The Pul’d- \ a t Nyssa, Oregon, er VOLUME, JOURNAL NYSSA No. 32 GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1938 % A Fastest Growing City In Oregon EXAMS TO BE HELD VALIABLE EQUIPMENT ADDED JJQB McCOY REPORTS U. P. ASKED TO HELP FOR PUMP OPERATOR IO LUNCH COI NTER j q n LEGION CAMP SETTLEMENT CAUSE The U. S. Civil Service Commis­ FOR ANOTHER YEAR Home-made candies and ice Bob McCoy who has just returned sion announces an open competitive IHAHO-OREGON LEA( from a vacation, during which time cream will be featured hereafter at W L. Pct. the lunch counter on First Street, 1 he attended the American Legion exmaination for operator, pumping ONTARIO — Nine years ago the W. Clubs Committee Named 5 1 .833 just south of Main, B. J. Pinckney, ' sponsored Beaver Boys State, is station (electric,) seasonal employ­ Vale-Owyhee Land settlement as­ 1 to Nov. 1, for filling Nyssa ........................... .... 5 2 .714 who the lunch counter a most enthusiastic and reports that a ment—April To Contact Firms was organized. It was vacancy in the Bureau of Recla­ sociation .... 5 2 .714 month purchased Boise ago, announced today. Be­ ; the camp is well worth the time their duty to find settlers of 100,000 To Locate Here Payette ....................... .... 4 2 .667 sides adding to the size of the build­ I and effort expended by the Legion. mation, for duty at the Dead Ox acres of land. To find settlers for Pumping station, near Ontario, this vast Weiser ......................... 3 4 .429 ing and remodeling the old part, Boys from every walk of life are to Ore., garden spot meant the and Payette, Idaho, at *120 a ... 3 4 .429 The New Industries committe of Caldwell ...................... ....i 1 6 .143 the new owner has just had install­ be found in the Beaver State camp month. Receipt of applications to formation of an extensive advertis­ ed over *1,000 in equipment consist­ and are offered the opportunity to close on August 27, 1938. ing program. The Union Pacific the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce, | learn, at first hand, the funda- Railroad Co., the cities of Nyssa, v as asked to Investigate the possl- | Vale ............................. 1 i 6 .143 ing mainly of an ice cream ma­ j ; mentals of the democratic form of For further Information and ap­ Vale, and Ontario, and the County bilities of bringing to Nyssa either i The Nyssa ball club will journey chine, a refrigeration storage coun­ ! government. The entire camp is di- plication blank apply to the Secre­ Court of Malheur county were ask­ a milk condensary or creamery, at to Boise^ again Sunday to play off ter, electric stoves, etc. into three barracks which in tary, Board of U. S. Civil Service ed to help. All responded nobly. Hie regular Wednesday noon meet- the first half of the seasons tie and As will be seen by the display I ! vided turn is divided into an upstair and Examiner, Bureau of Reclamation, The Union Pacific, in nine years i i. This committee is composed of lncidently to try and avenge the advertisement in another column, I downstair dormitory. The camp as Boise, Idaho; or the Secretary, have printed thousands and thou­ Messrs Morgan, Mitchell, H-iraztn trimming the Nyssa boys took last Mr. Pinckney will give *2.50 in trade | a whole represents a state, each Board of U. S. Civil Service Exam­ sands of booklets, the cities have to the person submitting the best and Fi tcher. To augument this Sunday. iners, Post Office, Caldwell, or Wei­ raised their part of the money, and for the establishment during barracks, a county and the upstair ser, committee, Mr. Frost, President of When Moore laced out a triple in a name Idaho; or the manager, Eleven­ the county has appropriated from downstair each acts as a city th" Chamber of Commerce asked the last half of the ninth inning, contest which commences tomor­ and The boys must set up their own th U. S. Civil Service District, Fed­ *1500 to *2000 per year for adver­ Mr. A. P. Goodell and Mr. I. B. meeting Dean Johnston's third of­ row and ends Saturday, August 27. government along the lines of a real eral Office Building, Seattle, Wash. tising purposes. Allen, local farmers, who were fering directly on the nose, and i democratic government, such as The Union Pacific thinks perh ips luncheon guests to serve with the Jim Lyke’s near Texar leaguer was FARM TOUR PARTY ! the United States government. the time has come when they might New Industries committee. Both missed by Stone, Moore running The Camp dates were from July HOME MAKERS CAMP withdraw without crippling the accepted and will meet with the home on the play, Nyssa went