NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURS., OCTOBER 14, 1931 Indian Pilgrims Hail Juggernaut Festival - ÏT -- ¿ National Topics Interpreted b y W illia m N a t i o n a l P r « aa B u i l d i n g W ashington.—It m ay be, as I have frequently been told, th a t the a v e r­ age person—Mr. F e d e ra l John Q. Public— R eserve has very little in­ te re st in the do­ ings of the federal re serv e system . It m ay be tru e th a t the av erag e citizen accepts the federal reserv e banks as a thing a p a rt and of little or no concern to him because they a re so fa r rem oved and, further, because they indulge in w hat the dem agogues used to call “high fi­ n a n c e .” W hether m y inform ation is cor­ re c t and reg ard less of the public concept of the federal re serv e sy s­ tem , I am devoting som e space this w eek to a discussion of certain d e ­ velopm ents in the fed eral reserv e banking stru c tu re in an a ttem p t to show the trend of m oney conditions in this country a t the m om ent. L ately, the federal re se rv e board of governors announced a revision of its regulations governing dis­ counts and advances by federal r e ­ se rv e banks. Now, it m ay be said th a t these regulations affect only the banks th at a re m em b e rs of the re ­ se rv e system . T hat is tru e but it is not the whole tru th because ev­ ery th in g th at the fed eral re serv e bo ard of governors and the federal re se rv e banks do affects you and m e and everyone else w hether we ore little fellows and, therefore, un­ im p o rta n t individually, or w hether we a re tru stees of g re a t sum s of m oney such as is the case with cor­ poratio n presidents. The board of governors, in the revision of its regulations, Has m ad e it possible—if not obligatory— for the re serv e banks to take a l­ m o st any kind of p a p er th a t is an evidence of debt. T h at is, the re ­ se rv e banks a re now em pow ered to re ce iv e from the m em b e r banks th a t p a p er upon which you and I borrow , any pap er th at shows th at a citizen owes the bank m oney, and to give th a t bank m oney in ex­ change for the evidence of th at d e b t E veryone, of course, is fam iliar w ith a note or a m ortgage on a piece of re a l e state. Most people u nderstand about installm ent paper which is sim ply a note providing for p a y m e n t of the am ount due over a period of m onths. But there a re m an y o th er kinds of evidence of d e b t th a t is in frequent use am ong business m en from the sm allest sto rek eep er in a ru ra l village to the g re a te s t ban k er in the world. Un­ d e r the regulations now operative in the federal re serv e system there se e m s to be alm ost no pap er which the local banker cannot send to the fe d era l re serv e bank and receive cash in exchange. Of course, th a t obligation m ust be paid off som e tim e and the a rra n g e m e n t sim ply p e rm its the federal re se rv e banks to c a rry the debt until its m aturity. All of this obviously sounds as though the fe d era l re se rv e system is a t la st to be helpful to us little fellows. T hat is true. It is going to be helpful in increasin g the num ­ b e r of us little fellows who get our­ selves in debt. It is going to do th a t because it m akes getting Into debt easier. I think no one should object to the re serv e board regulations in all details. T here m ust be c red it given w here c red it Is needed; th a t is to say when you prohibit borrow ing m oney you choke oil eighty-five per cen t of all of the business done in the U nited States. Yet, c red it is dangerous, a double-edged sword and m ust be handled w ith ex trem e caution by the borrow ers as well a s by the lenders. As we have seen from the Inglorious debacle of 1029, th e re can be too m uch c red it ex ­ tended, and when I say that, I re fe r not only to loans by banks but the sale of goods, w ares pnd m erc h an ­ d ise