DRIVERS MUST HAVE $1.00 fee direct to the State. NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, M AY.!«, 1987 Secretary of NEW DRIVING LICENSE BEFORE J U N E 30 th VERNON CHADWICK JOINS U. S. ARMY The Biggeut Musical Since 42nd Street It* “TOPS OF THE TOWN” waitresses. No admission will be charged. A dish Of ice cream and a piece of cake Will sell for a dime Come and enjoy a lovely evening. The next regular meeting of the H. E. C. will be held at the home cf Mrs. Dale Ashcraft on Tuesday. All motor vehicle drivers’ licenses expire June 30th oi this year ac­ cording to an annouucment from the secretary of state. Those who have reached the age of 70 years, those who have acquir­ ed any physical handicaps which might affect their driving ability, and those who are applying for a driver’s license for the first time must all complete the driver’s lic­ ence examination, state Wm. Ham­ mond, head of the Operators Div­ ision. The department is anticipating the recording of the greatest num­ ber of licenses known in the history of the state. This is based on the increased registration of motor vehicles, nonresident visitors, and the many who have recently taken up residence in this state. Arrangements are being made to accept applications by May 15th in order that the tremendous rush and jam might be avoided. Special attention during this early period wy | Mrs. Roy Cartwright entertain­ with asthma. They returned home teh pupils. Tea had F IN A N C E your cookies were ed the Harry Russell family and on Friday with Mr. Fish somewhat sesved at the close and of the program. Clyde Cartwright at dinner Sun­ automobile this improved. As each Mother came into Miss' day. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Omer Presley and small son Crummett’s room she was presented Kennick called. NEW WAY of Seneca visited friends here on You Buy? a flcwer. The large number of Mrs. Esther Kennick and Sarah Thursday while on her way to Vale. wl'h that as auras you present enjoyed the pro­ Cartwright were in Vale Wednes­ Miss Hazel Rose of Vale and Joe Mothers given by the pupils. Refresh- ! day to visit Mrs. Kennlck's daugh­ / Lowest financing cost. and Margaret Laurence were week gram If you like really good meat and don’t want any end ments were served after the pro­ ters Marie and Evelyn Loveland / More convenient payments. at the S. Rase home. gram. attend high school there. other, then depend on our shop for all that you Mr. guests and Mrs. Bruce Lofton ac­ Somehow fire started near the who S Insurance placed locally Eiaine Handsaker of Vale (with your own agent or broker). buy Our meat is always the very choicest in companied by the latters sister Oscar Schaffer bam, burning the was Miss in the Bend on business Satur­ Verla Prescott and Bob DeArmond / Confidential attention to your affairs. stack, barn and also several! day. quality and the prices are in line with economy. of Vale motored to Monument on hay Established bank credit for future needs. com which were being Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jones are Saturday afternoon to spend sacks cf in seed both very sick again. Try the Meat Market First the barn. Mother’s Day with Mrs. Joe Sernas stored Available to any individual having a satisfactory credit record Mrs. D. C. Duvall and children Lynn Chaney and Mr. Chapman mother cf the two ladies. and steady income, who can supply one-third the cost of his of Parma were callers in the Bend —0 — Helen and Alvon returned from Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grabner Pendleton Thursday where they} or trade-in her new or used car purchase either in cash or by the were Boise visitors one day last had value of another automobile. This bank then supplies been called by the serious ill­ week. the balance needed to make a cash deal. ness of Mr. Duvall. However, Mr. N YSSA P A C K IN G C O . Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Cammann of Duvall is much better at present Before Buying a New Car or Refinancing CORNS, WARTS and Westfall visited Friday at the home and FRESH MEAT FISH CURED MEATS the doctors have hopes for his Your Present One, Investigate This Plan at of their son Frances and family. recovery. CALLOUSES VANISH The Bruce Loftons were Ontario Miss Jeanette Martin and three shoppers last Wednesday. the Wilder school were By using SPAULDING CORN The Eldorado Grange dance was friends from DOOM guests in the Conrad Mar­ a very enjoyable affair, held on Sunday home. PRICE 25c May 1st. The crowd was just med­ tin Plans T he social, ium owing to dances and plays in spcnscred for by the the ice 4-H cream club people 827 Hoyt St., Muskegon ether neighboring localities OF PORTLAND to be given at the Kingman School Heights, Mich. A illlIlf lift " mST nat , c s m iANK house Saturday evening May 15 are A proven success to them A lL ' iC ! i.RBP Wf S I or THE R O C K IE S" KINGMAN KOLONY well underway. The program is who have used it. By MRS. C. E. ELLIOTT composed entirely of music and tap dancing. Several numbers to be giv­ Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lane were en by both children and adults. Nampa visitors Thursday. The musical numbers will be ar­ Mrs. Conrad Martin attended a ranged by Miss Nelson and Miss committee meeting at the county Crummett, Mr. Hewitt and Mrs. agent’s office in Ontario Wednes­ Elliot. The ice cream will be home is for Rhino— day. The meeting was held in re­ made and in charge of Mrs. Flor­ gard to the Homemaker’s camp ence Gowey, Mrs. C. C. Cotton, Mrs. Who’s proud of his hide. which will be held at McCall from John Thiel and Mrs. J. G. Lane. August 11 to 15th. inclusive. Mrs M. L Kurtz and older club It’s thick and it’s Tough, In the absence of the Grange members will have charge of dec­ And it’s wearproof beside’I Master 0. E. Elliott and Overseer orations and tables. Mrs. Charles D. L. Anderson, Mrs. Oscar Schaf­ Newbill has charge of tickets and MEAT ★ NYSSA BRANCH ★ FIRST NATIONAL BANK Keep In Touch is for Ibex—a Fast-Stepping sport. He kicks up his heels—is off with a snort! with friend* Now mix them both And mix them up well, And there, sir, you have The New Golden with I k * ) * RHINI-BEX The next issue of the telephone directory goes to press May 19th. Any changes in listings must be in by that date. K E E P IN T O U C H . . . by having your name in this book. Malheur Home Telephone Co. Kyssa-Ontario-Vale Like two oils in one, It’s Tough and it’s Fast, It Cuts Starting W ear And how it does last! DON’T MAKE THE MISTAKE OF PLANT- ING CHEAP SEED—We handle nothing but CLEAN SEEDS Andrews Seed Co, Phone 452 Ontario / Starting causes More Engine Wear than all the running... New Golden Shell Motor Oil is Fast-Flowing to reduce this wear • .. Tough so it stands the heat of steady driving. The New Motor OO /