down VISITS BEET FARM I 31 to August 6. program. committee when it meets in the to defeat before Boise at Public City Government First Formed PROVES BENEFICIAL Last Monday evening August 15 rear future. Guest also at the School Approximately 40 farmers joined The city government is the firs) in the Moore hotel, Harry Peterson, luncheon was Mr. C. A. Larmier, of noon. field, 4 to 3, Sunday after­ the annual Farm Tour of the Coun­ unit The Home-makers of Malheur prominent formed, and in Bob’s unit, the county furniture man Haigle, Nebraska, who has just re­ The game’s loss put Nyssa into ty Agent. This tour started last following really “get the breaks.” On presided at Ontario were elected to offices. a dinner meeting of the cently returned from Sheridan. Ore­ a tie for second place with Boise in Thursday and was conducted by R. Don Gibbons. Kelly Roberts Wednesday of last week 41 women Land settlement association. The gon, where there is a farmers co- the league standings. Ontario is in G. Larsen, which included trips to and Willard Mayor; Councilmen; took their red kerchiefs full of be­ association had as guests Mr. Reed rp-'-itive creamery. Mr. Larimer the top position, after its swamping points of interest to farmers in the Glen Powers, O’Hara. Chief of Police; Ro­ longings and sallied forth on a 5 and Mr. Jarvis, Union Pacific repre­ raid that this co-operative had done of county. Galvin. Fire Chief; Bud Gag- day vacation to the Rest Camp, on sentatives, Frang Morgan, secretary Sunday, 10 to 1. But it wonders since its begining in 1933. has Weiser, Thursday tour took the party bert liasso. City Judge; and Robert Lee. the Payette lakes. a postponed game to play with to The of the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce and felt sure that the same could Payette, the territory around Weiser, and and should it fall before then to Jamison. | Secretary-Treasurer. Free from the struggles and strife was asked to explain the purpose of be accomplished in Nyssa. next Sunday, Ontario, Pay­ The Friday tour started at Cairo I The second day of the Beaver of everyday cooking, canning, and the meeting. Mr. Morgan recited That Nyssa may lose out to On­ Payette Boise and Nyssa will be in the county government was the many things good wives must briefly the history and duties of the tario in this field was pointed out ette, and ended at Jim Lang- State tie with five wins and Junction set up and the State constitution do to hold up their side of the neck association and praised the friend­ when Mr. Goodell informed the a two four-way don’s experimental farm. In this losses. was drawn up, which parallels that yoke, the Home-makers were fur­ ly, helpful attitude of the pioneer Nvssa business men that the Ontar­ Nyssa was included a visit to the H. of the United States Constitution. nished free transportation to and railroad. "The Company” said Mr lost the thrilling contest tour io Chamber of Commerce had re­ on two overthrows Van Twisk wilt proof alfalfa plot, at first base, which is located about two miles The third day was devoted to the from the camp by bus. The CCC Morgan “has co-operated with us cently completed a survey of the committed at critical moments, south of Cairo Junction. The next election of state officers and the furnished a baggage truck which since the birth of the Land settle­ dairy cattle in this section. Just and decision boy Umpire Jim Quick of the state government. by the way was full to the top. ment association. For this we are what the Ontario busines men had of was at the Pete Tensen farm formation not popular with Nyssa stop Has Daily Publication very grateful. But while we ap­ in mind when the census was taken, fans, Boise, Through the splendid manage­ where the party had an opportunity least. The incident occur- to view the sugar beet and the red Not to be outdone by their elders, ment of Izola Jensen, the Oregon preciate the help the Union Pacific no one could say, but it was taken r .: in at the sixth frame, after At­ clover fields on the farm. the boys published their own dally Extension Service, the camp was has given the project, we also feel for granted that a plan similar to kins had grounded to N,elson, * A noonday stop was made at the paper. In its colums was to be truly Camp." Cooks were that the project has materially that of the local Chamber of Com- Worthen had singled and Rasor’s Garret Groot ranch where the lad­ | found all of the latest news, even hired a that "Rest knew calories and helped the Union Pacific. Now we emree was on foot. long drive had been caught by God­ ies of the Nyssa Auxiliary of the to