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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1936)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24,1936, Pond were guests In the C. E. Peck home last Wednesday evening. Mr. John Bea'.l of Caldwell trans- \ cted business In this vicinity Thursday ’ Miss Elaine Hansaker Dr Prlt- hett and »on Wilson of Vale were lend callers Sunday. Mis, Mary W?lr of Ironside re turns home Thursday tc spend the 10 'idays with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Robert Weir. Mr and Mrs Lester French were hcpplng in Boise. Monday. Mrs. P B. Anderson r celved a elegram faturday morning an- ouncing the death of her sister Mrs. Etta Corn» 11, whkh occurred at a hospital In Pe ria. 111.. Friday night. Mrs. Cornell lived In the Bend ’ vera! years ago and has many friends who mourn her passing. Two vears ago she spent the summer Lsitlng in her sisters* home. She oaves one son, Russell, wh ;se home s in Peoria. Mr and Mrs. O. Pirker cf Parma Mrs. Rucker of Apple Va’ley and Mi and Mrs. Charles Ware of Roswell were callers in th* P. B. Anderson oome Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Charles Purdy. Jr ■ ml children of Coulee Dam arrived Monday to spend the holidays with heir parents. Family Dancing Team Saves Home Ri Raymond Hashltant, who attends the Brigham Young University at Provo, Utah, came home Sunday for the holidays. 'ov Ln Cb «1 bri fa an nn u bi M lh ol Í' b a: cl << * » 7 B 11 Pizer and Mbs E vlyn Bene rl of are expected to ar v • ( hrtstrra; day to spend the lol.days at the C. J. Keizer home. Thrlm* Ann I.ewellen, who at Marlon K'inkenberg returned to work at the EJer Grocery Monday tends school In Vale, spent th. after several days absence on ac week end with their grandparent Mr. and Mrs. C. Klink nberg. count of sickness. . Mrs. Leslie McClure and Mrs. Br est McClure w nt to Caldwell Mon day evening to attend a shower given for their husbands cousin Mrs. Robert Crosiar. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Haycock lei Fiiday for Burley, Idaho, where the will visit friends and relatives dur ing the holidays. They expect to b until the middle of January Mrs. Ray Emomtt who spent th Mrs. Dale Garrison and daughter Jo Anne left Wednesday morning j;'_,t two weeks in Seattie with h i accompanying her parents, the Eo n tlrer Mrs King, who has been •riourly ill with pneumonia, re DuPre family of Line: In tc Spokan where they will spend Christmas turned home Sunday. Her moth r with re’atives. They plan to be gone vas much better wnen she left. about a week. Miss Alyce Haslritani arrived lorae Wedn sday from Caldwel vhere the attends the Col’ege o> dahe, to spend the holidays wit! ter par.nts Mr. and Mrs. H. K Hashitanl. MID-NITE SATURDAY SUN. MON. TUE. DEC. 27, 28, 29 ( aft th< THE MELODY-PACKED WONDER SHOW Pa ev to: wi OO Stara! Girla! Cola Porter hit tunea / It has y 8t ß er m 1 1 ! 1 Mrs. Bettle Forbes has received OREGON TRAIL SUNDAY .vord that her daughter Mrs. Web SCHOOL TO ELECT OFFICERS ster Eldredge and her husband plan o spend Christmas In Seuttle with a sister of Mr. Eldredge’s. Mr. and Election ol officers and teachers Mrs. Oswald Forbes will spent. is scheduled at the Oregon Trail Christmas In Portland. Sunday School. All members are ex pected to be present to take part in the election. Present officers and teachers In clude: Mrs. Franklin Fry, superin- tedent; Charles Jones, assistant; Gilbert Holmes, secretary; Franklin C. Fry. treasurer; Albert B. Hopkins, May this Christmas be twice as nice, Bible class; Mrs, J. B. Smith, Young twlc* as happy as any you have >vei had. ASSEMBLY OK GOO SERVICES People; Mrs. Gladys Byers, Junior Girls; Mrs. Lucille Johnston, Junior Sunday School 10 a. m. boys; Mrs. Albert Hopkins, Primary; Morning Worship 11 A. M. and Mrs. George McKee, Beginners. Ambassadors for Christ 7 P. M. The Oregon Trail Sunday School Evening Services 7:45. has been very active. Attendance There is a welcome at this church buttons and gifts have kept regular for all. attendance throughout the year. Rev. L. E. Waggoner, pastor Junior Holmes and Mary Lou Thom ason will receive gifts from the Sun day School for attendance two years NYSSA METHODIST CHURCH without missing. The Sunday School Floyd E. White, Pastor. made several tfhrLttnias offerings Sunday School 10 o’clock. Lesson where they were needed. Church News ai U «I n « n s f i I Tf^trry Christmas The 160 acre farm of Henry Spies, located a mile and a half from Massena, Iowa, like many other nrid western farms, was plagued with the drouth as well as a mortgage, and thing: looked pretty gloorry until an idea dawned on the family. Organizing a dancing team, consisting of their six daughters who still lived at home, they toured various county fairs, earning $50 a day and enabling them to pay off the interest and part of the principal on the mortgage. Dreamland ONTARIO Ruth's Beauty Nook t- est Accept th* season’s sa’.utaticn offer ed with highest respect and good cheer The Gate City Journal title: The Spread of Christianity in Southern Europe. Hebrews 2. 1-14; U. 32 to 12. 