GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24,1936 37; Price $150.00 Twp. 17, Rng. .45; Price $712.00. NEH. Sec. 9, Twp. 17, Rng. 47; Price LEG AL ADVEBTISING Tract No. 113-A— Description, Lots I Tract No. 154-A —Description, Lots daughter Mrs. Warren LI dge.t a:.a Tract No. 2-A — Description NWH Tract No. 25-A—Description, SEH $ 20 . 00 . I and 2, Block 260, Orig. Townsite . 1 to 6 Incl, and L ot) 11 to Id in.l two children ah oi .•.jssa, visited at WV4 8 W V Sec. 38, Twp 17, Rng 38 NWH, NEH SWH, Sec. 24, Twp 17. Tract No. 64-A—Description, NH of Ontario; Price $20.00. ¡Block 26, Northwest Townsite, 2nd he E. J. Lsam heme sever-l d ’.ys NOTICE OF s a l e OF LAND EH SEH, Sec. 37, Twp. 17, Rng 38 Rng. 44; Price $810.00. NW H SW H, Sec. 19, Twp. 17„ Rng Tract No. 114-A —Description. Lota Addition to Vale; Price $12.03. ast week. OWNED B Y M ALHEUR COUNTY, Price $80.00. Tract No. 26-A—Description. All 47; Price $10.00. 17 to 20, Incl, Block 260, Orig. Town- Tract No. 153-A—Description, Lot. A large crowd on " > ■» ch r- Tract No. 3-A—Description SW H W. of R R . in SEH, Sec. 36, Twp. 17 OREGON Tract No. 65-A—Description A. T. site of Ontario; Price $20.00. 5, 6, and 11 to 16 Incl, Bltck 27 vari to the newly weds, Mr. and SW H, Sec. 33, Twp. 18. Rng. 38; W H Rng. 44; Price $25.00. No. 22 In NEH SEH, Sec. 3, Twp Tract No. 115-A— Description, Lots Northwest Townsite Second Add t. Mrs. Wayne Lotion .,_c a.iUieu../ NWrti, SWH, Sec. 26. Twp. 18, Rng Tract No. 27-A—Description. 18. Rng. 47; Price $75.00. 17 and 18, Block 275, Orig. Townsite Va'.e: Pi Ice $8.00. night at the parental Earl Lofton 38; EH SEH, Sec. 37, Twp. 18, Rng NWH N W H , NEH N W H . Sec. 21, Pursuant to an order of the Tract No. 66-A—Description, EH of Ontario; Price $20.00. Tract No. 156-A—Description. Lot: home. 38; NEH NEH, Sec. 34, Twp. 18 Twp. 18, Rng. 44; Price $40.00. Tract No. 116-A—Description, Lots County Court of Malheur County, NEH, Sec. 8, Twp. 18, Rng. 47; Price 3, 4 and 9 to 13 incl. Block 28, North The IIc.T.c E on m .s club held Rng. 38; N W H. NH SWH, Sec. 35, Tract No. 28-A—Description, SH $250.00. 7 and 8, Block 277, Orig. Townsite of Oregon, dated November 4, 1938, to west Townsite. Second Add. to Vale; their regular monthly meeting on Twp. 18, Rng. 38; Price $160.00. Ontario; Price $20.00. NWH, Sec. 1. Twp. 1 9, Rng. 44; Tract No. 67-A—Description, SEH me directed In the matter of the Price $8.00. tte 3rd Thursday at the home of Tract No. 4-A—Description, EH Price $100.00. Tract No. 117-A—Description, Lots SW H, Sec. 7, Twp. 18, Rng. 47; Price sale of lands bid In by said County Tract No. 157-A—Description, Lots Mrs. Ernest Locey. Sec. 35, Twp. 33, Rng. 38; NEH, Sec Tract No.29 -A —Description, NEH $ 210 . 00 . 