N Y S S A G A TE C IT Y JO U R N A L, T H U R S D A Y , A P R IL 29, 1937 SOCIETY B R ID E HONORED bers. Prizes were won by Mrs. Bills, Mrs. John Young and Mrs. W ilt­ Miss Maria McElroy, who became shire. the bride o ( Mr. Herman Laurance Tuesday, was the honor guest at a miscellaneous shower given Thurs­ B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y day night at the Owyhee Hotel. She John Flanary celebrated his 8th received many lovely gifts. The evening was spent visiting with birthday with a party Sunday after­ refreshments served at the close. noon at the home of his sister Mrs. Mrs. T. C. McElroy and daughter Sam Caldwell. Games were played Ann and Mrs. John McNulty of and refreshments of birthday cake, Vale were out of town guests. Host­ ice cream and orangeade were esses were Mrs. Ronald Burke, and served the young guests. 5 - Mi ses Sabina Caldwell and M aig- aret McNulty. T U E S D A Y E VE N IN G CLUB On Wednesday evening the Altar Mrs. A. H. Boydell was hostess to Society of Vale gave a miscellaneous club rhtwer for the bride at the McElroy the Tuesday evening bridge this week with all members present. heme in Vale. Mrs. E. D. Norcott won high score -8 — and Mrs. Artie Robertson won sec­ C O M P L IM E N T IN G MRS. H EISEY ond. - Mrs. Tom Eldredge enertained with a dessert bridge last Friday afternoon complimenting Mrs. A. B. Heisey a newcomer to this commun­ ity. Three tables of Contract were in play with prizes being awarded to Mrs. E. Norcott, Mrs. Artie Rob­ ertson and Mrs. Heisey. - 5 - - 8 - W EDNESDAY E VE NING CLUB The Wednesday evening club met with Mrs. Aden Wilson this week with Mrs. Art Servoss and Mrs. Wm. Lowe playing with members. Mrs. Henry Carl won high score prize and Mrs. Burbidge won a traveling prize. T H U R S D A Y CLUB Mrs. Sid Burbidge entertained the Thursday club last week. Prizes By MISS NO RM A STOUT were won by Mrs. Warren Blodgett, Mrs. Eldon Jensen and Mrs. Harry Miner. Guests playing with members were Mesdames Miner, Art Servoss, Mr. and Mas. Harold Schrader and Bob Thompson. and son have moved from the old _5 _ Otani place to Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Higby and R E B E K AH P A R T Y family of Boise were guests Sun­ Last Thur da/ evening the local day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rebekah l-d e " was hostess to a Leon Higby. number of Odd Fellow and Rebekah Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fritts and lodge members of Nyssa and vic­ family called Sunday evening at the inity at a “ get acquainted” party. home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cald­ Bunco furnished amusement for the well. evening with about 8 tables in play. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McFadden and Pri-es were won by Nancy Langford. Mrs. Anna McFadden o f Bakers­ Mrs. Mary Morris, Mr. Newbill and field, California, spent Thursday Oca Blaylock. Refreshments were at the home of W. S. Adams. served at the close. Allen Reed and John Matzen went to Ketchem Saturday where they were looking for work in con­ T H U R S D A Y C O N TR AC T CLUB struction of a new hotel there. They Mrs. Howard Larsen was hostess returned home the first c f the to the Thursday Contract club las' veek. week, entertaining at the home of Mrs .Cedric Caldwell and Verna- Mrs. Ray Emmott. Three subsi- iin e and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell were tutes. Mesdames George Mitchell Sunday callers at the home of Mrs. W. C. Jackson aftd J. J. Sarazin, Cecil Scott. played with members. Mrs. A. H Mrs. Kuhlman and daughter Boydell won the prize. Leona called at the E. A. Summy - home Monday evening. Mrs. D. A. Rogers was called to M O N D A Y C O N TR AC T Ashton, Ida., last week by the ill­ Mrs. Leslie McClure entertained ness of her father She will remain the Monday Contract club this week until he is considerably improved. Calvin Vertrees returned home with Mesdames Farnham Sills. Lewis Wiltshire, Harry Miner and M nday from the Lemon Nursing where he has Eldon Jensen playing with mem- Home in Caldwell