GATE KINGMAN KOLONY Patterson has returned Knot Hole News to Miss her Vivian home here from an extended visit with relatives in Ohio. The box social and negro minstrel GREETINGS POLKS: The school which given at the school house of experience is about the only was a was decided success. school that doesn’t boast of Its giant Miss Lucile Thrasher, acted as football stadium. master of ceremonies, announcing ---- BUILD FHA WAY----- the Cotton Town Minstrel and the A great many people have taken play “Oh! Doctah!. The boy and girl advantage of our offer to give a free who will attend 4-H club summer Christmas turkey with every $20 school were announced. Miss Eileen cash order of merchandise or over. Slippy having the highest average Just another reason why it pays to which was 96; Susan Zamora and Donna Ashcraft also held a score in buy at Jacksons. the 90’s. Susan was named as the ---- BUILD FHA W AY----- holding the score next to “How gracefully that man eats alternate, Eileen's. Harold Kurtz held the corn on the cob!' ’ score for the boys with Dan "Yes. And no wonder. He's a pic highest iel Zamora as the alternate. The colo player in the band!" 4-H club leaders from Kingman ---- BUILD FHA W AY----- wish to thank all of those who have “Now be sure and write plain on helped make the evening a success. both of them bottles which Is for my The net proceeds were $31.26. wife and which Is for the cow," The Harrison family have moved Gloomy Gus told Mac. who was fill to their new home in New Plymouth. ing prescriptions for him. “That's a The second grade gave a program Jersey cow and I don't want nothin’ Friday for the PTA. It Included a to happen to her.” song “Come Lets Play Indians.” a ---- BUILD FHA WAY----- dramatized story, "Snow Flake's REAL FOOTBALL PAN—One Pet”. Carol Tallman recited, “Indian who knows the nationality of every Children.’ The whole group sang "Indian Lullaby.” man on the all-American. The 5th grade and 4-H health club ---- BUILD FHA WAY----- held regular meeting Friday. Don’t let these mild winter days They their appointed monitors to look fool you. Keep the coal bln filled and after the ventilation, and temper ready for cold weather. ature of the room. The D. W Anderson family re turned home from Salt Lake. They were detained because of the Illness of their baby. Tony Subseretta has gone to Burns for the winter. Nyssa, Oregon M. L. Judd has purchased 40 acres of land which joins the land they now own. Jackson Lumber Company LINCOLN NEWS MEN NEEDED to train for ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING Let us help you get a good paying job as we have helped hundreds of others. Openings right now for thousands of trained men in world’s fastest growing industries. Prepare for your opportunity by spare time, low cost, easy-pay plan. Actual shop practice also in cluded. Learn by system suc cessful In helping men qualify for jobs for the last ten years. Fair education and mechan ical inclination necessary to qualify for training. Write, giving age. present occupation. Utilities Eniugeering INSTITUTE 404 N. Wells St., Chicago. 111. y Mrs. Ed DuPre was a Boise visit or on Saturday accompanying her daughter Mrs. Dale Garrison and hurhand and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Garrison. Llcyd Kinney is building a new barn. The Atagi family that has been living on the Will Roberts place for several years is moving above Nyssa. Mr. Hendricks and family are moving on the Will Roberts ranch. They have lived the past year on the Andy Robinson ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Casto of Harper and Mr. Casto’s father of Utah were Monday visitors at the Ed DuPre ranch. Mr Johnson a new project settler is building a new house on his ranch. Mrs. Fred Trenkel and daughter Helen have returned from a visit to Spokane. Wash. * Mrs. Loyd Kinney and small son was a Boise visitor on Saturday. ^ CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10 11136 High School News AROUND SCHOOL A group of boys heard lamenting the fact that they have to either stay in for two hours or break rocks? Irene and Ellen having trouble while putting on their skates at the banquet—or was it skates? Freshman and Sophomore having fun playing tag-on the dance floor Loren Earnest back in school. Owyhee Dam Is getting to be “Palm Springs” for some of the fac ulty. Jerry Rust peeking In car windows In seorch of B. M.