15 and 16, Block 278. Orig Townsite for taxes and commanding me to 3 to 14, incl. Block 29, Northwest 2, Twp. 34, Rng. 38; W H W H. NEH SEH. Sec. 1, Twp. 19, Rng. 44; Officers of E dorado Orange mot Tract No. 68A—Description, SWH of Ontario; Price $20.00. sell according to law the real prop- Townsite. Second Addition to Vale; NW H. Sec. 1, Twp. 34, Rng. 38 Price $50.00. ored to Unity on the 16th where Tract No. 118-A—Description, Lots SEH. Sec. 7, Twp. 18, Rng. 47; Prlct erty belonging to said County and18E ^ ‘ n EH Price $12.00. joint installation of officers for the 19 and 20, Block 278, Orig. Townsite Tract No. 30-A—Description, All $225.00 hereinafter described. I will offer ™ U ^ * “ *_'_ “ * Tract No. 158-A—Description, Lot two granges was held at the Unity SEH, Sec 12, Twp. 24, Rng. 38; land lying North and West of Coun Tract No. 69-A—Description, EH of Ontario: Price $20.00. for sale, on the 2nd day of January, 4 to 9, Inc, Block 2, Hadley's First SW H NEH. EH N W H , NW H NW H ty Road in N W H NEH SEH, Sec. 3, NEH SEH, Sec. 7, Twp. 18, Rng. 47; Orange Hall. A good crowd attend Tract No. 119-A—Description, Lota 1937, at the main entrance of the Sec. 13, Twp. 24, Rng. 38; EH NEH Twp. 19, Rng. 44; Price $10.00. ed and a nice supper was served. 11, 12, and 13, Block 298, Orig. Addition to Vale; Price $60 00. Price $100.00. County Court House In Vale, M ai Tract No. 150-A—Description NW H NEH, Sec. 14, Twp. 24, Rng Tract No. 70-A—Description, A.T. Townsite of Ontario; Price $15.00. Tract No. 31-A —Description, heur County, Oregon, at the hour of 38; NW H SWH, SH SEH. Sec. 24 NW H NEH Less A. T. No. 1; Sec. No. 1. Sec. 21, Twp. 18, Rng. 47; Tract No. 120-A—Description, Lots SWH NEH, Sec. 35, Twp. 21, 8 , Rng 10 o’clock In the forenoon, at public Twp. 24, Rng. 38; NEH, Sec 25, Twp 10, Twp. 28, Rng. 44; Price $25.00. 17 to 20 Incl, Block 311, Orig. Town- 46, E.W.M.; Price $50.00. Price $10.00. auction to the highest bidder there 24, Rng. 38 SEH NEH, Sec. 26, Twp Tract No. 160-A—Description, Lot Tract No. 32-A—Description, SH for, the lands hereinafter described. 24, Rng. 38; Price $210.00. Tract No. 71-A— Description, SH >lte of Ontario; Price $20.00. Tract No. 121-A—Description, Lots 6, Block 13, Eldredge Add. to Vale; NH. SH, Sec. 35, Twp. 29, Rng. 44; SEH SEH, Sec. 19, Twp. 19, Rng. 47; Said tracts of land are numbered as Tract No. 5-A—Description, WH All, Seo. 1, Twp. 30, Rng 44; WH 16 and 17, Block 3, Terrace Heights Price $10.00. Price $40.00. hereinafter set forth and each tract NEH, NEH NEH,Sec. 31, Twp. 15, W H, Sec. 4, Twp. 30, Rng. 44; All, Tract No. 161-A -Description, Lot Tract. No 72-A—Description, EH Add to Ontario; Price $10.00. will be offered for not less than the Rng 39; Price $30.00. Tract No. 122-A—Description, Lots 7 and 8, Block 15. Eldredge Add to Sec. 5, Twp. 30, Rng. 45; AU, Sec. 7, N W H SWH, Sec. 29, Twp. 19, Rng price fixed by said Court with the Tract No. 6-A—Description. EH Twp. 30, Rng. 45; $256.00. 1, 4. and 5, Block 3, Villa Park Add. Vale; price $20.00. 