Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1936)
GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1936^ ON I Ca Or me sal ioi sel er he to 19 Ci h< 10 ai tc a h w P o e a 0 c 1 t i i i i Thelma Ccok of Boise spent with her parents here The C. L. McCoys were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis P Thomas Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beam spent Thanksgiving at the Roy Pounds home. The Max Schwelzer family moved Friday afternoon to one of the The Leo Hollenberg family were Thomas houses. Miss Doris Kooiitz of Boise spent Tlianlcsgivlng with her sister Mrs. Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Last Sunday Mr and Mrs. Jim Mrs. John Young. Otsorge Mitchell. Voght of Lime. Oregon were after Mr. and Mrs. Artie Robertson en noon and evening guests at the Ber The W. F Flndling family and Mrs. Eph Frost attended a family tertained at dinner Sunday for the nard Frost home. dinner on Thanlcsglvlng day at the Arthur Boydell and Fai Norcott fam , Mr. and Mrs. AI Thompson and ilies. j Mr and Mrs. J. T. Long drove to Jonus Brown home In Payette. Lucille Benton visited In Boise Harper Thanksgiving afternoon to Quests at the R. Starr home Sun j visit with the Robert Long family day were the Qordon Pays of Bak over the Thanksgiving holidays with er; Mrs. Butler and .vtr Eph Frost of her father George Benton and her I Clyde Long has gone to Jordan siater Vera. i Valley where he will sp nd the win Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beam and ter trapping beavers for the state Mr. adn Mrs George Bertsch en daughter, Mrs. Roy Pounds and game department. Mrs. Long and tertained on Thanksgiving for Mrs. children motored to Caldwell Satur Harold plan to move there soon. Mary Felton, Grandma Robertson day and took dinner at the L. C. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Bertsch at and Mrs. Hazel Ulldea and son Pounds home. tended the funeral services Wed Theron. i Chas. Paradis returned Monday nesday afternoon at Roswell for Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Beelar of evening from Portland where he at j Ben Payne, mother of Mrs. A. Pat- Pendleton motored down Wednes tended an executive meeting of the 1 terson of Wilder. day to spend Thanksgiving at the American Legion over the week Mrs. J. E. Waggoner spent a few parental Chas. L. Fisher home In end. 1 days here last week visiting her sister Kingman Kolony. They returned Mr. and Mrs C. S. Skinner of I Mrs. Bernard Prost. Mrs. Waggoner home Sunday. Long Valley, Idaho, were guests on was on her way to her home in Lew Dr. and Mrs. Karl Norvall of Par Thanksgiving evening at the Chas iston after visiting with her parents ma entertained for Mr. and Mrs. L. Fisher home In Kingman Kol in Twin Falls. Harry K. Beelar and daughter of ony. According to word received by the Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. AI Thompsons, Dr. John Long, Fisher, Mr Wm. Compton and Mr brother of Mrs. Thompson, is very CARD OF THANKS and Mrs Paul Fisher of Kingman ill at Phoenix, Arizonia, where they Kolony Thanksgiving. went last fall for his health. They plan to return as soon as Dr. Long We wish to thank our friends, and is able to travel. especially