the publishing of a ‘startling’ the ladies had the their pleasure of leav­ are met here to try to convince the Traffic Condition Dissoussed Phillip! next to bat. had two American Legion served the touring trial, with the reporter doing a fine ing the table after each meal company we still need their help; Some dlscusrion was had in re- dard. and two balls called on him. farmers with lunch. j job of reporting the trial, and end­ that “satisfied feeling” and with to urge them to print the adver­ no g-rds to the traffic conditions that strikes The fifth pitched ball appeared to After lunch the pary visited the ing up with the terse remark that dishes to wash. The Home-makers tising booklets for at least another will result from the trucking of be such a perfect strike that Dean Amalgamated Sugar company’s fac­ the defendant was found guiilty had the privilege of studying crafts year.” All who spoke sanctioned Mr. be-ts during the campaign. Re­ Johnston off his glove and tory farm and was shown the trial Along with the general news was a if they so desired. The only rule re­ Morgans remarks and added much routing on King Avenue and Locust the Nyssa threw started toward plots and the results of different I sports column, devoted to the var- quired of each Home-maker at the additional evidence in favor of the street was taken up, but discarded the visitors’ infield Quick’s decis­ | ious phases of sports conducted camp was “be on time for meals." Companys continued co-operation. on the grounds that the beet trucks ion, made after bench. of sugar beet seed. a half minute delay, types during the camp. Mr Reed said that it had been would not create any undue traffic was a ball. Phillipi On the Bill DeGroft farm the Trucks were furnished for sight- reported with party found a variety of crops that Notables Visit Boys State that practically all of the congestion. Ohe suggestion was the next offering for connected seing trips and through the co-op­ scor­ were conceded by all to showe the Judge Donald Long, judge of the eration of the Forest Ranger very land in the project had been set­ marie that the school handle ing Worthen. and a a few triple, moments results of proper farming. Included | domestic relations court was a vis­ interesting lessons on Nature Study tled; that the company thought traffic and minimize the danger to later he ran home on Pahl's safe to the camp and spoke to the the local Chamber of com­ the school children. this farm was hybrid corn, baby itor the Home-makers. perhaps hit. putting Boise ahead, 3 to 2. on boys on the jurisdiction of courts. was Due provided merce could carry on without the lima beans, experimental pasture to the many movie stars and Goddard was the first to score and sugar beets. The real thriller for the boys was of the U. P. But before taktng of curious citizens stirring help Nyssa in the second inning, get­ The Zesiger ranch, near Adrian, the visit of Miss Evelyn Keyes, crowds any definite action, said Mr. Reed too near the original camp site and To Award *1200 for ting a three-base bit. He ran home was visited to inspect a 4-H beef movie actress, who starred in “Sons the desire of privacy of the Home­ “the company thought it best that while Worthen was mussing up of the Legion." Another visitor of makers it was decided to use the we come here and talk things over note was Dr. Bruce Baxter, presi- Per At Fair Beitia’ grounder. Hashitani annex­ calf At project. the association; make a brief the Jim Langdon farm a crop church camp for a with ed another marker for Nyssa in the of ‘strawberry’ clover was inspected. i dent of Willamette University at Congregational tour of the project and accumulate Rest Camp this year. third, raching first on Worthen’s This clover, it is ""ported, is ideal Salem, and State Commander of first hand evidence so that the COUNTY FAIR ARRANGEMENTS error. He pulled up at third on for raising on alkali ground, and the American Legion O. E. Palma- company might have something up­ KEAOY AS DATES APPROACH George Johnston’s s fety and scor­ on which to base a decision for fu­ yet in the experimental stage, teer. NARROW ESCAPE AS ed on Stone’s sacrifice hit. It was while Good Attendance action. “I can assure you gen­ the experimenters are hoping for With the dates for the twenty- the first of the ninth before the big things from it. Starwberry clov­ Atendance at the Beaver Boys CAR GOES INTO DITCH ture tlemen,” Mr. Reed continued, "that I ninth annual Malheur county fair visiting team scored again, tieing er grows, just as the plant from Stateswas good, over 170 boys from will do all I can to help the asso­ and rodeo. September 3, 4, and 5, a the count, 3-all, Dean Johnston's which it takes it’s name, yie straw­ all over the state attending. and the project, but at pre­ Miss Wanda Ure, daughter of Mr. ciation bare two weeks away. Jim Daven­ single driving home the tieing tally. berry, by sending out ‘runners' and can make no promise as to and Mrs. Ira Ure and her friend sent port, fair chairman, and Lee Cald­ ?t was Goddard who performed the then sending down roots. what course the Union Pacific will who is visiting her. Miss Elouise take well, rodeo manager, this week re­ teat, being issued a pass to first by Everyone who participated in the RELIEF COMMITTEE matter The Union Pa­ McKay, very narrowly escaped cific In has this always ported plans virtually complete for Rene. Bush’s and Johnston's safe­ tour was enthusiastic and express­ TO MEET IN NYSSA been friendly to death last Friday when the car in the show, which will be held in the ties brought him home. the Vale-Owyhee Project, Mr. Reed ed the hope that these tours would which they were riding, driven by fairgrounds at Ontario. Boise got nothing but goose eggs be continued and with more farm­ The State Relief Committee will Ure. went off the liignway north of emphasized. Caldwell, himself a world's cham­ until the last of the fourth, Worth- meet in Nyssa on the evening of men attended the din­ Nyssa and landed in the Nyssa- ner Fourteen pion cowboy at the Pendleton n, first up, pulling up at second ers participating in them. September 7. meeting most of whom were roundup in 1915. Tuesday announc­ when teh 6-foot Nelson failed to The purpose of the meeting will Arcadia drain ditch. ofthe Land Settlement as­ ed the rodeo prize lists, with day reach Paul Johnston’s high throw. CREDIT BUREAU be to appoint a successor to Mrs. Miss Ure was negotiating the members sociation. They included. C . C. money in excess of $1200 offered. Taking a long lead-off from second, Ilnndsaker. who recently resigned passing of a truck when her car Hunt, Dr. J. J 8arazin, Frank Mor­ In addition to the day money, he he socred on Rasor’s slow scrifice NOW LOCATED from the position of county rblief went out of control and landed in gan, and Maurice Judd of Nyssa; explained, purses made up of en­ hit to Beitia who was playing many , administration. The county court the ditch, upside down, in about Harry Peterson, Jess Adrian, Bill try fees of contestants will go to feet behind the third baseline. Then The Nyssa Associated Credit Bur­ lias recommended to the state re­ five feet of water. secretary of the Ontario winners on the final day of the Boise forged ahead with the score, eau is now located in its office in life committe Mrs. Dorothy Burgher, Miss McKay has since returned Callan Chamber of Commerce, Ora Clark fair. of Ontario, who at the present time 3 to 2, in the sixth, as related above, the Wilson building, according to to her home in Huntsville, Utah, and Pete Peterson county commis­ Day money for the broncho-bust­ (Continued on Back Page) Mr. W. E. Baker, manager. The bur­ j is acting in that capacity. from where she has written that sioners and the guests. ing will total *300: for the calf rop­ eau opened fpr business last week Mrs. Burgher was in Nyssa she is none the worse from her ex­ The county commissioners point­ ing. $25?; for the bulldogging. *252: end with some 20 members. Mr. Thursday taking care of the dis­ perience, but Miss Ure is confined ed out that the county could not for the saddle horse relay race. $150; FINES DRAWN ON Baker reports that the newly es­ pensing to relief clients. to her bed at home, due to an In­ give as much to the association as for the novelty race, with horses DRUNK CHARGES Arked as to the relief situation fection tablished credit bureau has had a that has set in, from a cut formerly, showing that the county walking a quarter, trotting a quar­ in the county. Mrs Burgher said on her leg. large number’ of inquiries and in was under a much heavier expense ter. and running a quarter. *90; for Three transients were hailed be­ each case has been able to furnish that she estimated the number of with little increase in taxes. They the half-mile race. *60. In addition fore Judge Solomon the first part complete credit information for ""lief clients was about three times were supported by a letter from there will be *2 50 mount money of this week on charges of drunk- each person. i that of last year. TRANSPORTATION Judge David F. Graham who could for steer and bareback horse rides. eness. the arrests being made by the not attend the meeting. Affiliate With National CONTRACT LET As an added