NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1988 non* unit dtprtv# them. WhiU ut rallini pilad iky hi«h wuh paWfl> i ?he. .m' n wom,n tml 041 cUtl iwaatnau and toma ont who A R C A D IA little children will walk the streets grows them 1st to be the lucky one 2M pound#. John Rous# gtn Monday, Oct. 10 which his fa - Criday. He has gone to New Ply- niece Kate ther had sold to Fritz and Smeed. mouth where Mrs. Fierman is criti- business visitors at Ollver Sandy helped him to the to p ' cally 111. and M il. W. W. Balanger of Kansas Galligan were who also grows the largest and will was an over night guest of Mrs Ironside last Sunday. of Road canyon. In the end win that fine prize of Chas. Bullard Tuesday Mrs. B al- Jake Shultz also Fred Reed each Eldorado Grange held another oil and gas that Taylor Gudm und- anger Is a sister of John Vanderpool / successful dance on Saturday the have out a trap line. sen 1st offering at his service sta­ She visited with her brother the Ernest Bush got his deer. 15th aith a large attendance. tion at Fourth and Main. Mrs. Abe Lewelien came up on iii past two weeks and returned home The Silkett thresher Is In this vi­ Soon our thoughts will be turning Wednesday. cinity working on alfalfa seed but stage Friday. She spent Fridt y at But this sort of relief dost not Christmas ward and what to do to the Pumphrey home and Saturday Mrs. Tire W agner visited with has been hampered considerably by tend to make strong men morally stretch the sum we wilt have for at the John Lewelien home. storms. Mrs. Otis Bullard Thursday. or physically. The man who hast spending to make it go all the way Mrs. Lloyd Orris and Mrs. Theo. Mrs. Elmer Molthan accompanied his home and raises his family on around. And to start the shopping Matherly are working in the pack­ her mother, Mrs. J. D. Laurance of Caldwell M an Visits— his own lands each one turning his early 1st one of the best stretchers ing house at Nyssa this week. Prairie City to visit their brother Alva Steward of Caldwell was t hand to the task they, art able to for then we can make many things Mr. and Mrs. Chas Splawn went and son Dave Laurence at Vale who business visitor in Nyssa last F ri­ do will in the long run gain a liv­ While the evenings art long. Besides to V ale on business Friday. is ill. day. Tilings About Nyssa's Shops ing and a satisfaction there in far at the stores the stocks are still new Mrs. A1 Bohy and Mrs. Otis B u l­ Eldorado Grange held Its regular greater than any thing a city can and complete. And at the Nyssa lard called on Mrs. John Zittercob meeting on Friday with a good at­ Visits Here Sunday— afford him. To say nothing of a Pharmacy they have long since put Mr. and Mrs. Bert Roberts and Sunday evening. tendance. Snow lies deep on the mountain family which will grow to man and In their special Christmas order and their son, Wesley and wife, of Big Bill H ipp is digging his beets this sides and the wind there from dost woman hood able bodied and eslf at' all times do carry an especial as­ Bend were guests of the Hunter week. hold a winter chill yet here In Nyssa reliant. Prepared to meet life cour­ sortment of gifts for evary season family Sunday afternoon. of the year. Mrs. Otis Bullard called on Mrs. the roses bloom in splendor and the ageously. W e didst this past week see a A1 Bohy Sunday afternoon. Turns Over Cafe— W ith the first snows of autumn lawns have an early summer fresh­ Curt Ingle of Ontario was at his Mrs. C. W . Long and son were Fred Fierman, owner of “Fred's ness and the mud of yesterday has glistening on the near by mountains merry picture at our Nyssa theatre cow camp on Pole creek Oct. 10. Cafe,” on east Main street, tempor­ dried to a smooth firmness so that we can no longer put winter out of where Mr. Giesentanner 1st ever dinner guests of Mrs. Long's par­ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Oral, Mrs. for the first time in many months mind. For the wind that whips striving to give some thing new and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Bullard Abe Lewelien, Mrs. Ernest Bush and arily turned over the management of the cafe to Dorothy Flock last some of our farm roads be passable down off the snow caps has already better to his customers. Tis a cozy Sunday. son stayed at Mrs. May Pumphrey’s And into the hoppers at the sugar sent us hurrying to the stokers and comfy spot and there be ever some­ Sunday night. factory the sugar beets are poured warmer clothing 1st fast making Its thing for each to enjdy and a fine Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. O ral of La by the tens of thousands of tons and appearance on the highways and picture always. Grande who visited at Mrs. Pum - Ist thine house an old one. Good the crates of green lettuce are sent by-ways. The Ladies club held an all day phrey 3 home a week, left Monday I So comes the time to provide enough for grandfather Jones to through the packing plant to cities meeting at the home of Susan M c- for John Day where Mr. O ral will | When a loved One returns to his or her fa r removed. Tis a happy time in warm understandings for the little raise his offspring there In and his DeRoe last Wednesday with a pot obtain medical treatment. He is last home. You can turn with complete con­ Nyssa and Its countryside when folk and the oldsters as well. For son thy father also. But now times luck dinner. 