Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, April 01, 1937, Image 3

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    High School News
Nyssa students that we are proud
to mention, on the honor roll the last
term are Ross Johnston and Ttena
Tensen at OSC at Corvallis; and
Willard Keck attending Eastern
Oregon Normal at La Grande,
Kathryn Gilmore, a Senior in the
Caldwell high school was one of the
nine students to represent Caldwell
at Portland In the Northwest Music
Festival. Kathryn was a Freshman
at Nyssa.
Miss Eva Boydell and Isabelle Sar-
azin spent the week end in Boise.
They attended Easter Services at
St. Michael's Cathedral.
Ruth Flanary spent Easter in Boise
Bob Rice is in the hospital in On­
tario recovering from a major oper­
ation. He is recovering slowly.
Several of the students spent East­
er at the Owyhee dam. They enjoyed
a picnic lunch, went thru the dam
and also enjoyed a motorboat ride.
Bonnie Matlock visited her grand­
mother in Caldwell Sunday evening.
Several girls went to Boise Thurs­
day evening. They went swimming
In the YMCA pool, and ate dinner
at the Mechanafe; and later attend­
ed a theatre party. They report hav­
ing a perfect time. Members of the
faculty were chaperons.
The Haworth family attended the
Easter services at the Presbyterian
church in Roswell in the morning.
In the evening they attended the
Eerier Cantata in Parma.
Hir.emoa Cloninger viisted Mary
Com Sunday afternoon.
Miss Rottie, Miss MacDonald, Miss
Fuqua and Miss Galley with friends
enjoyed a picnic in the hills above
The Klinkback girls accompanied
their mother to Payette to visit their
aunts and cousins on Sunday.
Ellen McConnell silent Sunday
visiting her sister in Emmett.
A freshman, who Is an outstand­
ing athlete, a good sport, and a
popidar student. He attended Nyr-
sa grade school and is now enrolled
in high school.—Stanley Ray.
We all know her. because it would
not be fun without her. Her hobby is
Raymond Graham. Her dislike i"
Bookkeeping. She’s a Sophomore
and a GAA girl. Oh!—Ann Johnson.
The vice president of our student
body and “more fun." She is a GAA
girl, a Junior, popular with the
students and has a very good schol­
astic record.—Irene Poage.
The president of our student body,
a senior, and an all around boy in
our high school. Well of course its
Lloyd Wilson.
After spending the winter in On­
tario, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bailey are
getting settled in their newly remod­
eled home on the old home place.
The work is being rushed as Mr.
Bailey is expecting his father to ar­
rive from Michigan on Wednes­
There was a crowd of 24 Lincoln
young people and old enjoyed their
Easter Sunday on and around the
Malheur Butte.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Peterson and
Mr. and Mrs. Howard McClay of
Vale were visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
George Pennington on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leavitt and
daughter Eleanor were visitors at
the Will Leavitt home Sunday.
Grandma Leavitt is ill and confined
to her bed at Wills home.
The Lincoln baseball team play­
ed Cairo Thursday on the Lincoln
diamond. The score was in Cairo's
favor. •
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Bliss and fam­
ily spent Easter Sunday at Vale
visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Olm-
stead and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Woods were
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lea­
vitt on Thursday.
After spending a short Easter
vacation with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Leavitt, Miss Eleanor
Leavitt retured to Baker Sunday to
continue her nurses training.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Farley and
family of Parma were visitors of Mr.
anil Mrs. George Pennington Easter
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sclilag had
visitors from Boise Sunday.
.Ine and Wes Blanton have pur­
chased a part of the old Ami son
ranch by the Malheur Butte.
For a smooth, velvet­
like finish. Witleiange
of modern pastel col­
ors. Economical. Easy
to apply. A beautiful
new wall finish at a
few cents per room.
Baldridge Implement Co.
: : : : OREGON
Glenn. She will stay at the Hugh
I Glenn home.
Mrs. Omar Hite was pleasantly
surprised last week by a visit from
her mother, Mrs Chadwell. her
sister-in-law and two of her brothers
from Emmett.
Dinner guests at the Claude
Franklins Sunday were the Ray
Franklin family, and Mr. and Mrs.
