G A T E C IT Y JO U R N AL, TH U R S D A Y . DECEMBER 31, 1936 SOCIETY Church News M ETHODIST CHURCH M O NDAY CLUB Mrs. George Mitchell entertained the Monday bridge club this week. Those playing with members were Mrs. L. C Wilson. Mrs. Frank Hal- v> rron and Miss Kathryn Mitchell. Mrs. Halverson won first prize and Mrs. Bob Ramsey won consolation. " » - D ANCING P A R T Y C H RISTM AS RE-UNION Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Toosnb* and family entertained Christmas day at a family reunion for Mr. and Mrs. L. W. James of the Owyhee. Other guests Included Ralph James of Nevada; Mrs. E J. Boggs and son. Mrs. A. R. Anderson and son, Mr and Mrs. Roy James and a friend Mr. Keer; all of Boise. The Eastern Star lodge gave a dancing party Monday night at the Eagles hall, complimenting the younger fclks who are home for the Christmas holidays. About fifty at The Sheavllle school with Harvey tended and a very nice time Is re ported. Refreshments were served Denham, teacher, and Standford school with Eleanor Flier, teacher at the close of the dance. and ION Orange combined forces —5— an their Christmas entertainment. MR. AND MRS. CLUB The teachers were In charge of the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall were program and H.E.C. chairman, M ax hosts to the Mr. and Mrs. Bridge ine Haylett, In charge of decorations Club Tuesday evening. Guests play and treats. The hall was beautifully ing with membes were Mr. and Mrs. decorated. A splendid program wa.. Geo. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. given by the children of the two Lewis Wiltshire. Mrs. Mitchell won r. hools with a Christmas tree, ex the high score award and Mr. Hall change of gifts and treats enjoyed by the youngsters. A social evening won second high. with supper and dancing followed -3 - the program. TUESD AY C O NTR AC T CLUB The state gravel crew spent several Mrs. J. J. Sarazin entertained the days last week, re-gravellng some of Tuesday Contract club this week the roads that were breaking up. with Miss Eva Boydell and Mrs. Harvey Denham and Miss Eleanor Frank Morgan playing with mem lif e r left Saturday for their homes bers. Mrs. I.ewls Wiltshire won high for a two weeks holiday. score prize and Mrs. George Mitchell Sabino Andonegul moved last week won second. to the Btcknell ranch near Home- dale which he has leased. Mr. An donegul has resided on Cow Creek CELEBRATES B IR T H D A Y Billie Blodgett celebrated his 8th for the past twenty years and will birthday Monday with a party at be missed In the community. Mrs. D. H. Haylett. Maxine. Mr his home for nine youngsters. Twlln Louise Crawford and Warren Nelson ind Mrs. Fred Haylett and Don wen prizes nt games. The little host Stults were Christmas shopping In Caldwell and Nampa last Wednes received many nice gifts. day. - 5 - The George Greely cattle were EPW O RTH LEAGUE P A R T Y moved to Cow Creek Wednesday to The Epworth League Members en feed. Robert McConnell. Jr., Is In Cald- joyed a party at the parsonage Tues day evening, honoring Eleanor Pos- vel’ under a doctor's care as the re- ter. who is leaving soon for Nurses' sult of tt fal1 while unloading rock, training in Portland. The party also Daniel Haylett. Jr„ and family of honored Eldon Morse who Is home Homedale were Christmas day guest from Gooding College. At the close at the Haylett home of an evening of games a waffle sup Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Falen of per was served. Thirty members at Huston spent Christmas at the home tended. of his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Falen. John Overy, who Is employed at ’ TH U R SD AY OLITB the Haylett ranch, spent Christmas Mrs. Sid Burbldge entertained the with his parents at Nampa. Thursday bridge club this week. Mrs. Lois Overton, lecturer of the Mrs. Eldon Jensen won high score f.O.N. grange turned In her resigna award, Mrs. Ernest McClure, sec tion to the grange as she is moving ond and Mrs. Max Schwelzer won a away. Her daughters Virginia and traveling prize. Mary will attend school at M eri dian after the holidays. Mrs. Clyde Stults and daughter Dorothy and Gwenny were Sunday guests at the Haylett home. Mr. Frank Hains has been cutting willows m i the Fenwick ranch to build a corral. Andy Masonholder and son Harold spent Christmas with the family at SHEAVILLE NEWS WHEN YOU BUILD OR REMODEL--- Be Sure That Plumb ing Pays an Important Part - - - - E - You Can’t Go Wrong If You Defend On GEO. J. K1NZER Plumber PHONE 134-J-2 PAR M A Floyd E. White. Pastor Sunday School 10 o'clock. Lesson Topic: The Son of God Becomes Man. Scripture John 1. 1-8. Morning Worship 11:15. Sermon Theme: The Open Door. Epworth League T o'clock. Dean Byram leader. Subject for dlscus- slon: Christ In the Coal Towns. Evening Worship 8 o’clock. Come and join us In this fellowship hour. Music forms a large part of our evening service with Miss Ruth W olfe as director. Choir rehearsals Wednesday even ing at 8 o’clock. Mrs. John Poage, director. The Board of Stewards of the church will meet at the Emil Paulus home Friday evening, January 8. MR. BACON'C BIBLE CLASS The Sunday School lessons for the next three months will be taken from John's Gospel, the disciples whom Jesus loved, who has told us o much of his love. Come, join the class, get all you can and give all from this wonderful book. Read John 3-16, one of the greatest verses In the Bible —R J. DAVIS. Lane: Young People. Mis. M. L. Kurtrt Primary, Mrs Reece; Be ginners, Mrs. C. E. Elliott. Mrs Chas. Newbill has charge of the Cradle Roll. Keith Lane favored the Sunday School with a piano solo Sunday. Miss Nelson has gone to her home In Seattle. Wash., where she will pend her vacation. School will begin in Kingman on Monday, January 4th. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McFate of Call away, Neb., have been visiting tin week In the E. G. Osborn home. M. McFate is a brother of Mrs. Os- orn. From here they expect to travel to California. Mr. and Mrs Manford Strcupo \nd son E lm ir of Boise spent Christmas day at the T. T. Elliott hour, was much ntcyed. Mr. D. L. home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schafer have Anderson song twu talas, Mr. Les'ie Sihofcr pave a good report on moved their house onto the : /-tli i-gsr Mr. Cscar Schafer gave west corner of their land. a report on sugar. M r and Mrs. M. M. Cre? In i v: spend the holidays with t'-- - Merylt Greeting. Jr., at Yakima. Wash. V ’.er Jm urry 1, 1937. I WV1 A large group of the young people Oorn a from the Kingman Sunoa. ^cho USFD C A R I OT went caroling on Wednesday even- ng. This y a r they chose the Bench And will h -n dli nd the new homes ah the district of Used parts — mostly 1928. their caroling. rwioyrolet and Model A Ford Mr. Everett Yeiter of Spok-n parts. was a guest of Mr. Oscar and Leslie We W II Also PulM Tractors Schaffr this week. an«V Trailers The regular meeting of the grange PETE DEAR was held Monday evening. The program for the lecturer’s I9 3 7 Clearance Sale -- O ne of O u r Many Specials fáfefftote iíV Ú ta/ EPISCOPAL SERVICES St. Paul’s Mission Rev. B| Stanley Moore, Mlnlster- n-charge. Holy Communion and sermon each first Sunday of the month at 9:30 a. m. Me rnlng prayer and sermon a! 9 :30 other Sundays. Church School at 10:30 a. m every Sunday. You are cordially Invited to at tend our services. their Caldwell home. Mr. Mason- holder has disposed of most of his cattle and expects to soon be ready to leave the ranch. A son. David Jerome, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Omer Stanford on December 10th. Mrs. D. H. Haylett and daughter Maxine were supper guests at the home of their daughter and sister. Mrs. H. E. Baltzor In Nampa Wed nesday. Mrs. Fred Haylett who spent Christmas with her parents Oreenleaf returned home Monday OREGON TRAIL A large crowd attended t h e Christmas operetta, "M eet Mr. Sant" Claus,’’ which was presented by the pupils of Oregon Trail school Thurs day evening. Following the program Santa arrived with a generous bag of treats for everyone. The P T A sponsored the treats and decora tlons. Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Hopkins spent Christmas In La Grande. Mrs. Mae Flemming Is spending Christmas vacation with the Wm Holaday family at Welser. Miss Annie Holmes was hostess at Christmas dinner for Mr. Austin Goodsen of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. F 9. Byers and children, Bob, Gilbert and Junior Holmes. KINGMAN KOLONY Mr and Mrs. Phillip Call of Poca tello spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. Call’s parents, Mr. and Mrs W. L. Schafer. Mr. Schafer Is recovering from an Illness of the past three weeks. Little Buddy Rodgers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rodgers Is recovering from a severe attack of the flu. Mrs. Lilly Bach was surprised by a visit from her son Walter Bach and his daughter Geraldine on Monday evening. Mr. Bach Is now a pastor in a church at Prairie City, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinkston and son Bruce spent Christmas with their daughters In Likely California Mrs. Hazel Schafer, Mrs. W. L. Schafer and Mrs. Call were guests 9 /Uà fin e , c7apestty Ç/ioté/f oafy 69 50 Don’t you think that, since we all spend much of our time at home, we should do our utmost to make it the very brightest, most liveable place we know how? Here is our recipe for making life at home a luxurious 4 plea plea- sure ! A delightfully smart and on-so- comfortable new living „ room suite in rich ich Tapestry! In the popu- lar wing-back style, with recessed arms, beautifully carved base and arm fronts, reversible cushions, button tufted backs, and a host o f features ordinarily found only in much higher priced suites! $ Pillow Spring Backs! O n e Piece W e b Bottoms! Bank of Malheur Imagine it! Not only has this splendid suite a marvelous inner- spring seat construction, but restful innerspring pillow backs too! And sagless one-piece web bottoms— a grand feature that adds strength, life and long wear, and enables us to guarantee this suite to be absolutely sag-proof! What a great “ buy” it ¡a—the daven port and chair— at only $69.50. See it tomorrow! Since 1913 In Malheur County Vale Oregon PETERSON FUNERAL HOME Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of the D. C. Duvall’s Thursday evening. Mr and Mrs. Conrad Martin and Miss Jeanette Martin motored to Oenesec, Idaho where they will spend the holidays. Ray Elliot spent Christmas at the T. T. Elliot home, returning Sun day to Wallowa where he Is em ployed. The Sunday School held their election of officers Sunday. The present officers are: Mrs. Mary Nichols, superintendent. Mrs. E. G. Osborn, assistant superintendent. Mrs. Lily Bach, secretary and treasurer: Mrs. M. L. Kurtz, chorus- ter; Mrs. Wilson, pianist. The teachers for the classes will all re main the same. They are: Adult, Mrs. Harvey Otis: Junior. Mrs. J. G. Call Nord ale Stara Phone 94 HAIR-TEX the hia/t, fHade f iU e * / A new, strong, clastic filling that gives greater comfort and durability! Moth proof and vermin-proof, san itary and odorless. Used In this beautiful new suite, It means more years of useful service I Peterson Furniture Co. Ontario, Oregon