Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1936)
GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1936. Society - I - WILL ENTERTAIN GUILD Mrs. A. V. Cook, Mrs. Elmer Clon- inger and Mrs Mary Felton will be hostesses when the Guild meets Wednesday, December 9th at the home of Mrs. A. V. Cook. Mrs. Sid Burbidge entertained the Tuesday Contract club this week HOW TO GET YOUR 1937 CAR LICENSE with Mrs. Louis P. Thomus and Mrs. L. M. Wilson as guests. Mrs. George Earl Snell, Secretary of State, sent Mitchell won high score prize and out instructions recently on how to Mrs. Lewis Wiltshire won second. get your 1937 auto license plates, - I - with the least amount of trouble. In order to file your application for re MR AND MRS. CLUB newal for new license plates: The Mr. and Mrs. Bridge club held First-- Use you present 1936 white their meeting at the home of Mr. registration card as a renewal appli and Mrs. Farnham Sills Tuesday cation blank, being careful to com evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wiltshire plete the information on the reverse played with members. At the close side. of the card play Mrs. A, H. Boydell Second—Regardless of the weight held high score and Mr. Sills sec or age of your car, the license rate ond high. Is $5 flat for all private passenger carrying vehicles. Payment of thi‘ - 8 - fee gives you license plates good tc THETA RHO ENTERTAINED and including December 31, 1937. Fill out your registration card and Members of the Rebekah lodge en tertained Monday night at the lodge mail your check or money order tf hall for the Theta Rho Girls. Games Earl Snell, Secretary of State—that’s and dancing furnished diversion for all there is to it. the evening and a lunch was served at the close. - 8 ADRIAN NEWS — LOSERS ENTERTAIN The losing side of the attendance contest of the St. Paul's Epispocal Sunday School's womens class gave a party for the winners at the Par ish hall Wednesday afternoon. - 8 - THURSDAY CLUB Mrs. Ernest McClure was hostess to the Thursday bridge club last week. Mrs. Dean Johnston and Mrs. Nick Rudltck played with members. Mrs. Aden Wilson won first prize; Mrs. Rudllck second and Mrs. Max Schweizer a traveling prize. SUPPER CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Sid Burbidge were hosts to the Supper Club Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Thomas and Mr and Mrs. Barr Doo little were guests. High score honors went to Mr. C. L. McCoy and Mr. Thomas won second high. - Ray Drown and family and Mrs. Amanda Ashcraft at the Dale Ash craft home; Charles McConnell and Ellen at the home of Mr. McCon nell's nephew. Ray McConnell in Emmett: Qerrlt Muntjewerff at the Case Mntjewerff home; Ralph Hunt and family at the Tex Doty home; Henry Hatch at the Louis Hudson home in Wilder, Idaho. Miss Betty Nelson of Nampa and Joyce Ashcraft were Thursday even ing dinner guests at the H. C. Enot home. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Newton spent Thanksgiving at home due to iilnest of their children. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goulet and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goulet of Adrian bench motored to Yakima for the Thanksgiving holiday. PWA workers have spent several 8 - MONDAY BRIDGE Mrs. Ray Emmott entertained the Monday bridge club this week. Mrs. Lewis Wiltshire won high score prize and Mrs Dick Adams, consol ation. Mrs. Bert Llenkaemper and Mrs. Ernest Wilson played with members. REBEKAH CARNIVAL A good time is in store for all who attend the Rebekah carnival next Wednesday evening at the lodge hall. The affair will start promptly at 8 o'clock with a pro gram which will be followed by the carnival, with concessions, beano game, fish pond, roulette wheel and money game. There will also be a gypsy fortune teller present. A lunch stand will be there to take care of the hungry and the evening will end with a shower of confetti and ser pentine streamers. Dcn't forget the date, December 9. Admission 10c. Mrs. Faye Walker of Portland, Oregon arrived Wednesday morning to spend the Thanksgiving holiday1 with relatives and friends. Henry Hatch has been assisting with the rush at the Eder Hard ware. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Holly were Boise shoppers Friday. Miss Virginii Miller accompanied them. Miss Benita Gaviola was an ove! night guest of Mrs. Mitchell Gav iola Saturday night. Miss Betty Nelson of Nampa spen the week end as a guest of Miss Joyce and Donna Ashcraft. Frank Bicandl and Raymond Men- lque visited relatives in Nampa iron. Tuesday to Thursday. John Enos took care of their place of business while they were gone. Mr. and Mrs. Janies McOlnnls and Joyce attended the 35th wedding an niversary party of Mr. and Mrs Harvey Hatch given at the Hatch home Sunday evening in Big Bend. Thanksgiving was observed in the traditional way. Messrs, and Mes dames James McGinnis at the Har vey Hatch home; J. E. Holly and son William, Dan Holly and son at the F. A. Miller home; L. T Ashcraft and to family, W. E. Ashcraft and family SANTA CLAUS Will Be Here NEXT SATURDAY — AT— 1 O’Clock — AT— days building a road to the new school grounds and graveling it, which was much needed. Mr and Mrs. Earl Sparks and baby have moved to Emmett. Idaho where Mr Sparks has work on con struction work. Mrs. H J. Ward and mother Mrs. M. M. Maxwell of Roswell and Web ster Otis were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Otis The Frank Freel family enjoyed a goose dinner at home Thursday. Manuel Gavióla purchased a new Chevrolet pick-up of a Payette firm. Let a Classified ad sell it. FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE Frozen R adiator.................... -.........$3.00 to $70 Frozen Motor Block.................$45.00 to $400 Frozen Water Pum p............ -...........$1.00 to $12 Discharged B attery....................... $1.00 to $3.00 Ruined B attery................................. $5.00 to $30 Towing Service........................... $1.00 to $10.00 Compare These Cost# With Our Low Charge For Winter Protection You Can Fight It With INSURANCE Street - H - Powell Service Station Nyssa Realty Co. LOUIS P. THOMAS Fourth NOT You Don’t Have To FOR RENT Four Room House with Bath and Garage thoroughly modern. This house will not be for rent long so hurry. Mechanics—all for 83.00. Or here's MAGAZINES AVAILABLE OREGON BOY NEW U. S. AT BARGAIN PRICES another suggestion, The Qate City 4-11 CLUB CHAMPION Journal, American Boy, McCalls' We claim this Is a real bargain, Magazine, Successful Farming and An Oregon 4-H club boy was again declared the best In the United The Journal plus four magazines The Country Home, all for 82.50. States this week for the fourth time such as Capper’s Farmer, Women's See our advertisement for other in the past 10 years when H. Clayton World Farm Journal and Illustrated magazines you can choose from. Fox of Imtler in Union county was named as the outstanding club boy in the nation and the winner of the famous Moses leadership trophy WHAT IT COSTS Young Fox, a 1935 graduate of Im- bler high school was notified of his award just in time to catch a train for Chicago where all of his ex penses to the 15th annual National 4-H club congress will be paid as an additional award. TO PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR WINTER Bert Lienkaemper Chaa. Leuck WE ARE SUPPORTING NYSSA GIFT DAYS Don M. Graham, Manager Tickets DAYS W ILSO N 'S Open Their Big Stock of Christmas Goods To The Public On FRID A Y, Dec. Ath Wilson’s HaVe Practical Useful Gifts For Everyone In The Family! Xmas Ladies Full-Fashioned GIFT SUGGESTIONS Shirts Hosiery * * * * * * JOHNSON VARIETY ^ ^ 4 * LUNCH CLOTHES T h e kind of hose, you’re proud to give . . . and the kind she loves to wear! Munsing-Wear WE ARE SUPPORTING NYSSA GIFT DAYS 79c to $1.15 Semi-Service Hosiery 59c VANITY SETS PILLOWS and. SCARFS BRIDGE SETS You won’t make any mistake with one of our fine Shirts. HOUSE SLIPPERS 98c BATH ROBES For the Whole Family up to $2.49 TOWEL SETS Nice Xmas Assortment BLANKETS WOOL GLOVES Ladies and Misses LUGGAGE SILK PAJAMAS Famous Cats Pajamas and Munsingwear,—real ly a snappy line and a gift She will appreciate. TIES . . . 25c to $1.00 Ties make a practical gift and no man has too many. Mens Fancy DRESS SOX Pair $1.95 LUBLEE LADY PAJAMAS -9 8 c The standing gift is still popular and our big sel ection makes shopping easy. Ladies Fine Crepe deChene 25c and 50c An appreciated gift. Look Your Best For The Holidays! DANCE SETS Fine garments and make excellent gifts for descriminating women. SILK MUFFLERS . . 49c to 98c $1.49 Set Mens Dress Hats and Caps Make the most of good time occasions from now ’til New Year’s. Be prepared for spur-of- the-moment invitations. . . and be assured that you look your best! Ruth’s beauty care will save you time and keep you looking well groomed always ! KID GLOVES Telephone 16 for Appointment y ---------------------------------- ^ A new complete Hollywood Beauty Makeup will be here starting Monday. Come in and let us show you. _______________ r RUTH’S BEAUTY NOOK TAILORED SATIN SLIPS $1.49 & $1.95 Just unpacked this week. òrrvxnt Wide selection of styles and colors. 98c and up $1.49 to $2.45 CHILDRENS—25c Hats, $1.49-3.95--Caps, 49c-$1.49 See Us for Your Xmas Radio. GRUNOW and PHILCO RADIOS Visit Our Big TOY DEPT. Bring the Kiddies FREE Poll Parrot Balloons For Every Child Accompanied By Their Parents WILSON BROS. DRYGOODS NYSSA “The Friendly Store” OREGON 1