2. Morning Worship 11:15. Sermon Subject: The Past Required! Anthem by the choir: Let Me Walk With Thee. (Gladden t. Epworth League 7 o’clock Eldon Morse, leader. Evening Worship 8 o ’clock. Choir Practice Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Oyster Supper and Watch Party Thursday evening, December 31. I wish to take this opportunity to thank those who helped with the toys and the Christmas candy, espec ially the Eder Hardware Co. and Henry Fields. WISHINO YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! AND THEN HE GOT BEAT BIG BEND NEWS Frank Parr of Deer Lodge, Mont, «111 spend the Christmas vacation with Mrs. Parr and daughter, who are spending the winter at the home of her father, Mr W. A.Mc- Nall In Oregon Trail. Straight from the heart Comes our Christmas greeting To you and all our friends. AI Thompson 9}SSil®»s&iS1« ]||HUV«!N!inill!!tf I ■ ii«Ai«ic a I 9 / \ 3 É m Owing to scarlet fever In the com munity Wade school has closed. The Christmas program which w as scheduled to take place Wednesday evening has been Indefinitely post poned. Mrs. M. Barnett will spend her vacation with relatives In Weiser and Miss Wilma Colwell will remain at her home in Fruitland. Gerrlt Timmerman, who under went an operation for appendicitis at May this Christmas Season bring the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario All happiness to you is reported steadily improving. And all your castles in the air Mrs. Henry Hatch and little son And all your dreams come true. returned home from Memorial Hos pital in Caldwell and is staying at the H. R. Hatch home. Mrs. Howard Hatch and little daughter spends every Wednesday visiting a twelve year old nephew who has been a patient In Caldwel! Sanitarium for the past eleven weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Par /* \ uvu e-v uw ( f l ma and Mr. and Mrs. Hart of Owy hee were guests in the Muntjewerff home during the past week. Miss Grace Johnston who attends school in Eugene and her brother Ross of Corvallis arrived home to spend the holidays with their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Plin Case. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Purdy, Mr. and Mrs. N. 3. Phelan and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swan Bakery Fallowing a recent election, a de feated candidate for county office in Indiana filed a statement of his expenses and expenditures. Newspapers in the middle west printtd it and we think It will prove Interesting to our readers. “Lost 1349 hours of sleep, worth $1 an hour, lost my two best front teeth and a lot of hair In a personal encounter, worth about $45. Donated one cow, four shoats and five sheep to a barbecue, $36. Gave away 14 pair of suspenders, 14 dresses and 46 gingham aprons, worth $87. Kissed 150 babies—no charge but wouldn’t do It again. Tried to kiss the mother In one case- and will never try that again! Kindled 14 kitchen (ires and EPISCOPAL SERVICES 22 for schoolmarms and put up seven stoves, about $32 Walked 4.067 miles St. Paul’s Mission using up $80 werth of shoe leather Rev. B| Stanley Moore, Mlnister- Shook hands with 9.496 persons and In-charge. wouldn’t do that again for $1 a head Holy Communion and sermon Told 10,899 lies, but no charge for each first Sunday of the month at this 9:30 a. m. “Attended 17 revivals, was con Morning prayer and sermon at verted 14 times and baptized three 9:30 other Sundays. Church School at 10:30 a. m. times by immersion and four times ome other way. moderate charge every Sunday. I contributed $79 to foreign You are cordially Invited to at $38; missions and 15c to home missions tend our services. total $79.15. Made love to nine grass widows—charge about $1 each. Hug- ed 78 old maids, $2 each. Got bit by logs 18 times, charges $8 to dam- iges to pants and nothing for the wounds to myeslf. “ Was defeated by two votes be- ause my opponent hugged 80 more old maids than I did.” —Rigby A Star. USED PARTS —and— Acetylene Welding SW A R M & SONS Formerly Pete Dear Wreck ing Business, now located one block west, near high school. With all good wlches For a Christmas Day Pilled with joy And happiness. Caldwell’s Store I BI ST WI S H E S ♦ - í '- - - - 2r ÍY Ít-‘> £ ¿ í\ i ¿ ¿ itti Coleman’s Lunch The same old greeting but witli renewed sincerity. Merry Christmas and Abundant Happiness” Nyssa Shoe Shop DRYOOODS 1936 W k U IN FAMILY Wilson Brothers GROCERIES Otis Bullard Is chopping hay on the Tom Coward ranch in the Ar cadia vicinity. » k ■f 1936 7o xjout liking JM H H K ' kindly wish and a kindly thought for all our friends. Johnson Variety May this Christmas be one of hopes realized — happiness attained — and success In fullest measure. Vogue Beauty Shop MERRY CHRISTMAS .930 .T O Y O IU -^-. . fc We hope the pleasure we have had in ¡serving you has been mutual, and take this opportunity to thank you and to extend our hearty greetings for your happiness. To greet you at This cheery season with all As Christmas comes around we realize how much friendships mean. And so we take this op portunity to extend to all o f you Yuletide’s Best Wishes Good wishes Thompson O il Co. Paulus Jewelry ■4 I > Wishing you In the heartiest way A very happy holiday For you and your family. <©€<eeg!€®s!«!«!€ie Not big or lavish, hut truly sincere as any greeting you will receive Is our "Merry Christmas to You" 2 .vi First National Bank of Portland Nyssa Branch «