Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1936)
GATE c itY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24,1936 T h e Gate C ity Journal c o El t< a e h t 1 C l 1 t f i 1 i Squirts I FROM THE LINOTYPE ; B E K * 3 * B LR K L h I tion. and upon confirmation of said final account, final distribution of Geo H Bnxmdme to Lydia Col final account, final aistnbJtion of said estate immediately will be had LE G AL AD VERTISIN G ons. Lot I. Sac M; and Let «. Sec Dated this tth day of December said estate immediately will be had 33-17-41 12, 11. 34 »10. Dated this R h day of December 1936. IN V IT A T IO N TO RIDDLES J M Paybacks Ic James Filer K LA A S STAM 1966 3 W \ 5 Z s Ate 20-16-46 312. I. M Executor of the Eatate at John NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by PR A N K T MORGAN, (2200 Stam S r . Deceased the beard of directors of School Dis Administrator ot the Estate of Taylor Johnson to R L Scott trict No 36 of Malheur County P in t published. December 10. 1(36. William Ouy Wallace. Deceased 3EH.NW4. and N E . 3 W . Sec 3-1»- | State at Oregon that bids will be First published December 10. 1996 Last published. January 7, 1937 , 10 I. 1C. 36 CIO received by mid board of directors Leila Thompson to Andrews Boers- for rr*r\spcet«tw n of school children Last published. January 7. 1937 I By John E. Public NOTICE TO CREDITORS mas et ux and ESNW S. during January. February and Sec (-21-46 310. NOTICE OF HEARING March. IN THE C O U N TY C O U R T O P THE Maude Bailey et tit to C B Mal- Outline o f route and additional in IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE O P OREGON. FOR M AL Th* moot Industry o t the s tile w «i son et al. 2 acres in S -SW -«SE-. formation ts on file in the office of STATE OP OREGON FOR M A L HEUR C O UNTY struck a damaging blow by the re Sec 3-16-47 12. 15, 36 »650 the district clerk. HEUR COUNTY. IN THE M A TTE R OF THE ESTATE cent announcement of the Oregon Malheur County to Bank at C alif Bids must be filed with the dla- OF W IL L IA M L GLENN. Deceas IN THE M ATTER OP THE ESTATE Worsted mill in Portland that the ornia S W \ N E , W S S E V N W 1* j tnct clerk by 5 P M Saturday, De ed. OP JOHN ST AM. Sr, Deceased plant would be liquidated due to and E S S W , See. 27-16-43 12. 7. 36 cember 36 1996 The undersigned having been ap strike trouble James A Adams, (229 (A Notice hereby is given by Klaas I The beard of directors reserves the pointed by the County Court of the John G Ode et ux to Oregon & president of the Oregon Producers Stam. Executor of the Estate of right to reject any or all bids receiv and Shippers Association says "In Western Coion Co.. N E 1» Sec 33-16- John Stam. Sr . Deceased, that he State of Oregon, for Malheur Coun ed ty, Administrator of the estate of spite of the tact that a vast majority 44 3. 19. 36 (1 Q C Deed Dated this 31st day of December has filed In said court his final ac William L Glenn, deceased, and of the more than 450 men and Ernest H. Roach et ux to Oregon count of his administration of said 1936 women employed at this large Port ¿e Western Colon. Co N'W1» Sec 33- estate together with petition for having qualified as such, notice is ATTE ST land plant were entirely satisfied 16-44. (3. 19. 36 61 Q C Deed. final distribution, and that Satur hereby given to the creditors of, and CLARENCE B AR RE TT Pl rence Gordon to A G Moore with wages and working conditions. day. the 9th day of January. 1937. at all persons having claims against District Clerk. m w i organizers through reported et al N S N E -.S E 1» Sec 17. 18, 47 12. 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at the said deceased, to present them, ver CHAS GARRISON. threats, promises and intimidation, 16. 36 610. Court room of said Court, at the ified as required by law. within six Chairman Board of Directors D P Boggs et ux to Ventura Ver- succeeded in signing up a compara Courthouse In said County, has been months after the first publication tively «n a il number of workers in a istam et al S 'l N W s N 4 S W N SEW fixed and appointed as the time and of this notice to said Administrator local union and thereupon called a SW>, and 3E-, Sec 4-17-44 12, 30, place for the settlement of said ac at the office of A. L Fletcher, In NO TICE TO CREDITORS 33 (3.00. count and the hearing of said report the Town of Nyssa the same being strike " Cnaries Click to Glenn H Berry IN THE CO U NTY C O U R T O P THE and petition at which time and place the place designated for the trans + + + STATE OF OREGON FO R THE any Interested person my appear action of all business pertaining to Lots 42 and 43. Block A Riverside Many of the demands made by the Add to Ontario 11. 