NYSSA GATE CITY JOUftNi Society P A R T Y FO R V IS IT O R Mrs. J. J. Sarazin and Miss Eva Bcydell entertained Monday after­ noon at the Sarazin home with .a dessert bridge honoring Mrs. Russell Chithero of Juneau, Alaska, form- arly Gordon Dickens, who is visit­ ing her aunt Mrs. Frank Hall. Four tables of bridge were in play dur­ ing the aftem con with Mrs. Chith­ ero winning high score award and Mrs. C. L. McCoy second high. The honor guest was presented with a guest prjze. If You Are In Need Of D IN N E R W A R E GLASSW ARE MRS. L eC LA IR HONORED TU E SD AY C O N TR AC T Mrs. Fred LeClair of Lewiston who spent several days here last week visiting her sister Mrs. Wm. Schireman was the inspiration for several nice social gatherings. On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Thomas entertained for Mrs. LeClair with a dinner follow­ ed by bridge. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schireman, Mrs. LeClair, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy, Mr. Sid Burbidge and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Schireman won the honors at bridge. Friday afternoon Mrs. C. L. M c­ Coy entertained with a dessert bridge for Mrs. LeClair. Three tables of cards were in play with Mrs. A. H. Boydell winning high icore prize and Mrs. Lewis W ilt­ shire second. Mrs. LeClair was pre­ sented with a guest prize. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schireman entertained in­ formally for Mrs. LeClair. A buffet supper was served and guests enjoy­ ed an evening of visiting. Those present were Messrs, and Mesdames A. H. Boydell, E. D. Norcott, C. L. McCoy and Louis P Thomas. Mrs. C. L. McCoy was hostess to the Tuesday Contract Club this week, entertaining with a 1:30 o'clock dessert bridge for members and guests, making up three tables Prizes were won by Mesdames Geo. Mitchell, Denny Hogue anl Chas. Paradis. -5 - or W EN D ESD AY CLUB G R A N IT E W A R E JOHNSON VARIETY Come in and see our complete stock Mrs. Bob Thompson entertained the Wednesday club last week with Mrs. Henry Carl high score winner and Mrs. Nick Rudlick winning the traveling prize. Guests playing with members were Mesdames Harry Miner, A. V. Cook and Warren Blodgett. At a previous meeting of the Wednesday club held at the home of Mrs. Rudlick, Mrs. Barr Doolittle now of Caldwell, and Mrs. Bob Thompson were honored with a stork shower. Get Ready For The . • . Call of the Open Road Y o u r car is as good as the service it gets, and be­ cause we are fully equipped w e can service you efficiently and swiftly. Hundreds of people like our service . . . give us a chance to please you. Powell Service Station Phone 1 Standard Products LIE N K A E M PE R & LEUCK, Props. . . . I f i our Home Do you have ample insurance to cover the loss? Don’t take a chance— See Nyssa Really Co. Don M. Graham, M anager Enclosed Gears . . but one o f its many features • • • f ♦ V Gayle McCoy entertained the Junior American Legion at her home Thursday night. A covered dish luncheon was enjoyed and after the business meeting, Mrs. Elmer Cloninger, their leader, took them to the show. O W Y H EE O W YHEE P.T. A. MEETS The Owyhee P.T.A. met at the home of their president Mrs. Fred Kllngback Friday. The members voted to buy a set of scales to weigh the school children. These are especially needed by the 4-H Health Club. The next P T A meeting will be held jointly with the O K K club. The 4-H cooking club met with Lois Patton last Tuesday. Louise Klingback had charge of the meet­ ing. Bill Hite and son Edgar en route from Jordan Valley to to their home at Harper stopped to visit the form ­ er's brother O. R. Hite and family. M r .and Mrs. Rawlelgh Cham­ berlain and family and Art Cham­ berlain and son of Montana are visiting the Russell Patton fam ily while looking for a permanent loca­ tion In this vicinity. I f successful they will return to Montana for their household goods and the other members of the A rt Chamberlain family. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Calhoun called on the Bigelow Sunday evening. The Cloyd Serasln family of Marsing were Sunday guests at the John Hite home. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Boersma entertained for the bridge club. Mrs W. L. Dimmick and Bill Sch- welzer won high prize and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, low. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwetzer accompanied the Guy Glenn family on a business trip to Boise Satur­ day. Mrs. Oce Schweizer, Mrs. Neil Dimmick and Mrs. S. E. Flanagan attended the Benefit card party of the H. E. C. of the Oregon Trail grange Friday afternoon. Mrs. Sch­ weizer won high prize In pinochle and Mrs. Dimmick wen high prize in bridge. The O K K was postponed one week due to the absence of Mrs. C. A. Abbott. Mesdames Schweizer and Abbott will entertain at the John Hite home Thursday June 24. The general school election will be held Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the school house to elect a direct­ or and clerk and to vote on the Ad­ rian high school question. Mrs. Ness Hatt gave a party in honor o f her son Donald’s fifth birthday Wednesday afternoon. Guests were Betty Culbertson, Freddie Klingback, Denny McKim, Dorothy and Betty Jane Toombs and Eloise and Melvin Crocker. The younger children were accompanied by their mothers. A fter playing games the guests enjoyed a birthday cake, and Ice cream. Friday evening at 8:30 there will be a general meeting at the school house for th purpose of discussing the Adrian high school question. Outside speakers will explain the situation. The Joe Nannery and Michael Walrack families who have been visltng the Oral Hite and BUI Sch­ weizer families left Tuesday for Seattle. The CCC boys are planting straw berry clever on the small plot o f ground at Langton's service sta­ tion. This Is an experiment con­ ducted by the government to deter­ mine the adaptability of strawber­ ry clover in this country. Dinner guests at th James Steph­ ans home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnes o f Central City, Nebraska. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Gcogan and Mr. Secoy and son Carl of Ontario-called. IF W HAT! JOHN DEERE G R A IN BINDER Enclosed main drive gears is but one of the many features that make the John Deere Binder a better investment. It is the binder that is known everywhere for its light draft, ease of operation, better work, and long life. Note the Johp Deere features at the right— come in and inspect them at our store. JU N IO R LE G IO N * Bridge-trussed frame. it A l l - s t e e l , q u ic k - t u r n tongue truck. Mr .and Mrs. John Low and Mr. and NeU Dimmick were initiated In­ to the Oregon T rail Orange W ed­ nesday night. The Pleasant Hour Club met with Mrs. Fred MltcheU June 10. After the business meeting several chap­ ters of “ A Lantern In Her Hand," was read. A new member. Mrs. Nothesis joined the club. The next meeting will be held June 24 with Mrs. Sidney Flanagan. Mr. and Mrs. SUas Bigelow called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schweizer at their new homestead Sunday aftemcon. Mrs. Klingback and chUdren spent Saturday with De Bord's at Payette. The local Christian Endeavor was organized Into a regular C.E. Sun­ day evening by the district presi­ dent Mr. Cade Dyer. Mrs. Earl Strickland who has been taking a rest cure for an In­ ward goitre reports she Is much better altho still not allowed to be very active. Oral Hite who suffered a relapse of the flu is now out o f pain and weU on the road to recovery. M r .and Mrs. W. L. Dimmick of Yakima, Wash, arrived at the NeU Dimmick home Saturday afternoon for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lowe of M it­ chell Butte didn't have new po­ tatoes with the peas they have been getting out o f their garden several weeks, until June 13, this year. This is three days later than usual. But In spite of the late spring the Lowes have cabbage starting to burst. The Arthur Mayes had as guests Sunday her niece and nephew from Meridian and their friend late from Nebraska. Several farmers unfortunately had their hay down during the re­ cent rains. A few are Just begin- ing to hay, among them the Duna­ way boys, who report that altho their hay is not quite as heavy or tall as usual, they expect a good yield. This seems to be the general condition thru the valley. The evangelistic services con­ ducted by Rev. Emerson, wUl be held both Sunday morning and evening June 20. There has been a fair sized crowd in attendance but It Is hoped everyone wUl turn out to help make the last day of the meeting memorial. CARD OF T H A N K S W e wish to express our deep ap­ preciation of the kindness of friends and for their help and sym­ pathy In our hour of sorrow when we lost our beloved brother and uncle, A. R. Millar. Mrs. Elizabeth McDonald and family. University Extension The university extension move­ ment began in England more than a century ago. It was brought to this country in 1887 through a discussion at a library conference In Albany N. Y. Very shortly centers were established in several cities, and In 1890 a society known as the Am eri­ can Society for the Extension of University Teaching was established in Philadelphia. Phone 26 carrier. car doesn’t run as fast as it did or if it is hard to start, bucks at low speeds W e are equipped to clearlv diagnose the trouble and fix it fo r you at the minimum ex­ pense. The scientific instruments that w e use in diagnosing motor car troubles insures this. it Efficient oiling system. Baldridge Implement Co. JOHN DEERE Q U ALITY I IMPLEMENTS »ND SERVICE FO R SALE—Certified and non-cer- tlfled Bliss Triumph potato seed. See and purchase at farm formerly owned by Chas. Garrison. Phone 78F2, ask for Ira R. Ure. 4-22-tfc FO R SALE— '36 Chevrolet truck. dual wheel trailer. 