- NLOCAILS® Lieut. Clonlnger and wife attend- Mr and Mrs. Prank Newbill call­ ed at the Newt Thomason home I ed a CCC officer’s banquet In Boise Saturday evening. Sunday afternoon. Mr. A. H. (Dad) Willson who has Mr and Mrs. J. J. Wood of Pay­ ette visited Sunday afternoon with been 111 for a few days, is back on the Job again. Mr. and Mrs. H. Blair Johnson. Visitors at the Roy Tidwell home Mr. Charles Wilson has been In Nyssi for a few days visiting his Sunday were J. C. Dennett, Calvin music pupils and arranging for the Hoadley and Henry Walsh of Hous­ ton, Idaho. fall term students. Fred Stitz and Nellie Rutherford of Opp.rtunity, Wash, were callers e l the Clyd> Long home last Satur­ day afternoon. The Max Schwaizers are moving this week from the Geo Schweizer home near the CCC camp to the small house In Oregon Trail owned by the Ontario Ditch company. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin and son Norbert and Ted Morgan returned Monday evening from a few days combined business and pleasure trip to Bend and East Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cheese and their son and wife of Ontario visit­ ed with Mr and Mrs. H. D. Holmes Sunday evening. The visitors were old time friends of the Holmes in Colorado. Mrs. H. Blair Johnson left Mon­ day evening on the train en route to Portland where she will spend a few days on a buying trip for the Johnson Variety Store and will also visit with her daughter Miss Betty. Mrs. Emma McDowell and two daughter-in-laws all of Detroit, visited Friday with Mrs. McDowell’s nephew, George Schweizer and family. The visitors were en route to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Henning of near San Francisco were visiting in Nyssa the first of the week. They made the trip up here for their chl’.’ren Shirley and Keith Barker who spent the summer in this vicinity with rela­ tives. The Dean and Dwight Smith families and Miss Pearl Tucker and Carol Tucker were Sunday dinner guests at the Franklin Fry home in Oregon Trail, Mias Tucker has been a house guest at the D?an Smith home while visiting her brother Carol and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. N Thomason and and daughter and grandson have returned from a vacation through central Oregon and along the coast to Seattle where they visited a niece and saw the sights of the city. They also visited the Hoxle boys at Pend­ leton and Mrs. Helen Wilson, a niece at Baker. Mrs. Claude Wilson and two children of Shoshone, Ida., spent last week visiting with Mrs. C. B Short. Mr and Mrs Cecil Curl of Pend­ leton and Mr and Mrs. George Gross stopped Sunday evening to visit with Mr and Mrs. C. L. Mc­ Coy while on their way to Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seward and daughter Nadine from Palco, K an­ sas came to Nyssa Friday evening to visit Mrs. Seward’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wild and Roy. Mrs. Arvilla Fuuchier came down last Wednesday from Ironside with the Robert Longs, after spending over two weeks with the Longs at their homestead. Miss Doris Koontz of Boise spent the week end with her sister Mrs. George Mitchell and family. On Sunday the Mitchells and Miss Koontz drove to Council wh:re they visited with relatives. Mrs. Joe Sodja and children and Mr. and Mrs. M. W Alspaugh and daughter of Payette spent Sunday with their sister and daughter, Mrs. C. B Short and family. On Monday Mrs. Sodja left and children for her home In Portland. The Dewey Rays came down from Pendleton Friday and were here un­ til Saturday morning. Dewey is driving a gas truck for his brother Gordon Ray in Pendleton and they plan to be gone about two or three months. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Garrison were pleasantly surprised last Wednesday when Mr and Mrs. Dale Meade of Idaho Falls came to visit them for the evening. The Meades and G ar­ risons were old times friends In Colorado. They were in this vicinity looking for a location. Rev and Mrs. Vem Martin and Joyce, Mr and Mrs Higby, Vivian and Mary Jane; Mrs. Douglas; Rev. Powell and family; Carl Funk, Mr and Mrs. Ed Wild and Roy. Mr and Mrs. Dwight Seward and Nadine, all went In a group from Nyssa to attend the Nampa camp meeting Sunday. GROCERY S PECIALS For Friday and Saturday, September 3 and 4 k i* || ■VIMK Tall cans, all brands, 10 for D e v ile d M e a t 6 cans for V i e n n a S a u s a g e 3 cans for 69c 25c 25c P o r k ô ' B e a n s î ’ fo r “ " ' size can 2 9 C Dean Jchnaton, local southpaw pitching star has been signed to play with Payette during the base­ ball tournament to be held there 8:ptember 5 and 6 which will see teams from Payette, Boise, Oocdlng and Baker in action. Johnston already holds two wins over Baker this year, pitching once fer Payette and once for Weiser. In the Weiser-Baker game, Johnston let Baker down with four hits and retired 11 via the strikeout route, winning the game 3 to 2. Last year the baseball tourn­ ament was held at Burley, with Payette winning the title. The teams entered this years are the pick of their respective leagues and ome fast ball should be seen. 9C D a sh P e p p e rs i e a C lie S W ILSO N CROC ERY A D ep en d ab le F ood Store N Y SSA O REG O N MISS MORGAN ENTERTAINS Miss Margaret Ann Morgan en­ tertained with a bridge party at her home Friday night Two tables of Auction were in play w lV h Mrs. Ronald Burke winning high score prize and Mls6 Margaret Pinkerton winning second high award. - 5 - BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR BETTY NEWBILL Mrs. Chas. Garrison gave a party Saturday afternoon honoring the 6th birthday of her granddaughter Betty Lou Newbill of Kingman Kol ony. Guests were eight of her Kol Grandma McConnell is quite ill ony playmates and her two cousins, again at her horns in Nyssa. Carol Robertson and Jo Anne G ar­ Miss Donna Cook left Wednes­ rison. Othere who attended were day for Enterprise where she will Mesdames Frank Newbill, Chas. Newbill and Dale Garrison. teach again this year. Miss Harriet Sarazin returned this week from a visit with friends in Portland. Mrs. Laura Starcher, Miss Mary Stockton and a friend were Sunday callers at the home of Mrs. George McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Sitton of Boise were callers at the Clyde Long home last week. Mr. Sitton forme rly lived in Oregon Trail. Mrs. Barney Wilson, June, Rich­ ard and Phillip attended the Rus­ sell Blethers Circus in Payette Sat­ urday. Mrs Henry Fields and son Robert returned home Sunday evening after a week spent with relatives and friends in Baker. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eastman were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mar­ shall on Monday. The visitors are from Big Bend community. Mrs. Artie Robertson. Mrs. Tom Eldridge and sons Donald and Bob­ by and Mrs. Eldrldge’s mother and sister. Mrs. Fulton and Lucille of Payette were in Boise Monday. Mr. and Mrs Wendell Pogue and sons and Roy Shumaker left Mon­ day for Woodland, Calif, where they plan to make their home. Mrs. Pogue’s parents, Mr and Mrs H. H. Shumaker live at Woodland Mr. and Mrs. Terry Barnes are leaving soon for The Dalles where they will make their home. Mr Barnes has been in charge of the Terteling dnmpany machine shop here and is being transferred to The Dalles where Tertelings have a con­ tract to build a levee. Mrs. Florence Meyers of Emmett, former Nyssa resident, spent the past week visiting with Nyssa friends and was the house guest of Mrs C. W. Reberger. On Tuesday night Mrs. Meyers was a dinner guest of Mrs. Arvilla Pauchler at the C. A. Abbott home. Lieut, and Mrs. Edward Mucho plan to leave Nyssa today, going 43 Laramie, Wyo, where Mr. Mucho will enroll in the University to com­ plete his studies In civil engineer­ ing. Lieut. Much has been on duty at the Nyssa CCC camp for the past few months and Mrs. Mucho made her home in the Swan apartments in Nyssa. Lieut. Elmer Cloninger and fam­ ily arived Saturday from a 10 day vacation spent fishing and resting on the Coast. M-s. Cloninger caught a four pound fish, the largest on the trip, and the Lieutenant says he has had to revise his fishing stories now. A visitor from Portland for the week is Rev. A. F. Lienkaemper, father of Bert and Kermit. ML". Lienkaemper plans to remain here until Monday or Tuesday of next week. K o o l C o rn Society TUESDAY BRIDGE CLUB Tuesday evening club members met with Mrs Artie Robertson this week for thei.