NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1937 ’ date of first publication 1* July • To J. A. Bchiuerman. the above defendant; 1937. then and thers to answer or | named THE NAME O f THE STATE otherwise plead to the complaint OP IN OREGON. You hereby are com­ filed herein, and if yeu fail so to and for want thereof, plaintiff will manded to appear in the above en­ take Judgment and decree deter­ titled court and cause, within four mining all adverse claims to the wo;ks after the date of first publi­ following described real property In cation of this summons, which date Malheur County, Oregon, to-wtt: of first publication Is July 15, 1937, all v. i tc bi retimed tc service By Clyde C. Beam Assistant to the Tr&cims and machinery are kept In and there to answer or other­ Lots 5, 6. 7 and 8 of Block 73 of then Supervising Engineer, E. C. W safe working ccnd...on by the camp Greens Addition to the Town wise pi.ad to the complaint filed of Nyssa, all as shown by the herein, and if you fail so to do, for mechanic. Small teals, such as thereof, plaintiff will take Revised General Map of said want shovels, picks, etc. are inspected udgment and decree against you. town on f.l. in the cffice of the determining each evening by the safety assistant all adverse claims in County Clerk cf Malheur Coun­ The following article Is by ad the foreman and the dull and and to the following d: scribed real ty at Vale, Oregon unsafe tools are segregated and left Clyde C. Beam, assistant to and decreeing and adjudging that property in Malheur C unty Ore­ the Supervising Engineer, E. at the camp shop until they have you and each of you have no inter­ gon: C. W. and was published In been sharpened and repaired. est, estate, or claim whatever, in or The North half of Southeast the May Issue of The Recla­ All work projects are carefully to said land or premises so de­ quarter (N(4SEl4) and the mation Era. Mr Beam Is a supervised fer safety conditions and scribed, and that the title of the Southwest quarter of Northeast sen of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. the most dangerous are especially plaintiff to all cf said property is a quarter (SWtiNEVi) all of Sec­ Beam of Nyssa, and Is well studied and regulated to eliminate good and valid fee simple title, and tion Twenty-two <22> Town­ and favorably known here. He any hazards. Blasting is geneially forever enjoining and debarring you ship nineteen (19) South cf end his family are now mak­ done under the supervision of a and each of you from asserting anj Range Forty-six (46) E. W. M. ing their home in Falls competent and thoroughly exper­ right or claim whatever In or tt hat you may have, and d:clarlng Church, Virginia. We re-pub- ienced blaster who usually loads and said land and premises, or any par nd adjudging that you have no llsh the article, not cnly be­ fires all shots using only electric thereof adverse to the plaintiff, am estate or interest whatever, in or to cause the author is a local blasting caps. All precautions such for such other relief as to the court aid land, premises or property, or ooy, but also because it con­ as testing caps warnings, signs, etc may seem meet and equitable li he crops growing thereon, either tains valuable information as are rigidly observed Regulations 1 x the premises, and for plaintiff’! ender agreement of leasing or to the safety measures taken work in gravel pits provide for re­ costs and disbursements in thii ¡therwi.se, and that the title of the to protect CCC enrollees. moval of all overburdened and that olaintiffs is a good and valid fee made and incurred. a safe slope of 45 degrees or flatter Gathered from all parts of the world, 25,000 Boy Scouts attended the National Scout Jamboree at Wash cause You will take notice that thlt ¡imple title, and that the plaintiffs be maintained at all times on the ington, D. C. Above, Scouts from Albany and Abilene, Texas, are shown erecting their division sign at the summons is served upon ycu undei tre entitled to the possession of of the pits. camp close by the Potomac river. The cost of the camp and the expenses of the Scouts en route and and by virtue Two features of the Civilian Con­ sides of and pursuant tc ¡aid premises, and you will be for­ back home were estimated at more than $2,000,000. On all work such as hand drill­ servation Corps which receive much ing rock, using grinding wheels, an order of the Hon. Charles W. El­ ever enjoined and debarred frem Circuit Judge of said County asserting any claim whatever in or