47; Price $100.00. cost of publication to be added to NW H , Sec. 25, Twp. 18, Rng. 39; Tract No. 102-A- -Lots 27 and 28, Tract No. 33-A—Description, SH, Tract No. 73-A—Description, SH to Ontario; Price $15.00. each tract so sold. Price $20.00. Tract No. 123-A—Description, Lots Block 3, Hadley's 1st Add. to Vale; Sec. 9. Twp. 16, Rng. 45; Price $50. N W H . Lots 3 and 4, Sec. 0, Twp. 20, Said lands will be offered for sale Tract No. 7-A—Description— SH, 13 to 19 Incl, Block 1, Riverside Add price $10.00. Tract No. 34-A—Description, SH Rng. 47; Price $500.00. Announcement was made today by as follows: All tracts priced at $200 NH NEH, SEH NEH, NW H , Sec. 5, Tract No. 74-A—Description, Lots to Ontario; Price $35.00. Dated this 23rd day of November. the Malheur Home Telephone Com or less to the highest bidder for Twp. 15, Rng 40; NEH. SH N W H , NW H , N H SW H, Sec. 9, Twp. 18, Tract No. 124-A—Description, Lota Rng. 45; Price $80.00. pany, through its manager J. A. 2, 3, 4 and 5, Sec. 31, Twp. 20, Rng. 1936. cash; all tracts priced at more than SH, Sec. 21 Tp. 15, Rng. 42; SH SH, 25 to 31, Incl, Block 1, Riverside Tract No. 35-A—Description, NEH 47; Price $20.00. Davenpcrt, that this year for the C. W. GLENN, $200.00 and not more than $500 00, to Sec. 25, Twp. 15, Rng. 42; SEH,SEH; \dd to Ontario; Price $42.00. NEH, Sec. 15, Twp. 18. Rng. 45; Tract No. 75-A—Description, Lots Sh eriff, Malheur County. Oregon first time, reduced long distance the highest bidder for cash or for NEH, Sec. 26, Twp. 15, Rng 42; NEH Tract No. 125-A—Description, Lot: Price $77.50. rates will be effective all day Christ 0, 7, 8, 9 and 10; Sec. 31, Twp. 20, not less than 20% cash and the re NEH, Sec. 35, Twp. 15, Rng. 42; All 12 and 33, Block 1, Riverside Add t. mas and also on New Y ear’s Day. Tract No. 36-A—Description, A. Rng. 47; Price $30.00. mainder to be paid under written Sec. 36, Twp. 15, Rng. 42; Price $550, Ontario; Price $10.00. Tract No. 76-A—Description, Lots T. No. 1 In SW H SEH, Sec. 20, Twp. The same reduced rates which ap agreement with the purchaser In Tract No. 8-A—Description—EH, Tract No. 126-A—Description, Lots 7, 8, 9 10, Block 20, Townsite of Ad ply after 7 p. m. every night and all equal Installments not exceeding 5 Sec. 4, Twp. 15. Rng. 42; 8H SH 18. Rng. 45. $10.00. 10 to 13 incl. Block 2, Riverside Add rian; Price $10.00. Tract No. 37-A—Description. SEH clay Sundays to most statlon-to- years; and all tracts priced at more less 3.84 Acres & Hw Ry. Sec. 16 to Ontario; Price $24.00. Tract No. 77-A—Description, Lots Wayne Lofton of Mr. and Mrs. station and person-to-person calls, than $500.00 to the highest bidder Twp. 15, Rng. 42; W H . Sec. 26, Twp. NEH Sec. 19, Twp. 18, Rng. 45; Price Tr. No. 127-A—Description, Lots 3, 4, and 5 Block 9, Townsite of Har 14 to 17, incl. Block 2; Riverside Add Earl Lofton and Thelma Boyd, are extended to include Christmas for cash or for not less than 20% 15, Rng. 42; NEH, N H SEH, Sec. $25.00. Tract No. 38-A—Description, All per; Price $15.00. Day and January 1, according to th.f cash and the remainder to be paid 27, Twp. 15, Rng. 42; Price $260.00. to Ontario; Price $20.00. daughter of W. E. Boyd of Welser, North of R R . In NW H SEH. Sec. 20 Tract No. 78-A—Description, All of under written agreement with the Tract No. 128-A—Description, Lot were married at quiet wedding last announcement. Tract No 9-A—Description—EH of Block 19, Townsite of Jamieson; 38 and 39 of Block 2, Riverside Add The reduced rates will actually be purchaser In equal Installments over EH NEH, EH NEH SEH, Sec. 22, Twp. 18, Rng. 45; Price $15.00. Tuesday at the home o f the brides gin at 7 p. m. Christmas eve, De Tract No. 39-A—Description, All Price $10.00. a period not exceeding 10 years, all Twp. 15, Rng. 42; NH SWH Sec. 23, to Ontario; Price $10.00. aunt Mrs. Henry Paster at Weiser. cember 24, and continue without in that part S. of John Day Hlwy In Tract No. 79-A—Description, Lot deferred payments to draw interest Twp. 15. Rng. 42; Price $35.00 Tract No. 129-A—Description, Lots The ceremony was performed by terruption through Christmas Day SH SEH & SEH SW H Sec. 21, Twp 15, Block 9, Orig. Townsite of Nyssa at the rate of 6% per annum, pay 40 and 41, Block 2, Riverside Add to Tract No. 10-A—Description, Lots Rev. Harris of the Nazarene church. until 4:30 a. m. December 26. Like Price $25.00. able annually, and such agreements 3 & 4, EH SW H, NW H SEH, Sec. 18, Rng. 45; Price $30.00. Ontario; Price $10.00. Twenty-four relatives and friends wise the reductions begin at 7 p. m. Tract No. 40-A—Description, A. T. Tract No. 80-A—Description, Lots shall be subject to all the terms and 6, Twp. 16, Rng. 42; Price $50.00. Tract No. 130-A—Description, Lot were present among them the par New No. 3, Sec. 21, Twp. 18, Rng. 45; 18 and 19, Block 3, Taylors Add. to Y ear’s eve and continue conditions of Secs. 69-813 and 69-836 42, Block 2, Riverside Add. to On Tract No. 11-A-Description W H Price $210.00. ents and brothers. They have the through January 1 until 4.30 a .m. Nyssa; Price $10.00. Oregon Code, as amended. tario; Price $5.00. SEH, Sec. 4, Twp. 20, Rng. 42; Price best wishes of the community. Tract No. 41-A—Description, A. Tract No. 81-A—Description, Lot on January 2. Tract No. 131-A—Description, Lots All lands within the boundaries $40. T. No. 2, Sec. 22, Twp. 18, Rng. 45; 6, Block 1, Teutsch’s Add to Nyssa; One of the outstanding meetings Telephone officials explained that 11, 12, and 13, Block 3, Riverside Add of irrigation or drainage districts Tract No.l2-A—Description, SEH Price $10.00. Price $25.00. for the year of the Ladles Club was the extension of lower rates through to Ontario; Price $30.00. will be sold subject to any valid as N W H, NW H SEH. SWH SEH Sec. Tract No. 42-A—Description, SWH Tract No. 82-A— Description, Lot Tract No. 132-A—Description, Lots held at the home of Mrs. Floyd the day hours on these two holidays sessments made or