Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1936)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3,1936. Az has the mo6t mothers present. Plans Indian wigwams are seen in the dis fresh now; also springer heifer. i Buy troni our advertises and get real satisfaction! will be made for Christmas. Every- O W YH EE NEW S tance. One Shorthorn nine-months old l one Is Invited. The PTA will meet at the school- calf, good cream separator and three The daughters of Mr. and Mrs. H. The pupils In both districts enjoy Robert Cox and S. E. Flanagan house Friday afternoon, December dozen White Rock pullets and 11. All parents and friends are urg hens. Lyman DeOrofft. half mil; R Hatch planned and carried out a ed a two day vacation during the circulated a road petition last week. ed to be present as there are im south of beet dump. ll-62-2tpf pleasant surprise on their parent* In past week Roads In the new settlement are Im honor of their 35th wedding anni Mrs. Margaret Barnett, principal passable In many places making it portant subjects to be discussed. % Prepare Ytur Car MISCELLANEOUS versary. which took place Sunday of Wade school spent her vacation most Inconvenient for school busses On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Grovei FOR WINTER DRIVING evening. About seventy friends en with relatives In Welser, while Miss cream trucks and others Douglas had a number oi friends KAISOMINING and water proof * and joyed a pleasant evening devoted to Wilma Colwell, primary teacher, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and three relatives In for Thanksgiving ing basements a specialty. A’l games and visiting. A mock wedding went to Portland to attend a reunion children of Sunnyslde, Wash., visit dinner. Those present were Mr. and work guaranteed. also scissors THINGS THAT SHOULD BE DONE : ceremony was preceded by a group of Monmouth classmates. Mrs. Walter Sparks, Mr. and Mr saws and tools of all kinds sharp ed over the week end at the J. J 1. Change to light motor oil. singing "Just a Song at Twilight Mrs. Borge of District 47 spent her Kollen home. The Andersons are Clark Renfro of Parkdale, Oregon, ened. Andrew McGinnis, tfc. 2. I-!~lit grease in transmission and rear a- le. then as Mrs. F. A. Miller played the vacation at her home on Owyhee looking our country over with in Mr. and Mrs. Don Morgan, Mr. and 3. Charge battery. wedding march, Mr. and Mrs. Hatch project and Miss Christianson re tentions of making their home here Mrs. Hugh Glenn and sons Dale and HAY CHOPPING—Let us chop you 4. Inspect batterj- cable. a 40 inch Smalley chop Billie. Mrs. Violet Rice and son Bob. per hay and with with their attendants marched Into turned to her home In Ontario. providing they find a suitable loca 5. Clean and sit generator aherd. re-grinder. 2-1- Ft.. Elevator the living room. Mr. Plln Case as Mrs. Anna Larsen returned home and Diesel tion. One of the largest gatherings on G. Adjust timing for co’.d starting. trv t-r. Reasonable minister, retied the knot that binds Thanksgiving was held at the home Mr. and Mrs. William Schweizer Saturday night from her trip'to prices, satisfarti'n 7. Flush radiator. Se this couple. Mrs. Mae Jones, who was of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller. Quests entertained the following people at Redmond, Madras and Oatena. Her bum ard Wareham, guaranteed. 8. Inspect radiator hose, renew worn hose. Phone 78F12 the original bridesmaid 35 years were Mr. and Mrs. John Holly and dinner on Thanksgiving, Mr. and daughter Mrs. Esther Cottonglm re 9. Inspect cooling sy; tem fer leaks. Nyssa. 11-26-tf. ago and again at the silver wedding, children and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mrs. Oral Hite, Mr. and Mrs. Russel turning with her for a visit. 10. Fill radiator with Prestone. performed the same ceremony with Holly and family of Adrian and Mr Patton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sparks and NOTICE—I want to do your plow 11. Tune-up Motor. Mr. Will Schultz as best man. Two and Mrs. William Qlbson and son Grant Koons. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Renfro returned work; nothing but first class work These are LITTLE THINGS—but they NEED TO BE DONE—All granddaughters acted as train bear and Miss Lessle MacDonald and Sunday. or your money refunded. One tria’ Mr. and Mrs. Oce Schweizer and home the above can be done properly by our experienced mechanics. ers, while a third carried the ring on Donna of Parma. Mrs. Hugh Olenn is gaining back will convince you. Second to none a silk pillow. A number of beautiful A baby boy was bom to Mr. and family were Thanksgiving dinner her strength fast and intends going when It comes to plow work and guests at the Victor Marshall home. and useful gifts were received, again in the near future. general blacksmlthing O. E. Snod Harvey Bennett Thanksgiving Robert Cox and Charles Chritton home WE ARE SUPPORTING NYSSA GIFT DAYS among them a delicious three tiered Mrs. A few boys, Norman and Doc grass, Larsen and Towne shop. S- cake presented by the Kings. At a Day at the Caldwell Sanitarium. attended the George Light sale Douglas, Leslie Crocker and cousin 61tfc. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Haworth and Tuesday afternoon. late hour a lunch was served. went skating Monday night and re spent Friday shopping In Mr. and Mrs. John Low enter port Wade P. T. A. will meet at the daughters WANTED—Your welding Jobs. Nc the ice fine. Boise. tained the Neil Dlmmirk family on E. W . Pruyn Auto Repair school house Friday afternoon, Dec job too tough. Pruyn Garage, tf ember 11. There Is to be a contest Mrs. B. G. Roberts went to Cald Thanksgiving day. E. W. Pruyn, Prop. Phone 56F2 HAULING—All kinds, Oregon ano Want Ads between both rooms to see which one well Tuesday where she Is taking The Cray Brothers and their in Idaho License. Hugh Glasgow valid mother of Emmett, Idaho have treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price and rented the Lees place, which war LOST—Black Schaeffer Lifetime Phone 36-F3. Jan 16tf. daughter of Boise were dinner guests farmed by Smith Jordan the past pen; left in postoffice. Return to In the P. B. Anderson home Sunday. year. Halverson Food Store. Reward. In the afternoon the Andersons Carol, two year old daughter of LOST—You lose money when you Mr. and Mrs. Ed Corfield was Uunnels and Prices made a trip to Lotta Gas Sez: Owyhee dam. brought home Monday from the throw broken parts away. Let us Miss Mary Weir of Ironside spent Oscar Pinkston home, where she has weld them. Pruyn Garage, tf. her vacation visiting her parents been recuperating from a severe at FOR RENT tack of bronchial pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir. Mr. and Mrs. H. Q. Johnston of Mr and Mrs. Charles Bradley and FOR RENT— Uunfurnlshed house Nyssa spent‘Thanksgiving and the daughter Alta spent Thanksgiving Mrs. Eulah Kelley at Owyhee week end as guests of Mr. and Mrs Day In Ontario at the home of her Hotel. sister, Mrs. Ida Crawley. P. B. Anderson. FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peck enter- News i t.ained members of their family on The Little School FOR SALE—Majestic range, water Citizens League spon Thanksgiving. a Thanksgiing party Wednes jacket, bakes exceptionally well Another large family dinner was sored afternoon. The students gave a good condition. Call at Journal of held at the H R. Hatch home. Mr. day short program which was In charge fice. Dec. 3. 2tp . E. C. Moore was also a guest. of Betty Jean Hite and Dona Dlm- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parker of SALE—Sage brush grubber After the program, games were FOR Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon mick. One and three-quarters miles wes played under the direction of Bud Parker of Kingman were guests in Schweizer and Raymond Morfitt. At of Deseret Sheep ranch. H. L. Sis the E. E. Parker home. the close of the afternoon pop corn son. ltp . Miss Helen Pond who is attending balls "There is no truth in the be school and candy were served by the FOR SALE—Team of colts, cominp at La Grande spent Thanks followlng girls, Lois Patton, Grace 4 years, weight about 950 each lief that a football fan Is a giving with her parents who accom Kygar, Juanita Culbertson. Ileta Conrad Martin, 1 mile east of King- panied her back to school Sunday. cooling device.” and Patricia Marvin. man Kolony School. Dec3 tfc. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Welsh spent Franklin Virgil Jordan has returned to the day at the home <JT Mr. and Mrs. school FOR SALE—Saddle mare, 3 years after a weeks absence. C. C. Case In Arena Valley. in spring, weight about 800 Melvin Crocker and Dale Olenn Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson and have Invited a number of small lbs., old gentle. J. Pinkston, Nyssa that an Lester But It Is a fact spent the holiday attending friends to help celebrate their Oregon, % O. mile north of Kingman Arvln Heater will keep you a family reunion at Gateway, Ore. birthdays Friday afternoon at the Kolony school, ltc. Mr. Larson’s sLster returned home Crocker home. warm on the coolest day. SALE—Yearling Jersey heifers. with them to visit relatives here. The primary room has made a FOR Mr. and Mrs. Arch Parker enter realistic Inquire of C. W. Reberger, 1 mile sandtable scene showing tained the latters parents, Mr. and the Pilgrims going to worship In a southwest of Nyssa. ll-28-2tp. Mrs. Bert La Rue and children of Vale and Miss Jean La Rue of Boise. church built of logs. The forest and FOR SALE—Two Jersey cows, one Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Johnston en T H O M P S O N joyed their Thanksgiving dinner Friday at the home of their daughter OIL COMPANY Mrs. Darwin Burgher in Boise. On Thursday they attended the football Wholesale — Retail game at Nampa. Mr and Mrs. Lora PlUsbury en- PHONE NO. 11 tert-ln-'d Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir WE’LL ADMIT IT; We’ve traded around, sold new and and family. Guests at the home of Mr and used cal’s all year until now WE’RE FILLED UP! We’ve cut the Mrs. N. S. Phelan were Mr. and Mrs Brumbach and sons and Mr prices down to a song, but WE’RE GOING TO MOVE THESE ^ E and H. Mr3. Fred Nightengale of On CARS. A Kiunk is the garageman’s term for a car that has seen tario. Mr. and Mrs. George Schelmer and BUSINESS better days, but if you have any mechanical ability and are will children and Mr. and Mrs. Oerrit Munttewerff of Adrian were Thanks AND PROFESSIONAL ing to work on them . . . you can still get thousands of cheap miles giving guests of M r and Mrs. Case Muntjewerff. DIRECTORY from these Klunks! Plin Case and Mr ______________s and Mr. Mrs. and Jce Mrs. King were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Purdy. BIG BEND NEWS K i u nk saie Cables is Overloaded! ^ m: ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREGON J. S. COOPER Business Analysis Accounting Auditing Income Si Social Security Tax Specialist. Moore Hotel Bldg. Ontario, Ore. Phone 159 Guarantee Work RUPTURE H L. Hoffman. Expert, Mtnneapo lis, Minn., will demonstrate without charge h I s “Perfect Retention Shields” in BOISE Wednesday, December 16 at the Bristol Hotel from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M Please come early Evenings by appointment. Your physician will tell you about this serious condition. Any rupture allowed to protrude is dangerous. My “Retention Shields” will hold your rupture under any condition of exercise or work. They are sanitary, waterproof and practical Indes tructible. Do not wear trusses that will en large the opening and don’t neglect the children. Mapy satisfied clients In this community. No mall order. HOME OFFICE: 305 Lincoln Bldg, Minneapolis, Minn. WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Give The Most Perfect Gift of All! Choose from the wide selection of gifts from Paulus Jewelry, and give with the knowledge that no gift could be finer! Quality jewelry, lovely and attractive, will continue to give pleasure for years to come . . . and Paulus low prices make it easy to give freely! SHOP EARLY AND USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN Oregon FIRESTONE GROUND-GRIP TIRES (They Do Awey With Chains) ARVIN HOT WATER CAR HEATERS FROST SHIELDS PRESTONE OPTOMETRIST “See McFall and See Better” And Your Worries Are Over DR. J. A. McFALL Eyesight Specialist ONTARIO OREGON PETERSON FUNERAL HOME C r II T hom a» N ordRle Furniture Store Phone 94 WE ARE SUPPORTING NYSSA GIFT DAYS —B — Norcott Service Nyssa, Oregon Give-Away Prices And Remember . . . WE WANT TO GET THEM OFF OUR LOT . .. Make Us An Offer! You’ll probably buy a car! 1928 CHEV. COUPE Needs working on but just look at the price ! 1927 CHEV. TRUCK ‘29 CRYSLER SEDAN Good rubber and good bed If you’re a mechanic you can get a car cheap. We haven’t time to repair it. $50 $75 $35 NYSSA :r: OREGON SHELL GAS FOR QUICK STARTING SHELL WINTER OILS & GREASES COMPLETE SHELLUBRICATION JOB ai • • • • • • Ten Klunks To Go At The First Reasonable Offer! Paulus Jewelry For Colder Days Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Ontario munhs 1927 CHEVROLET COUPE 1928 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Some car for this price—Someone will go a lot of miles in this one yet This car will run a long way for a gallon of gas , $30 $45 ’27 CRYSLER COUPE ’28 DURANT SEDAN Just a hunters wagon but come in and see it Not as bad a3 the price sounds $49 $69 MODEL T SEDAN Come and get it for o n l T $11 W e Also Have Better Used Cars On Sale ^ I I # I ■ Ontario C ab le s C h e v ro le t Oregon