Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, November 04, 1937, Image 9

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Ye Snooper’s
Things Ab-ut Nÿssa's Shops
Altho tlie harvest season has bien
plenteous ana the colters ol many
have been added to, still there are
those who thiough out the long hot
summer did labor from dawn unnl
lar alter the last brlllaht glow of a
suq late setting had been replaced
by twilight in the spring had shiv­
ered In cold winds working in the
blinding choking dust on the new
land. Who now find themselves
without harvest and the whole oi
their substance spent, with Utile
mouihs to feed and bodies to be y. u who are weary and do wonder
clothed from the coming winter s : if all the work Is worth the gain.
cold. Soul weary they are and utter­ We de know th a t those who have
ly discouraged. But still, we say to already seen It through say "Yes.
them to have courage, another year Carry on. In time will come peace
will come and wlih it new opportun­ and the joy of achievement."
ities and a new harvest. For this
The poor pheasants can now come
week we did chat with a veby Inter­ out ol their holes and flaunt them­
esting and happy person who has selves along the landscape until
lived upon these lands many years every hunter’s fingers do itch to
and whose husband now is account­ show them. Butalas tis duck season
ed one of the most successful, and now and Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and
she did tell us that not so many all their kin will take to the high
years ago, she did be in town and altitudes or the opposite side of the
there on display saw her favorite river or in other ways known only to
magazine which she had not been themselves disappear from the face
able to buy for many months and it of the earth. However there will be
did but cost a few cents. She won­ a goodly sum left that the good
dered if the time would ever come hunter will out wit, especially if his
when she could afford to buy It gun be loaded with those Western
again. Now not so many weeks ago Super X shells that the Nyssa Phar­
did we visit her home and there was macy does dispense and the supply
a rack plied full of the latest and can always be renewed early and
most expensive of magazines. This late and on Sunday too.
weary year is but a phase to those of
Only forty one more shopping
days before Christmas! What a
shock and we without a list even to
begin cn. But luckily there be those
who have not been so short sighted
and are already with new things to
buy for gifts and among them Is
Your blood may a t t i
Omer Adkinson at the Owyhee Drug
company. Today he did show us
some new and pretty watches and
at a price that did surprise us. What
a dainty and acceptable gift they
will make for some one.
And at Mrs. Johnson's Variety wo
did see a brand new stock of oven
ware. A lovely new porcelain-that
will stand the heat of oven bakint
Tired? Worn out? “Half
Without disturbing its contents or
and can be placed upon the table
sick”? Try Pursang. It con­
making no extra po’s to wash. They
tains copper and iron com­
are in all shapes and sizes to meet
pounds that help build red
every baking need and at a price
blood corpuscles.
Take Pursang a few days
and see how much better you
feel. In a week or more you
will hardly believe you are the
same person.
Nyssa Pharmacy
At Nyssa
Friday, November 5
F -or
2:30 p. m.
Sale - Slab W ood
th at will please thee.
And when thou hast purchased
th a t new caserole step over to Wil­
son’s grocery for we do know that
they do have there every manner of
food which one does use to concoct
thoes delectable oven baked meals.
Now if thy boy friend or he that
was they boy friend and the one
whom thou doest call husband be a
bit down at the mouth or calloused
to thine allurements, take him over
and treat him to an eyeful of fem-
lne pulchritude displayed at the
new Pix in Ontario, or let him
thrill wdth a he man show at Roxy
In Ontario. Every week these two
showhouses do strut their stoff and
always have entertainment th at will
please thine whole family.
And when thou hast returned to
thine own domicile with the nights
chill air still in thy bones put on
the old perk and when Its contents
are steaming, get out some cf those
McClure Brother’s doughnuts and
have a dunking fest, or cut thyself
a slice of their goblin cake. TTiou
wiut find it hard to get thy fill of
There is a man among us for
whom there Is always a word of
praise. A1 Thompson, who with his
son Herschel doest run the Thomp­
son Seed and Fuel mart. There thou
wilt always get the best of what
they have to sell and th at Standard
coal will never dissapoint thee.
We dc regret that In Nyssa there
are no automobile agencies and that
we must always take our monies for
these wares to other places but in
our neighboring town there are sev­
eral who do advertise in these pages,
merchandise cf merit and If thou
doest visit them and mention the
paper from where thou read the ad,
they will most courtesouly and glad­
ly demonstrate their machines and
wilt always give thee a square deal.
It is nice to know th at when one
or al tlhe members of the staff cf
our bank, the First National Bank
of Portland do change that the
policy of the bank remains unalter­
ed and that who ever Is there will
intelligently and carefully attend to
our banking needs. And because it
belongs to a system long established
lie here in our small commun-
the banking services of a
At Main near Third there be a
$2.00 per cord
a native son and
Fisi i Lumber Co.
a in a fine and
place an d now has come
lid come a first
O n e Dollar Down
Will Lay It Away
new and modem equipment to
and treat thy ailing heap, or
next years beauty.