the American Legion, at According to Monday's Statesman the time of our recent loss. a baby daughter was bom to Mr. LOWER PRICES Mrs. Willard Lynch and family; and Mrs. Warren Dillon at St. Al- Wallace W. Lynch; Walter S. Lynch; phonsus hospital In Boise on Novem . . BIGGER MEALS Frank E. Lynch; John Lynch and ber 29th. TTie Dillon are now living Mrs. Fred Williams. at Orchard. Idaho, but were former Nysas residents. CLUB BREAKFASTS—Ham or bacon, toast or hot cakes, 1 egg and fried potatoes ?5c CALX ROAST PORK DINNERS GRAVES Studio and BEEF 35 and 40c Full Line Short Orders Over WUson Grocery LANCE EARP’S CAFE 5 for lOc At the Smoke Shop NY88A, OREGON Give Photographs For Xmas NEWS OF RECORD Real Estate Transfers Recorded For Week of Nov. 22 to Nov. 29 Samuel J. Lindley et ux to Thomas A. Thomsen. WV.SWHSWy* and WHE'48WV4SW14 Sec. 31-19-42. 11, 20. 36. »400. Oeo. Kanrlch et ux to Lloyd W. Hartley et ux, WViSWy Seo 36-17- 46 11, 21, 36. »10. First National Bank of Portland to Horace L. Davidson, parts of SMiSEii and NH8EI4 Sec. 15-16-43. 9. 15, 36. » valuable consideration. Bank of California to Horace L. Davidson, parts of SM.8E‘-l and N 4 Marriage Licenses Issued BE'4 Sec. 15-16-43 . 11, 13, 36 *1. Roy Lappin and Maude Lowry. Virginia D. Slocum to M. A. Mc- 11, 27, 3« Elxoy, Lots 13, 14, and 15, Block 4 Complaints Filed to Circuit Court Hadleys Add to Vale 10, 29, 38. 65 Flora Cheeley vs Merle Cheeley (Q. C. Deed) 11, 23, 36. Divorce. City of Ontario to E. M Lanter- j Petitions Filed to Probate Court Estate of Edward F. Parks. 11. 28, man, Lots 1, 2, 3 4, and 5, Block 34. Ontario. 11, 9. 36. $750. IQ C Deed) 36. Otelta Aubrey et vir to Fabbin Arrinda SE‘«NE‘ . and N E '.SE1. Sec. 10 and WIiNWV., Sec. 11-40-43. 11. 18, 36. »10. Bank of California to Commerce ONTARIO Mortgae Co. NEV.NE'i Sec. 25-15- SUN-MON-TUES. 42. 11. 6, 36. $1. (Q C Deed). December 6-8 Commerce Mortgage Co. to F. T. Arnold, NE‘ i NE1, Sec. 25-15-42. 11, 17, 36 »10. Western Loan & Investment Co. to U. C. Guss et ux, Lots 19 and 20, Block 14, Ontario. 11, 16, 36. »17,500. Maurice W. Harper et ux to Fred J. Test, Lots 1 and 2, and No. 15 leet morried on- of Lot 3, Block 23, Ontario. 10,19, 36. other fellow Coffee M. J. B. 1 Pound Coffee M. J. B. 2 Pounds Dependable Brand COo Cane & Maple, 5 lb. C an sQ O u Syrup Amaizó Golden 10 Pound Cans Syrup Crackers C Crackers iK i rig 65c 5c 35c 29c 25c Worchester in Pkgs.— EACH Sell C* 29c 57c » 11 . D ars Cheese Soap Oxydol “ d pkgs. Whole Wheat 2 pounds PER POUND 22c P. & G. 5 Bars, Giant size I9c Large Package 22c Half-Gallon Size Purex Holly Cleanser 22c one— 4 for Oranges .0 1 ’ / C 45c Grapefruit ¿ f o r ' Seedless 25c We Give Gift Dav Ticket». A»k for TV««»»-« WILSON G rocery A Dependable Food Store NYSSA OREGON NYSSA TAILOR SHOP For Friday, Saturday and Monday Crackers 25c Catsup No. 2V2 cans 19c 1 Wonder Ware V^atS Large pkg. 19c M . J. B. Jr. Coffee, lb. 22c Order Dry C _ OyrUp SLAB WOOD A- i , 2 ibs. Staley’s 5 lbs. Golden Brooms From Each Peanut Butter 21bJar BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER COMPANY Raisins p ick a x e . Walnuts Oregon’s, lb. WAITES CO N N O LLY C L ' i c Silky, sparkling with the bril- bailee of silver and gold. Their favorites are here. 2 0Po™ds Small size Dozen D - - - , Red Mexican 8 ibs. Deans n ____ _____ Granges Fancy Sunkist 2 Dozen $1.25 to $2.25 Right from the Style Centers. The newest of the new creations spec ially selected for the occasion. 