attraction. Caldwell local police force. Those arrested The Will Nyssa Bill Callan. secretary of Ontario according to I. O O F ENTERTAIN has announced that a number of j were, Ambrose Ambers, Albert Mr Baker has Bureau, Chamber of Commerce said that he made application ’o IN ONTARIO hand-forged, silver-mounted bridle | Schneider and C. J. Snyder, all of the National Credit Nyssa School District award­ knew of one county in California associa­ The local lodge of the T O. O. F ed The bits, and spurs will be presented in whom were fined *20 but declining tion for membership, Bureau the contract of two additional that spent about *74,000 .per year which will af­ 1 went, to Ontario last Friday night, some of the rodeo events in addi­ to pay are serving ten days each in ford local business ment ratings and took along a novitiate for the bus tfansportation to Mr. Jess for advertising, and as far as he tion to the money prize. Thompson, when the lowest bidder could see. had nothing to advertise, the city jail. from practically every community degree work. Charles Starks, local Seeking to make the show a true ........... Knox Law Violator ............ in the United States. declined to post a bond for the as­ while we have everything to adver­ | plumber. “lower Snake river valley” affair. The State Board of Liquor con­ As a method of keeping a persons O F Steele, deputy grand master surance of a proper performance tise and very little with which to Caldwell announced that winners of his contract. Mr. Thompson’s advertise. agents brought charges against credit rating good. Mr Baker sug­ of the Grand lodge of Oregon was contract of the major rodeo events will be trol calls for transporta'ion of Everyone expressed their appre­ crowned “lower Snake river valley" the proported operator of the Rain­ gested that where a person has a | present for the meeting, during the school children at ten cents per ciation the Union Pacific's co­ bow hotel for violation of the Knox number of accounts with different which an entertalng program wa- mile plus *50 per month for each operation. of and champions. help in advertising Judge Williams heard the case business establishments that care i put on under the sponsorship of the driver. Me-" " hile. Davenport set com- law. the project, and the hope that the taken that such accounts are I Ontario lodge. mitees to work on other phases of and levied a fine of *50 and costs. be The existing contracts which company would assist in the adver­ paid up to date, in order to main­ Ontario Taxi Driver Fined the fair program. Arrangements called for *150 per month straight, tising program for an additional have been made for nightly dances, L. M. Martin of Ontario was fined tain a good credit rating. heid by Mr. Thompson, were chang­ year. Collection Agency and a carnival under the direction *25 anti cost for operating a taxi ed to conform with the one award­ of the White City Shows. Inc., will without an Oregon P. U. C. license In connection with the » ed it ed Monday night. ’ROUND TOWN Judge Williams gave Martin until | Bureau. Mr Baker announced that be in Ontario for the fair. Newspaper lo be Text Book Agents LEGION PUTTING Plans are under way. Davenport the first of September to pay his he will conduct a collection agency The Nyssa Gate City Journal was IN SIDEWALKS announced for a Labor Day parade fine, but warned Martin that if he i for the collection of bad credit ac­ Chamber of Commerce members designated official text book As an intensive campaign of failed to pay the fine the court 1 counts. In addition a public ac­ taking their food at it comes. . . . agents for the as Nyssa The or­ The Nyssa Post of the American cleaning un at the fairground saw would hold him in contempt of 1 counting department Is being offer­ Lloyd Wilson declining the honor of der for the coming schools. yeirs text books I-egion the fair site in readiness for the an­ court and fine him an additional ed to any business firm or profes­ a delivery today completing the Nyssa fans drown­ or for the coming years text books i laying is of concrrte nual three-day show. Bill Callan, *30 on that charge. sional person that desires such ser­ ing out Boise boos walks around at the Sunday will be forwarded to the printers of the Legion hall. Commercial club secretary, an- vices. game. . . Sweet music on the those books the latter part of the Last fall the Legionnaires started nnounced Tuesday that display Miss Wiihelmina Hoffman, pian- breezes again on Wednesday eve­ week. space had been virtually sold out. is and teacher of Parma returned Building Gets New Roof— j laying sidewalks, but due to the ning. . Fishermen talk turning Get Brogan lateness of the beginning of the last week from a two months stay That portion of the Wilson build­ to hunting . Picture not taken— had to suspend the project Leave For McCall— in Chicago where she did post gra­ ing occupied by Bob's Tavern was the Boise ump and manager shak­ Mr and Mrs. Hlghsmith will work The legion hall at the present Mr and Mrs. Bill Adamson and duate woik at Northwestern Uni-1 reroofed this week by the new tin- ing hands after Sundays game . . tench at the Brogan school this I time is the meeting place for the child re" left Tuesday morning for versity school of music Miss Hoff­ smithing firm, the J. E Pade Co Smoke piling out of the Big 8tack. coming school year, but will maln- I Odd Fellows, Rebekahs. Nazarene tainthelr residence on their farm McC ” "here he Is now employed man will resume her teaching in The Pade company is located In the church, as well as the Legion. southwest of Nyssa. Ill Nyssa with the opening of school 1 jld Journal office. at Sylvan Beach. To Ask Ci\t To Locate L NYSSA DROPS GAME TO BOISE 4-3 \ Day ' % $1.50 PER YEAR City Makes Bid For F.E.A. Loan Would Use Money For Extension Of Sewer System The recently advertised bonds (or sewer Improvement district 2, have been sold, when the council acted to accept the bid of Mr. J. Smith. At the same meeting the council authorized city recorder Solomon to draw registered warrants on the city tearsurer in the amount of *200 as down" payment on the recently purchased fire truck chasls from the Cables Chevrolet company. (Ed. Note: Last week the Journal made a typograprical error in the cost of this chasis. The cost to the city for this fire truck is *667). Asks For F. E. A. Loan In order that necessary sewer ex­ tensions may be put in under one project, the city council has peti­ tioned the Federal Emergency Ad­ ministration tor a loan and grant for the construction of necessary sewer extension and to install a clarifier or other suitable disposal plant. This application is a prelim­ inary to a more complete applica­ tion that will be forwarded later to the administration. The contemplated extensions will Involve the proposed sewer district with the addition in this project of blocks 13 and 14, which lay Just west of the district. In the north part of the city the extensions will include property in lots 33 east to 61 then south on First street to and including blocks 1, 2, and 3. Wards addition, east of the tracks will like wise be included In the project. No definite cost could be arrived at yet, for this project. Burroughs’ Sheep Bring Top Prices WESTFALL SHEEPMAN BUYS SIX RAMS AT FILER SALE NATTON SIDING — Mr. D. D. Burroughs, well known farmer of this section, reported the sale of a pen of six purebred Suffolk rams to Mr. Rufino Arlan, of Westfall, Ore­ gon. Mr. Burroughs took his rams to the Idaho Annual Ram Sale at Fil­ er, Idaho which was held August 10, Mr. Arlan paid an average of *57.50 for the rams. Mr. Burroughs has entered the field of raising Suffold purebreds on a rather extensive scale, having at the present time, some 250 head on the summer range in the Cas­ cade country. During the winter months the band Is brought to the Snake River Valley for ranging. Mr. Burroughs’ pen, he reported was topped, in price, by only four others, out ot the total of 127 pens. These four pens sold for around *5 per head more than that of the Burroughs pen. While at the Annual Ram Sale Mr. Burroughs augumented his pre­ sent band by the purchase of two of the outstanding rams of the sale, at a figure of *200. ONTARIO MAYOR GOES TO CONVENTION ONTARIO—George Aiken, mayor of Ontario, and his wife left last Friday, August 12, for a business and pleasure trip to Portland and Tacoma While in Portland Mr. Aiken will meet with the Oregon State Game commission and discuss with them some matters concerning the state pheasant farm located about six miles southwest of On­ tario. Being selected as a delegate to the northwest district convention of Kiwanis, Mr Alwen will go from Portland to Tacoma to represent the Ontario Kiwanis there. The mayor and wife plan to re­ turn home August 18. JUDGE DOWNING VISITS NYSSA Idaho District Circuit Court Judge J. L. Downing and E. H Weaver, both of whom own farms west of Nyssa, were in the city during the week. Judge Downing and Mr Weaver are most enthusiastic about this section of the country. The Judge is Just now completing a house on his Homedale ranch. Judge Downing is a past state commander of the American Legion of the Departemnt of Idaho, hay­ ing served as such during 1927.