Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1936)
High School News the Junior-Senior banquet, which Is December 5. OREGON TRAIL JUNIOR NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Hopkins spent Thanksgiving vacation at As a continuance of a custom of Hereford with Mrs. Hopkins’ sister EDITOR............ Evelyn Haworth Civics student In need of warning the past few years the Class of 38 Mrs. Esther Reid. ASS’T EDITOR ...__ Mary Corn against army calling their divisions will entertain the Class of 37 with a Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen and banquet December 5th. A cordial REPORTERS .... ..... Senior O'aae "corpses” Instead of corps. Invitation Is extended to all seniors family were dinner guests Thanks giving at the Wm. Rice home in Boise. CANDY COUNTER GIRLS SPORTS AROUND SCHOOL Mrs. Mae Fleming spent Thanks- The girls gym class started tumb giving with the Wm. Holladay family The Freshman Class had a candy Very UtUe Interest In studies ling Monday under the supervision of Weiser. Monday morning in between long, counter In the main hall of the of Flora Mae Wimp and Evellyn Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers enter school building Wednesday noon. exciting tales of "what we did over Haworth. Despite a few tumbles and tained Thanksgiving for Mr. and Thanksgiving vacation.'’ Dreamy The girls wore wldte crepe paper falls the freshman are well on their Mrs. H. D. Holmes of Nyssa, Mr. an< eyed narrators describing t h e aprons trimmed in colored ruffles way (they think) to success in this Mrs. F. G. Holmes and family anc field. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holmes and fan Thanksgiving dinner table and which matched their paper covered The G. A. A. hope to get an order lly This dinner Is an annual even trays. They sold flve-cent sacks of amount of turkey consumed. Sym off for their sweaters before school at the Byers home. phony of sniffs and coughs In all home made candy, popcorn, and Is out. T. Olsen and Elmer spent Thanks classes. Girls puzzled as to what to popcorn balls. giving with the rest of the family wear at forthcoming banquet. The Freshmen will use the pro at Nampa. Charles Short breaking schools ceeds from this sale to give a dance BOYS SPORTS The boy's basketball squad Is un Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Chard weri rock pile up Into a wheelbarrow. for the high school students after dergoing heavy practice In an ef hosts Sunday at dinner for relative: fort to gain back the form they had and friends numbering about thir last year before they meet a strong ty. Among those included were Mr Huntington team December II, on and Mrs. Wyatt Smith and family GINZEL’S 4th ANNUAL CLEARANCE the local floor. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Talbot anc The basketball squad had a late family, Mrs. Marlon Chard anc practice Monday evening practicing children and Leo Chard. from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. Albert B. Hopkins is driving a nev LASTS—Only 2 days more V-8. AROUND SCHOOL School children enjoyed two days Reductions up to 50% on Sale Merchandise. Either the clothes line was too low vacation last Thursday and Friday. Take advantage of Our Annual Sale for your Christmas Gift or Isabelle was too high, but we’re Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes made e Shopping—Use our Lay-A way-Plan. still wondering If It will develop In business trip to Boise last Satur to a black eye. Here's hoping ! I I day. Hey! Well, we meant that It would GINZEL’S JEWELRY AND GIFT SHOP Jack and Billie Bowen were 11! not be. with bad colds the last of the week ONTARIO, OREGON On Saturday evening it was neces SENIOR’S sary to take little Billie to Ontario A group of Seniors gave an ama for treatment. teur program before the Eagles Aux Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holmes spent iliary, Wednesday evening, Novem Thanksgiving evening with Mr. and ber 25. A prize of one dollar was Mrs. B1U ToU of Frultland. given to the best participant. The N. T. Ashby Is hauling poles from winner was Richard Wilson who Unity. sang a solo. Wallace Hart from Ogden, Utah was an overnight guests at the J. E. Bowen home Sunday night. Mrs. Henry Sherrill who has been staying with her sister Mrs. Clar WHEN YOU BUILD ence Mull has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DeGofft and The lovely copper penny, usually regarded as an Insignificant OR REMODEL--- family spent from Wednesday until coin. Is Important when you go to buy meats. The difference in Sunday In Twin Falls at the Con price between the best cut and a poor one