to be made by 15, Twp. 30, Rng. 42; $120.00. SW H, Sec. 7, Twp 19, Rng. 45; 10 and West Half of lot 11, Block 7, 52 and 53, Block 4. Riverside Add. White on Wednesday. The Ladies will not only afford a saving to said districts since the date said Tract No. 13-A—Description, All Price $20.00. Teutsch’s Add. to Nyssa; Price $20.00 o Ontario; Price $10.00. held a Christmas tree with an ex many but will be an added conven lands were acquired by the County, Sec. 23, Twp. 30, Rng. 42; Price $160. Tract No. 43-A—Description, EH. Tract No. 83-A—Description, Lots Tract No. 133-A—Description, Lots change of gifts for all. The candy ience In making it possible family and all land within the boundaries Tract No. 14-A—Description, Lot NEH, Sec. 24, Twp. 28, Rng. 45; 11 and 12, Block 15, Teutsch’s Add. filled with calls during the day hours. of the Warmsprings Irrigation Dis 3 Less St Hiwy & RR. Rys. Sec. 30, Price $100. to 15, incl. Block 6, Riverside Add sacks were made and to Nyssa; Price $95.00. candy and nuts for the childrens to Ontario; Price $75.00. trict and which have been classified Twp. 15, Rng. 43; Price $40.00. Tract No. 44-A—Description, SWH Tract No. 84-A—Description, Lots L e a r n in g en d K n o w le d g e Tract No. 134-A—Description, Lot Xmas tree on December 23rd. After as In Classes 5 and 6, and as to Tract No. 15-A—SW H NW H Less SEH. Sec. 4, Twp. 30, Rng. 45; I and 2, Block 34, Park Add. to Nys The learning ami knowledge Unit 33, Block 6, Riverside Add. to On a very pleasant afteroon enjoyed by which said County has heretofore by Hwy and R. R. . SW H NEH Less Price $25.00. sa; Price $10.00. every one, the hostess served de we have. Is, nt the most, hut little resolution, dated September 3, 1930, A, T. No. 2, Sec. 30, Twp. 15, Rng Tract No. 45-A—Description, SEH Tract No. 85-A—Description, Lots tario; Price $5.00. compared with that o f which we Tract No. 135-A—Description. Lots licious refreshments. authorized a transfer to said Dis 43; NH SWH & SEH SW H & W H NEH, Sec. 17, Twp. 15, Rng. 46; 13 and 14, Block 59; Green's Add. to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beam and are Ignorant 29 to 33 incl. Block 8, Riverside Add trict of the water rights appurten SEH Less Highway and Railroad. Price $30.00. Nyssa; Price $20.00. to Ontario, Price $50.00. ant to said lands will be sold without Sec. 30, Twp. 15, Rng. 43; Price Tract No. 46-A—Description, NH Tract No. 86-A—Description, All Tract No. 136-A—Description, Lots water right. $270.00. NW H Less Highway, Sec. 36, Twp. South and West of Highway in I ~ts 46 to 51, incl. Block 10, Riverside Tract No. 10-A—Description, 15, Rng. 46; Price $20.00. Said lands are numbered as to 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 18, 19. Block 86 In West- Add to Ontario; Price $20.00. tracts and with the minimum prices NW H SEH & All E. of R R. Track Tract No. 47-A—Description, SH field’s Add. to Nyssa; Price $40.00. Tract