NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MAY 12,1938 Newell Heights BY MODERN PIONEER I’ Ll B Juanita Bcyles returned t j & . . . 1 sons called on Mrs. Carl Roth at Vale and Ontario visitors Monday the Holly Rosary hospital in Ontar­ and also called at the L. E. Goode: 1 Monday after missing se. oral d a ., j with the removal of her .onsils. io Sunday afternoon and then drove home near Vale. to Payette and visited at the Char­ Mrs. H. J. Hursey and son Carl ley Korman home. and granddaughter. Ruth Hursey of Try Journal Want Ads! Vernon Walker has employment i Washington were week end guests at with the Idaho Pawer construction the E. L. Jamison home. Mrs. Hur- sey is a sister of Mr. Jamisons. The workers at Caldwell. Those attending Mother’s day ser­ Jamison and Hersey families were vices at the Methodist Community Nampa visitors Sunday. Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and Mrs. A. P. church in Nyssa Sunday morning were Mr. and Mrs. Reece Byran, Goodell spent Thursday in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Webster and A delicious lawn dinner was daughter June. Mr. and Mrs. Leo served Sunday at the Claud Day Wright, Mrs. Davis and children, home near Wilder honoring the Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corlett and sons mothers, Mrs. Silas Hoffman and Mort and Jimmie Joe. Mrs. Henry Day. Those present from this district were Mr. and Mrs Silas WE RECOMMEND THEM Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dav and Alma. Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie and baby and Mr. and Mrs DR. J. T. BURTON Bill Sarage. Guests from Wilder People that travel Easy ave. have were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Florea and DENTIST O. Chelledian to thank for the cul­ family, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Soren­ Office Phone 30W verts as he has been working to sen, Mr. and Mrs Howard Day and j get them and last week they were Gerry. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Scott SARAZIN CLINICAL BLDG. and Dickie and Mr. and Mrs. Claude delivered and will soon be put In. NYSSA Day. The honor guests received Mrs. I. B. Allen called at the E. L. many lovely gifts. Jamison home Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. Harry Gahan and The home of Leo Wnn was a place family, Mr. and Mrs. John Barth- of great excitement last Saturday oloma and family had a picnic din­ afternoon when their home barely ner in the park and were sight­ escaped being flooded out by a ditch | seeing at the Owyhee dam Sunday. 1 break. The break occurred above the [ James Malloy was In Ontario on Jess Sugg homestead, washing with buslness Thursday. the water, sand and debris to the t Sunday dinner guests at the Glen A. L. LINDBECK lower ditch filling it till the water Suiter home were Mr. and Mrs. backed up to nearly overflowing. State Capitol News Bureau Floyd Mearse and children of Wild­ Mr. Winn finally managed to secure er and Mr and Mrs. Pete Huffman enough help from surrounding and family. neighbors to shovel the debris out. Ray Harris from Hansen Idaho Meanwhile the water was cut off by was a Saturday visitor at the E. E. the ditchrider, Mr. Anderson to stop OTHERS IN PORTLAND RACE gubernatorial posts the only state- j wide contest which the Republican the flooding over the Sugg land. N ot' ®°tner home, Mrs. Earl Anderson called at the SALEM, Ore.—So much stress has voters will be called on to decide is too much damage was done and the Robert Smith home Sunday evening been placed upon the hotly contest­ that for state labor commissioner [ ditch has already been repaired. ed gubernatorial race that candi­ w here C. H. Gram, incumbent, is | Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Parker and ’ and reports Miss Martha not so well, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Suiter called dates for other important posts for opposing candidates for two other j family from Kansas are visiting which nominations are to be made state positions. For superintendent, with their daughter, Mrs. W. W. ! at the James Malloy home Satur at the forthcoming primary elec­ of public instruction. Rex Putnam, j Woods. Tthey will extend their visit day evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholoma tion are experiencing difficulty in incumbent, is opposed by John W until June then expect to return and children spent Sunday evening arousing any enthusiasm among the Leonhardt of LaGrande, and for the to their farm in Kansas. Mrs. Parker was a special guest I. B. Allen home. voters. past of labor commissioner two men Visitors at the E. L. Lunger home From all reports this district will For instance the terms of three are bidding for support—Clarence F. at