th a t en te r into e veryday life. And. going a bit fu rth e r on th a t line, th ere can be too m uch c red ­ i t extended by the m an u fa ctu re r and jobber to re ta il m erchandising e stab lish m en ts Just as easily as th ere ra n be too m uch cred it e x ­ tended by the re ta il m erc h an ts to you or to m e. One can get Into debt over his head ju st as easily by p urchasing a t re ta il o r wholesale a s by buying m ore land than we can afford to own or a hom e la rg e r than w e need. So, a discussion of w hat the board of governors of the federal re serv e sy ste m has done can lead In this in stan c e only to a conclusion th at d a n g e r flags a re waving. I do not w ant to e x ag g e rate p re s­ e n t conditions or signs as I see them . f T his Is no tim e to D on t G et becom e excited. E x c ite d T here are, how­ ever, boundaries beyond which we cannot go in the m a tte r of cred it w ithout facing a n ­ o th e r tailspin of the type of 1020. T h a t is the thing I fe a r m ay result fro m an accum ulation of federal policies of which the late action by the fe d era l re serv e board is only one. It Is perfectly hum an and natu ral fo r e a c h one of us to a sp ire to better things, to h ave m ore of this w orld's goods for our enjoym ent and to eq u ip ourselves by way of g re a te r re so u rc e s for the future. We will do Bruckart W a . h l n r l o n . D. C. those things som etim es when we ought not to do them sim ply be­ cause the instru m en ts a re available and we do not sto p to count the ul­ tim a te cost. To the extent, then, th a t the federal re serv e board probably has m ade borrow ing e a s ie r it h a s tem pted a c erta in percentage of c it­ izens, or will te m p t them in the future. The condition of e asie r debt th at is now presented is, as I have said, on­ ly one of m any tem ptations and in­ ducem ents for getting into debt th at has been offered by the Roosevelt policies. It is u nnecessary to r e ­ count h e re how m any pieces of legislation, how m any executive and a d m in istrativ e rules have been m ade to perm it citizens to use m on­ ey th a t is not th e ir own. T hey a re alm ost num berless. The re su lt has been, is, and will continue to be the View of the scene in P u ri, India, as the c a r of the Ja g g a n ath (Juggernaut) was hauled by thousands of creation of a lot of debt th a t will pilgrim s in the recent festival of "T he L ord of the W orld.” In olden days, these huge vehicles in which devout hang over us all for y ears to com e. Hindus tak e their gods for a rid e once a y e a r often becam e uncontrollable and pilgrim s w ere crushed beneath The federal governm ent itself has the wheels. In recen t y e a rs police reg u latio n s h a v e been so stringent th a t accidents ra re ly happen. taken the lead in getting into debt. The late st T reasu ry sta te m en t shows on la st S a tu rd a y to discuss plans th a t the U nited S tates governm ent for th e ir b azaar a n d o p ining dance owes m ore th an thirty-seven billion T h e degree team also practiced Six dollars. T hat am ounts to $281.63 for MRS. DAN CORBETT a t th e com pletion of th e grange hall, ev ery m an, w om an and child in the Ja c k Brodi-: is picking apples a t new m em bers will be initiated a t the U nited States. C om pare th a t with the national d e b t as of 1932 w hen it Payette. next reg u lar m eetin g October 22. O ur little com m unity is as busy as stood a t $19,500,000,000 or a debt of Jam es S tep h en a n d Alva Gcodell Dr. H ouser of H aines h u h te d on $155.93 for every living person in ire th resh in g clover seed for Mr. last F rid a y w ith Floyd W hite. He a hive of bees. F our hullers are a t the U nited S tates. S trickland. re tu rn e d hom e w ith a fine 3-point work and have been for some tim e hulling clover seed w ith a n o th e r ex­ Mrs. C. C. W yckoff's fa th e r and buck. • • • pected