30. 36 »10 C O U NTY O P MALHEUR. and file his exceptions in writing, to said estate. union organizers were impowsibie. December 8, 1936 City of Ontario to V E Glaves et IN THE M A T T E R OF THE ESTATE the said account and contest the and as a result tha management of al. Lots 11 to 30. Inc Block 107. On HUGH V GLENN, same O P AN NA M a c k e n z i e Deceased the mill has announced that the tario 8. 6. 36 (675 Administrator of the Estate of Notice further is given that said plant will be liquidated and this im NOTICE IS HEREBY Given by William L. Glenn, deceased. Daisy O. Daly to V E Glaves et ux account Is fer final settlement, and portant adjunct to the wool indus Lots 11 to 30. tnc, Block 107. Ontario the undersigned administrator of the said estate Is ready for distribu First publication, Dec. 10. 1936. try of Oregon will be permanently the estate of Anna MacKenzie. de tion. and upon confirmation of said Last publication Jan. 7, 1937. 7. 10, 36 »1 Q C Deed > suspended The worsted mill pur L'oyd T Marshal! et ux to Ber ceased. to the creditors ot and ail chased annually many thousands nard Frost. Lot 30 Block 36 Park persons having claims against the pounds of Oregon wool, all of which Add to Nyssa 9 36. 36 »50 said deceased, to file them with the was used in the manufacture of vouchers within six Bernard T Frost et ux to H C necessary yarn. Over 450 men and women lose Schrader. Lot 16. Block 36. Park Ad months after the first publication of their job because of strike malcon to Nyssa 12. 16. 36.. 325 this notice with the undersigned at tents We suggest the plant be mov Catheme Julia Ditton to Alfred his residence in Rockville Oregon, ed to Nyssa, close to the wool supply et al SE 'AN W 1» and E H S W 1. Sec which residence the undersigned sel source and away from the radical 24; and NE ’< N W S e c 25-28-46 11, ects as the place of business In all labor leaders. matters connected with the said 21, 36 61 + + + Viola V Beier to R J Stone. Lot 3 estate. DATED at Rockville. Oregon, this A soil resource conference is to be Block G. and W S ot Lot 2 Block F 8th day of December. 1936 held in Malheur county again this Thos D. Barton. Tract; 5 acres in n h M a c k e n z i e . year .the dates being set for Feb S W ’ .N E 1. Sec 4-18-47; E ‘» S W L4- Administrator of the Estate ruary 9 and 10 Last year this proved S W '.N E *. andl SE’ .S W '« N E 1» of Anna MacKenzie. deceased a popular and profitable meeting Sec 4-18-47 Blocks 290 and 310 On First Publication Dec. 17. 1936 and should be encouraged, especially tario. 12, 5, 36 (10. Last Publication Jan. 14. 1937. with the problem of thousands of Marriage Licenses Issued dcres ot new land coming Into pro May the wishes of your friends for WiPiam Allen Wiley and Julia duction. you at Christmas come true. Ellen Miller 12. 14. 36 NO TICE OF HEARING + + + Glen Olson and Edyth Bennett. 12 IN THE C O U N TY CO URT O P THE The papers note the strange case 15, 36 STATE O P OREGON FOR M AL Stanley Lewell Fortner and Sarah of a Florida man who has talked t-n HEUR CO U NTY days without stopping. He is under Elizabeth Pilby. 12. 1*. 36 IN THE M A TTE R OP TH E ESTATE Dell Dayton Flelsher and Carol the spell of a disease and is to be O P W IL L IA M G U Y WALLACE. pitied rather than made the subject Maudo Dailey. 12, 17, 36 DECEASED Grant S Hughes and Minnie Rose of jokes In Virginia, where Edith Notice hereby is given that Frank Maxwell was tried lately, with wide Puller 12, 17. 36. Calvin Richard Hugart and Pern T. Morgan. Administrator of the publicity for the alleged killing of Estate of William Guy Wallace. De her father by knocking him on the Elizabeth Crockett. 12, 18, 36 ceased. has filed In said court his Petitions Filed in Probate Court head with a shoe the closing argu ments of the lawyers were limited to Estate of Charles Wesley Nelson final account of his administration of said estate together with petition six hours. It is hard to understand 12, 17, 36 for final distribution, and that Sat what they found to talk about after urday the 9th day of January. 