20 Caterpillar. 6 miles southwest Nyssa. Marion Chard. June 17-July 8 pd. FO R SALE—In Nyssa. eight room stucco house, modem. Inquire of H. Q. Johnston. June 17-24pd FO R SALE— Advance-Rumley steel grain seperator. fully equipped for all kinds o f seed. Good shape and ready to go. Priced reasonable with terms to responsible parties. Can be seen one mile northwest of Midvale. Also 20 horse steam en­ gine, to go with outfit; if you want It. Wheels suited to drive on pave­ ment. Henry Clare, Midvale, Idaho. 6-17-3tp. FO R SALE—Typewriter ribbons at the Journal office. TRUCK B A R G A IN — 1931 Ford truck, reconditioned motor, flat bed, long wheel base; only $275. Ask to see it at Cables Chevrolet Co. In Ontario, ltp. FO R SALE— Hundreds of season­ able Items at Wilson’s June Sale. Ask to see the shoe bargains, ltp. NEW AN D USED F U R N IT U R E : Ten per cent o ff on all purchases at our store If made In the next three weeks. Nordale Furniture, ltp FO R SALE1—Registered Du roc Jer­ sey Boar, 15 months old. Charles A. Ditty, 4 miles west of Terteling camp. 6-17-3tp. ESSENTIAL TO Well-Dressed People CLEAN CLOTHES FOR SUMMER! O ur process removes all dust, dirt and grime without harming the garment in any way. Nyssa Tailor Shop Nyssa Don Morgan, Prop. M ake It a Rule . . . Before Starting Any Trip . . . to drop in at Norcott Service and allow us to CHECK TH E B A T T E R Y T E S T and A IR T IR E S F IL L T H E R A D I A T O R C H E C K G A S and O IL . . . It takes SO L IT T L E time, and it can save SO M U C H grief on the road. These little services are F R E E . . . but w e ’re anxious to render them as a vital part of our service to Y O U as an automobile owner. Norcott Service T IR E R E P A IR IN G ACCESSORIES • k‘NoTcant staftto hot ' Nyssa electrical system may be at fault. it N o n -s c a tte rin g bundle M iscellaneous FO R SALE—Spring friers, 25c each, FO R R E N T —Furnished apartment First house west Tertellngs' Camp R E A L E STATE : I f you wish to buy during summer months. Swan James Stephen. 6-17-ltp. or sell town lots, homes or farms, Apartments. 2tp. See R. J. Davis at the Western FO R SALE—Rhode Island Red frys Hotel. 6-10-tfs. For Sale Two miles west of Nyssa. Mrs. G. H A U LIN G — All kinds, Oregon and Stam. 6-17-2tp . Idaho License. Hugh Glasgow. FO R 8ALE—C melody Saxaphone. Phone 36-F3. Jan 16tf. case Included, pearl keyed, geld Wanted belled, 825 cash. Call at Journal for B R A K E W O R K —L et us put your Information. 6-10-4tc. car or truck brakes In first class W A N TE D —All your welding Jobs. Special equipment and We promise good work and fair condition. FO R SALE— Wagon a n d rack, ready to go. Lyman D eG rofft See prices. Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone trained men at your service. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone 56F2. It at Nyssa Sale Yard and Phone 56F2. 51-F12. 5-27-tfc. “T h e Fanner's Own Co-Op" * Free-running, gear-con­ trolled reel. * Durable, accurate knot ter. For Rent Al Thompson or cuts out at high speeds, in all probability your * Flex lb le -c a p a c ity , n o n - clogging elevators. CLASSIFIED ADS FO R SA LE —Several outstanding W A N TE D — I have a cash hufet for 40 acres of new .land under the buys In used trucks. Save money by having your own truck. Ask to project. See R J. Davis a i Western see them at Cables Chevrolet Com­ Hotel. 6-7-2tc. pany In Ontario. When they are fed our spec­ ially prepared and blended growing feeds. Oet your chickens laying sooner by de­ veloping them with special feed. Ask us for details. N° Speed? No Power? YOUR iwt C H IC K S GROW FASTER * Cleaner-cutting, longer- wearing, easier-serriced cutting parts. Make U$ Your Headquarters for Motor Car Service PRUYN AUTO REPAIR Phone 56F2 L THÜRSÖAY ^ UNE 17, Nyssa An Early Start Wash Day With Automatic HOT WATER • The earlier in the day you can get started, the sooner wash day is over. An automatic electric water heater will give you plenty of hot water any hour of the morning. Ask to be shown - and let us explain our convenient monthly-payment purchase plan. I D ¿ b A tfr H ic r t/ O V P O W S B Dc?-, So MUCH-CoaU Sa LlTTtll , . ...