to go to work; th e E llictt sister a n d neiec from K a n sa s visited Mr. a n d M rs. V ernon Law rence I do not know when, if ever, this m achine for H arry Denny. Gheen, here la st week. sp en t th e week e n d w ith relatives gigantic national debt will be paid Schim er, K u rtz and T im m erm an off. I think prob- L eland H offm an and Jam es n e a r W eiser. one hu n d red M ary W eir w as a week end guest each have aro u n d P a y O ff ably the A m erican C hard called a t th e C an n o n hom e acres in all. some more, some less. a t h e r hom e in B ig Bend. S o m e tim e people with tra d i­ Sunay eveningd. P ete W eikal of O n ta rio a n d a T he two form er m en will finish tional tenacity will Mr. a n d Mrs. Alva Goodell spent m em ber of B oulevard grange, visit­ th eir crop th is week. M. L. Judd stick by the job and get it done som e th e week end a t M eridian. a n d th e Z absonetta B rothers are tim e, but I m ust re fe r to the job as S ilas H offm an finished haying ed E ldorado grange F riday night. a very slow process. It req u ired S aturday. Mrs. Id a V an B u re n visited in O n ­ about ready for a m achine. Leslie Young h a s his clover threshed but twelve y e a rs a fte r the World w a r E. L. Jam iso n h a s finished h<* ta rio on M onday a n d Tuesday. hopes to have a crop cf alsac. T debt reached its peak of tw enty-six T h e W illis E lm s th ra sh e r from cistern a n d is filling it. Rodger is getting his ladine Clover billion to reduce it by ten m illions. U nity finished th resh in g a t th e W al­ C. C. W yckcff h a s com pleted his ready for a m achine. Young Stam T hat reduction w as m ore rapid than te r D uncan ra n c h la st T hursday and garage. and L each are haying. K urtz has his had ev er been known before in any le ft for hom e. Mr. Mrs. E. L. Jam iso n called a t nation and it w as m ade possible be­ Cecil H ill is hom e from Jo rd a n in th e shock. D enny and Corn are cause of the p ro sp erity which we en­ the Silas H offm an hom e Sunday Valley for th e w inter. cuttin g beans w hen the dew is on. evening. joyed during those twelve y e ars. Hired help h a s been more plentiful G ordon Dixon b rought h is wife T h e C h a tte r Box club m et a t an th a n it was expected although some It would seem , therefore, th a t we a n d baby d a u g h te r hom e from O n ­ all day m eeting a t th e hom e of Mrs. m en drive from Nyssa. m ust consider not only a slowing ta rio on S atu rd ay . C H. B e n n ett O ctober 6 w ith a ocv- T he Tom Godwin fam ily retu rn ed down of individual debt m aking, but Mrs. O rville Nichols atten d ed the ered dish luncheon a t noon. a sh a rp c u rta ilm en t of national debt m eeting of th e county school clerks hom e F riday having atten d ed the T he day was spent in quilting in Vale on T h u rsay . m aking as well. If we do not, a P o rtlan d Live Stock Show. Miss yaw ning c av e rn of unsounded wtitv Mrs. A. A. Jam ieson giving a n M orris showed th eir Mr. R aleigh V an B uren and Mrs. M a rth a and Interesting guessing gam e w ith Mrs. Floyd W hite h elped Mrs. K en n eth three baby beef calves. depths aw aits us. H. E. M cLaughlin spent th e week Som e w eeks ago Mr. Roosevelt E. L. Jam ieson w inning first prize G ra b n e r m ove to h e r hom e n e a r end in Caldwell with his fam ily who sent instructions to the various and Mrs. J. Boekoesky w inning the R ich lan d la st week. consolation. agencies of the governm ent to save O rris D earborn visited th e E arl a re visiting a t the p a re n 'a l H enry New m em bers were Mrs. J. Redd L oftons on S a tu rd a y and w ent deer Jones home. ten p e r cent out of the operations for the c u rre n t fiscal y e a r to help in and Mrs. E. Redd. h u n tin g w ith them . balancing the budget. T here w ere T he hostess served d a in ty re fre sh ­ Mrs. W alter W orsham of M alheur no ifs, nor ands, nor buts about m en ts to th e