Art those tire thread bare but art
putting off getting a new set until
thy ship comes In. Sometimes that
be a long wait, so in the meantime
take those old ones to Ed a t the tire
shop and let him fix them or better
yet break down and get a set of
those retreads which he does have
there Thou wilt find th at they wilt
carry thee many a mile.
And hast thou been reading about
Andy Gearshifts troubles, and these
of his cousin little Alice Running
—Only a few left—Beautifully finished.
Better Get that
See us before you sell your
See them in our window
Nordale Furniture
T hat a special election lias been
called and will be held in and for
the School District 26 of Malheur
County, State of Oregon, on
Saturday, the 6th day of Nov­
ember, 1937, between the hours
of 2:00 o’clock P. M. and 7:00
o’clock P. M., at which time the
polls shall be closed, and th at at
said election there will be submitted
to the legal voters of School District
26 the proposition of authorizing a
special school district levy for the
year 1937, payable in 1938, in the
sum of $4000.00 to be in addition to
the amount of levy as limited by
the Constitution of the State of
The vote is to be by ballot upon
which the voter will be required to
Indicate his or her choice upon said
proposition which shall be stated
“Increase of Levy------- Yes” and
“Increase of Levy------- No.”
This notice is given by order of
the district School Board of School
District No. 26 of Malheur County.
Oregon, made the 29th day of Sept­
ember, 1937.
Chairman, District School Board
Dwight Smith
District Clerk.
First publication Oct. 15, 1937.
Last publication Nov. 4, 1937.
Sealed proposals will be received
at the office of Carl H. Coad, A tt.r-
ney, at Nyssa. Oregon, until 2 o’clock
p. m., November 23rd. 1937, for the
construction of a four-rcom brick
veneer school building for School
District No. 36, Mallieur County,
Oregon. These proposals will be
publicly opened and read aloud at
2 o’clock p. m. a t said date and
These Improvements will consist
A concrete, wood and brick school
building to be built on the property
of the School District and near the
present school, commonly known as
the Arcadia School. This proposed
construction shall Include all labor
and material necessary to fully com­
plete and finish the described build­
ing Including all excavation and the
construction of a sewage disposal
unit with a pump and pressure tank
Installation for furnishing
from a well now on the premises
with certain described work in con­
nection there with.
Plans, Specifications, and other
Contract Documents are on file for
examination at the office of Carl H.
Coad. Attorney at Law, Nyssa, Ore­
gon. Copies of these documents may
be obtained upen application to and
the deposit of Ten ($10.00) Dollars
per set with said Architects. Way-
land & Fennell, 624 Idaho Bldg.
Boise. Idaho. The full amount of
deposit for one set of documents will
be returned to each actual bidder
within a reasnable time after re­
ceipt of bids. Other deposits will be
refunded upon the return In grod
condition of all such Plans, Specifi­
cations. and other Contract Docu­
ments within 10 days after the date
of the opening of bids, except thut
Five ($5 00) Dollars of each depcsii
per set will be retained to cover the
cost of production.
The amount of money estimated
to be available for the construction
contract herein advertised is $18,000.
No proposals will be considered
unless It Is submitted upon a form
of proposal furnished by said arch­
itects. Attention Is called to the pre­
qualification requirements of Chap­
ter 225. Laws of Oregon, 1931.
Bidder’s proposal must be accom­
panied by a bidder's bond or certi­
fied check In an amount equal to 5
per cent cf total amount of the base
bid as a guarantee for the execution
of the contract and the furnishing
of the required bonds In case the
contract Is awarded to the bidder.
The School District No. 36, Mal­
heur County, Oregon further re­
serves the right to reject any and-or
all proposals, to waive Informalities,
and to accept such proposals as are
to the best Interests of the school
By order of District Schol Board.
C. W. Barrett,
First publication November 4, 1937
Last publication November 18, 1937.
Our duty Is to lighten your
burden of all extra cares aqd
worries. You can trust us bo
conduct a beautiful, digni­
fied service . . . at any price
you wish to pay.
Phone 72W
Football Game
In the County Court cf the S ate of
Oregon, for the County of Mal­
In the Matter of the Estate of
George O. Glascock, Deceased.
The undersigned having been ap­
pointed by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Malheur Coun­
ty, Administratrix of the estate of
George O. Glascock, deceased, and
having qualified as such, notice Is
hereby given to the creditors of, and
all persons having claims against
said deceased, to present them,
verified as required by law, within
six months alter the first publica­
tion of this notice to said Adminis­
tratrix at the office of A. L. Fletch­
er in the City of Nyssa, Oregon, th<
same being the place designated for
the transaction of all business per­
taining to said estate.
October 4, 1937.
Anna J. Glascock,
Administratrix of the Estate
of George O. Glascock, De­
First publication October 7, 1937.
Last publication November 4, 1937
The Ladles club met at the home
of Mrs. Sylvester Rose on Wednes
day the 27th with one of the largest
meetings of the year. Thirty mem­
bers and visitors were present. After
the business session, a shower was
given for Mrs. Milton Oigear (June
Powell) a recent bride, who enter­
tained the crowd, while opening her
many useful and beatuiful gifts. A
guessing game was later enjoyed
and delicious refreshment were serv­
ed by the hostess. The next meet­
ing will be at the home of Mrs. Fred
Laurance on November 10th.