—“You heartless blondes,” says Jerry. FACULTY NEWS We found some of the teachers had outstanding personalities in the play. “Here Comes Charlie,” given by the Episcopal Guild last Friday. Miss Macdonald was among the sightseers at the Owyhee Dam last Sunday. Mrs. Haworth stayed In town nearly every night last week. She was preparing for the Junior-Senior Banquet. Faculty members have been con gratulating the Hollenbergs on the arrival of a new daughter. PLAY AT SCHOOL “The Great Emancipator." an im personation of Lincoln, was given in the High School Gym Monday night by a traveling troupe of actors. The play was of four scenes, depicting parts of Lincoln's life during his term as president. High School stud ent body tickets were admitted free. We would like to say that the dance given by the Freshmen has proved the seasons best so far and we thank them very much. BOY'S ATHLETICS The Nyssa grade school basketball team lost a close game to the Parma grade school. The final score was 13 to 12 in Parma’s favor. Tkj gam was played on the local floor. Frank Pier, n was the referee. GIRL'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ‘ A regular GAA meeting was held last Wednesday, December 2. Among the things discussed were those elig ible for sweaters. It was decided that those who had earned points In other schools could use those points toward obtaining their sweaters. In the past week the GAA mem bers have been sponsoring a move ment for more cooperation and in terest in school dances and activi ties. Their efforts appear to have been successful if the formal dance held on Saturday night Is any critera. WE WONDER WHY— Hinemoa walked to the banquet. Miss Macdonald can't make a bas ket. Some of the students are staying for an extra hour or two after school. Mr. Young made students come back in civics class. How Eve lyn Hawcrth is for a ball room danc ing teacher. We COULD ask Jack Jrodie. Who made up popi|ation on Temptation Hill after the banquet. What Jerry Rust was doing in Cald well Sunday. The boys stay on one side of the room and the girls on the ether during the social functions. A little intermingling wouldn't hurt anyone. BUSINESS AMD PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ‘ n ________________ / are: Nellie Jean Schweizer, Joe Burke. Mary Lee Emmott. Dorothy Pond and Irene Poage. Officers that were nominated were: president, Isabelle Sarazln and Evelyn Ha worth; vice president. June Mare Wilson and Ruth Ccx; secretary and treasurer, Ellen McConnell and An na Johnston. The Commercial Law Class found they had 3ome promising young lawyers when they held their court last week. Hinemoa Cloninger spent the week end with Mary Corn. We hear they bad a very good time. Ellen McConnell was also a week end guest of Marzene Hollenberg. BIG BEND NEWS Patrons of Big Bend Grange de- ire to thank all those who attended their bazaar and chicken dinner ast Thursday evening and helped in making it the success it was. Hus ton Dunaway and Leo Betts received the quilts. Wade PTA will meet Friday after noon at the school house. A commit tee, Mrs. Win. Gibson, Mds. E. Abbi ind Mrs. Howard Hatch spent Tues day calling on |>eople within the dis trict soliciting funds for the Christ mas treat. The Idaho Power company install ed lights In the home of Mr. and Mrs Lester French the forepart of the week. The Jolly Janes will meet Thurs day at the home of Mrs. Dale Ash- :raft in Kingman. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan spent last Monday In Nampa visiting in the Altizer home. Mr. and Mr.;. Kenneth Parker spent a couple of days visiting in the E .E. Parker home. Early Thurs day morning they left for Klamath Falls where they will make their home. The Cecil Case family moved last week on to the Rockefeller ranch. Dan Gallagher of Juntura spent a couple of days last week transacting business in the Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hatch are re joicing over the arrival of a baby boy born last Friday at Memorial Hospital In Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Case of Arena Valley were Sunday guests in the Brumbach home. Mrs. L. Eachus, Claud