following guests: Mes- was a d in n e r guest of Mrs. Earl P resid en t R oosevelt's instructions. dam es L. Adams. J. B artholom a, J. L ofton la st S a tu rd ay . The spending agencies w ere told Biokoisky. O. C hoat, H. Day, C. sim ply to lay aside th a t ten p e r G ard n er, A. A. Jam ieson, E. L. J a m ­ cent which, in the a g g reg ate, would ieson. V. McGee, H. Maw, E. Neilson am ount to around four hundred m il­ J. S tephens, T urhum e, J . Redd, E lion dollars. The P re sid e n t said H nderson, E. Redd. S tru m a n d A Mr. a n d Mrs. Lloyd Adam s and during a speech a t the g re a t C olum ­ P. Goodell. Mrs. Ja m e s P ierce were O ntario bia riv e r dam the other day th a t he Tlte n e x t m eeting of th e club will visiters M onday. hoped to balance the budget in the be held a t the H a rlan d M aw hem e Floyd Cam pbell bought two Jersey next fiscal y ear. Most other people O ctober 20 w ith A. P. Goodell p ro ­ cows last week. hope th a t the P re sid e n t’s hope is gram leader. T h e C h a tte r Box club m et a t the realized because Mr. Roosevelt has hom e of Mrs. C. H. B en n ett last stated severul tim es th at the budget W ednesday w ith tw enty answ ering will be balanced “ next y e a r” and to roll call. E ach lady b rought a som e of us a ra beginning to w onder ocvered d ish a n d all enjoyed a d e­ By MRS. E. J. BEAM w hether his budget b alancing s ta te ­ licious luncheon. m ents a re not like the sta te m en ts M r. a n d Mrs. Lloyd A dam s were which P re sid e n t Hoover m ad e a t the beginning of the depression. Mrs. Floyd W hite a n d h e r d a u g h ­ guests a t th e J o h n a n d R obert He said, you will re m e m b e r, a num ­ te r Mrs. K en n eth G ra b n e r m otored A dam s hom e T uesday. M r. a n d Mrs. D. H. C u rran left b e r of tim es th a t "p ro sp erity is to Boise on M onday to see Mrs. W. J Individual a tte n tio n to every ju st around the c o rn e r,” a c orner H inton, who is recovering from a re ­ T h u rsd a y for Illinois w here h e r specific detail is our way of m o th e r is ill. T h ey expect to be th a t still seem s to be next year. cen t operation. conducting a m ore complete fu n eral service. • • • Ja m es L aw rance was a business gone th ree weeks. T h e lum ber h a s been delivered for But Mr. Roosevelt m u st be com ­ visitor h e re last week from Baker. M r a n d Mrs. Fred Law rence drove th e house cn O. B. A ndersons place m ended and criticized a t the sam e tim e for his budg- Mrs. E sth er Perken to h e r hom e in w hich R ussell C ornell has leased. M r a n d Mrs. Russell Cornell had B udget et balancing ideas. P rairie C ity on M onday a n d visited B a lancing Mind you, no c riti­ w ith o th e r relatives th e re u n til th e m isfo rtu n e o f havign th e ir te n t Mrs. P erkins h a s been house, in w hich th ey were living, d e ­ cism can possibly T uesday. be attach ed to the objective—a b a l­ visiting h e r daughters fam ily here stroyed by fire la st Tuesday nig h t. anced budget. But com m endation for th e p a st m onth. m ust give way to c riticism on som e In a Rose, E verett Law rence and of the things th a t a re happening th e Powell girls were hom e from under the fiat ord er for a reduction Vale over th e week end. in spending. M r a n d Mrs. E. J. Beam and Roy T ake this case for exam ple; The Wise w ere business visitors in O n­ N ational P a rk service, like o th er tario a n d Nyssa on M onday. agencies, laid aw ay ten per cent of T h e H om e Economies club held a its operations. This im pounding of special m eeting a t th e school house m oney happened to coincide with the g re atest flock of v isitors e v er to en te r the g ates of the c o u n try 's n a ­ tional playgrounds. It costs money to police and protect the p a rk s; it req u ires funds to provide for the com fort of the throngs of v isito rs to national parks. T he result, in the case of se v e ra l