attention from the public are the breaking rocks, etc., where there Is Council of the City of Nyssa, Mal­ of Section Eleven (11) Town­ lis, and State, made the 3rd day of to said land and premises adverse efficiency of the enrcllees on work danger to the eyes from flying par­ engineer, E.C.W., who, in turn, con­ heur County, Oregon, this 19th day ship twenty-one (21) South of July, 1937, directing that publica­ to the plaintiff, and for such other projects and the safety conditions ticles, enrollees are required to solidated the agencies' reports into of July, 1937. Range Forty-six (46) E. W. M. of summons herein be made relief as to the court shall seem under which they work. The past wear goggles complying with def­ one report for all C. C. C. With this M. P. SOLOMON, Said Patrick O’Rourke, as the tion for four successive weeks, including meet and equitable, and for plain­ 4 years have proven their efficiency inite specifications which provide procedure, the personnel of the July 22-29 Recorder. owner of the legal title of the above five publications, in the Gate City tiff’s costs and disbursements made as evidenced by the volume and principally that the lenses must be camps, the cooperating agencies, described property as the same ap­ Journal, published at Nyssa, Ore­ and incurred. character of work accomplished, of optical glass and case hardened and E. C. W„ as a whole, can, by pears of record. The Unknown gon. The date of first publication to You will take notice that this NOTICE OF SALE the present favorable attitude of to withstand the force of a 7-8-inch careful study of the data, determine O'Rourke, De­ be July 8, 1937, and the date of summons is served on you under the public, and the many requests of steel ball dropped 50 Inches; and IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE Heirs of and Patrick also all persons or per­ last publication will be August 5, and by virtue of and pursuant to conmmunities for the establishment that eye cups must be of metal the weak spots in their safety work STATE OF OREGON FOR THE ceased, son unknown claiming any estate, 1937. an order of the Hon. Charles W. El­ with perforated metal side shields, and eliminate or remedy the main COUNTY OF MALHEUR. of new camps. right, title or interest In the real Carl H. Coad, Administrator lis, circuit judge of said County and The widespread publicity now joined by a flexible metal bridge causes of their accidents. Thus a In the Matter of the Guardianship property described in the applica­ of the Estate of Patrick Mc­ State, which Order was made on the given to any unusual event affect­ Those In close proximity to acety­ camp superintendent may find that of the Person and Estate of Al­ tion herein filed, the above named Intyre, Deceased, Plaintiff. 14th day of July, 1937, directing that ing the C. C ,C. keeps the safety lene or electric welding must wear a large per cent of his accidents oc­ bert Hlnsch, an insane person. defendants: and each of you, here­ Residing at Nyssa, Oregon. the summons herein be published goggles with special lightproof len­ Notice is hereby given that, under cur to enrollees on one class of situation constantly before the pub­ are further notified that the for four successive weeks, including lic, and erroneous conclusions are ses, as the light from welding Is work, or under one certain foreman; authority of a license issued by the by Kingman Colony Drainage District five publications, In the Nyssa Gate SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION very Injurious to eyesight. In gen­ above entitled court, the under­ an agency may find that 10 or 20 possible. However, statistics com­ will apply to the Circuit Court of City Journal, published at Nys'-a, piled for the C.C.C reveal that its eral, every effort Is made to provide per cent of its camps have a large signed, guardian of the estate of the County and State aforesaid for IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Oregon. date of the first pub­ accident rate compares favorably the C.C.C. enrollees with safe and percentage of its accidents; and the Albert Hlnsch, will sell at private a decree foreclosing the liens STATE OP OREGON FOR THE lication The is July 15, 1937, and (he with industries doing similar work. efficient working facilities in a safety engineer may find that some sale to the highest bidder, for cash, against the property above describ­ COUNTY OF MALHEUR of the last publication will be This Is gratifying when one real­ thoroughly safe environment. It Is of the