- regular evening of cards. Mesdames A. B. Heisey, Dick Tensen and Herbert Fisher played with members. Prize winners were Mrs. Frank Hall first, and Mrs. Frank Morgan second. EAGLES BENEFIT CARD PARTY ths grandstand at the Fair grounds. 4:00 The great historical Pageant Parade, ‘Epic of the Owyhee’’ depicting 50 years of progress in Malheur County t h r. ugh the streets of Ontario. 8:00 Opening of championship con­ tests for titles of the Owyhee Stampede, the concluding perfor­ mance of the Golden Jubilee Owyhee Stampede. 10:00 Gorgeous display of fireworks through the courtesy of the Shell Oil Company and Mr. 8 Stanton. This display will be set off inside the Stampsde arena. ARCADIA NEWS Mrs. Otis Bullard gave a birthday dinner for her husband Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dale and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bullard, Mr and Mrs. I. Mc- Keon, Mr and Mrs. John Zittercob and family, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bohy and son, Mr. and Mrs. T. Mathley, Dona and Mr and Mrs C T Spawn. Otis Bullard bought the Mull home and the Mull family have moved to Nyssa. Miss Evelyn Zittercob went to Boise Saturday to visit with her aunt Mrs. Dale Larkey for a week. Mr and Mrs. Vemie Wilson and John Vanderpool were callers at the Chas. Bullard home Monday even­ ing. » Mr. and Mrs. Dal Pinker went to Weiser Saturday. Loyd Orris and Roger Orris w ent1 to Boise on business Monday. Geo. Campbell of Boise was a guest at the Steve Krulick home cm Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dale moved to the Mull house Tuesday. They have been living in the Arcadia teacher- age. Mesdames A. V. Cook and Nick Rudlick entertained with a card party at the Cook home Wednesday evening for the benefit of the Eagles Auxiliary. Three tables of bridge were in play and two tables of pinochle. The winners at bridge were Mrs. Loyd Marshall, first; Mrs. BIG BEND NEWS Klaus Tensen, second; and Mrs. By MRS. E. H. BRUMBACH Chas. Paradis, traveling. Mrs. Ed Pruyn won high in pinochle,, Mrs. John Bowen, second and Mrs. Roy Mrs. Robert Weir and Miss Mary Warner traveling. The hostesses Weir spent Tuesday in Ironside. served a lunch at the close. Miss Adeline Fish returned home - 5 - with them for a visit. Dinner guests at the Barney Wil­ Dr. and Mrs. Johnson of Ontario son home Monday evening were were guests in the C. R. Purdy Mrs. Addie Wilson, Mrs. Gertrude heme Wednesday evening. Ward and Miss Donna Cook. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Case and Mr and Mrs. Raney were businera in MALHEUR COUNTY FAIR Weiser Wednesday. Kenneth Parker of Klamath a r­ TO OPEN SATURDAY rived Friday for a visit with his (Continued From Page One) parents Mr. and Mrs. E. E.Parker. Howard Hatch and son were Vale business visitors Friday. fancy rifle shooting from horse­ E. H. Brumbach accompanied th back by Mamie Frances, Ridgeway Parma Golf club to Boise Sunday. Colorado; Exhibition bronc riding by Rose Breeden, world's champ­ ion lady bronc rider; Garlene Tindall and her trained pony, Sunray; Lewis Tindall and the world's greatest high school horse, "Lad”; and Jazbo Fulkerson and his trained mule “Joe Penner.” Sunday, September 5th— S c h o o l 2:00 Grand parade of livestock ex­ hibits in the rodeo arena. A public address system will carry the de­ S u p p lie s scription of the parade; animals and prize winners will be announ­ are ced with ribbons presented to the winners. Arriving Daily 7:00 Parad of Cowboys and Cowgirls and redeo perfromers through the streets of Ontario to the Fair­ grounds. 8:15 Introduction of Queens. 