No. 137-A—Description, I<ot set opposite each tract are as fo l in SW H, Sec. 32, Twp. 15, Rng. 43; SEH Sec. 11, Twp. 16, Rng 46; W H Tract No. 87-A—Description, All $ 220 . lows, to-wit: SW H, Sec. 12, Twp. 16, Rng. 46; East of Highway In South Half, 55, Block 10, Riverside Add. to On Tract No. 17-A—Description, SEH NWH, NH SW H, Sec. 13, Twp. 16, Block 87 In Westfield’s Addition to tario; Price $5.00. Tract No. 1-A—SW H NEH, 8H Tract No. 138-A—Description, Lots N W H , N H SW H, Sec 23, Twp. 26. SEH, Sec. 32, Twp. 15, Rng. 43; $40 Rng. 46; N H NEH, Sec. 14, Twp. 16, Nyssa; Price $150.00. 21 to 24, Incl, Block 10, Riverside Tract No. 18-A —Description, W H Rng. 46; Price $120.00. Tract No. 88-A—Description, Lots Rng. 37: SEH SW H, SEH, Sec. 23, Add. to Ontario; Price $20.00. Twp. 26, Rng. 37; W H SW H, Sec. NEH, SE; NW H NEH SW H, Sec. 2 Tract No. 48-A—Description. W H 3 to 6 Incl. Block 77, Green's Add. to Tract No. 139-A—Description, Lots SEH, Sec. 22, Twp. 16, Rng. 46, Nyssa; Price 20.00. 24. Twp. 26, Rng. 37; W H NWH, Twp. 16, Rng. 43; Prtie $80.00. 10 to 13 incl, Block 13, Riverside Add Tract No. 19-A—Description SWH NEH. Sec. 27, Twp. 16, Rng. 46; Tract No. 89-A—Description, Lots NW H SW H , Sec. 26, Twp. 26, Rng. SWH, Sec. 35, Twp. 18, Rng. 43; Price $60.00. 3 to 10 incl., Block 1, Orig. City of to Ontario; Price $20,00. Tract No. 140-A—Description, Lot Price $50.00. Tract No. 49-A—Description, W H Ontario; Price $1,500.00. Tract No. 20-A—Description, All NEH, Sec. 12, Twp. 18, Rng. 40; Tract No. 90-A—Description, Lots 2, Tract A, Barton's Tracts Addition East of Malheur River In EH SEH, Price $250.00. 6, 7, and 8, Block 13, Orig. Townsite to Ontario; Price $15.00. Tract No. 141-A —Description, Lot Sec. 1, Twp. 19, Rng. 43; Price $15. Tract No. 50-A—Description, SWH of Ontario; Price $300.00. Tract No. 21-A—Description NEH, NW H , N W H SW H, Sec. 14, Twp. 19 Tract No. 91-A—Description, Lots 8, Block 1, Orig Townsite of Vale EH NWH, SW H N W H , Sec. 11, Rng. 46; Price $782.00. 11, 12 and 13, Block 65, Orig. Town- Price $25.00. Tract No. 142-A—Description, Twp. 19, Rng. 43; Price $160.00. T o thank you for past kindnesses Tract No. 51-A—Description, site of Ontario; Price $30.00. AND PROFESSIONAL Tract No. 92-A—Description, Lots That Portion of Lot 4, Block 19, 25 and to wish you again the Tract No. 22-A—Description, NW H N W H . Sec. 14, Twp. 19, Rng feet by 20 feet In the South 32 feet Season’s Compliments. NW H N W H, Sec. 11, Twp. 19, Rng. 46; SEH NEH, Sec. 15, Twp. 19, Rng 6 to 10 incl., Block 74, Orig. Town- o f said Lot, City of Vale; Price $5.00 site of Ontario; Price $50.00. 46; Price $20Sf». 43; Price $40.00. Tract No. 143-A— Description, Lot _____________________ Tract No. 93-A—Description, Lots Tract Jfo. 52-A—Description, A. T. Tract No. 23-A—Description, All, 1, Block 23, Orig. Townite of Vale; Sec. 15. Twp. 30, Rng. 43; All, Sec. No. 2 in SW H NEH, Sec. 36, Twp. I I to 15 Incl., Block 75, Orig. Town- $25.00. site of Ontario; Price $50.00. 