the last meeting of the Modern supreme court justices are expiring. Hyde of Eugene and Paul E. Rath of Pioneer club. She explained to the Sunday afternoon were Mr. and soon have electricity as most every­ ladies conditions of crops in Kan- Mrs- clyde Archer and family. Mr. one has signed the contract. In eich instance the incumbent is Multnomah county. sas. “They are much better this an(* Mrs. John Eckhoff of Caldwell VOTE FOR seeking another term but each jus­ The Chatter Box club held Its year," she said, “due to unusual! Marion, eldest son of Mr. and tice is faced with opposition, more regular meeting at the C. H. Ben­ Mrs. Glen Suiter suffered a severe or less formidable. For position No. OREGON RAILROADS REVENUE moisture during the winter.” j cut on his foot Sunday. He was tak- nett home in Richland district May BEST IN IT. S. ! Mrs. Ada Young is visiting in the 2 now held by Justice Henry J. Bean, j en to Dr. J. J. Sarazin and it was 4 with Mrs. Rosie Turbine as hos­ of her son, Leslie Young. veteran member of the court both While business handled by Oregon home 1 j found necessary that several stitches tess. Mrs. Young is originally from in point of age and years of service, railroads shows a steady increase Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and be taken. there are five candidates including since 1932 freight revenues collect- Monmouth, Ore., but spent most of Jerry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley family were Sunday dinner guests Justice Bean himself. Under the ed by Oregon roads in 1936 were still the winter with a daughter from Brown is recovering from his illness. at the Bert Bratton home near On­ provisions of the non-partisan jud­ 9 4 per cent below the 1930 figure | Nyssa. She has been ill with scar- A number of folks attended the tario. Mr. Wyckoff’s father from iciary law should none of these can­ according to a statistical report lpt fever and was unable to visit “ , Saturday evening Kansas Is visiting there. didates receive a majority of the compiled by N . G. Wallace, public < with her son until now. She seems y ‘ y g . Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Goodell were Mr ana Mrs uan L orlm ana votes cast for this position the two utilities commissioner. Passenger ^ excellent health now however and high candidates will enter a run­ revenues, too, show a steady gain! is busy getting acquainted with h e r , ------------------------------------------------------ o ff election next November. The since 1933 but for 1936 were still new daughter-in-law, who is a bride _________________ same situation exists in the case 37.87 per cent below the figures for l of three months. c f position No. 5 where Justice Hall 1930. At that, however, railroad The Modern Pioneer club met ini S. Lusk is opposed by Attorney Gen­ business in Oregon during the past | the home of Mrs. Williams on May I eral Van Winkle and James T. six years has been better than that | 3. The ladies spent a delightful and Chinnock of Grants Pass. In the f ir the United States as a whole, enlightening afternoon watching case of position No. 3 where Justice Wallace’s report shows. | moving pictures Kenneth Williams j J. O. Bailey is opposed by only one took while overseas. Among the pic- | ether candidate, B. S. Martin of tures were beauty spots of China | UNEMPLOYMENT FUND WITH­ Salem, only the name of the can­ and Japan. STANDS JOLT didate surviving the primary con­ Chinese Japanese and Pan-Amer- On May 1, after four months of ican clippers were also shown. test will appear on the November the Oregon unemployment compen­ ballot. A delicious lunch of cake and hot i In the telephone directory, An interesting situation exists in sation commission was only $655,554 chocolate was served after which below the level at which it stood next issue goes to press the meeting adjourned. The next the tenth judicial district where ten candidates, i n c l u d i n g practically on January 2, the commisison re­ meeting will be held in the home of MAY 18th. Please call the every attorney in Union and Wal­ ported this week. In view of the fact Mrs. Alvin McGinnis. the local office in regards any changes in listing. Mrs. Bessie Gossard and family, lowa counties, have entered the race that the past four months were to succeed Judge J. W. Knowles who probably the most strenuous the and Dean Eachus have moved into j Is retiring after a long period of ser­ fund will ever be called upon to face the house built by E. P. Gheen and Names of new subscribers up to and including Incumbent the commission is highly elated over Mr. Davidson on the Davidson vice on the circuit bench. May 19th, will appear in the new book. the manner in which the fund with­ ranch across from