agencies have an Ineffective and subject to confirmation by said ed and mentioned In said certifi­ LOUIS P. THOMAS and WINI date August 12, 1937. a well-established fact that safety court, on or after August 13, 1937, safety program. With this constant izes that enrollees In the C.C.C are and efficiency go hand in hand. FRED BROWN THOMAS, hus­ cates. And you, and each of you, CARL H. COAD all the right, title, and interest that check and the spirit of competition much younger and inexperienced are summoned to appear band and wife, vs. Plaintiffs Attorney for Plaintiff existing between agencies, between said estate has, by operation of law hereby than those In private Industry, and Minimizing Human Hazards within sixty days after the first J. A. SCHAUERMAN, Defendant. Residing at Nyssa, Oregon. that the turnover Is much greater It Is thoroughly recognized, by all camps, and between individuals, the or otherwise, acquired, in and to publication of this summons, the following described real prop­ and defend date accident rate for Civilian Conser­ because the men enroll for 6-month concerned, this action or pay the that precautionary mea­ vation Corps has shown a satisfac­ erty located In Malheur County, periods. amount due as above shown, to­ sures and diligent Inspection on State of Oregon, to-wit: tory and constant decrease or down­ The majority of new arrivals at the part of the supervisory person­ ward trend amounting to 25 per gether with costs accrued in­ Lots 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18 19 and 20 terest, and in case and C.C.C. camps are inexperienced in nel are not sufficient or complete cent in the past 2 years. of your failure of Block 17 of Teutsch’s Addi­ to do so, a decree will the use of machinery and often In means of minimizing the number of be rendered THE PASSAGE OP A RESO­ for the construction of a sidewalk tion to the City of Nyssa. the use of the most ordinary tools. accidents, as they cannot compen­ foreclosing the lien of said taxes OF LUTION BY THE COMMON five feet in width along the north LEGAL ADVERTISING Consequently, they must be taught sate in full for careless, slipshod All bids must be in writing and may against the land and the premises COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NYS­ side of Main Street between Third be delivered to said guardian at above named and described. to use them safely and efficiently methods and individual manner­ SA TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, Street and the highway near Sev- Because of these factors, safety isms of enrollees. With this thought Nyssa, Oregon. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS This summons is published by AND IMPROVE SIDEWALKS, nth's tre e t. and that the cost education will necessarily remain In mind .every effort Is being made A. O. HINSCH of the Honorable Charles W. AND TO ASSESS THE COST , thereof one of the most important features to induce the boys to become safety Notice Is hereby given that by virtue Guardian of the Estate of order assessed against the Ellis, Judge of the Circuit Court of THEREOF AGAINST THE ABUT­ owners of be abutting of training given the C. C. C. en- conscious. Safety consclousnss Is of Section 69-301, Oregon Code An­ Albert Hlnsch. property. the State of Oregon for the County TING PROPERTY. 1930, as amended by Chap­ July 15-Augl2 Said Ordinance further provided rollees. recognition of hazardous conditions. notated, of Malheur, and said order was NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN for the construction of a sidewalk In an enrollee embodies alertness, a ter 446, Oregon Laws of 1933, Organization made and dated the 23rd day of That the Common Council of the on Third Street between Main NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE sense, an absence of horse­ June, 1937. Malheur County Board of The necessity for proper educa­ common City of Nyssa on the 13th day of Street and Park Avenue, and that play, and, In general, a serious re­ Equalization CARL H. COAD, tion and regulation In all matters July, 1937 passed an ordinance the cost thereof be assessed to the On the 14th day of August, 1937 for the life and well-being of Attorney for Plaintiff, pertaining to safety, in connection gard known as Ordinance No. 228 de­ property abutting thereon. at the hour of 10:30 A. M , at the will meet on the Second Monday of himself and others. To become Postoffice and residence, Nyssa. claring with the operation of the Civilian safety conscious, one must primar­ August, 1937, the said day being the front door of the Court House in it necessary, expedient and All persons interested as owners Conservation Corps, has led to the ily be able to recognize danger and 9th of August. 