50c to $1.00 Macaroni, package 10c, one 10c pkg. Free White King, pkg. 25c, One 10c pkg. Free Tea i/ob. pkg. 25c, One 10c package Free Toilet Paper, 2 rolls 10c, One 5c roll Free k i . - f f l ___ Beautiful new patterns in plain T C * a (TO i v i u r r i e r s or Fancy— Silk or Wool. Newest / O C t O colorings for your approval. LJ Lj Pure Linen or fine Cambrics. Hand n a i l K i e S rolled hem or Hemstitched. All white, corded or fancy borders. That will give miles of service. Pure silk, pure wool or rayon stripe, check or plaid patterns. 39c 29c 29c 27c 19c 25c 29c 49c 39c One Free Sale D - L * , , Largest showing of all kinds. Blan- <1*0 f t C TC K O D G S ket Robes, Flannel Robes. Priced t O ’S y . / 3 so you ican afford them. For driving or for Dress. Lined w l O V e S vvith Fur, Wool or Silk or unlined. The kind he will like. Peanuts ___ tQ 9 S WHERE SELECTIONS SATISFY Honey, 10 lb. pail 98c, One 10c »ize Free Com Flakes, 3 pkgs. 30c, 1 Whole Bran Free j -Jam, 5 lb. can,69c, One 15c Can Free 25c to 50c d e p a r t m e n t 25c to 50c I Pork Roast $1.00 to $3.00 % Sausage LADIES HOSE - New Shipment Now Here New shades in Chiffon or Service Weights. Full Fashioned—Pure Thread Silk. 2 pr. *1.00 ALEXANDERS Headquarter» for Men’» Gift» OREGON Pound x Beef Roast | Q l .A a L - Gladstones, Bags, Fitted or Plain Cases— All the newer kinds here S for your inspection—$2.25, $3.75, $4 50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $11.50 and $15 ^ oacon Pound Loin or Round P ound ^reaxs R arrm Pound Pound Beef Boil (f r A A " j>J3.UU LUGGAGE and DRESSING CASES I 1 I^ Ö K T m e a t -Pure Silk, Silk mixed or Broadcloth ^ 4 ■ a ja m S S m id d y styles or button front. Plain ,p | . ¿ J colors and fancy patterned. ONTARIO You’ll want to look your best . . . send suits, coats, dresses now. Let us put your wardrobe In A -l con dition. Grocery Specials ALEXANDER’S Socks THOSE HOLIDAY VISITS to please her Earl Chard et al to A. P. Smith, 33 b o y - f r i e n d ! acres in SE'.SWV, Sec. 23-20-46. 11, 20, 36. »25. Nyssa Bench Land Co., to A. P. Smith et al 33 acres in S E '.S W 1» Sec 23-20-46. 11, 23, 24. »192.50. Malheur Land Co., et al to Bank of California, NWX, EV*SW'., WV,- SE'4, and SWV<NE% Sec. 27-16-43. 11, 14. 36. »10. Union Central Life Ins., Co. to Bud Mattingly, N W '.S E 'i, NE*4- SWV». SWV.NE‘4, and SEV.NW1., Sec. 3-26-46. 11, 2, 36. »5,000. V. B. Staples et ux to E. M. Lan- terman, Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 Block 34 Ontario. 11, 4, 36. *10. Kenneth Payne Carey to Oeorge T. Carey, Lots 30, 31, and 32. Block 31, Hope-Holland Add to Vale. 11. Shop Early for Men’s Gifts at T* c I le b READY FOR Dreamland Grocery Specials GROCERY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DEC. 4th and 5th BETTER GET Whole or Half S lab> pound Hamburger K d Daily ! 18c 15c 10c 13c 19c 28c 10c WE ARE SUPPORTING NYSSA GIFT DAYS WE DELIVER PHONE 3 H A LV ER SO N ’S PURE FO O D STO RE NYSSA : : : : OREGON