1937. the first hour at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon, at W ILLAR D KECK HONOR + + + STUDENT A T E. O. NORM AL the Court room of said Court, at the There are thirty-three persons In Courthouse in said County, has been the United States who have a yearly fixed and appointed as the time and Income of at least a million dollars, place for the settlement of said ac E. O. Normal School. La Grande. according to the Federal Internal To You and Yours— count and the hearing of said re Revenue authorities. Fifteen are In Oregon ■ Special ■ December 21, 1936 port and petition, at which time and Believe the hearty sincerity of —Willard Keck of Nyssa Is listed on New York State, and the others are place any Interested person may ap this little greeting and expres the honor roll of the Eastern Ore spread over eight states If a man pear and file his exceptions in writ sion of Good WU1. gon Normal School for the fall term keep« away from New York he has ing, to the said account and contest a fair chance of walking about freely This distinction indicates a high the same. .tandard of scholarship Mr Keck 1* without bumping into someone who Notice further is given that said has a million dollar income Sta a freshman at the Eastern Oregon account is for final settlement, and tistics thus confirm the conclusions Normal School this year. the said estate ts ready for dlstrlbu- which we had already reached by All the com in Arcadia Is about sizing up our own bank rolls and those of our friends and acquain disposed of with good yields and good prices reported. tances. % INDEPENDENT IN P O LIT IC S AND RELIGION. O P T IM IS T IC IN D ISPO SITIO N — W ITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE O P MALHEUR C OUNTY ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION KATES Open rate, per inch National Per inch Local. Contract Ctasalfieda. Per word One T « / *1 J* SU M en ti» S tlifit Copte* 06 ■ Strictly ln Adv to c o _ 3Se JSe 2Sc S I* Publu/vd every Thursday at Nyvaa, Malheur County. Oregon. Entered at the poatofnee at Nyvaa. Ore*oo for im u m lM n i through the United State» Mail*, as second data matter, under the act of March 3. 137* DON’T DELAY GETTING LICENSE TAG S— are told a Washington motorist has been W E fined $2.00 for putting on his 1937 auto tags too early, and shortly after New Years Day there will be many who feel the grip of the law for op erating with expired tags: all of which recalls an adage from the school reader which ran some thing like this: “ Be not the first by which the new is tried, nor yet the last to lay the old aside.” New tags will become a necessity after the first of the year and the best idea is to apply for your tags right away. Oregon is fortunate in hav ing adopted the popular $5.00 flat rate. Across the line in Idaho motorists are dreading the day when they will have to dig up two, three, four or five times this amount, depending on the size of the car they operate. There is a ray of hope for the Idaho motorists however, the coming session of the legislature has promised to “ do some thing” about i t . . . but they have promised that before. + Someone in Ontario, Oregon not only is public spirited, but has the where-with-all to back it up. An announcement recently came from the Col lege o f Idaho that an Ontario resident had do nated $1,000 to the college endowment fund with the restriction that the interest from the fund must be used only for the purchase of new books. The donor preferred to be undisclosed. There is no rest for the post-office crew these days, as every mail brings a miniature mountain of mail, and out-bound mail is also very heavy. The comparatively cramped quarters at the post office is even more congested at Christmas time as friends and relatives shower packages and mail from all comers of the globe. --------------------------+ ------------------------- C LA R K W OOD COMMENTS Week-end automobile accidents are due, in large degree, to the weak-end of the reckless driver. The probability is remote that we’ll ever run for President, but if we do we’ll try to incur the enmity of Hearst newspapers. Europe needn’t expect Uncle Sam to finance the new war