been the past week with a severe case of pneumonia. He is feeling much better at this writing. Several friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nichols Sunday and helped them celebrate their birth­ days. Mrs. Lolo Orr who has spent the past week visiting with friends here left for her home in Walla Walla Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fox left Saturday for Nebraska upon receiving word c f the death of Mrs. F ox’s mother Mrs. Webb. Annie Patterson was an overnight guests of Thelma Rogers Monday evening. Repairs on the Apple Valley Church have been started this week. George Bailey and Mr. Jones are in charge of the work. Cedric Caldwell returned home from Council over the week end where has been working. O R every article you have and want to sell, there’s a Journal reader who wants to buy . . . and the best way to reach them is through the W ant Ads. They’re easy to use and inexpensive. APPLE VALLEY SELL with WANT-ADS F 0 PHONE 19 The Journal W A N T -A D S \jCUi likivuj f FAM ILY IIX»CMDED W H ISK EY • O p ro ® «. 79% grmtm i E x a c H tiv a O t t ic a « : N . Y . C. OREGON TRAIL MRS. F R A N K BYERS At the regular meeting of the Oregon Trail P T A Friday evening. April 23. Mrs. J. B. Smith Installed the new officers for the year: presi­ dent, Mrs. F. Byers; vice president, Mrs. F. C. Fry; secretary-treasurer Mrs. John Bowen; hlstoran, Mrs. F. G. Holmes. Yearly reports were given by the treasurer and chairman of commit­ tees. Mrs. Hopkins gave a very com­ plete report of county council meet­ ing held at Annex April 10 and pre­ sented to the local association the picture wen as second prize in the county membership contest. A history of 4-H club work from the beginning in 1913 to present was given by Mrs. Smith and then the calf club under the direction of the r leader, Chas. Thomason, held their meeting to demonstrate, 1st how the club does it’s work, and 2nd, to create interest in club work among new people in the community. When the subject of original rcadside posters of club members was under discussion the Parent- Teachers voted to give a prize to the rlubs making the poster that best showed the work of the clubs. “ Summer Round-up” of the child­ ren was given and plans were made for the Oregon Trail clinic to be held Tuesday. Committees appointed for the year were named as follows: mem­ bership, Mrs. W yatt Smith; pro­ gram, Chas. Jones; 4-H Clubs, Charles Thomason; Ways and Means, Frank Fry; hospitality, Mrs. Hopkins, magazines, Mrs. Chas. Thomason; summer round-up, Mrs. J. B. Smith; publicity, Mrs. F. Fry. Plans were made for a community picnic the last day of school. The music for the evening was furnished by the school children. Before you plan any trips, be sure to have the crank­ case drained and refilled with summer grade motor oil. Now is the time to let us clean your transmission and add the grease suited to this season o f the year. T IR E R E P A IR IN G Mr. and Mrs. Lewis James of Ad­ rian and Mr. and Mrs. Jim H u ff­ man and son Jean of Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests at the Tor- vald Olson home. Mr. and Mrs. McLease and family of Ontario were callers Sunday evening at the J. E. Bowen home. Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Chard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Chard and family, Miss Faye Mettlen and Vance Smith attended the dance at the Wm. Mettlen home near Mitchell Butte Saturday night. Mrs. Maud Sykes and sons Oliver and Arthur and Irvin Charland of Eskridge, Kansas, arrived at the J. H. Ulrey home Sunday. They intend to spend the summer here. The play “ Aunt Emma Sees It Thorough,” sponsored by the Oregon Trail Grange was presented at O re­ gon Slope last Thursday evening. On Tuesday evening the play was given at Kingman Kolony. Stick and Stitch Club The regular meeting of the Ore­ gon Trail Stick and Stitch club met Saturday, April 24. Roll call was answered by "How to arrange so we can get something special done that we didn't have time to do.” Songs were sung. The club pledge motto and yell given. It was decided to make a quilt and sell tickets to get money to help send the winning member to Corvallis. I nch girl will sew her share of the blocks. 