80 years old but can still bring down fidence to— earths Increase is expressed to its warm and dry clothing do In fact have changed, the old manse hast Election of officers took place re­ a hawk on the fly as several Bonita | fullest and those who have labored be one of the best safe guards warped a bit and shrunk a bit so Thelma Van people witnessed. all summer In hot fields can rest against winter illness. And at the that the door and Its sill do not be sulting as follows: Morris W atts and Edna Graham Phone 72W Nyssa and say to themselves “W ell done." Golden Rule store they do carry on the close terms they were In the Buren president; Nina Nichols vice And while prices have been low and styles and weights that will please beginning and the windows sashes president and Onie W hite secretary came Saturday to see his parents, rattle as with the ague at the first and treasurer. Games were played Mr. and Mrs. W alter Watts. They the monies still art scarce for some, each buyer and at prices that will draught of autumn and the breezes and visiting enjoyed until late in returned to Payette Sunday night, still it is that they have a home bring a smile of pleasure to those whirl about thy nether extremities the day. where Morris has charge of the Utah's cleanest, hardest, hottest and a hope for next year of growth who feel the pinch at the pocket as friendly tho they couldst read A Mr. Taylor from Washington Coffee Shop in the Bancroft hotel. and a promise of better things. Par book right now. coal . . . Quick starting, long O ur first snow fell here Oct. 15. And as to warding off winters Ills the welcome on the door mat ere bought 100 head to mixed beef cat­ better off are we here where food they entered. Then tls high time tle from S. A. Lofton and son. They Mr. and Mrs. W alter Watts, son there be in an abundance and most perhaps no one thing ist better than burning with less soot, lsss ash thou didst pay a visit to the Nyssa were driven to Brogan on Monday Morris and his friend Edna G r a ­ r JESSE KNIGHT do have some sort of home of their proper food of which pure whole Lumber Y ard where John Ostrom ham visited at the Oliver Sandy for delivery. He also bought 30 head list. own, no matter how small. Still tls milk stands supreme ,on the canst tell thee how to close up these of beef cattle from Floyd White. home on Sunday. a roof over their head of which And to buy it from a registered A new shower bath has been dairyman as one doest when ’tis yawning gaps till the door and the They will be delivered to Brogan on installed in the bathroom at the purchased at the Gate City dairy be sill and the sashes be as close to­ Wednesday. an added precaution at no greater gether as two kids under the same W alter Duncan has the record for Carver ranch. umbrella. expense. Pete Smit delivered cattel to Bro- the largest buck to date it weighed Sure and shell gas be known the But Us an ill wind that brings no one luck and so now with the world over for its purity and milage giving qualities in the automotive winter chill will come also the high er sugar content In the silver world and well known it Is here in wedges that do abound here abouts Nyssa and the man Art Norcott 1st 3 and that will bring a smile. If a bit known as well this whole country belated, to the face of many of the side about as the man who sells it farmers in this neck of the woods. at his fine station at Second and And the trucks rolling to and from Main. Sweet potatoes and apples and the factory hum a sweet song of prosperity that a musician might raisins they de remind us of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat holiday season when our grand­ well put into symphony. Glasses Fitted And this same sugar that Is being mothers kitchen reeked with all the Telephone 33 lurned out at the factory by the spices of Araby, and then some, and Saratoga Hotel Bldg. tons can purchased at the Wilson our youthful self couldst be found 620 M ain Street rocery store In dime or hundred underfoot over the end of some C A L D W E L L , ID A H O dollar lots. But so too can all m an­ table in hopes of scraping the pan ner of food merchandise be pur­ of at tit bit. And our heart didst a chased there for It be a large em­ hop and a skip In joyful anticipa­ porium of long standing and high tion of the feast to come. And we were reminded of all this V e t e r in a r ia n reputation In this community. Now we didst chat with or good when last week we didst step into the Ramsey Market and there didst '■lend “B utch" the last week and see so much on hand for feast day e didst say that In an earlier time or the simple fare of every day. when the city was but a hamlet by Shop In Nyssa with Journal ad­ the wayside, when came the harvest vertisers and thou wilt not waste time, the merchants wouldst close thy time and thy gas