Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyiut, Oregon GATEW AY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS Fastest Growing Town in Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2 l, 1936 T Parma Victim of! Nyssa Team; To j B attle Nampa j Both First and Second l earns Win— Nampa to Play Here Evening of December 30th. 1 SERVICE STATIONS TO CLOSE XMAS AFTERNOON Duke of York Becomes George VT of Enplane Nyssa will indeed be a quiet town Christmas, with i< aeticalty ev,iry I line of business closed for the holi day while the owners and clerks en- joy Christmas dinners. The service stations in town have agreed to close from 12 no-n until six o ’clock j Christmas Day. and car owners are expected to guide themselves ac- j cording !y. I ' Land To Be Sold Jan. 2nd The Nyssa Bulldogs added another ------------ victory to their string of three wins I The »ale of county land, which Is when they won a double-header from Parma Friday night to the being advertised In the Journal this tun i of 37 to 18 in the varsity game I week for the last time, will be held while tlie second team defeated the I at tlie county court Itouse on Satur- I day, January 2nd. Tlie sale will Parma seconds, 23 to 3 1 lie Nyssa team had things pretty start at 10 o'clock and the various well under control during the game, I tracts advertised will be knocked off leading 15 to 5 at half time and 25 to the highest bidders. Each tract advertised has a mini to 14 at the third quarter breathing spell. It was tlie first game for Par mum price attached, and will be o f ma. and they are likely to prove fered for not less than ttys minimum troublesome later in the season. price, plus the costs. Other details Coach John Young expressed him and description of the land to be On the abdication of King Edward VIII, to marry Mrs. Wallis Simpson, his brother, the Duke of York, as self as not being entirely satisfied sold January 2nd will be found on cended the throne of England as George VI. It is expected the coronation will take place next June. page five of this Issue. Those con with the team's defense but they Bringing a dispute which had brought the empire to a crisis, Edward voluntarily relinquished the throne handled the ball well and showed templating buying county land Photo shows King George with Queen Elizabeth and daughters. Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose. improvement In their offensive work. should consult the descriptions and The second team game proved to Investigate Just what Is offered for be a walk-away for the locals, who sale, and then be present at the sale entirely outclassed the visitors. to bid on tracts which they desire. Coach Young used every man he had suited up, but still the less ex TEACHERS LEAVE FOR perienced Parma boys failed to CHRISTMAS VACATION chalk up a field goal during the en COOKED FOOD SALE tire game, their lone three points School Cihldren coming via the foul route. PLANNED BY CHURCH LADIES T r a i l Among the Nyssa school teachers Members of the varsity lineup who have gone home for the Christ Practice Hard to Give were Pierson, Johnston. Jackson, mas holidays are Miss Elizabeth Ann Real Musical Treat. The Ladies Aid will hold a cooked Graham, Bob Wilson, Byram and Jones, who went to Richland; Miss food sale the day before New Years Lloyd Wilson. Second team play Margaret Macdonald will be In Port on December 31st. Some articles of ers who saw action were Robertson, land; Miss Clara Rettle will be at Bill Wilson, Hay, Enos, Warren, Fossil; Miss Margaret Galley at Gift Day Drawing W ed clothing left over from the Rummage A record crowd is expected at the sale will also be sold at reduced Oregon Trah schoolhouse Thursday Patterson, Huston Wilson, Zamora, Hubbard; and Owen Price will be at nesday Prove* Magnet prices. All people interested in the evening at 8:15 when the school Booth and Holly La Orande. church are asked to contribute. The will present the two act operetta To Draw Buyer* to place Close Game At Parma for the sale will be announc "Meet Mr. Santa Claus." Fifty-four A basket made In the closing sec ed later and lunch will be seived pupils will take part In this produc Nyssa. onds of play Tuesday night in a throughout the day. tion with 16 musical numbers pre game played at Parma spelled vic sented. The operetta will be pre tory for the locals when they nosed sented under the direction of the Santa Claus was nearly mobbed out Parma 17 to 16. It was a nip teachers Mr. and Mrs. Albert