17. Twp. 30, Rng. 43; All, Sec. 21, 20, Rng. 46; Price $25.00. Tract No. 144-A—Description, Lots Tract No. 53-A—Description, EH Twp. 30, Rng. 43; All, Sec. 25, Twp. Tract No. 94-A— Description, Lots 14 and 15, Block 1, Claggett’s Add. to 30, Rng. 43; All, Sec. 27, Twp. 30, Rng NEH SEH. Sec. 2, Twp. 21, Rng 46; 6 to 10 Incl., Block 83; Orig. Town- Vale; Price $20.00. site of Ontario; Price $50.00. 13; All, Sec. 31, Twp. 30, Rng. 43; Price $20.00. Tract No. 145-A—Description. Lots ATTO R N E Y Tract No. 54-A—Description, All, Sec. 33, Twp. 30, Rng. 43; All, Tract No. 95-A—Description, Lots 1 and 2. Block 21, Eldredge Add. to And CO UNSELO R-AT-LAW Sec. 35, Twp. 30, Rng. 43; NH. SW H NEH SW H , Sec. 11, Twp. 21, Rng. 11 to 14, Incl., Block 84, Orig. Town- Vale; Price $10.00. First National Bank Building site of Ontario; Price $40.00. N H 8EH, SWH SEH, Sec. 1, Twp. 46; Price $300.00. Tract No. 146-A —Description, Lot Phone 66 Tract No. 55-A—Description, NEH Tract No. 96-A—Description, Lots 31. Rng. 43; All, Sec. 5, Twp. 31, Rng 8. Block 22; Eldredge Add. to Vale; VALE OREGON 43; All, Sec. 29. Twp. 30, Rng. 44; All SEH, Sec. 13, Twp. 21, Rng. 46; 11 to 15 Incl., Block 83; Orig. Town- Price $10.00. site of Ontario; Price $25.00. Sec. 31. Twp. 30. Rng. 44; NH, SW H Price $10.00. Tract No. 147-A —Description, Lots Tract No. 56-A—Descrpltlon, SEH Tract No. 97-A—Description, Lots N H SEH, Sec. 33, Twp. 30, Rng. NEH. Sec. 35, Twp. 21, Rng. 46; 16 to 20 Incl., Block 161 Orig. Town- 1 and 2, Block 5. Hadley's 2nd Add. 44; Price $820.00. to Vale; Price $20.00. Tract No. 24-A—Description, All Price $50.00. site of Ontario; Price $25.00. Tract No. 148-A —Description, Lots Tract No. 57-A—Description, SWH Tract No. 98-A—Description. Lots Sec. 5, Twp. 16, Rng. 44; All Sec. 7, Twp. 16, Rng. 44; N H SEH, NEH NEH, Sec. 15, Twp. 16, Rng. 47; 8, 9, and 10, Block 163, Orig. Town- 3 and 4, Block 5, Hadley’s 2nd Add Business Analysis to Vale. Price $20 00. site of Ontario; Price $15.00. SW H, Sec. 16, Twp. 16, Rng. 44; All, Price $300 00. Tract No. 149-A—Description. Lots Tract No. 58-A—Description, EH Accounting Auditing Tract No. 99-A—Description, Lot Sec. 17, Twp. 16, Rng. 44; All, Sec. 19, Twp. 16, Rng. 44; SW H N EH . NW H , Sec 22, Twp. 16, Rng. 47; 8, Block 172, Orig. Townsite of On 15 and 16, Block 11, Hope Addition to Income & Social Security Tax Vale; Price $10.00. tario; Price $5.00. N W H , SH, Sec. 25, Twp. 16, Rng. 44; Price $500.00. Specialist. Tract No. 150-A—Description, Lots Tract No. 59-A—EH EH SWH Tract No. 100-A—Description, Lots NEH, EH N W H , Sec. 26, Twp. 16. Moore Hotel Bldg. Rng 44; All Sec. 27, Twp. 16, Rng. SEH, Sec. 23- Twp. 16, Rng. 47; 18, 19, and 20, Block 172, Orig 1 and 2, Block 6 . Kelley’s Addition to Vale; Price $210.00. Townsite of Ontario; Price $15.00. Ontario, Ore. Phone 159 44; All, Sec. 29, Twp. 16, Rng. 44; Price $150.00. Tract No. 151-A —Description, Lots Tract No. 60-A—Description, 8WH Tract No. 101-A —Description, All, Sec. 35, Twp. 16, Rng 44; SW H O f all gifts none will be finer than SW H, Sec. 36, Twp. 16. Rng 44; SH. SEH, Sec. 33, Twp. 16, Rng. 47; Lots 1 to 10 incl., Block 187, Orig. 6, 7 and 8, Block 8, Kelley’s Add to having had the pleasure of being of Vale; Price $15.00. Price $255.00. Townsite of Ontario; Price $25.00. Sec. 9, Twp. 16, Rng 45; SEH NEH, service to you In the past. Tract No. 152-A—Description, Lots Tract No. 61-A—Description, SEH Tract No 102-A—Description, SEH NW H. Lots 1 & 2, SH, Sec. 31. 1 and 2, Block 11, Kelley's Add to Twp. 16, Rng. 45; NEH, Sec. 36, Twp SEH, Sec. 33, Twp. 16, Rng. 47; Lots 1 to 10, Incl., and 16 to 20 incl, of Block 201, Orig. Townsite of On Vale; Price $10. 16, Rng. 45; NEH, SEH NW H , NEH Price $40.00. Guarantee Work Tract No. 153-A—Bescrlptlon, Lots Tract No. 62-A—Description, EH tario; Price $50.00. SW H, NH SEH, Sec. 2, 17, 45; SWH Tract No. 103-A—Description, Lot 7 and 8, Block 5, Nelson's Add. to N W H, SW H. Sec. 5, Twp. 17, Rng SWH SEH, Sec. 3..Twp 17, Rng 47; 9, Block 208, Orig. Townsite of On Vale; Price $5.00. 4$; NEH NEH Sec. 11, Twp. 17, Price $50 00. Tract No. 63-A—Description, SEH tario; Price $15.00. Rng. 45; NEH, NEH SEH, Sec. 6. Tract No. 104-A—Description, Lot 5, Block 172, Orig. Townsite of On- trio; Price $5.00. O fficial Time Inspector for Tract No. 105-A— Description, Lots 15 to 20 Incl., Block 231, Orig. Town- Union Pacific site of Ontario; Price $30.00. Tract No. 106-A— Description, Lot Oregon Ontario 10, Block 234, Orig. Townsite of On tario; Price $10.00. Tract No. 107-A—Descripition Lots 9 and 10. Block 240, Orig Townsite of Ontario; Price $10.00. Tract No. 108-A—Description Lot* 7 to 10 Incl, Block 241, Orig Townsite of Ontario; Price $40.00. "See McFall and See Better" Tract No. 109- A—Description Lots 3 and 4, and the North Half of L — „ ■_ a. „ , ■ lot 5, Block 251, Orig. Townsite of We can only say— Ontario; Price $15.00. Merry Christman to Everybody— May Peace, Prosperity and May Good Fortune and Happiness Tract No. 110-A—Description And so we won’t miss anyone we’ll Happiness be yours Be Yours at Christmastime and Lots 3 and 4, Block 280, Orig. Town- say It again - Follow You Throughout the Year. site of Ontario; Price $10.00. “ Greetings and a Merry Christmas." Tract No 111-A—Description Lots 11 and 12, Block 280, Orig Townsite of Ontario; Price $1000. Tract No 112-A—Description OREGON Lota 13 and 14. Block 260, Orig ONTARIO Townsite of Ontario; Price $1000 E RATES REDUCED IRONSIDE NEWS Our BestlDiohes for i yj 6 y \ MERRY CHRISTMAS S BUSINESS DIRECTORY f Norcott Service ROBT. D. LYTLE J. S. COOPER E. W . Pruyn Auto Repair WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE OPTOMETRIST DR. J. A. McFALL Eyesight Specialist Nyssa Nordale Furniture Store Tailor Shop Shelton Dairy