until she has paid for the old one. Ultra-timid conservatives seem to fear that the Blue Eagle will do a comeback as a Red Buz zard. A t a football game in Tennessee a frenzied fan squeezed a girl so hard he broke her ribs. He may have fancied he was executing a touch- back. — + — Th Florida dentist who consented to pull the tooth o f a hippopotamus may have been seeking a good opening. Time goes bv faster than the fastest motor car on which the buyer is paying installments. Even though he’s tired o f it, the wise motorist seldom ditches his car. Sunshine Dairy a tiiia a flu iH M J Powell Service Station NEWS OF RECORD NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY W E RECOMMEND THEM Real Estate Transfers Recorded Nysoa Bench Land Co . to Charles Davis et ux. N W ’ .N E 1. Sec 21-20- 46 12. 7. 36 6175 Silas D. Bigelow et al to Julia Hennlngsen. Lot 34, Block 2. Hadleys 1st Add to Vale 11. 9. 36 (10. <Q C D eed). C W Glenn. Sheriff to C. O Vile Lots 3, 4, 5. 6 and 7, Block 3, River side Add to Ontario 9. 8. 36 135 00 C. O. Viles et ux to David G Gunter et al Lots 3, 4, 5. 6. and 7, Block 3. Riverside Add to Ontario. 9. 15. 36 610. David H. Ounter et ux to Henry , Gustafson et. al. Lota 3. 4, 5, . and 7. Block 3. Riverside Add to Ontario | 12. 14, 36 (10 Everett E Harris to E M Harris PETERSON FUNERAL N E 1'« Sec 26-17-44 11, 16. 36 (1,000 City of Ontario to E. L. Thomas, HOME Lot 6. part of Lot 7. and Lota 19 and 20. Block 202. Ontario 5, 29. 31 (10 Lulu L. Hoxle et vir to Lewis F Call Thomas Nordale Rambaud. Lot 8. Block 9. Nyssa 12. 10. 36 (10. Furniture Store Phone 94 C A R L H. C O A D A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W NYSSA >: OREOON FACTS ABOUT NYSSA A. L. FLETCHER Population (1930 ) Recent Estimates ............ Elevation _____________ 821 1200 City Officers TOWNSEND CLUB M EETINGS Meetings of the Townsend Club are held once a month In homes of members The Public is Invited Eph Frost ............President Mrs. A. V. P r u y n _____ N YS S A L I B B A B T OPEN SATU RD AY Town P a tron s___ .2:20 to 5'30 Out-of-town patrons 2:30 to 7:20 A L L PATR O N S WELCOME Mrs. Fred Marshall. Librarian M a y o r ----------- -----Don M Graham C ouncllm en------------ Art Norcott. Al Thompson. Dick Tensen. Dean Smith. i City Clerk ---------------A . r Millar I CUy T reasurer..... ....Arthur Boycjell M a rsh a ll------------------ A. V. Cook rfatermaster _ H. Pinkerton Health Officer Dr. J. J. Sarazin Coanty Officers jig g A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W NYSSA ; OREGON DR. E. D. NORCOTT D E N T I S T Office Phone 35P2 X -R A Y E X A M IN A T IO N S NYSSA OREGON County Judge David P. Graham e. ». i -- . ■ ---- Commissioners_________ora Clark, E. H. Brumbach. Sheriff -------------- c. W Glenn Nyssa Aerie County Clerk Harry Sackett F. O. E. No. 2134 Assessor--------------- Murray Morton T reasu rer------------ Mrs. Ora Hope VIEET8 W EDNESDAY N IG H T County Attorney ......... M. A. Biggs A T EAOLES H A L L County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson Visiting Eagles Welcome County Physician....... Dr. Anna B. Pritchett CLAUDE W ILLSO N , Pres. Coroner ---------------- r . a . Tacke Superintendent Kathryn Claypool K E R M IT LIEN K AE M PE R Secretary Nyssa Psblk- Schools Superintendent -----Leo HoUenberg Emets About Owyhee Project ON THE OLD JOB H. D. Ho linea What's the use of thinking up A greeting that Is new— When just the same good old Christ mas wish Is what Is meant for you Even as the Spirit of Good Will Is Increased at Christmas Time so may our associations grow in mutual ac cord and confidence. TRANSFE R and B A O O A O l AU Kinds sf City Ussita Payette Lumber Co. NYSSA. OREGON r iu s t » Cost of Owyhee D a m ____ (6.000.000 744 miles of Tunnel ......... 64.000.000 81phons. canals, etc. ..... ( 3.000.000 Owyhee dam storage capacity___ -----------------715,000 acre feet Helghth of d a m ....... ........520 feet Prom lowest point ot foundation to top. leading project city. Nyssa. Oregon Elevation of land ......2.280 to 2.500 Acres in Owyhee project. 100,00 seres Principal products ...... ..._.Jmy, com, dairying, a t o ck raising, grains, potatoes, clover seed, peas, lettuce, anions and carrots CITY TRANSFER T R U C K IN G and T R AN S FE R R IN G PhM c I » aad Phone (8 C. Klinkenberg