B Saturday afternoon when he came and tuck battle all the way through Hopkins. Ml-s. Joe Stam will be the to town to pay a short visit. Child with Parma showing up much better piano. A wide search was Instigated Tues ren ranging from little tots on up than they did in their first game of Characters Include, Bookkeepers: day when H. H. Whitman enlisted were there by the dozens to catch a the season here Friday. Robert Bowen, Jack Marshall. Ches One of the things which helped police aid In searching for his wife, sight of the patron saint and to ter Ashby. Jimmie Reid and Ralph Nyssa, and which eventually was the who has been missing from the share In the treats he was handing Fudge; Errand Girls, Elsie Keck. margin of victory, was a basket Whitman home on the project since out. At times he had difficulty Peggy Chard, Betty Chard, Inza Ul- made by Bertrees, Parma guard, at December 11th. Feeling she might keeping his feet as the mob of At an Impressive ceremony Mon rey and Madonna Kressley; Mrs. the Start c f the game He confused be In the vicinity of Boise, he asked children crowded round to get a day night the new officers for the Santa: Betty Rookstool; Santa: the goals and sent oue spinning Boise police to help locate her to good view of him. Santa left Nyssa for other points Eastern Star lodge were installed Junior DeGrofft: Margery: Mary through the wrong hoop and thereby dispel the family's anxiety for her after a fifteen-minute stop here and by Mrs. Will Beam, Past Worthy Lou Thomason; Madame Stylish; giving Nyssa two un-earned points. safety. the distribution of some 600 treats Matron Mrs. Frank Hall was instaU- Juanita Fudge: Dressmakers: Flor The Nyssa second team also had Mrs. Whitman left December 11th, more trouble with the Parma sec leaving five children and her hus sponsored by the Commercial Club. ing Marshal and Mrs J. J. Sarazln ence Fudge, Lola Rookstool, Wilma installing chaplain. Those taking o f Adams, Jane Adams, Alleen Talbot, onds, eventually winning the game band at home; and Mr. Whitman Gift Days Wednesday and Mary Atagi; Explorers: Dewey 15 to 13. thought she was going to one of the The largest crowd yet attended the fice were Mrs. Bettie Forbes, Worthy Bernard Frost, Worthy Thomason, Vance Smith, Junior towns In the Boise Valley to find Gift Day distribution of silver dol Matron; Will Play Nampa Wednesday David Malone, Clifford Patron; Mrs. Nettle Medesker, As Holmes, Nyssa basketball fans will have an employment during the Christmas lars Wednesday and both the side sociate Matron; Leo D. Hollenberg. Ashby and Robert Talbot: Guests: buying season. Several days passed walks and street was crowded as opportunity to see how Nyssa com without any word and he became they awaited to learn the lucky Associate Patron; Mrs. Hilda Ten- Esow Atagi; Painters: Mary June pares with outstanding teams of the Rookstool, Loretta Mitchell, Cecil worried, contacting relatives In Kan shoppers. Afterwards the stores and sen, secretary; Mrs. Sina Johnson, Snake River valley next Wednesday. sas City to see If she could possibly shops were crowded with Christmas treasurer; Miss Eva Boydell, con Whitman. Clifford Mitchell, Frank December 30 when Nampa high have gone there. All attempts so far shoppers getting last minute pres ductress; Mrs. Hazel Frost, associate Wilson. Harold .Wilson, Houston school will come here for a double- conductress; Mrs. Vera Ray, mar Keck, and Kenneth Chard; Mary to locate her have been unsuccessful ents for loved ones. header game. Both varsity and sec shal; Mrs. Mae Shlreman, Adah; I,ou: Ruth Campbell; Dolls Edna and Mr. Whitman fears his wife may Those who won silver dollars were ond teams will compete the night Mrs. LucUle Norcott, Ruth; Mrs. Mitchell, Owen Smith, Donald By have met with foul play. Mary Ann Shafer, C. A. Marshall, of the 30th. ers, and Peggy Campbell; Frost Mrs. Anna V. Whitman was de Nona Fisher, A H. Wilson, H, R Marie Jensen, Esther; Mrs. Joyce scribed as being five feet, four Inches Sherwood. Wm. Orr, Mrs. W. F. Llenkaemper, Martha; Mrs. Dorothy Fairies: Patty Chard and Bernice Guard: Marvin tall, weighs 200 pounds, has blue Flndling, L. R. Kindle, Ward Bros., Norcott. Electa; Mrs. Dorothy Bur- Bowen: Polar AI.UMNI TEAM WINS FROM eyes, light brown hair and fair com J. D. Gilmore. Francis Ray, Jake bidge, sentinel; Mrs. Blanche Boy Wheeler. Wayne Kressly, Floyd Ul- HIGH SCHOOL BALL TEAM plexion. She wears glasses. dell, organist; Mrs. Theo Emmett, rey. Dallas Keck, Bobble