Berry Gordon and son from Payette
Mrs. Fred Klingback and family
had Sunday dinner with the r. L. De
Bord's in Payette.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradl:y and
daughter Alta were dinner guests
ol Mrs. Bradley's sister Mrs. Frank
Crawley Easter Sunday.
Mrs. William Obermeyer of Em­
mett visited the Charles Bradley
Friday. Mrs. Obermeyer took Grand­
ma Bradley home to spend a week
with her.
Bill Gordons sheep left for the
range Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters had
F.aster dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Newbill.
Mr .and Mrs. John Plaza spent
Sunday at the Mendiola heme in
Parma. They attended the show in
Ontario Sunday evening.
Mzsdames Sidney Flanagan and
John Plaza were business visitors in
Weiser Saturday.
Bobby Price is recovering from a
hernia operation performed in On­
tario last Monday. He is to be
brought home Wednesday.
Fred MacMurray and Carole Lom- Mr. and Mrs. Silas Bigelow were
basd brood prettily in this scene guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jung-
from “Swing High, Swing Low,, due quist of Wilder Sunday. In the after­
Sunday at the Dreamland Theatre noon they called at the Noble Pul­
in Ontario. Considering what they’ve len home In Homedale.
got on their minds — a lack of funds The Adam Klingback family of
Emmett were all day visitors at the
—it's understandable.
Klingback home Saturday.
The Bertha Culbertson and Char­
les Culbertson families accompanied
by Dorothy McClure were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee
The Ladies Aid of Nyssa gave a Culbertson.
Marty McKim visited Mrs.
play entitled "The Strike of the Lee Mrs.
Ladies Aid" Tuesday evening at the Mr. Culbertson
anil Mrs. C. H. Shirk hail
Owyhee School. The play was spon­ dinner with
friends in Parma Sun­
sored by the Owyhee PTA.
Mrs. Lynn Kygar and children
visited her mother Sunday.
Miss Mildred Curtis was an over­
night visitor willi Miss Hazel Huff­
man Sunday.
The Owyhee PTA will meet at the
schcolhouse Friday, April 9 at 2:30.
The Easter program given by the
Sunday school was as follows: read­
ings by Patricia Marvin. Grace and
Della Kygar, James Franklin and
Mrs. Marvin; violin solo by Mrs
Silas Bigelow, accompcincd by Mar­
garet Klingback: song by Doric
Klingback. acompanied by Margar t
Klingback and Mis. Bigelow; the
program closed with a short talk b;-
the superintendent, James Stephens.
Ellis Walters installed a telephone
in his home last week
Bobby Srhweizer won first place
in the third and fourth grades
humorous division at the Zone De­
clamatory cent ret held In Nyssa.
These participating in the Decla­
matory contest and Mrs Charles
Schweizer were dinner guests of Mrs.
C. A. Abbott. Monday evening.
Although still unable to walk, Fred
Pullen is slowly improving from his
attack of infantile paralysis. He first
became ill last spring.
The 4-H Baby Beef Calf club met
at the schoolhouse Friday. Mr. Dim-
mick discussed the causes, preven­
tion and cure of bloat.
The Wade school played baseball
here Friday afternoon. The boys and
girls teams both played The score
was 18 to 16 in favor of Owyhee
toys and 25 to 17 in favor of the
Owyhee girls.
The Otto Wolf family had their
Easter dinner in Caldwell with Mr.
and Mrs. Vern Howard. Mrs. Howard
is a sister of Mrs. Wolfs.
A gala Easter was reported by the
Oce Schweizer’s who entertained at
their new homestead. Their guests
'F ® r
were the George and Charles Sch-
weizer, Harry Russell, Vic Marshall
and Guy Glenn families.
Guy Glenn went to La Grande
Sunday after his mother Mrs. Wm.
Weed Menace
Our Recleaned Grains, Clovers
and Alfalfa Are—
Noxious Weed Free
Recleaned and Tested
Uncleaned grains and untested seeds may infest
your land with quack grass, white top, Russian
knapweed, dodder, morning glory and a wide
variety of other weeds.
The cost of eradication and loss in production
can exceed many times the slight extra cost of
clean seed.
Plan Now to Select Your Seed From Our
Weed-Free Stock
Andrews Seed Co.