parks, w as th a t they w ere forced to close th eir ga te s to v isitors from a week to a m onth e a rlie r than they usually do in the to fall. T heir m oney had run o u t Well, say you, w hat h a rm does Pencil*— to th a t do? Sim ply this: V isitors to national parks, such as Yellowstone, A l'T O PO IN T ER S for exam ple, pay m uch m ore for Pen and Pencil Set*— to for e n tra n ce fees and the things they W INTER DRIV IN G m ust buy while in the p a rk s than it Beautiful Desk Sets— to costs the go v ern m en t to m ain tain H ave Y our C a r thoroughly the parks. G reased. But th at is the c rux in this situ a ­ T ry a tan k fu l of S uper-S hell tion. The N ational P a rk service does not keep the m oney th a t Is paid C hange Now to W in ter O rade in by park visitors. T hose funds Oil a re tu rn ed directly into the tre a su ry a s general revenue. The books of the N ational P a rk service, th ere ­ fore. show only outgo. The Th r iß Store The condition is one. therefore. M seem s to m e, th a t alm ost w a rra n ts a sta te m en t th a t the policy is "p en ­ ny wise and pound foolish.” day n ig h t in N y » a T he m onthly m eeting of the local W C.T U. was held With Mrs P in k ­ ston T hursday afternoon w ith one visitor. Mrs. D. L. Anderson, present. A fter the business m eeting a study hour was enjoyed with Mrs. W alsh as leader. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Anderson were hosts to a chicken supper Friday evening. G uests included Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, Mr. a n d Mrs. H en­ drix and Mr. and Mrs. Fife of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs Jesse Sugg were Vale business visitors on M onday m o rn ­ ing. Mrs. C arrie M cLoughllne sp en t from T hursday until Sunday even­ ing a t th e M. L. K u rtz hom e. Messrs. Leslie Y eung, L ester and S tan ley G oulet accom panied Sid F la n ag a n o n a deer h u n t Sunday above U nity. M r. Y oung w ent on business. He p lan n e d to visit the lum ber cam p th e re w ith th e idea of ordering ro ugh lum ber fo r a barn a n d g ran ary . Mr. R. O verstreet, Sr., a n d hired m an are building a n e ttin g fence i n his forty acre farm . A lligator L ays M any Eggs The a llig ato r lays from 30 to 40 h a rd w hite eggs about the size of those of a goose. Nateci Nyssa H eights Buena V ista News RICHLAND $4-95 2-50 GALLON HALF-GALLON QUART * ; T M s Nothing Better for that Early Morning Hunt Breakfast than our HOME CURED HAM or BACON Half or Whole Pound 28c 32c Ham Bacon By Piece Pound NYSSA PACKING CO. Phone 6 MAKE NYSSA YOUR TRADING POINT Attractive New Prices FOR Laundry Servit:e Effective October 18, 1937 $1.95 $7.50 $1.95 $5.00 ROUGH DRY. per pound Service NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Phone 72W - Parker Pens . . . Embody a beauty of styling together with a rug­ gedness of construction that insures years of writing satisfaction. All pens and pencils are guaranteed to be mechanically perfect. You will find a complete assortment at our store. $1.00 $ Old Price Dress Shirts................. .................20c Work Shirts....... ................. 15c Silk or Cotton Drawers ................. 13” Woolen Drawers .................15c Silk or Cotton Under Shirts......... 13c Woolen Under Shirts .................15c Silk or Cotton Unions ................20c Woolen Union Suits .................25c Night Shirts ................20c Pajamas . . Soicks ..... Handkerhiefs Slips ..... Bloomers Undervests Ladies’ Unions Teddies Night Dresses 20c Lace Curtains Scrim Curtains .................20c Cotton Blankets IRONSIDE NEWS Pens—$1.25 $ 1-30 $5.00 $2.50 7c New Price 15c 12c 10c 13c 10c 12c 15c 20c 15c 20c 3c 2c 15c 10c 5c 15c 15c 15c 25c 15c 30c 6c Ideal Gifts—Always staunch companions Owyhee Drug Co. NORCOTT SERVICE Nyua, Oregon • W n a r a N ew spaper Unl«w. PHONE 29 Next to Idaho Power Company Ontario Laundry Telephones 98 and 99