4-H samplers that had been ordered were received and work will be started on them at once. Loretta Mitchell, Betty and Peggy C hari are working on a dress. Roll ca’ l «t next meeting will be answered by “ How we intend to make aprons.” Six members were present.— Mary June Rookstool, reporter. Buena Vista N ews Chatter Box Club Helen Pierce returned to school False Teeth Monday after an absence of several days with illness. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Sweany CAN N O T EMBARRASS and family from Twin Falls Tdnh'- moved on their new land south west of Nyssa. Mrs. E. L. Jami—n called on_ Mrs Day Tuesday afternoon. Elizabeth Gocdell, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and children spent Sunday with Mrs W. E. Goodell and family at Caldwell. This part of the protect is gettin“ to look like farms more evrrv dav Brush is being grubbed and burned and crcps planted and some irrigat­ ing done. W e are beg nning to see what we will have in a few years when a few months can make such improvements. The mail route pe'itton has been sent to the financial department in Seattle and will then be sent on to Washington for approval. All are hoping for a mail rout'' " w some fanners have to go 10 or 12 miles after their mail. Many wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment be­ cause their teeth dropped or slip­ ped at just the wrong time. Do not 1 ve in fear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH | on your plates. Makes false teeth stay in place and feel comfortable. Sweetens breath. Get FASTEETH at any good drug store.—Adv. RICH ARD S ELECTRO FENCE $ 17.50 Safe - Sure - Practical Economical For FREE Demonstration Write GLENN OLSON Distributor Route 2, Payette, Idaho SELL I T OR B U Y I T TH R O U G H A C LASSIFIE D AD. If J our Home . . . BURNS Do you have ample insurance to cover the loss? Don’t take a change— See Nyssa Realty Co. Don M. Graham, Manager ÚL JdJH&At (ÜOáJyUc FREE M P M Builder ot Waal Knot Hole News G RO W ERS! W ife: How do you like the po­ tato salad? Hubby: I t ’s delicious—did you buy it yourself? -----B U ILD FHA W A Y ----- When you’re cleaning up and fix ­ ing up around the place, you can get building materials at Jacksons for all those little odd jobs and lit­ tle improvements that add so much to the appearance and utility o f the home and farm. -----B U ILD FHA W A Y ----- Which reminds us of the college football star who was trying to teach some prison inmates how to play the game. He explained the rules and ended as follows: "Remember mugs, if you can't kick the ball kick some other fellow on the other side. Now let’s get busy. Where’s the ball?” Exclainmed one of the star-boys: “T ’hell with the ball. L e t’s start the game. -----B U ILD FH A W A Y ----- TO NG U E T W IS T E R : Say Rubber Buggy Bumpers and repeat fast several times. ----- B U ILD FH A W A Y ----- Spring building business has been good but there are still many folks who need to inquire into this busi­ ness o f owning their own home. -----B U ILD FH A W A Y ----- “ What do you think of this new mechanical cotton picker?” “ Well I wouldn’t stand too close to it in that suit.” -----B U ILD FH A W A Y ----- Cusomer: “ W hat about the short weight you give me for my money?” Grocer: “ Scrry but what about the long wait you give me for mine?” -----B U ILD FH A W A Y ----- Guess folks hear enough about the rising cost of living, but we want to remind you again that now Is time to build before materials cost more. Let us help you with your building questions. Norcott Service Joan Malts be rger, Junior Holmes. Junior D eGrofft, M ary June, Betty and Lola Rookstool, Loretta M it­ chell, Madonna Kressly, Elsie Keck. Jane Adams, Fred Boness. Robert and Aileen Talbot Avis and Inza Ulrey. Dewey Thomason, David M a­ lone, Irene Benson, Jack Marshall Betty and Kenneth Chard and the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Hopkins