Wilson. Kollen and Geo. Smlt. Winner of chaplain and Mrs. Olive Drewitz, Johnnie Relk, Donald Whitman and three dollars was Mrs. Jacob Groot: John Adams; Bear: Clyde Adams; warden. Mrs. W. F. Flndling vyon five; and An alumni team of ball hawks According to the Payette Inde At the close of the ceremony, Mrs. and Gubberluck: Mildred Adams. Bill DeGrofft won both the seven proved to thè high school team Sat pendent-Enterprise, a marriage lic The Oregon Trail PTA will have Forbes, the newly Installed Worthy urday night that there was still life ense was Issued December 14 to and ten dollar prizes. New mem Matron, on behalf of the ledge, pre charge of the distribution of treats in !he old boys, and they trounced Robert Lester Adams of Nyssa and bers of the Mourners Club who were sented Miss Hettie Medesker, the to thp community. A big evening Is the here-to-fore undefeated high Minnie Arlene Taylor of Welser, not present to get their prizes were retiring Worthy Matron, with the planned. The public Is Invited to Mrs. John Burky, BUI Stanton and school team. 46 to 24 The team Idaho. attend. No admission will be charg Past Matron’s Jewel. Dennis Fife. of former high school stars was Cards were played following in ed. made up of Max Schweizer, Hack Mr. and Mrs Allan Forbes of stallation with the meeting coming Wilson, Bill Boor, Art Cook, Mere Boise, and Mrs. Forbes sister, Mrs. PARENTS OF SON to a close with a lunch served in the TOM (IKNDENING WEDS dith Seits, George Johnston and Maud Cosho, who Is an Idaho state basement at prettily decorated tables BETSY VANDE MOER Colby Poage. legislator from Ada county drove to carrying out the Christmas motif. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey are Those in charge of the social were Nyssa Monday evening to attend the BROTHER DIES Eastern Star Installation at which the proud parents of an Stt pound Mrs. Frost, Mrs. Medesker, Miss Tom Clendcsnlng, who lives at time Mrs. Bettie Forbes was Install boy born Friday afternoon. Decem Medesker, Mrs. Grant Rinehart. McCall, tfut who Is well known here ber 18 at the Dixon Nursing Home. Miss Margaret Ann Morgan and C. E. Childs received word Friday ed Worthy Matron. Dr. Sarazln, the physician, reports Mrs. Hollenberg. Several guests and was married Sunday, December 13 morning of the death of his brother both mother and son doing nicely. husbands of the Stars were also to Miss feetsy Vande Moer. eldest Arthur B Childs of Ainsworth Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Powell and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete The new heir has been named Ron present. Nebraska. Mr. Childs had been 111 Herman Towne came down from Vande Moer of Parma. The marriage for sometime, having suffered a their mine near Prairie City the ald Eugene. was held at noon In the home of the rtroke of paralysis three yeass ago first of the week to spend Christmas Mrs. Blodgett left Thursday for La groom’s mother In Frultland with from which he never fully recover in Nyssa. Grande where she will spend about Mr and Mrs. Vernal Shoemaker only Immediate relatives preaent for ed Mr. Childs Is a hide buyer locat left Wednesday for La Grande a month with her daughter Mrs the ceremony Mrs Clendentng has ed with Swarm and Son. Mrs. John Young and Miss Kath- where Mr Shoemaker will Join the Tom Burton and family. been employed In the First National rlne Young left- Wednesday evening faculty of the La Grande high Bank of Parma for the post several SANTA CLAUS COMES on the train to spend Christmas with school as a science teacher. Mr. years. TO NYSSA CHURCHES relatives. Mrs. Young will visit with Shoemaker, until his resignation re Mr I. Cooper who has purchased WEDNESDAY EVENING her parents at Tigard and Miss cently was the science teacher In Young plans to spend about a week the local high school. the Mrs. Bettie Forbes farm is mak with her parents at Madras. ing arrangements to farm It this Nyssa service station operators de coming season His daughter and her LEGION TURKEY SHOOT Santa Claus paid a visit to both ciding that no longer are they going husband Mr. and Mrs Bucher have Mrs. George Mitchell and son Pete the Community and Episcopal HELD SUNDAY AFTERNOON to be slaves to their business; they moved Into the tenant house on the churches Wednesday evening with drove .to Boise Thursday afternoon are going to lock up Christmas from farm and Mr Bucher has begun a pack filled with treats for the to meet Miss Kathryn Mitchell!, who twelve to six . . . Eder