1937, and shall re­ Vale. Oregon, I will sell at public Date Oregon. proper that the sidewalk located or otherwise in the following de­ establishment of an organization then he must have or create the- main open until the fourth Monday auction to the highest bidder for 1937. of first publication, June 24 >n the south side of Main Street scribed lots or parcels of land are within Emergency Conservation lncentive to personally observe a In August 1937, at the County Court cash, the following described prop­ Date of last publication July 22, 1937 between Second Street and the hereby notified to proceed imme­ Work for that purpose. highway near Seventh Street be re­ diately with the construction or erty, to-wit: All of Lot 6, Block 11 House,, Vale, Malheur County, Ore­ of procedure. the Original Townsite cf Nyssa, paired and improved, and that the Improvement of said sidewalks in In the office of the director, E. safe There gon, to publicly examine the 1937 the ever present sub­ Assessment Rolls, and to correct Oregon, as the same appears on the owners of of land abutting thereon front of and abutting their ra- C. W., in Washington, D. C., there conscious Is thought NOTICE TO CREDITORS In many people errors in valuation, descriptions or Revised Oeneral Map of said City should proceed with such repair and spectve lots or parcels of land, and is a safety engineer who has gen­ that accidents may possibly hap­ qualities of lands, lots or other of Nyssa now on file in the office IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE lmprovement within ten days, or In that if you fall to do so, the Com­ eral supervision over all safety pen to the other fellow but that matters for the C. C. C. camps and they are Immune. Many Ingenious property assessed by the Assessor of the County Clerk, Malheur Coun­ STATE OF OREGON, FOR lieu thereof, the same to be dene by mon Council will proceed to have the Common Council at said own­ said work done at yofir expense and Is chairman of the E.C.W, Safety methods have been used to over­ of Malheur County, all persons In­ ty, State of Oregon. MALHEUR COUNTY. Council. This organization, com­ come this thought and to create terested shall appear at the time Said sale Is made under execution IN THE MATTER OF THE ES ers’ expense. to assess the cost thereof against posed of representatives of each of alertness and wide-awakeness In and place appointed. Issued out of the Circuit Court of TATE OF ADAM R. MILLAR, Said Ordinance further provided the property abutting thereon. the cooperating agencies, meets Dated at Vale this 19th day of the State of Oregon for the County DECEASED. Individual enrollee. Any July, SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET monthly to dlcsuss safety data ac­ each of Malheur to me directed In the 1937. method which includes the Idea of Block and Addition cumulated from the field, to formu­ competition Is usually very effective case of L. E. Fry, Plaintiff, vs The undersigned having been ap­ Lots No. MURRAY MORTON, Owner or Reputed Owner 10 Original E J. Powell late plans and regulations with in­ with the men of the C.C.C. One Assessor cf Malheur County, Ore­ George H. Bodfish and Ida Cecil pointed by the County Court of the 1 and 2 10 Original W. B. Hoxie tent to decrease accidents and fat­ method, applicable wherever the gon. J22-29 Bodflsh, husband and wife; Kern State of Oregon, for Malheur Coun 3 5 and 4 10 Original J. J. Sarazin alities, and to advise the safety en­ enrollees In a camp are divided Into Crandall Defendants. ty, Adminstrator of the estate of 6 and 7 gineer generally. In its Washing­ small groups for efficiency on the C. W. OLENN, 10 Original Lotta Phillips Adam R. Millar, deceased, and 8, 9, and 10 ton office each government agency work projects. Is to grant awards or NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION Sheriff. Malheur County, Oregon having qualified as such, notice is 10 Original Golden Rule Lodge No. 197 First Publication, July 15, 1937 cooperating In E.C.W. has an organ­ extra privileges to the members of State of Oregon, hereby given to the creditors of, A. F. and A. M. ) Third Street ization for recording and consolid­ the Last Publication, August 12, 1937. and all persons having claims City of Nyssa group which proves Itself to be of Malheur, ) ss. 1 