S 'j S W 1. sec 25 twP> bids. Other depoatts will be re- Oregon, from and after the 5th dav 30 rwc 44 Land Ivin* South of funded with deduction not exceed- of May 193*- and the terms of sale enues to pay the levy. . Antelope Unit in S E V sec. 27. twp tng the actual cost of reproduction are as follows 20^ of amount of 30 T * * * £ .twp 5 piI ,*T " ‘ u p of bid at time of sale and balance of Bonneville project is not required to pay any rge 44: N 'j N 'j. sec 35. twp 30 all documents in good condition price upon confirmation bv th - rte 44: N 'j N W V sec 3« twp within 30 days after the date of Court OT sums to Oregon or Washington in lieu of taxes. SO rge 44. price $120.00. opening bids CART H r o A D This constitutes one more justification for the TY" " I ,N ° * • « - * description N W 1. Each bid shall be .vcompanied Administrator with the will A n - My - „ S S L 15 twP 18 nt? 48 by a cerlifjKl check cash tern check nexed of the Estate of Theodore new Oregon law. requiring people’s utility dis­ price $2000 - or bid bond (with authorized sure tv Roeder Deceased tricts tp pay full ad valorem taxes the same as T r ? t, *02',A ‘* 5 rtP‘ lon Strip comnand as surety» made payable Dated and first published April 6. r t land North of Canal In SE 1. to the owner In amount not less 1939 any other power enterprise— Oregon Voter. SEV*. sec. 21. twp. 18. rge 45.1 than 5% of the amount of bid. Last published May 4. 1939 -CIMI Legal Advertising OPINIONS /