Hardware re work Miss-Ruth Cooper a freshman youngsters of the church. A Christ flew from her school at Heppner A fair siied crowd attended the sponds to call for toys to be given to In high school plans to enter school mas program started the evening to Boise. She will spend the vacation American Legion turkey shoot held poor children by donating a whole here aftfr the holidays. The rest of off, and was followed by the appear with her parents here. Sunday afternoon near the Langton box full ov'em . . . Dean Smith the family will move here later ance of Santa. Large crowds were In Mr and Mrs. A. L. Fletcher, Jr , Service Station. All afternoon the nursing sore hand as a result of They are from Harlem, Mont. attendance. Superintendent of the Crane school* trap was busy throwing out the showing the boys how to stick a tur Attorney A. L. Fletcher left Mon Frank Burke leased the John was In Nyssa Wednesday but unfor elusive targets for sharpshooters to key . . . Frank Halverson finds more visit with his teat their skill. Besides local shoot use than one for raw beefsteak . . . day evening on the train en route Kakebeeke farm for the 1937 sea tunately was unable for Seattle where he will spend a son Mr Kakebeeke wUl continue to father here os he hod left for Seattle ers. others from Ontario, Parma and Payette wore present week with his son KUlott Fletcher the day before. live In the house on his ranch. mr Crowd Expected At Oregon Santa Claus Is Large Trail Operetta Thursday Night Popular Visitor Here Saturday Seeks Wife Who Left Dec. 11th 4 » f PRINT EARLIER BECAUSE OF HOLIDAY This Issue of the Gate City Jour nal Is going out on the mall a day earlier than usual in order to get In the hands of . the major part of the subscribers before Christmas. Like wise. the paper will go out a day earlier next week to be out before New Years Day. Correspondents and others are asked to make an effort to get their material In early again next week. Sister 1 $1.50 PER YEAR Eastern Stars Install Officers ROUND TOWN to ! W insO nCorn A t Chicago Reagan-Vinegas Bout Goes Six Rounds ToDraw Baird Loses Fight In First Round — Large Crowd Present For First Fight Of Season. Bcfure a crowd which jammed the Eagles hall a’most to capacity and lopped the attendance record for nai\y a moon, Everett Reagan of »olse and Frankie Venigas of Fresno fought six torrid rounds to a popu lar draw d ’cisión here Tuesday night. Billed as the main event, the two boys never let up driving at each i tiler during tlie entire fight, but there was considerable infight ing and the bout really lacked the spectacular features of some of the other fights. Evenly matched and willing to mix it, both boys fast and in good condition, it was one the best main events staged here for some time. Allan Duvall, 14-yead old 4-H club member of Kingman Kolony receiv ed word this week that he had won an award on his Yellow Dent com that he entered at the Chicago In ternational exposition. Alvin placed 0th at the Chicago sh w and receiv ed his prize money this week This is not the first award he has won this fall, he having won a prize on his corn at every show entered. His other awards are, 1st at the Pac ific International show at Portland; 1st at the State Fair at Salem and 3rd at the Malheur County fair at Ontario. Tlie semi-final event between Alex Alvin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kassls of Boise and Chester Bellman D. C. Duvall of the Kolony, and he of Glenns Ferry started out with a is a very enthusiastic club work. flurry of punches, but Bellman was not In good condition, and was tiring ALUMNI DANCE TO fast as the second round came to a BE HELD SATURDAY close. In the third frame, Bellman was floored for a short count, but was too near exhaustion to continue An alumni dance Is being planned and his second tossed In the towel. for Saturday evening, December 26 According to ring gossip, Billy Stoke in the local high school gymnasium; the negro fighter who was billed to and all alumni are Invited to attend battle Kassls backed out of his The dance will be an informal affair bargain when Sellmnn floored him and provides an excellent opportun In a sparring match the other day. ity for almunl of the local school to Bellman looked young but said be get together for a revival of former fore he laid aside the gloves two years ago, he fought in several pre good times. liminaries In Spokane and nearby towns. He challenged Kassis for a re-match. Ask For Bids On Bus Driving