and 2 ating the accident data received the most safety conscious for a County 1 Teutsch against the said deceased, to pre­ Methodist Church of Nyssa. ) from the C.C.C. camps under Its weekly period. Usually the reward City sent them, verified as required by 3 5 and 4 1 Teutsch H. F. Brown and Win Brown Est. Notice hereby Is given that an SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION supervision, and for preparing and 1 Teuttsch L. J. Norris law with the proper vouchers, with­ • as important to the mind of flection of the City of Nyssa, Mai distributing to camps such charts Is the not 1 Teutsch M. Dragich (Sarazin) in six months after the first pub­ enrollee as the fact that he has IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE heur County, Oregon, will be held and analyses thought to be of value excelled In competition. With some at the Temporary City Hall In the STATE OF OREGON FOR THE lication of this notice, to said Ad­ a. b. and c 1 Teutsch N. H. Pinkerton to them In Improving safety con­ methods of this kind, a fine spirit of Hlnsch Building, on the 3rd day of COUNTY OF MALHEUR. minstrator at the office of A. L. Fourth Street City of Nyssa ditions. The size and structure of competition Is developed, and those August, 1937. between the hours of KINOMAN COLONY DRAINAGE Fletcher, In the City of Nyssa, the 1 2 Teutsch Dick Tensen these safety organizations in Wash­ Individuals who tend to be care­ eight o’clock a. m. and eight o'clock DISTRICT. A Municipal Corpor­ same being the place designated for 2. 3. 4, and S 2 Teutsch H Walters ington differ greatly because of the less the transaction of all business per 6 to 10 2 Teutsch A. L. Friis will usually be kept in a state ation, Plaintiff p. m. to submit to the legal voters Fifth Street variance In the number of camps of at least partial alertness by their of the City of Nyssa the two ques tabling to said estate. City of Nyssa vs. 1. 2, and 3 June 23. 1937. allotted each agency. 15 Teutsch J. Myers more alert companions. PATRICK O'ROURKE. The Un­ tions as follows: First, the question 15 Teutsch Pete Dear DOUGLAS M MCDONALD 4. 7, 8. 5, 9, and and 6 10 In each C.C.C. camp there is a The standard 15-hour course ol as to whether or not bonds In the known Heirs of Patrick O'Rourke, 15 Teutsch safety committee composed of the Instruction Administrator of the Estate of Deceased, and ¿Iso all persons in first aid, as outlined amount of $7500 00 shall be issued Sixth Street City of Nyssa Adam R. Millar, deceased. camp comm nder, the c .imp super­ and Issued by the American Red for the purpose of providing a site or person unknown claiming any First publication June 24, 1937. intendent and camp doctor. This Cross, Is mandatory estate, right, title or interest in and constructing thereon a city for all super­ NORTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET committee deals with individual intendents and foremen of the sup­ hall and. Second, the question as to the real property described In the Last publication July 22, 1937. 6, 7, 8, 9. and 10 20 Teutsch Jess Thompson, Sharp Estate safety problems In the camp and ervisory application herein filed, Defend­ whether or not bonds In the personnel and all leaders, 11 20 Teutsch Walter Johnson outlines programs for the camp and assistant leaders of the enrollee amount of $1000.00 shall be issued ants 20 Teutsch Frank Leuck Estate safety meetings which are held personnel, but Is elective for all for the purpose of acquiring land To Patrick O'Rourke, The Un­ SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION 12 and 13 14 and 15 20 Teutsch Oertrude Bean every week, with all members of the other known Heirs of Patrick O'Rourke, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE for and doing work upon same to enrollees. Those who elect the camp attending. Each camp super­ course are given the the same train­ create a city park, which bonds Deceased, and also all persons or 8TATE OF OREOON FOR THE Fourth Street City of Nyssa 6 to 15 inclusive intendent appoints a safety assist­ ing and a certificate of attainment shall be payable from ad valorem person unknown claiming any es­ COUNTY OF MALHEUR. (10 lots) 19 Teutsch Charles L. Bonney (Coad) ant, whose duty is to assist him In when they have mastered the taxes. tate, right, title or Interest In the CARL H. COAD, Administrator of Fifth Street a personal and frequent inspection course. City of Nyssa real property described In the ap­ more proficient mem­ The vote will be by ballot, upon the Estate of Patrick McIntyre. 