and Mrs. J. E. Bowen attended P o­ mona grange at Annex Saturday. Carl Ayres spent Saturday night and Sunday with Ray and Bob H ol­ mes. Little Wayne Kressley has been absent from school over a week. H ■ has had a very bad case of flu. Fred Snively and Wayne Ulrey visited at the home of the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ulrey Saturday. Mrs. Harland Maw was hostess to the Chatter Box club April 21 at her home. The following members answered roll call, Mesdames C. H. Bennett, E. L. Jamieson, Loyd Adams, Charles Gardner, Virgil McGee, Edward Neilson, Alva Goodell. Misses Elizabeth Goodell Eunice Bennett and Mrs. Cheledin were guests. Mrs. Neilson gave an interesting program. Mrs. Harland Maw was appointd to arrange a pro­ gram for next meeting which is to be held at the Edward Neilson home May 5th. The hostess served x dainty luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephens and children called at the E. L. Jamison home Wednesday evening. Mr. Day is erecting a new house School was dismissed Tuesday as the Health clinic was held. Mrs. on his land south west of Nyssa. Edna Ferris, county nurse. Dr. Sar­ azin and Dr. Norcott helped with FOR A LIMITED TIME Peggy Chard and Vance Smith the clinic which was sponsored by YOU GET A U OF whose birthdays ocurred last week the Oregon Trail PTA. entertained with a party at the 4-II CLUB NEWS Ewen Chard home Sunday after­ With the Purchase of A Oregon Trail Calf Club noon. Games were played during Horton Waeher the afternoon. The host and hostess The Oregon Trail Calf club gave received many pretty and useful a demonstration meeting at the gifts. Refreshments were served by P T A meeting Friday, April 23. The Mrs. Ewen Chard and Miss Faye meeting was caleld to order by the Mettlen. Those present were C lif­ president Vance Smith, Frank W il­ ford and Chester Ashby, Vesta and son led a yell. The club pledge and moito were given. The minutes of the last meeting read. Roll call and two members were found to be ab­ sent. Jack Marshall and Escw Atagi. Vance Smith won in guessing the weight of Dewey Thomason's calf. The next meeting will be held May 4th at the home of Frank Wilson.— G R E E TIN G S F O LK S : The well Vance Smith, reporter. known school of experience teaches that if you work hard for eight j hours a day and don't worry; then in time you may become a boss and work 13 hours a day and have all the woiry. -----B U ILD FH.4 W A Y ----- Diner: "W aiter, I was here yester­ day and had steak?” Waiter: "Yes, Sir; will you have the same today?” Diner: “ Well, I might as well, if no one else is using it.” -----B U ILD FHA W A Y ----- Time To Change ACCESSORIES I Jackson Lumber Company Nyssa, Oregon llillllltflllllllllltllllllliiillllillilllllllll I have a deal of inter­ est to good alfalfa seed growers. I will put out a limited amount of special al­ falfa seed and agree to buy the crop at a premium. Ask for details. Horton $RQ 50 Priced As Lear A s _____________ Before you buy any washer, csh«ck the New Horton with M b fuMy corrugated tub. Fast, thorough wash­ ing action. Rubber cradled motor and sealed mechaninm. ¥ — 0 — A 1 Thompson LET U6 EXPLAEÍ THE WONDERFUL POINTS OF TMB WASHER TO YOU Nordale Furniture Store “T h e Farmer's Own Co-Op” Phone 26 Nyssa $ 14.50 N YSSA : BA SEBA LL S E A S O N is HERE! The Idaho-Oregon Baseball League Gets Under­ way This Week Make your plans to attend as many games as possible this summer, and be certain to se.e the opener here VALE s N Y SSA Sunday, On The New High School Diamond The boys have put in many hours o f hard prac­ tice and need both your financial and moral sup­ port. Plan to come out Sunday and see Nyssa and Vale in action. Nyssa has several »layers who are new to the f ans . . . come out ami watch them perform Game Called 2:30 Admission— Men 35c Ladies 15c SEE the G A M E SU N D A Y ! May 2 O TH ER HOME GAMES May 18 O ntarii plays here May 30— Emmett plays here June 20—B< ise plays here July 11 - Caldwell plays here Aug. 1 Payette plays here » Aug. 8 Wolrer plays here : : : OREGON