Eachus, Mrs. John Sparks and E. H. Brum bach were Bend residents who transacted business in Vale Monday. N. S. Phelan was an Ontario business visitor last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Claude Eachus were Boise visitors Tuesday. Want Ads LOST—You lose money when you throw broken parts away. Let us weld them. Pruyn Garage, tf. LOST—Bay h rse and bay mare, weigh about 1100 lbs. each. Mar. branded with pair of glasses on hip Last seen near the river towaru Adrian. Reward. Orlando Tanner. Ip FOR RENT FOR RENT -Two large sleeplr • rooms with heat. Close In. Mrs Thjs. B. Nordale. Dec 12 • DON’T SAY “I INTEND” TO TAKE OUT A POLICY (THAI V O.N’T PAY ih E DAMAGL3)—BUT Be Sure - INSURE Consult us and see how you can be fully protect ed against fire, accident, theft and liability Frank T. Morgan FOR SALE FOR SALE—Majestic range, wat r Jacket, bakes exceptionally well good condition. Ca l at Journal of fice. Dec. 3. 2tp . FOR RENT—Unfurnished house, $20. Mrs. Eulah Kelley. Owyhee Hotel. Dec 10 Up. FOR SALE—Team of colts, coming 4 years, weight about 950 each Conrad Martin, 1 mile east of King- man Kolcny School. Dec3 tfc. FOR SALE OR TRADE—Sell or trade for stock, one 1929 Chevro let Coupe and one 1935 Chevrolet truck, dual wheels, both in good conditions. Hugh Glasgow. 12-3-2tc. FOR SALE -Gravel for a'l purposes At Sam Playford gravel pit, one mile north Nyssa. 12-10 4tp. CHRISTMAS TREES—Large or small, see them at the Hugh Qlasgow residence. Telephone 36F3. Nyssa, Oregon Your Photo Is The Thing Your Friends Cannot Buy ALMOST anything you give on Christmas Day can be duplicated somewhere. But give your portrait, and you give a gift that can’t be bought. MISCELLANEOUS KAISOMINING and water proof ing basements a specialty. All work guaranteed, also scissors, saws and tools of all kinds sharp ened. Andrew McGinnis, tfc. HAY CHOPPING—Let us chop your hay with a 40 Inch Smalley chop per and re-grinder, 24- Ft., Elevator and Diesel tractor. Reasonable prices, satisfaction guaranteed. Se bum and Wareham, Phone 78F21 Nyssa. 11-26-tf. NOTICE—I want to do your plow work; nothing but first class work or your money refunded. One trial will convince you. Second to none when it comes to plow work and general blacksmlthlng G. E. Snod grass, Larsen and Towne shop. 8- 61tfc. WANTED—Your welding jobs. No job too tough. Pruyn Garage, tf HAULING—All kinds, Oregon and Idaho License. Hugh Glasgow Phone 36-F3. Jan 16tf. SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICES H E A T E R S S T U D IO 2 Udlly Washington ! WEISER Guarantee Work WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Unton Pacific Ontario Oregon OPTOMETRIST “See MrFall and See Better” HOTEL »PAYETTE BANCROFT HOTEL »ONTARIO NEWS MOORE'S »NYSSA NYSSA PHARMACY »PARMA JURRIES PHARMACY »N0TUS PUGSLEY'S Confectioner) » CALDWELL ARMY'S Confectionery ► N A M P A “HONKER" OPP. P. O. ► MERCIAN RICE PHARMACY ► BOISE " HOTEL GRAND EXPRESS CARRIED ON ALL TRIPS S L A B W OOD Eder Hardware \ BOISE PAYETTE LUM BER C O M PANY \ v TREE LIGHTS These fine Mazada lights make your tree sparkle and glow. 8 lights, flame shaped, full length cord. ONTARIO OREOON The committee to appoint the of ficial.; of the Girls League officers PUBLIC SALE TUESDAY. DEC. IS Five Miles from Ontario on— The Ontario-Nyssa Highway or 1 1-2 miles South of Vale Junction on Highway 30. 16 Head of Dairy Cattle 16 Head of Jersey and Guernsey Milk Cows. A real dairy herd. Look them over before the sale. Horses and Machinery 3 Good Work Horses. All kinds of farm machinery, chickens and other articles too numerous to mention. JOHN LIENHARD, Owner Col. Bert Anderson, Joe Dyer, DR. J. A. McFALL Eyesight Specialist Nyssa Pharmacy, Nyssa Auctioneer ONTARIO, OREGON The Best Quality The U tmost V alue A Great Variety .At • • • Order Dry SCHOOL BRIEFS XM A S R A T E S ROUND TRIPS BETWEEN W eiser & Boise Phone 31 Clerk For Women Carving Sets Toaster Grill Waffle Iron Electrical Presents Health Scale DELUXE SANDWICH GRILL $5.95 For The Men Tool Chests Pocket knife Fishing Box Shaving Sets For Children Roller Skates Tool Chests 49c Skates Velocipedes SILEX COFFEE MAKERS * $4.95 HOT POINT TOASTERS $2.95 Pyrex Dishes—Coors Oven Ware You Can Find Worthwhile Gifts At Eder Hardware Co. Nyssa, Oregon Phone 46