Is usually only a few Be Sure That Plumb ner home. cents a pound but when you are trying to buy carefully how those pennies do count up! ing Pays an Important ber. Clarence Mulllnix who Is also sick In the hospital in Nampa Is much better. He underwent an operation about four weeks ago, but expects tc be home before ting The cattle In this section of the country are in wonderful condition to start the winter and the gather ing season Is about over with most of the cattle In the fields ready for winter feeding. Mrs. Joe Fenwick and two small daughters were Jordan visitors Sat- urdiy. The small son of Mr. and Mr. Cuy Wise had the mlsfotune to get struck on the head whili playing Saturday, cutting a deep in hie head. He was taken to Dr. Jones for medical treatment. LlCEKbL rXA .HM R T o R” D! < SltiHEB 1JT11 W. I.. T’.:r ...amlner cl oper- : tori ai d chauifevre, w 11 be In N'y?;a on Thursday. D:c-mber ICth at the city hall between the hours cf 1 P. M. to 5 P M. respectively, ac cording to a recent announcement released from the the Secretary of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Brown of Pay State's office. ette were Sunday callers at the Ber All those wishing permits or lic enses to drive cars are asked to get nard Frost and W. F. Findling in touch with Mr. Turner during homes. these hours. SA LE! We may not look like Santa Claus but we’re giving out FREE TURKEYS to our customers Many people have taken advantage of our offer and we want you to g e t a free Christmas Turkey Pennies are Important > -In- MEAT BUYING We’re glad to have you "shop for meat” here. Consult us for ad vice on less expensive cuts. ROCKVILLE NEWS Part - - - WE ARE SUPPORTING NYSSA GIFT DAYS EAT MORE MEAT H a- NYSSA PACKING CO. You Can’t Go Wrong If You Depend On GEO. J. K1NZER Plumber PHONE 134-J-t PARMA CHRISTMAS MONEY IF YOU HAVEN’T A RICH UNCLE or a lot of extra cash store«) away in the old sock, we would suggest that you come to Nyssa for Silver Dollar Wednesday 3 :0 0 o’clock P. M* There wilt be a lot of “Christmas Cash’’ distributed in big round “iron men’’ NEXT WEDNESDAY and each gift WEDNESDAY thereafter. Mr. and Mrs. Greeley made a trip to Ontario last Wednesday to get their daughter Mary Ellen who spent Thanksgiving at her home here. Mary Ellen and Bud Greeley, Irene trip to Mr. Skelliton’s camp near the Nichols and Burr Skelliton made a Twin Caves Thursday evening. The next HEC meeting will be held at Mrs. Doris Masonholders home on Succor creek on 8aturd%y. December 12th. The Guy Wise family called on Andrew Masonholder of Cow Creek late Saturday evening and report Mr. Masonholder much improved from a recent illness. The road from Cow Creek to the Placer mines on Jordan Creek are In good shape now. The dredging Is almost ready to start. Two large gas tanks were installed at Wagontown Saturday for the camp. Some of the folks from here at tended the dance at Jordan Valley Thursday night and report a good time. little LuclXe Nichols has been suf fering from a swollen gland and sore throat for several days but is Im proved. The Angus Melvers have their sheep camp near the Twin Caves but plan to move to near Caldwell soon where they have purchased pasture and hay for winter feed. Mr. and Mrs. Domingo Yturri passed through en route to Boise where they intend to spend the week end with their children who live there. Mr. Cunningham made a business trip out this week and while he Is gone Olen Nichols is caring for his ranch and stock. Word has been received that Frank Mulllnix who has been ser iously ill for some time is much im proved and expects to return to his home here about the first of Decern- FREE TURKEY With Every Cash Purchase of $20 or over Every cash purchaser of $20 from Jackson’s Lumber Co., between now and Christmas eats Turkey as a gift from Jacksons. One to a Customer JACKSON LUMBER CO., Ny sâ S Â S iS Â S iâ ïâ sS tS Æ S îS sS ia siS iS iS iS sS îa sîa a sô ia a siS iâ iS iS i» DON’T FAIL TO BE IN NYSSA AT 3:00 P. M. NEXT WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 9 SH O P IN N YSSA Patronize your home merchants in Nvssa. Thev anorec'of« v n u r trade and are anxious to give you the verv best values for your money. Also, they are showing their appreciation of your trade by these big FREE GIFT DAYS. A SK FO R Y O U R T IC K E T S Whenever You Go Shopping / Drink SHELTON’S for Energy! Doctors agree that only In milk can be found cer tain energizing element! which are essential to the well-being of individuals In every walks of life. Drink a quart each day! For the Milk Purer In Quality, Call Peterson Furniture Co. Shelton Dairy Ontario, Oregon