Phone 452
every article you have
and want to sell, there's a
Journal reader who wants to
buy . . . and the best way to
reach them is through the
Want Ads. They're easy to use
and Inexpensive.
The Journal
W A N T -A D S
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith «ail­
ed at the Charles Chrittou home
Mrs. Earl Strickland after spend­
ing a few days at the Ontario lios-
r'tal war tr.r-;h t‘ to the John
Strickland hem.- while she Is rccov-
ring from trouble re lultlng from
arf inward goitre.
Thz Howard McConnaughy, Join.
Jarvis. Donald McGinnis farailie
and Mrs Jim McGinnis had a pic­
nic dinner Sunday.
The H S. Marvin family hai
Easter dinner with Mrs. Marvin'
parents, the W. I1. C. rn's of Nyssa.
Mr. and Mr*-. Grant Koonr, have
moved their trailer house near the
Bill Schwatzer home. Mr. Keans la
working for Mr. Schweizer.
The Neil Dimmick's bought a
new electric refrigerator and stove
last week.
Bob Cox and son Paul called'at the
Dimmick home Sunday afternoon
At a family reunion held at the
Anna Larsen home Sunday, those
present were the Albert Larson and
Grover Douglas families. Mrs. Alice
Eades and Mr. anil Mrs. Don Mor­
Miss Mildred Vance from Nyssa
was an all day visitor at the Emil
Troph home Sunday.
Kenneth Parnude of Ofearta. Ida.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fetter ol
Payette spent Sunday at the D. P
Pullen home.
Secretary of the Interior Harold L
Ickes today announced award of the
contract for delivery of 25 000 barrels
of cement for use in construction of
the Owyhee Federal Reclamation
project to the Oregon Portland Ce­
ment Company -of Portland, Oregon
on Its bid of $58.425.00.
If any of your plumbing
drains are sluggish, don't wait
longer to let us fix them. They
will get worse and perhaps
stop operating altogether, and
it will be difficult and more
rxpensive to fix them. We are
ready to take care of all your
plumbing troubles at low cost.
PHONE 134-J-2
Electrical Wiring
Expert Electrical W iring
When building or remodeling, be sure your electrical work la done
by experts . . . men of experience. Make certain your wiring la
v done right, plenty of outlets are provided and fixtures are modern.
We can help you with your Irrigation pump troubles; and are
equipped by experience and equipment to handle all types of elec­
trical troubles or new construction.
Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration
T t> - su ceaUut
w as VI»« lowéac
of three proposals
by th.
Bureau of Reclamation at it3 Denver
Mr W. L. Turner, examiner of
operators and chauffeurs, will be in
Nyssa, Thursday, April 8, 1937, at
*he City Hall between the hours of
1 o'clock and 5 o’clock, respectively,
according to a recent announcement
released from the Secretary of State
office. .
All those wishing permits or licenses
to drive cars are asked to get in
touch with Mr. Turner.
E L E C T R IC C O .
Next to Bakery
Wimp and Sayles
Boise Payette’s financial department will finance that home for
you with an F. H. A. loan. This flexible plan permits you to literally
arrange your own terms above a certain minimum.
Only one-fifth down, including the value of your lot, is required.
By lengthening the time of the mortage, or by increasing the mini­
mum down payment, or by a combination of both, you can fix the size
of your payment to fit your budget requirements.
Up to twenty years time is allowed, and the monthly payment
includes interest, taxes, insurance, and reduction of the principal.
The one payment relieves you of all financial worry. It is as simple
as paying rent.
Boise Payette will gladly give you complete details of the F. H.
A. plan, as it applies to your individual case, without obligation. Let
the Building Bug bite you I
Start Your Building Plans With a Visit to
Nyssa, Ore.
Let The
Bite You
It doesn’t hurt a bit I
It gives you the building
fever, which responds
quickly to a Boise Payette
treatment of:
Planning Service
4-Square Lumber
SCALED Insulation
e Quality Materials ,
Kiln - Dried and Saaaonad
Framing Lumbar
Make« Batter Construction
H o i s o P a ^ ü c 1 L i m h I m i * f oinpaiiv *
T H I« S
A YA*0
K lA * YOU''