Job In a notice appearing In this Issue of the Journal, the Arcadia school district Is asking for bids for the transportation of school children during the months of January. Feb ruary and March. At a recent elec tion, It was voted 12 to 6 to have a school bus for transportation of children during the winter months. Bids are to be filed with the dis trict clerk. Clarence Barrett, on or before five o'clock P M„ Saturday, December 26th. Homer Fincher of Boise proved too much for Jackie Leo of St Paul, the Boise fighter putting his man, down for a count of three and again for a count of nine In the second round. After the second knockdown, Leo re fused to continue. Fincher outweigh ed his man and was In better condi tion. Haird Out In First The fight which carried the most local interest was between Ted Baird of Nyssa and Mickey Doyle of Meri dian. While fast while It lasted, Doyle put Baird down for a count of nine In the first round. Baird got up and came at Doyle with fists flailing and Doyle cllpjied him another as Baird half-way fell through the FRED KEITH FUNERAL HELD IN VALE FRIDAY ropes. As he was coming up, with his back to the ropes, Doyle clipped him two hard jolts to the jaw and It was all over for Baird. The fight was a Funeral services were held Friday one-round knockout for the righting afternoon In Vale for Pred Keith, Irishman from Meridian. proprietor of Fred's Service Station One of the best fights of the even In Vale, who passed away suddenly last Tuesday in the Ontario hospital ing was between A1 Oraco and Jim Mr. Keith had been ill but a short my Porter, both of Boise. Tills fight time, having been taken to the hos went the full four round route with pital on the day before suffering Porter winning a very close decision. Grace's bobbing, weaving style had from internal hemorrhages. Before moving to Vale about a Porter puzzled as Draco came out of year ago, Mr. Keith farmed near his crouch usually to hang a couple Nyssa and had a wide circle of of good ones on Porter. Graco took a friends here. Survivors Include his count of eight In the third round but wife, and four children, Pearl, Hu came back In the final round to car ry the fight to Porter Both fighters bert, Pauline and Wanda. Rev. C. C. Hovda, pastor of the got a big hand as they left the ring. Ontario Baptist church had charge The curtain raiser between Young of the services held Friday In the Mathews of Nampa, otherwise known Christian church. Interment was in as the Klckapoo Kid In other fights the Odd Fellows cemetery here, outclassed Harry Weaver of Welser, the bout ending In the sec Miss Helen Wiseman will spend ond round with a technical kockout Christmas with her mother, Mrs credited to Mathews Bowen and family at Meridian. Referee for the first four bouts was Mr and Mrs. Bernard Frost and Eddie Arego of Boise and Carl Lyt- children and Ed Dilley attended the ton, also of Boise, officiated during Idaho Power Christmas party given the last two. Judges weie Dewey Ray for the employees and their families and Harry Miner and Don Oraham at the Portia Club house In Payette acted as timekeeper. Dr. Art Onrde Sunday. A present and treat was promoted the fight for the Eagles. given each child and even the grown Another Eagles fight card was an nounced .for around the middle of ups were not missed by Santa. next ‘ mpnth, and It Is possible that Mr and Mrs. W O. Jackson are the card may Include both wrestling expecting their ion Alfred of Port and boxing matches with some real land to come home for Christmas talent in the card. and the week end. The Jacksons will also entertain their son Mr. and Mrs. Nell Jackson on Christmas Day. Blaine Ballah, student at the Uni versity of Oregon Is spending part of the Christmas vacation at the Frank T Morgan home He will re turn to Eugene soon Christmas. Calvin Wilson who Is the University at Eugene Spencer, freshman at State College at Fresno Nyssa Saturday for the vacation. After a brief Fred went on to Emmett parents are now living. attending and Fred California arrived In Christmas stop here where his GO TO BAGGH, WYOMING Mr and Mrs. Clarence Walkpr and ■on and daughter of Harrisburg, Oregon fame by Nyssa and made a brief stop at the Hugh Olasgow home. On Sunday morning they left for Bagga, W yo, accompanied by Mrs Pearl Price and Billie Louise Glasgow. The party Is making the trip to be present at the Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Imri Byars, parents of Mrs. Walker. Mrs Price and Mrs. Olas gow.