going father. their stores in midday and all would a haying go and much fun was had by every one. Perhaps more A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K ing return­ real happiness didst abound then than now. But ever the old order ed home Sunday evening from a Western Hotel Building changeth and one must keep step hunting trip near Unity. Mrs. King with the times. So the Nyssa Pack­ was succesful in getting her deer. Guy Ocamica lost one of his good ing company. For now there be a fine large place with the finest of horses last week. It was poisoned by refrigeration and handling equip­ something on the river. OPEN SATU R D AY ment where one can purchase meats Mrs. C. C. K ilbu m and Mrs. C lif­ 2:30 to 7:30 that are cured and preserved In the ford Kinnick were business visitors A LL PAT R O N S W ELCOM E most approved sanitary conditions. in Vale Tuesday. L ib ra ria n ____ Mrs. S. B. Davis But if it be that at thy home Miss Bernice Chaney entertained stead the wife 1st the bread-getter- 24 of her friends at a birthday party helper too and there be little time Saturday afternoon. The main fea­ for cooking at home then there 1st ture of the afternoon was the light­ T R A N S F E R R IN G in Nyssa a grand place to dine ing of the eight candles on the and where they do make a specialty of birthday cake. Bernice received T R U C K IN G twenty-five cent lunches that wilt many beautiful gifts. stick to the ribs of even a hay hand Phone 15 and Phone 28 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright and Mil another meal dost arrive. O r If family visited Mrs. Cartwrights sis­ V. K L IN K E N B E R G it be a dainty bit that one would ter in Prinville over the week end. O P T O M E T R IS T have, this too Is available there, Elmer Stradley was visiting here this place ist none other than the Tuesday showing off the head of the "See MeFall and See Better” Royal Cafe. deer he got on his hunt. W hat with the fall plowing about The P. T. A. met Wednesday eve­ to catch up with the busy farmer ning to plan the oyster supper that mayhap his thoughts do turn trac- will be held Oct. 31, at the school torwards again and if so then a house. trip to the Baldridge Implement Elolse Russell Is on the sick list company wilt stand him in good this week with tonsilitis and M a r­ stead for there Wes Brown dost jorie Gergens has the mumps. traffic in those reliable and de­ Miss Schneiter and Miss Young pendable John Deere which can be were visitors at Jordan Valley over E Y E S IG H T S P E C IA L IS T bought on such easy payments. the week end. O N T A R IO OREGON Now Adam may have been lucky and got his wife out of a rib. we were not there so canst argue that point. But it Is a sure thing that when they started building the family castle they needed some fine Official Tim e Inspector for lumber and so have his decendents Union Pacific down through the ages depended O N T A R IO OREGON upon lumber to fashion theirs. And today the lumber industry has be­ come one of the leading ones of the world and W illard Jackson has ATTORNEY made a study of this industry and And C O U N S E L O R -A T -L A W the peculiar needs of this particular First National Bank Building community and Is at all times able to provide the best that is needed HIS PURPOSE IS TO . . . Phone 66 In building materials for every • Sustain civil libertins and VALE OREGON part of the house. maintain a government which O f the surity the beet trucks are ie i this winter hungry, homeless and hopeless. Till some more fortunate person will learn of their plight and report them to some charitable agency which will give to them temporary bodily relief. Vo Snooper’s Coiumn BONITA IRONSIDE THE SPIRIT SHALL RETURN THE NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Insure In SURE Insurance Harvest worries are over when you have your crops protected in SURE INSURANCE. See us before insuring your hay and grain. Eugene Schreiber, M. D. FRANK T. MORGAN PHONE 31 f LU M BER! F UTAH $PRING CANYON COAL iMniwii COMPANY DR. J. C. BOWMAN Phone 39W MAX S. TAGGART LOWER BIG BEND NYSSA LIBRARY CITY TRANSFER DR. J. A. McFALL WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE ROBT. D. LYTLE THE W ORLD'S GOOD NEW S • Protect labor In Mi right« op- will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Am International Daily Newspaper 1» records for roe Uis world’s clrsn. constructive doings Tbs Monitor does not exploit crime or sensation; neither does It Ignore them, but dealt eorrectlrelr with them. Peeturee for bear man end all tbs family. Including tht Weekly Magazine Section. The Christian Science Publishing Society One. Norway Street. Bottom Messachosrtts Plea«« enter mr eubecrtptlon to The Chrutlan Science Monitor for o period of retr i l l Ou I months M OO J months U SO 1 month I I 00 I n Wednesday issue. Including Magasins Section 1 rear S3 CC S issues 1» • Tost employment » , . move lobo lor Oregon products: improve rural Being eoadMioos. • Develop and uso Oregon« power hi < m people's I Cables Chevrolet Company • Adequate old ago " Sam ple Copy ê e H remen PHONE 62 ONTARIO, OREGON