Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, September 30, 1937, Image 4

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Real Eatate Co to Oto H
Lot 7. Block 1», Vala 5. 28 »7. »1.
C W Olenn St.er.fi to Carl Reed
R tx M E x Sec 18-19-44 *. 23 , 3T7 j
F'jster. Trust**. U x t. arid part of
t e ÍJity Journal
Memfcer wf TV«
W I O I I H *U
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TM UWAk * «
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UM;il r rw/»M* . . . . mh « »« a r*Mhk«
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in p u t.v n i.% a m i > H K t.u tu m . r t r n u n m c
in i n n i t m i t u m
w i t h wo i t m n f j r r t t t o
u A t.H r.nn t x n n r r t
rx c rp r
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»1 M
Advance >
m n*< n i r n o n
V or
nUiflm l:<i\Am%
<HUUl.ly In
« w tv *
f/l*Ti rale, per Inch
Matirmsl. Per Inch
l/ea l, rtnntra/rt
Classified*. Per worn
I'uMlnhed every Thursday at Mywa, Malheur C uuntf, <rr*guri
Eufered »* Ihm immfotfUm At My«««. Oregnn tor transmittl»*»
thruugh Ihrn United «tale* Malls, **»«nd >I« m matter, under
the A/t 'A March », HT7*
hkkvinc t iik
I'U m ijc w k ij ,
INKTKKN thirty-wven haw witriPMHPil ffreat
N Miriti»'«
in the j»roj(rp«« »»f th«* agricultural
market cooperative movement in many «cction«
of the country.
Through cotrperative action old market« have
l»een Ntahili/.ed, new market« have been explor­
ed, prodiviriK method« have been improved, and
in Home irmtanci;« price ritte« in line wtii tin* gcn-
eral upward trend of all (trice« have been nego
tinted by farm groupM.
An example of tin« i« provided by tiie Dairy­
men’« I.cague Cooperation AMHocfation, Inc.,
which iia« nvenl.ly effected an agreement with
dealer« whereby a mode«t nt'ce««ary ri«e in the
whoh'Hide rrrice of milk and fluid cream wa«
granted Tnl« tloe« not mean that the cMOpcra-
tive« »ire attempting to e«tabli«h exce««ive
price«. If limy <lo, public opinion will correct
that Hut the purpoNe of the better cooperative«
¡« to obtain for their member« price« that are in
accord with current condition« and whv-h a««ure
a rea«onable return for the farmer«’ labor anti
('ooirerative work ha«, In many inalane««,
helpeil Ur eliminate unnece«Hary di«tributlon
(Co«}« and le««on the price «(rreacl between pro-
ducer and ctm«urner. In the ea«i‘ of peri«habh‘«,
notably milk product«, the work of large e«tab-
li«hetl prorluceiH cooperative« guarantee« urban
center«, a con«l«tent, dependable properly hand­
led, «anilary «upiily.
Tiie HUcccMMful cooperatlvr1« reali/, e that they
mu«t «erve the p u b lic a« well a« the farmer if
they are to pronpor. l''rom Indimtrial N cwh Re­
RKSSUKF, which ¡ h being u«ed by mi«-dir-
ected piV'ifiNt«, on the I'reairlent, to invoke
tin* Neutrality Act, «ccm« to uh to be wrong. Un­
der the Act, the U. S. (ìovcrnnicnt would b e ob­
lierai lu declare an embargo on »dl article« that
might b e called ‘war material’. It ìh a well known
filici that .hipan ha« been «toekiug upon war mat­
erial for year«, while China, always a pacific
nation, has been busy with internal affair«.
Now invoke the Neutrality And in thi« ease
where no official declaration of war Im« been
marie would «imply he siding in with Japan, and
Would leave China with the very goral argument
that the United States Cnvernmeut was taking
sides in Ihr> issue, Inasmuch as NO WAR HAS
As the situation stands now, Japan lias no legal
right to Hcarch any ship bound for China under
the Neutrality Act, she still would have no ‘legal’
right hut would undoubtedly assume a ‘moral’
right to such a search. And there is just when»
'diplomatic repnvtentations’ would enter into
the picture, causing ill feeling between our na­
tions. which in these uncertain times should,
most certainly, lie avoided.
OKNATORS of various political alignments
*Vnc now asking for an investigation of As­
sociati' Justice Slack's membership in the KU
KI.U\ KI.AN. In their anxiousness to hold this
investigation, side aspersions ait* being cast at
President Rot*st>velt lor having made the ap­
pointment. In renlih it seems to show up the
metliotl that has been used in the past two or
three sessions of Congress. Yon few instaives
of deliberation, on lulls up for passage, is noted,
and tlu> cry for an investigation of K.K.K. mem­
bership of Justice IMuck can be licit! no as an ex­
ample of the lack of deliberation RKr'ORK the
appointment. If those same members of the Sen-
alt' feel that thev are injuring the political stand­
ing of the President by crying ‘wolf AFTER
the Senate CONFIRMED the appointment, they
show an alarming lack of know lodge of the in­
telligence of the American people \Vh\ was not
the investigation made RKFORK the confirma­
tion of the appointment by the IVoaidont? Our
understanding of the situation, as it now stands,
is that prtH'oodtngM of impeachment will be noe-
t-ssary tor the removal of Justice Black. Or is all
this ’crying in the wilderness’ just a political
smoke screen out of which w ill come next years
’issue of vital importane« to the groat common
Miniator» or '.U * n u.leteUsA In church publicity are lnv.ted to um
in* cotucnM of I t * Journal lo emrry important me we*** and MAicm
to their 's/r-trimU/jr* FHemm try to get your enpy In by l ixiAmy of
*a*h week
Rev Mtar.ley M/e/re. Pwtl.r
KU/yd E W h lU pa*tur
Church Herví*** evory Bundsy Sunday School 10 o'clock. Lesson
i/rptr: Chrlatlan Honshfp Ooldcn
roornlr.g at 9 20 o’clock
Muncy Hehbol will meet at 10 Vi text: John 1 13
Mr.rr.lng Worxhlp 11 15. Herman
tm/.h Hunday monOnt
theme The «lient Ye»r* Holt» by
MU* Benton
Kpworth league 7 o'clock.
Evening Worxhlp * o'clock
In legion Hall
Official Hoard meeting Friday
Raator. V W Martin
Bunday Hchnol Superintendent Ed i*v nlng, October 1, at the parsonage
Sunday HchOOl 10 OO Ttiere are
cla«*»-* f'.r all age* alan a friendly
welcome Come and Join ua
Kermlt Eckleberger, Pastor
Morning worship at 11:00
Young \m»i\>lm% meeting 7 'ID
WK HEAD: "For the wages of sin
'thin will be a «pedal treat The Is death, but the gift of Ood U eter­
le**»»n will be on India and It will nal life through Jean* Christ our
do*e with a play on mia«Iona All Is/rd For all have sinned, so all
are Invited to «», and hear thla, old must die because of "the wage* of
and young alike
sin I* death," but all may have eter­
Kvkngwllatlc nerviee 8:00
nal life In Jesus Christ.' ’
I'rayer meeting Wedneaday night 10 00 A M Sunday School for all.
» DD These «ervlcea are held In the 11:00 A M Morning Worship.
baaement nf the legion ball
Theme "Fellowship Pruvlded ”
7 if> P M Young Peoples C E
Hi-nlor* High schtjol and college
I. O. H. C H lR t II
age Juniors 5th to 8th grades.
hullter Fife, lllalK p
8.30 1*. M Evangelistic Service
Theme: "Come over and Help Us."
Sunday School 10 a m.
Wednesday evening prayer meet­
Evening Servleea 7 30 p, in
Young Men and Young I .adle* ings. Come out and have Christian
M I A Conference will be field on fellowship In song, prayer and In
Sunday at 7 Mi p in. with apeaker* Study of Clod’s word. Choir practice
and rnualeal numbera from member* after service.
Christian welcome here for you.
\ III the Itolwe church,
T w o M in u t e
Se rm o n s
Bubmlttod by M J Crawford, Nys-
nn I. I» M. Church.
U la a common practico to dratg-
nate Ihn place, Uie timo, or tho alato
of ox latence following donili ua 'the
lioroaftor'; Indoed, the tonn I« dc-
flliod by lekloograplitn a* 'tho fu­
ture life.' Tho niipllcatliin I* a brood
uno, tuo liruud to bo rogurdod a» de­
scriptivo exrcpt In tho mutlor of
Novortholoa*. tho oxpro*aloti la a
roiivonlont olio, and la practically
nyiiiihymou« with the I mot'* pillane
"the great unknown " Ita umigo la a
rnnfr«»Ion of unoertrtlnty or Ignor­
ance of what await* uh Imyniid; and
na to duration It embrace* eternity,
without dlvlalon or |>erloda olthov
an to condition or time. Ih ly Hcrlp-
lure la more definite, and like I'nid'i
coinumnillng call, on Mura' Ulti, hi
Ilio worahlper* of "tho unkiuiwn
(lori," aummnna ua to hoar and
learn tin* I ruth
Tlio world of the disembodied wa*
known to the Hebrew* a« Hlieol and
In the (lirckn na llniloa, and them'
term*, moaning the unacen of un-
I known world, are tntiinlatod Hell In
I our voralon of the Old and Now
: IV*! ament* reaiMHtlvely In a few
New 'IVatamont* |m*aago* referring
lo Ilio Male of Uio damned, Oehcnna
, la the original term IVII
I’nradlao flrat apimnr* In the lllble
In the Havlor* u tte ra n c from the
cm** pnanlalng I he prntlcnt thief a
place there (Luke >3:49); and the
word occur* subnequently but twice
I'nrndlao I* distinctively U>e abinle
of the righteous during their period
of disembodiment, and 1s In contrast
with the "prison' 'tenanted by diso­
bedient spirits tl Peter 3:1#. 30).
The several places or states men­
tioned above have reference to the
existence of disembodiment spirit*,
attd therefore embrace only that
\ierlod of the hereafter between
death and resurrection Beyond the
spirit world, with Ita Paradise and
Ita prison. Ilea Ute eternity of the
resurrected stale. in Ihc which
men alta» endure, with »pint* and
taatlea reunited, redeemed from the
thraldom of death, and. according to
the record of their mortal Uvea,
saved or condemned.
lite hereafter, therefore, ixsttr
l>rt*c* severally lite dtambodted attd
the re ernbodted existence of the
individual; and three must be dt»-
Unotly segregated in any rational
; conception of the future Ufe baaed
.At Script tire Head the testUn.AW of
- the prophet Alma
Now csAioemlng the slate of the
sruil helaren death and the reaur-
reettkm Hehotd .It has been made
known unto me. by *n angle, that
the spirita of all men. aa soon as
they «re departed fnatt this mortal
twoty yea. the «(Ants of alt men
whether they be good or evil are
taken home U) that that who gave
them Ufe
And then shall tt come to pass
that the aptnta of these who are
ttghteou* are reertved into a state
of hargMneaa which ta calWxt vaut »-
.Has a slate of rest. a state of peace
. where thev shall real Chios all thetr
trouble* and from all care, and sor­
row, etc.
"And then shall It come to pass,
that the spirits of the wicked, yea,
who are evil, for behold, they have
no i»art nor portion of Uie Spirits of
the I<ord : for behold, they chose
evil works rather than good; there­
fore the spirit of the devil did en­
ter Into them, and these shall be
east out Into outer darkness: there
shall be weepln«. and wulllng, and
gnashing of teeth; and this because
of their own Iniquity: being led cap­
tive by the will of the devil.
"Now this I* the state of the souls
of the wicked; yea, In darkness,
mid a state of awful, fearful, look­
ing for tho fiery Indignation of the
wrath of Ood u|K>n them; thus they
remain In this state, as well as the
righteous In paradise, until the time
of their resurrection.’' < Book of
Mormon, Alma 40:11-14.1.
It Is evident that the final Judg­
ment of mankind Is to be reserved
until after the resurrection, while
In another sense Judgment Is mani­
fest In the segregation of the dis­
embodied. for In the Intermediate
Ntatc like will seek like, the clean
and good finding companionship
with lltelr kind, and the wicked con­
gregating through the nut mal at­
traction of evil for evil.
The essential features of the In­
termediate state are deductble from
the Lord's parable of the rich man
and Lasnrus. Bead Luke 16:19-31.
While It would bo critically unfair
In affirm doctrinal principles on the
Incidents of tut ordinary story, we
cannot admit that Christ would
teach falsely even In parable, and
therefore we accept as true our
Lord's port rayai of conditions In
the spirit world That righteous and
unrlghtous dwell apart between
death and resurrection Is made
clear Paradise, or, *s the Jews liked
to designate that blessed abode.
"Abraham's bosom" Is not the place
of final glory, any more that» the
hell to which the rich man's spirit
went Is tiie final habitat Ion of the
lost. Between the two. however,
"there Is a great gulf fixed " Tt> that
Intermediate stale of existence
men's works do follow them (Rev
14 13 > and the »lead sliaH find that
In their bodtless state their condi­
tion Is that for which they have
prepared tltemselves while In the
D Wiliiamaon to L. H
Meyers 2 tract* eacr. cur»taming 10
acres 1 nNWKNWH Sec t - 18-47 »,
23 37. tl
United States to Frederick B
Naylor. BE 4 See 20-17-47 10, 28
Mairieur County to State cf Ore­
gon road nght of way over HW .-
8W>4 Sec 23 NW '.BW * 8ec 14;
BE‘*NE‘4 and N E '.S E 1. Bee 15-
29-4« 7, 7, 37 »1
Alfred Vogue to United States,
35 acres In Sections 33 and 34-18-
43 8. 18. 37 »1 (Q C Deed»
Malheur County to United
States. 3 4 acres In- Sec 3518-43
Malheur County to United States
2 9 acres In Bee 33-18-43 8. 4. 37 tl
Malheur County to United States
3A acres In Sections 33 and 34-18-
43 8. 4. 37 »1.
Marriage License« Issoed
Charles Leon Paris and Velma
Louise Tines 9, 23, 37.
Complaint* Filed in Circuit Court
Payette Oregon Slope Irrigation
District vs D. K Lindsay et als 9.
20, 37 To quiet title.
It Happened
In Nyssa
Years Ago
Interesting bits of history
gleaned from the files of years
S eptem ber 3«, 1910
Friday Is Nyysa Day at Ontario
and every store and place of bust
ness In Nyssa will be closed so that
Nyssa may back up her beautiful
exhibit at the First Annual Malheur
County Pair.
The Owyhee Merc. Co. are having
a concrete block warehouse built In
the rear of their establishment.
Last Friday at a practice game of
football two of the boys got some­
what Jammed up. Albert Gibson and
Walter Rutledge.
P. D. Carman Is erecting a splen­
did bungalow on his lots on 1st
Apple packing Is progressing
rapidly The first car was shipped.
630 boxes, and If appearance makes
any difference they will certainly
bring a fancy price.
If you are a reader and like good
books, call at the Journal office
and get a book from the Free Trav­
eling Library.
H. T. Francis, J H. Forbes, Geo
Phillips nnd C. C. Hunt were On­
tario visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. C. C. Hunt and Miss Canham
went to Ontario Monday.
G. F. LaFrenz Just returned from
Spokane. Wash.
S. Carlscn Smith of Boise, agent
for the Stoddard Dayton Car. was in
our town the first of the week look­
ing up the auto market.
Labels for the boxes of apples
that are being shipped by the Nyssa
Produce Co. were ordered and every
box leaving Nyssa will bear the I n ­
itials' of a progressive Commercial
Club The labels will read as fol­
Nyssa. Oregon
The Commercial Club
Nyssa. Oregon
That an election will be held in the
Kingman Colony Irrigation District
on the 30th day of October. 1937, for
the purpose of voting upon the pro­
position of Inclusion of the King-
man Colony Irrigation District
within the boundaries of the Owy­
Irrigation District, and uniting
and merging said Kingman Colony
Irrigation IXstrct Into and as a port
of the Owyhee Irrigation District
Real Esiste Transfers Recorded
and that at said election the ballots
Ben Longmirr to Fred Lenter. shall contain the words, and shall
W*x Sec 37-15141 #. 30. 37 »10
require the qualified voter» to vote
C W Glenn, Sheriff to Charles upon the proposition "Merger
C Kelley WA* 3 and 4. EWSW»* Yes" and M erger-No".
and NW'«SB's Bee 6-18-9 1, 3. 37 The Board of Director» has des­
ignated that the Klngmsn Colony
Ml (8
C W Glenn. Sheriff to Glenn School House as the place where
Wright SK'.NW '« and WHSKV. sold election shall be held, and that
Bee 15-30-43. 1. 3, 37 »131 »
sakl election shall be held be tween
Catherine Jutta ration to Alfred the hours of 8 00 o'clock In the fore­
R ratton et ux BK'sNW ',. K S- noon and 5 00 o'clock In the after­
SWH Bee 34; and NT'.NW X Sec noon of said 30th day of October
35-38-4« ». IT. 37 »I
1937. when the polls shall be closed
(Verge F t-xFreme to Bettle La This notice Is given by order of
Frenar oLts A and B block 13. the Board of Director» duly entered
Nytea 3. ». 183« >t
the 28th day of September. 1937, and
Home I-umber A Cool of Oregon which order designates the bound­
to Home l umber and O h U CO- of aries of the Kingman Ookxvy Irri­
Idaho. Lota U U I . I Block 3» gation M strtrt and dispense» with
KMmtgea Add to Vale. Lott • to 13 publication of the same In this
Inc. Block U. Harper T 90 37 »I notice of election
Walter Krete to Bertha M Krele
FRANK D HALL Secretary
lo tt 3 and 4 Block 14. and Lott I Kingman Colony Irrigation District
Fire publication Sept 30. 1987
and 1 Block IS
I 1*.«:
Vale « XT Ft »I
Ork 38 1937
Gold Star Mothers
Honored At Tea
The Ladles Auxiliary at the Vet-
ersna of Foreign Wars held a tea In
Jgmor of the Gold Star Mothers at
Mrs Tom Lowes on the Owyhee on J
Sunday. September 26
A large cake decorated with a
golden »tar and appropriately In­
scribed was presented to Mrs Lowe,
who In turn served It at the tea.
Mrs J. B Smith presented Mrs j
Lowe with an old-fashicned bouquet
and another was given her by the
Auxiliary members, with a book of
Mrs Lowe's son Julian was killed
In action on October 30, 1917, but
the family did not learn cf it un­
til after the Armistice was signed.
Mr and Mrs Lowe at present are
living upon the land homesteaded
by their son before his enlistment.
Mrs H E Walters wrote the fol­
lowing poem In memory of the
bey. shortly after the news of his
death reached Nyssa and It was
published In the Journal at that
Age of Veda Calculated
A meteorologist believes that In­
dia's famous religious work, th e
Rig Veda, wae composed 2000 to
5000 B C , or earlier. Judging by
many reference* to climate.
L o d g e M e e t in g s
Visiting Members Invited to Attend
Owyhee Post No. 3506
Meets: 2nd Friday at Leglcn Hall
Jacob Kollen ............ Commander
Dwight Smith .................Adjutant
W C. Dufffy
Service Officer
Auxiliary No. 3506
Meets: 2nd Friday at Legion Hall
Mrs. E. Clonlnger
Mrs. Chas. Paradis
Gate City Lodge No. 214
THROES OF MOTHERHOOD Meets: Tuesday, 8 p. m.
Part I
Wilson Bros. Bldg.
Frank Bailey ........... Noble Grand
All night the wind blew such a gale Don
M G raham ................. Secretary
And dashing rain mixed with hall
Beat ’gainst my window pane.
Angels and goblins, life and death,
Yellow Rose No. 202
Seemed struggling for my very
Meets: 2nd and 4th Thursdays
Till darkness settl:d down Intense
Wilson Bros. Bldg.
And robbed me of my every sense. Mrs Blanche McClure. Noble Grand
When morning came we heard a cry
That bade the goblins rise and fly Mrs. Frank Leuck..............Secretary
And neighbors came to swell the Joy FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES
Because we had. a baby boy.
Aerie No. 2134
And when I saw his little head
Meets: Every Wednesdy. Eagles Hall
On the pillow of my bed
And heard his tiny infant voice
Bernard Frost
Worthy President
Oh. how It made my heart rejoice. Harry MJner.................... Secretary
And the sun came out warm and
After that awful stormy night.
3rd Friday
Part II
Eagles Hall
But now the storm is on again
Mrs. Chas. Leuck .......... President
The boy has grown to be a man
Mrs. Ronald Burke
And duty call to war.
With aching head and heart of
Golden Rule No. 147
I kneel at midnight all alone
Meets: Stated. 2nd Monday
And look to Him. who, years ago.
Special, 4th Monday
Struggled with His grief and woe
Eagles Hall
On Olive brow.
Then from the blackness of the Bernard Frost ............................ W.M.
Leo Hollenberg.....................Secretary
A pierced hand Is reached to me A. C. Norcott................................Tyler
I clasp it and he leads me on
To where my eyes can see
* Eastern Star
An nng l coming thru the gate.
O. E. 8. No 131
The Gate Gethsemane.
and 3rd Monday
When I arose the sun was high
Eagles Hall
Light clouds were floating in the sky
And from the barn my own dear boy Mrs. Bettle Forbes ................ W.M.
Mrs. Hilda Tensen
Was Whistling America.
Thus It was I gave my son
To hasten Ihe mlllcnium.
Nyssa Post No. 79
Part III
Meets: 2nd and 4th Thursday
Legion Hall
Oh Jcy, Thank God the war is o'er
And I may clasp my boy once more Harry Russell.................. Commander
Tn arms that long for him.
Louis P. Thomas...................Adjutant
But no. That Joy Is not for me.
They cabled me, they wrote to me
My tho'ts and fancies whirl and
Meets: 2nd and 4th Thursday
Somewhere In France somewhere In
Legion Hall
I stand In fields of blcom.
Wli, re flowers op'e with awful noise
I strew them o'er a million graves.
They are all my boys, there are all Meets: Every Wednesday noon
Schweizers Cafe
my boys.
And then I wander thru the gloom A. L. Fletcher
Back to myself, back to my home F. T. Morgan
To lose my sorrow in the daily plod
To feel the throbbing of the great
heart of Ood.
Meets: 1st Friday
Homes of Members
Nyssa has another Gold Star D. R. DeGross................... Presldant
Mother. Mrs F. L. Smith, who was Mrs. A. V. P ru y n ................Secretary
unable to attend the ceremonies be­
cause of illness.
Secretary's of all lodges or clubs
are Invited to send In to this paper
the information contained in the
The Mohawk Trail
The Mohawk trail was used by above cards. Changes in dates of
Indians before the Revolution for a meetings or meeting halls must be
trading route between their abodes sent In by Monday before publica­
and the Atlantic coast
. Notice lx hereby given that a Budget Committee of the Non-High
School District of Malheur County. State of Oregon, at a meeting of said
Commit toe held on the 27th day of September,
prepa an est! ate In
ptember. prepared
b; said Non-High
detail of the amount of money proposed to be expended by
School District for all purposes during the fiscal school year beginning
June 1. 1937. and ending June 1. 1938. and an estimate In detail of the
»able receipts of said Non-High School District from all sources for
vear 1937-38 The Board of said Non-High School District has
the school year
fixed the 18th day of October, at the hour of 1:30 P ili at the Court
House tn Vale. Oreeon. as the time and place at which said estimates may
be discussed with the B ard of said Non-High School District, at which
time and place any and all persons Interested will be heard for or against
said tax levy, or any port thereof. That said estimates and attached ortg-
nal estimate sheets are on file In the office of the Oountv School Super­
intendent and are there open to the Inspection cf all persons Interest­
ed therein, and the same are by reference made a part thereof
I Cosh on hand st beginning of the vear for which this
bwdgrt is m a d e ________________________________
» 3.373 82
3. Amount to be raised by district tax ________________
Total Receipts
•46 486 94
1. Tuition „ ______
»25 845 44
3. Transportation
I Fleet l. n _________
200 00
Travel _________
200 00
o 8 n 8 ________
C l e r i c a l _________
Rm enrm rv
- 50000
Capital Outlay
- - 'I 73000
f* *
Re placemen it Funo
Debt Servie
_ 4.170 00
Total E xpenditures______
J D F AIRMAN Chairman