A real estate transfer recently
took place when one of the oldest
farms here known at the Wisdom
place was sold to Ralph Duncan by
the owners F. Smith of Brogan and
Summers Smith of Ontario. It for­
merly belonged to the J. P. Smith
estate. I is reported the price was
in the neighborhood of (5000.
Joh nMedlln and Earl Ripley of
Harper were business visitors here
on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Hlnkleman of COMPLETION OF «EW ER IM­
Prairie City were week end guests
of the latter’s aunt, Mrs. Elmer Mol-
Notice is hereby given that the
than and family.
Common Council of the City of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boor hauled Nyssa, Oregon, will receive bids up
a truck load of wood to Frultland to November 9th, 1937 a t eight
last Tuesday and brought back a o’clock P. M. for the digging
load of apples.
trench, back filling and laying of
Mrs. Slnas cf Monument and an eight inch concrete pipe, with
daughter-in-law. Mrs. Ray Presctt the construction of one man-hole,
of John Day visited the first of the according to plans and specifica­
week at the home of the formers tions therefor on file with the City
daughters Mrs. Bruce Lofton.
The construction contemplated is
Oscar Presley and son Orville of the extension of the sewer lateral
Jamieson are threshing alfalfa seed from Ehrgood Avenue northerly
at the Carrol Locey ranch near Mal­ through the alley in Block 28 and
heur City.
to the center of Block 29, Teutsch’s
Mrs Frank Elms of Unity visited Addition; and east and
relatives here on Tuesday.
through the alley in Block 29; also
Ed Beam and Coy Wise were busi­
ness visitors in Ontario on Wednes­
Kathryn Claypool, county school
superintendent and Mr. Hauser. 4-H
club leader were callers Tuesday at
the Ironside and Grouse Creek
—that will neither
Elmer Mol than is building a «rash
house and Ice house combined at his
home here. Wiley Duncan Is the
carpenter in charge of the work.
Mrs Ralph Boor visited her sister
Mrs Herbert Derrick at Unity last
About 40 persons old and young
gathered at the school house Friday
evening for a Hallowe'en party
sponsored by the four older girls of
the school and their teacher Mias
Weir. Oames were played, fortunes
told and refreshments served In
keeping with the day. A
ant time waa enjoyed by
Ontario vs Nyssa
Ontario Fairgrounds
Admision 40 and 10c
"Roos” Cedar Chests
(the Gift Supreme)
gear and the rest of their tribe who
have been weeping on Ed Pruyn’s
shoulder. Well we do know that he
hast fixed all of their aches and
pains and can fix any and all that
thy carbiolet’s of what ever vintage
and make It perchance may be.
The days now are bright with a
late autumn sun and we couldst
publish our weather wares along
with the finest that the southland
do offer, but we know that the fickle
weather man will take a sudden
change of heart and will wish upon
us the wintry blasts from Green­
land’s icy mountains. Then will little
hanys chap and small ears tingle
with the cold. But worry not for
at the Wilson’s emporium we did
see the snuggest things in knitted
caps and scarfs and mittens. One
for everyone of the family and in a
fine choice of colors.
Just one last word would we have
with thee, Watch well thy stoves
and thy fires. A fire at any time is
tragic, but this year when there be
no idle dwelling places it is doubly
so. Take care of thy fires and then
insure, th at thou mayest be able to
build anew If the need should come
We have two excellent firms who
will advise thee and that right well
what Is best fer thine own par­
ticular need. Call in at the Nyssa
Realty Company on Main or at Mr
Frank Morgan's near the
Thou wilt then sleep easily.
Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad­
vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy
gas and thy time going farther.
ESTATE OF Sarah M. McO-n-
nell, Deceased.
The undersigned having been ap­
pointed by the County Court of the
State cf Oregon, for Malheur Coun­
ty, Executor of the estate of Sarah
M. McConnell, deceasçd, and hav­
ing qualified as such, notice is
hereby given to the creditors of.
and all persons having claims
against said deceased, to present
them, verified as required by law,
within six months after the first
publication of this notice to said
Executor at the office of A. L.
Fletcher, In the City of Nyssa, the
same being the place designated for
the transaction of ail business per­
taining to said estate.
November 3, 1937.
J. C. McOonnell,
Executor of the Estate of
Saram M. McConnell.
First publication November 4. 1937
Last publication December 2, 1937.
south through the alley of Block 22
to Bower Avenue, or such distance
as may be proper; less the 123.32
feet completed in Block 28.
Bids should be in writing and
specify in separate items the
amount of the bid for excavating
and back-filling as distinguished
from pipe laying, wyes and man­
By order of the Common Council.
October 26th, 1937.
M. F. SOLOMON, Recorder.
Oct. 28 and Nov. 4.
“The Farmer's Own Co-Op"
Phone 26
John Deere Tractor
The Model B meets the need of the average
farmer in this territory. Low cost of operation,
simplicity of design makes this an outstanding
tractor. Ask the man who owns one then talk it
over with us.
Baldridge Implement Co.