8:30 Opening arena event, with a complete list of rodeo events. Monday, I-abor Day, Srptmber 6th— 2:00 The Honorable Walter M Pierce, United State Congressman from this District, a Pioneer of Eastern Oregon, will address th? Pioneers of Malheur County at JOHNSON W h e n Y o u N eed Insurance . . . And You Always Need It LIFE, HEALTH, ACCIDENT C o n tin e n ta l A ssu ra n ce Com pany Call Nyssa 62 M. F. Solomon, Agent Ready for Business We are now ready for your business with a fine lot of sparkling new dresses and other ladies wear. Everything new, and in the very latest modes. We invite you to call and promise you fair treat­ ment and fair prices. SEE THESE SPECIALS Childrens Dresses at $1.00 and up. Ladies Dresses, $1.00, $1.98 and $2.98 These are prints, rayons and silks. M ode O 'D a y Fro ck Sh o p Located South of Cash Grocery (Formerly Shane Appliance Location) Cash G n ocery Co. NYSSA, OREGON PHONE 3 Highest Quality Lowest Prices PRICES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3 and 4 COFFEE ja r Coco a Buddy Boy Standby ' glaS 29C Shows Continuous SATURDAY Following KIDS PARADE SUN-MON— 2 p. m. to 11 p. m. SPECIAL M1DNITE SHOWS SUNDAY- MONDAY—Complete Change of Program SAT.. MIDNITE, SUN, MON, TUE Warner BAXTER WaiJace BEERY SLAVE S h ip Are necessary for the maintenance of health and vigor. Although they are present in natur­ al foods, the average diet is often lacking in one or more of these vital factors. The common diet usually selected offers no definite assurance of an adequate vitamin intake. In fact they may be reduced or destroyed by the methods of cook­ ing generally practiced. Vitamin capsules, biologically stand­ ardized, may be obtained at our store and now is the time to start building a higher vitamin reserve for fall and win­ ter seasons. We have a complete stock for your convenience. 25c Box D eviled M eat Fargo q Large lb. pkg. 15C T o m a to Dinnerett, Lg. 15 oz. J llic e Cans, 4 for Baking Cans, Each 2l/2 Powder Calumet \c ■ 29c 4 Mm J e ll- W e ll The Perfect D essert 1 Q () p kgs. G ran u late d Soap rtr C Bisqui ck Cans Super Suds Nyssa Pharmacy i 4 21b. Can 2 ib K r is p y The Four Important Vitamins FRI.—Berte Ilarte’s SAT.—"Outcasts of Poker Flat" -> i K « U l PEAN U T BU TTER C ra ck e rs A, Bi, B2, G and D Sc ■ M. J. B. » 2 lb. ■ Can VARIETY Vital Vitamins and Mrs. Will Schulz. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Soott and Mr. and Mrs. Brum- bach attended the Pioneer picnic In Vale Friday. E. H. Brumbach was elected President for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch moved Into their new home in Ad­ rian the forepart of the week. Mr. and Mrs. B Bowman cf Dixie were calling on cld friends In this community Tuesday Mr and Mrs. N. S. Phelan enter­ tained at dinner Sunday honoring Mi and Mrs. Cecil Scott of Yuma. Arizona. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Plin Case, Mrs. C R. Purdy and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach. Friends In the Bend reoelved word that Miss Fay Bette who grew up In this community was married In Emmett Sunday and will make her home In Moscow. Mrs. O. Numans and Miss Jcanna were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Case Muntjewerff. Mrs. F C. Nightingale returned home Sunday from a visit with friends at Ironside Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Case were shopping In Caldwell Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Roberts of Kuna and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knlefel of Parma were entertained In the Harvey Bennett home Thurs­ day. Mr and Mrs. N. S. Phelan, Mr. IOI Aid Ä vore 25c Pancake Flour& GeaeV32C Q Dependable Cane & D yrup maple, qt. jars 35c FlakesiK^U r'l r \ ___L Large size Each 49c £ 1 ‘ vV G. Giant size D O tl p bars, 7 for 29c r\ _ Green and ripe 25c D From Bakers orchard ■ Bushel baskets. No. 1 $2.25 DEAN JOHNSTON TO PITCH FOR PAYETTE DIKING BALL TOURNAMENT SEPT. 5 and 6 19c 15c B reakfast Food R olled O ats, A lb ers 9 lb. Bag A C „ 03C