the Zubsoretlas. i Then there are the senatorial and stood the severe strain put upon it Mrs. Bossard has recently arrived congressional posts for all of which by the huge accumulation of bene­ from the east. Better have that new phone installed now. hotly contested races are being fit claims. Kenneth and Pearl Williams have [ waged in both the Democratic and motored back to San Francisco. Cal., POSITION NO. S Republican camps. On the Demo­ where Pearl will attend an advanced cratic side of the senatorial cam­ POLICE BUREAU GETS “ GOON” Non-partisan judiciary election teachers school and Kenneth ex­ May 20, 10HM paign both Carl Donaugh and CONVICTIONS pects to enlist in the navy for two Willis Mahoney are engaging in Paid ad husk for Supreme Court Records of the state police bureau more years. He has been in the Committee,Lawrence T. Harris,ch. Vale Ontario daily personal appoa'" for support show that 29 labor terrorists are Nyssa 326 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ore. navy for the past four years. over the radio and fu ta the plat­ now serving prison terms ranging | Mr. and Mrs. Lou Eachus spent i form while the Repu' lican candi­ from a minimum of 90 days in the i last Sunday with Mrs. Eachus' j dates, Staee Treasurer Rufus C. Washington county jail in the case | mother, Mrs. H. A. Burns of Nyssa. Holman and Robert N. Stanfield of Jack Lyons to 12 years in the They enjoyed a trip motoring appear to be relying more heavily on state penitentiary in the case of through Ontario. Dead Ox Flats letter writing campaigns. Albert N. Banks, former head of the I surrounding country. In the congressional column Salem teamsters union, convicted on //( James W. Mott. Republican incum­ an arson charge in connection with bent from the first district, is faced I he burning of a West Salem box | with the most formidable opponent factory last November. Five other By MRS. D. II. IIAYLETT of his experience in the person of “goons” convicted on terrorist Walter Norbald. youthful Astoria charges are at liberty either under attorney. Congressman Walter M suspended sentences or paroles from The exceptional heavy rain of Pierce, Democratic incumbent in the the bench while 53 other alleged Saturday night, .85 of an inch Fecond district, is not expected to j terrorists, all under Indictment, are caused very high w r‘ :r in all the have any great difficulté 'p defeat­ :>waiting trial. Ralph Moody, spe- creeks, but no great damage was ing his lone opponent, W..de Craw­ ial prosecutor under appointment done. ford of Klamath county. In the by Governor Martin to assist dis­ Most of the ranchers will have all third district Nan Wood Honeyman. trict attorneys with the “ goon” their dams to rebuild, some flumes incumbent, appears to have the sit­ i rials, has announced that the trial were washed out, and roads were uation well in hand and is expected of Jack W. Estabrook, Portland flooded In places. Seldom do the necessities of life grow cheaper to easily outdistance her two Demo­ warehouse union secretary will open The Ira Shaffer shearing plant as you use more of them. cratic opponents. in Washington county on May 16, to began operations last week at the Baxter creek camp, but work has lie followed Immediately by the trial Outside of the congressional and But that’s true o f your electric service, under “ step down” of Albert E. Rosser, Portland team­ been held up on account of the rain. rates. The more you use, the cheaper the rate becomes. As sters’ secretary. Both are under in­ The Penzarie and Quintana sheep you add more appliances — save more time and labor — gain dictment on charges of malicious are being sheared. Mrs. Joe Fenwick was taken ser­ destruction of property with dyna­ more in comfort and convenience — you earn a progress­ mite. iously ill last week and rushed to ively lower electric rate. And the additional use which you the Memorial Park hospital in have added last comes at the lowest rate o f all. Caldwell. At last report she was SURE TO BE A “ HENRY’” mproving and out of danger. Whoever the Democrats m ay) Miss Fay Cobiskey of Parma Is And, too, if you reduce your use of electric nominate as their candidate fori working at the Joe Fenwick home. service, the saving comes at the lowest rate. governor it is a pretty safe bet that I Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Yturrespe of Your average rate paid for all service rises. his name will be “Henry.” Their Jordan Valley spent Sunday at the You lose the best part of your bargain. three candidates include Charles p. h . Haylett home. Henry Martin, Henry Hess and O. A. W. Wasonholder, who is work­ Electricity is cheaper in Idaho than almost anywhere else Henry Oleen. The Republicans have ing at the McIntyre ranch, has been 'inly one "Henry among their eight quite sick the past week. in the nation. That’s why our customers have accepted its candidates, He is Henry Hansen Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Falen advantages so fully — and why they use more electric serv­ former budget director under Gov­ Wednesday at Caldwell a son. ernor Meier. ice than most people. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Falen attended IS BATHING A Pomona grange at Harper last week. PLEASURE? Use electric service freely — secure ia the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haines spent VOTE FOR THE ROAD RONDS It will be when you get one of knowledge that the more you use the lower the latter part of last week in C a ld -; OR STAY IN THE MUD these new modern tubs and all well on business. the average rate you pay. the trimmings installed in A large crowd attended the dance your Bathroom. Plumbing at Cow creek last Saturday and all fixtures are extra reasonable report a good time, at the dance, but | G. Y. CHESTER At The many had bad luck getting home For County on account of muddy roads, as It NYSSA PLUMBING rained all night. Commissioner Miss Louise Yturraspe is helping AND HEATING For Economy with the work and house cleaning COMPANY and a | Deal For All at the Haylett home. Phone 66 I’ aid Political Adv. Mrs. D. H. Haylett and daughter.1 Mrs. Maxine Yturraspe were Boise visitors last week. Mrs. Haylett went to consult a doctor owing to illness the past few weeks. Ben Hunt of Nampa was a busi­ ness visitor at the ranch this week Mr. Cheeseman of Ontario, was a will come to your home every day through Sheaville and Jordan Valley busi­ ness visitor last week. An Internaiional Daily Newspaper Mr. Cheeseman is working with It record* for you the world * clean, constructive doings. The Monitor the WPA of Oregon, and Public does not exploit crime or sensation: neither doos it Ignore them, but deals correctively with them. Features for busy men and all the Health Community Sanitation O r e -; Your electric rate be­ family, including the Weekly Magasine Section. gon State Board of Health. He met comes cheaper as you use with the high school board and ar­ The Christian Science Publishing Society more electric service. One. Norway 8treet. Boston. Massachusetts ranged to errect two fly proof sanl- \ Please enter my aubscriptlon to The Chftctian 8clen:t Monitor for tary toilets at the gymnasium. a period of _ 1 year $12 Ou 6 months S4.00 3 months $3 00 1 monfh $1 00 These were brought In Thursday W ednesday Issue. Including Magazine Section: 1 year 52 60. i issuer 23« and erected by the WPA men. They are being built anywhere in the Name . county for the cost of construction ££ecP u ciÙ j Dots Se MUCH- Gort* So LIT T LE ! j only. Sam'pU Copy ' " K r ,w il 1 Norman McKenzie was a visitor1 at Sheaville Saturday. STATE CAPITOL NEWS Professional Cards Buena Vista News J J at J Judge Hall S. LUSK Is Your Name Right? Oregon Supreme Court Malheur Home Telephone Co. SHEAVILLE NEWS THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Step Down Rates make E L E C T R IC IT Y the Biggest Bargain in Your Home! After You’ve 'STEPPED D O W N " Your Electric Rate D O N ’T STEP BACK I D A H O Y POWER DR. C. A. ABBOTT CHIROPHACTIC PHYSICIAN PHYSIOTHERAPY Phone 25 O ffice: 3 Block South of M. E. Church LEE R. COOKE ARCHITECT & ENGINEER Box 448 Nampa, Idaho Dr. A. G. Baumeister Palmer Graduate Chiropractor Wilson Bdg, Ontario, Ore. New Painless Clhlropractlc PHONE 28 CARL H. COAD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW PHONE 31 Nyssa, Oregon M AX S. TAGGART ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Western Hotel Building L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phones 37R and 37W Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Daily—Except Sunday Wilson Building DR. E. D. NORCOTT DENTIST Office Phone 35F2 X -R A Y EXAMINATIONS NYSSA OREGON TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meetings of the Townsend Club are held 1st and 3rd Thursday In the Eagles Hall. The Public Is Invited D. R. DeGross President Mrs. A. V. Pruyn .. Secretary NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY Town Patrons...... 2:30 to 5:30 Out-of-town Patrons 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian Mrs. S. B. Davis NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome BERNARD FROST, Pres. HARRY MINER, Sec. CITY TRANSFER TRANSFERRING and TRUCKING Phone 15 and Phone 28 V. KLINKENBERG ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 68 VALE OREGON GUARANTEE WORK WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON OPTOMETRIST “ See McFall and See Better" DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON