The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, December 24, 1936, Image 3

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'I '
Mrs. Dewey Ray entertained the
Thursday Contract club last week.
Mrs. Blanche Boydell was high score
winner. Guests of the club were
Me.'ilames Vernal Shoemaker, L. C.
Wi'son and Geo. Mitchell.
-5 -
The Monday Contract club met
with Mrs. Leslie McClure this week
Mrs. John Yount was high sccrr
winner and Mrs. Dewey Ray, second
high. Mrs. Frank Halverson and
Mrs Vernal Shoemaker played with
The Thursday bridge club met
with Mrs. Aden Wilson last week
with Mrs. Nick Rudlick and Mrs.
Dean Johnstcn playing with mem
hers. Mrs. Barr Dr-olittle won high
score prize; Mrs. Ernest McClure
sect nd and Mrs. Rudlick the travel­
ing prize.
Saturday night was a big night
for the Rebekah lodge members.
They held their annual Christmas
party at the lodge hall where they
enjoyed a Christmas tree and an
exchange of gifts with their Polly
Anna’s. Each member contributed
a number to the pregram. The Sun­
shine club also picked this time to
hold their meeting with Mesdames
Leslie McClure. Archie Hcwell, Sid
Jurbidge and Baker hostesses for
he other members. A very good time
aas been reported.
The O ld Q uaker C o., Lawrence burg, Ind
M i ami !
9 0 I* H O O f
A Christmas Message
of Good Will
and Best Wishes
for your Prosperity
and Happiness.
¿tawf (Di&JtanxjL
8 -
Mrs. Artie Robertson was hostess
to the Tuesday club this week with
Mesdames W. C. Jackson, A. V. Cook,
and Tom Eldridge guests of the club.
Mrs. Frank Morgan won high score
prize and Mrs. Ed Norcott won sec­
ond high.
8 -
W. E. King was honored with a
surprise party last Friday evening at
at home of his daughter Mrs. Wal­
ter Mashall. The occasion honored
Mr. King's 83rd birthday. A number
of friends were Invited to help cele­
brate his first birthday In Oregon.
Mr. King came to Nyssa from Wich­
ita, Kansas last September. The
evening was spent with several pres­
ent giving readings, Mrs. Jewel
Choate gave some musical selections
and games were played. Mr. King
cut a huge birthday cake and each
guests received a piece. Those pres­
ent were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil­
son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wal­
ter Rice, Mrs. Joe Hardin and Shir­
ley, Mrs. Choate and Patsy, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Burns, Mrs. S. B. Davis,
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and Mr. King
Many nice gifts were received by
Mr. King. Refreshments were served
and all wished Mr. King many more
happy birthdays.
Printed stationery from your farm
Is more business-like. Order a trial
supply at The Journal.
If you are contemplating on
having a public sale, write or
phone 1216, Nampa, Idaho.
24 years of selling experience
I» '2? *
8th grade; play, 1st and 2nd grade;
recitation. Collen Connaughy; song
6th, 7th and 8th grade, recitation,
Buby Snyder; song by 1st and 2nd
grades; play, 3rd, 4th and 5th grad.'s
recitation, Nadine Wilson; song, 1st
and 2nd grades; play, 6th, 7th and
8th grades.
The Sunday School program was
well attended on Sunday evening.
The program was in charge of Mrs.
M. L. Kurtz, Mrs. Charles Newblll,
Mrs. J. G. Lane and Mrs. C. E. El­
liot. Mr. Anderson had charge of
the singing by the choir. The pro­
gram was as follows: song, congre­
gation; scripture reading, Rev.
Sweeny; two songs by the Sunday
School children; piano solo, Nadine
Nichols; “The Helpers,” a dialogue
by four little girls; song by the
choir; The Christmas Guest, Six
children; Whispering Hope, a duet
by Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Anderson;
Christmas Carol. Little Folks; reci­
tation, Joyce Kurtz; piano duet,
Dudley Kurtz and Ronald Lane;
song, choir; play The Wise Men
and the Well; Silent Night, by con­
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nelson and
daughter Betty of Nampa visited
relatives Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McConnell
were Boise shoppers Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rush of On-
talo and Nelton Kairns of Nyssa
were Tuesday evening dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ashcraft.
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Holly shopped
in Boise Friday.
The many friends of Mrs J. W.
Hewitt are pleased to know that she
Is much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Newton shopped
In Ontario and Payette Friday.
Those who shopped in Boise Mon­
day were Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Pet­
erson and daughter Donna. Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. Enos and Clarence ac­
companied by Walt Simmons and
Mrs. Mitchell Gaviola.
Roy F. Perry, who has been here
for some time constructing a tem­
porary home on Adrian bench left
for Van Nuys, Calif., to spend the
holidays. He will dispose of his
property there and return with his
family to make their home here.
Mr. Ernest Deffer has returned to
Nebraska and will ship his house­
hold goods and bring his family
here about February 1st to make Mr. and Mrs. George Markham
were business visitors in Wetser Sat­
their home on Adrian bench.
The regular business meeting of
PTA was“ held in the Lincoln
r.chcol house Wednesday afternoon.
Business was taken care of and plans
were made for the Christmas tree
Mr. Kenneth Bach arrived home and
program on Wednesday night.
this week to spend the holidays. He
has been attending school at the Miss Margaret Redsull returned to
university in Logan, Utah.
her home after working in Portland
Several from Kingman attended for the past two years and lived with
the program given at the Owyhee her aunt there.
school last Friday evening.
Ray Thrasher, son of Mr. and Mrs. The Ed DuPre family and Mrs.
Lee Thrasher is expected home from
Boulder City to spend Christmas
The Young People of the Sunday
School ¡net at the Nichols home
Saturday evening, where they made
the pop corn balls for the Sunday
School program given Sunday even­
The eldest son of Mr. and Mrs
Wilson arrived home from the uni­
versity at Eugene on Friday.
D. L. Anderson will Instruct the
4-H club song leaders from the var­
ious clubs for this years work.
The first 4-H club meeting was
held at the school house on Friday.
The clubs were named, programs of
work made out, and material for
memory books given out. A prize will
be given In each club this year for 1 year and to 12 years
the best memory book.
1000 to 1600 pounds.
School children In Miss Crum-
mett’s room have finished their
Give description,
Christmas gifts, for their parents. price, etc. Drop card
The gifts were very attractive, hav­
ing been made from wood with a
coping saw In the shape of animals
and other objects for garden mark­
ers and door stops.
In Miss Nelson’s room the 1st and
Care Washington
2nd grade made a very attractive Hotel,
Weiser, Idaho
Calendars for gifts.
The program given at the King-
man school on Tuesday evening was
as follows, song by the 6th, 7th and
Joy as ever
In the same old way
With hearty wishes for
A Happy Christmas
Schw eizer C a fe
a tia n ii
May every hour oi Chrlstmastlde
bring happiness to you.
IWA workers i... >..nj a
u,Lje across the Shoestring ditch
tetween the Clarence BirreU farm
and the Vest brothers farm In the
Arcadia district.
Let a Classified ad se.l it.
Special Announcement
-s -
Funeral Hom e
',v>m J,rwc has gone to Phoenix,
Arizona to visit his falh r. He wiu
, be gone about two or three weeks
Arcadia residents are all busy
chopping wood at the Sleep crchir-
for half.
Letting You In on Television’s Ground 171
Members of the Methodist Ladies
Aid made merry at the home of Mrs
C. Kllnkenberg last Wednesday
night when they held their Christ­
mas party. A pretty tree, an ox-
hange of gifts and visiting with re­
freshments of coffee and cookies at
the close made up a very Jolly even­
Although still In its swaddling clothes, television has been found practical and it is only a matter of a
ing. A door prize awarded to Mrs. little time until the radio owner of today becomes the television owner of tomorrow. Photo shows a televlc )
C. A. Abbott was the cause of much broadcast of live talent. It looks like a movie studio, cameras and sound booms record the picture and toe
sound of the actors to be flashed out over the air.
Old Quaker brings you a barrel
of quality in every bottle and it
doesn't cost you a barrel of money.
As you prefer in Bourbon or Rye
Dale Garrison and daughter Jo Anne
of Nyssa are spending the Christ- |
mas holidays with Mr. DuPre’s par­
ents and other relatives in Spokane
Miss Mildred Ruud of Seattle is
¡pending the holidays with her
brother Alvin Ruud and mother.
Buy frem our advertisers.
JslsphoiU L fiaJtsA, AcduauL
(fhAidJtmaA. a n d
VUuv yaaJtiu (Day-
The same reduced rates which apply
after 7:00 o’clock every night and on
Sundays are extended this year to in­
clude all day Christmas and New Y ear’s.
Enjoy hearing the voice of one of your
family, re la tiv e s o r friends in other
towns. Telephone your greetings.
\ <_Ask Long Distance jo t any
* rates you would like to know
M alheur H om e Telephone C o .
May pleasant memories
Of the jolly old season
Linger long after
The holidays are over.
Not Just a gesture—
but a truly sincere wish for every
happiness for you and your family.
Sm oke Shop
Nyssa Pharmacy
2 E
The Board of Directors of Farmers
Co-Operative Creamery Extends to
the Members the Age Old Wish
A Merry Christmas
A Happy New Year
A nd M ay the New Y e a r
Brin g Y o u a F u ll M easure of
Health, Prosperity and Happiness