6 and 7 18 Teutsch Adam R. Millar Estate of all machinery, equipment, build­ bers of The plication herein filed, the above the elective group are as­ which shall appear In different Deceased. Plaintiff 8 and E. 2-3 of 9 18 Teutsch W B Hoxie ing. etc., to Insure their safeness signed to the different work groups propositions the two questions to be named defendants; vs. West 1-3 of 9 and to keep an adequate check on and are able, with the use of the submitted as stated, and upon IN THE NAME OF THE STATE A W WARD and 18 Teutsch, H. F Brown and Win Brown Est. RUAH WARD, the safety conditions of the work ever present regulation first-aid which ballot shall be the wards OF OREGON; You hereby are his wife; 8. F. POSTER and 10. 11. 12. 13. and 14 18 Teutsch H. F Brown and Win Brown Est. 15 In progress Each camp also has a 18 Teutsch Albert Hlnsch to give prompt and competent “City Hall Bonds Yes" and “City notified that the Kingman Colony MYRTLE POSTER, his wife: R 8lxth Street number of trained first-aid men, kit, City of Nyssa attention to all Injuries and minor Hall Bonds No," as the first ques­ Drainage District is the holder of G NEWCOMER and JANE DOE 6, 7. and 8 17 Teutsch Albert Hlnsch who are capable of administering cuts and bruises. Certificates of Delinquency numb­ NEWCOMER, his wife; MAL­ tion, and the word "City Park first aid In the Held In case of an Bonds Yes” and “City Park Bonds ered 7885. 7886. 7887 and 7888. Is­ HEUR COUNTY, A municipal EAST SIDE OF THIRD STREET Accident Records accident. No.' as the second question, and sued on the 19th day of February. corporation and subdivision of the 9 Original W B Hoxie Elimination of Physical Hazards Each C. C. C. camp makes a mon- the voter will place a cross between 1937 by the Tax Collector of the State of Oregon; LOTTIE PHIL 9 10 9 Original F. T Morgan Every efforts is being made to thy report to the Washington of­ the word "Bonds" and the word County of Malheur. State of Oregon, LIPS; HERBERT PHILLIP8; Bower Avenue eliminate the mechanical and In­ fice of the Bureau or Agency “Yes” or between the word for the total amount of $453 42, the FRANK PHILLIPS and MAUDE 11 City of Nyssa 4 Original F. O E. No. 2134 dustrial hazards connected with under whose direction It operates Bonds" and the word "No" upon same being the amount then due for PHILLIPS, his wife; NELLIE 10 4 Original C. C. Hunt C.C.C. work. All CCC trucks are The reports of the Bureau of Recla­ proposition, which shall Indi­ the drainage district assessments POINTS and SILAS POINTS, her Ehrgood Avenue driven by experienced licensed mation camps list and classify as to each City of Nyssa of plaintiff district for the years husband. Defendants. cate his choice. 11 3 Original E. J. Powell drivers and are equipped with gov­ cause, all minor accidents; and list, The polls for the reception of the 1928. 1929. 1930 and 1931. together To R. O Newcomer and Jane Doe 10 3 Original Albert Hlnsch ernors which limit the maximum classify and explain briefly all lost ballots cast for or against the mea­ with Interest and costs thereon, up­ Newcomer, his wife, of the above Avenue speed of the truck to 35 miles per time and fatal accidents Separate sure will, on said day and date and on the real property assessed te named defendants. City of Nyssa IS hour Trucks are Inspected daily detailed reports are required to be at the place aforesaid, be opened at Patrick O'Rourke, who Is the own­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 3 Taylor J. J. Sarazin 3 Taylor R. O Church by competent mechanics for mech­ submitted immediately after any the hour of eight o'clock a. m. and er as appears of record, situated In OF OREOON. you and each of you 13 anical defects, such as faulty brakes serious or fatal accident The remain open until the hour of said County and State, described as hereby are commanded to appear In By Order cf the Common Councilor the City ol Nyssa faulty steering apparatus, and dan­ Washington office of each agency o'clock p. m of the same day | follows: the above entitled court and cauee gerous tlree; all repairs and adjust­ then consolidates the reports of Its eight when the same shall be closed The Southwest quarter of the within four weeks after the first M F. SOLOMON. ments being made before the trucks camp Into one report to the safety By the order of the Common Northeast quarter tSWNNKVl publication at this summons, which Safety In The Reclamation 23,000 Boy Scouts Have $'2,000,000 Camp Party CCC Camps Important Item NOTICE