Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1936)
NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, J936 ket. Groceries for Old Mens Home pensation $1635. Ontario National $2.55. M. Clarke Webb. District Seal LEGAL ADVERTISING of the RSccrd mine a t Unity were More than 309 University of Ore $52.22. Vale Drug Store Supplies Bank. By Order County Assessor $20 er of Weights and Measures $11.62. week end guBSts a t the parental gon r.tudentc are receiving financial for Indgts and Old Men's Home J <k E Kilpatrick. Wages: Mgrs. Old Vale Supply Co. Supplies for Court Ficyd White home. * NOTICE $1130. Vale Drug Stare Supplies for Men's Home $75. Angela Unamuno. House $34.46. Geo. B. Middleton. help this y—\r through NYA employ Mrs. Rrlcigh Van Buren v s h«;t- Jail 35. Daley's Market, Supplies, Rental: Old Men's Home $30. E. H Frank Slattery of Caldwell bought IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol Audit of County Records $175. Pub- ment on the campus. NYA students ess to the Ladles Club last V. .tires Indlgents $630. C. W. Glenn, Sheriff Brumbach, Commissioner’ s feet lowing claims against Malheur llx Sanitary Products, Supplies for two truck loads of beef cattle here ocelve an average of $15 a term County for the month of June, 1930 Supplies for Sheriff's office $10.66. $34.75. Ora E Clark, Commissioner Court House $11. Geo. A. Hart, last week from Elms and White, day with a large number of member: C. W. Glenn, Sheriff, Traveling ex fees $29.60. Mrs Warn Smith tempor Painting signs for court house $2.50. Fred Laurence. Elmer Molthan and present. The hostess served a de rom their parttime jobs. Approxi were considered and ORDERED paid pense taking Walter Mustard to ary Assistance $10. Murray Morton. Earl Blackaby, Agt. insurance Pre others. They were hauled to Cald licious lunch of chicken candwlchcs, mately S10.000 cf NYA funds will be as follows: salad and pumpkin pie. Woodbuni $37.68. C. W. Glenn, Sher Office and traveling expense $88.05. mium on Fair Bldgs. $110. Shunn’s well by truck. -aid cut during the year to Uni JULY 1, 1936 iff. Exp. trav. $34.81. Idaho Type. Dr. Anna B. Pritchett, Services ren Transfer. Drayage for Court House The Community Club met cn Tat- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Molthan and versity students. GENERAL FUND Exchange Rent of Typewriter for dered indlgents, exam, sanity case $7. Juntura Mercantile Co.. Mer son John and Mr and Mrs. Fred urday night and was attended by t Arthur Heer, Deputy Sheriff $124.- Clerk’s Office $3. Remington Rand $30. David F. Graham, Expense: chandise No. 8240 $2.05. Dr. W. W large crowd. The program was very Laurence and three sons all mot 70. Chas. 8 Leavitt, Deputy Sheriff Inc., Rental of Typewriter for Cir Court $17. C. W. Glenn, Sheriff, Jones, Registrar of Vital Statistics ored to Prairie City on the week end Interesting, consisting of a reading $124.70. Valeda Thayer, Clerk, Sher cuit Judge (May) $3. Remington Traveling expense stamps, Board of .75. Dr. J. J. Sarazin, Registrar of to help celebrate the Golden wed Towser Shall Net Ee Tied To iff’s office $99.70. Margaret McCam- Rand Inc., Rental of Typewriter for Prisoners, etc $127.10. Thos. Jones Vital Satlstlcs $2.75. Mrs. Margaret ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. night,” by Fern Wcod. ook, and bridge, Deputy Clerk $125. Lorraine Circuit Judge (June) $3. Malheur Justice Court Costs $8.80. W J Wil Payne, Registrar Vital Statistics D. Laurence, well known pioneers of one-act plays, one by Carl Vincent AUCTIONEER L-zlcar, Clerk's Stenographer $80. Home Telephone Co., Phones & liams Justice Court Costs $30.50. Ora $17.50. Mrs. Louise Wilcox Registrar Grant County. They are parents of and Gerald Rase and the oth"v if you are contemplating on La Verne Pruitt, Clerk’s Stenogra Tolls, Dlst. Atty $6.45. L C Smith Si C Hope, Supplies, County Treasurer of Vital Statistics $2.50. Percy Purvis Fred Laurence and Mrs. Elmer Mol omical black-facc skit by two negro having a public sale, write or mammies, impersonated by Myrtle pher $75. Jean Burelle, Deputy Corona Typewriters Inc. Typewriter $5.85. Kathryn Claypool, Superin Justice d art Costs $15.10. Pink than. Rose and Ivy Woodcock. After the Assessor $125. Mildred Bennett, Clerk's office $116.75. Burorugh's tendent’s Traveling expense 19.20. Becker, Witness in Justice Court phone 1216, Nampa, Idaho. Ralph Beam. William Morgan and program dancing was enjoyed foi Clerk, Assessor’s Office $100. Ora Adding Machine Co., Adding Mach Drs Weese, Palmer and Belknap. $6.50. J C Medlin, Witness In Justice Johnnie Rouse were riding pastures several hours with music furnlshe- C. Hope, County Treasurer $100 ine paper, Treasurers office $130. Autopy performed for County Cor Court $6.50. Nick Wilson, Witness In Kathryn Claypool, County School BancroftWhitney Co., Circuit Court oner $25. West Coast Printing and Justice Court $6.50. S D Dorman, here last week for the Rouse cattle. by Mr. and Mrs. S. Rose, Jodie They are from Unity. V and Leonard Powell. The Superintendent $125. Dr. Anna B Sup. $335. Oreg. State Ag. College Binding Co., Supplies for Clerk: Agent, Rent of house for Depend COL. MUNYON Mrs. Oscar Hardlman and daugh Ladles of the club served a iovel Pritchett, Health Officer $36. A G, 3rd payment for Agri Agent, etc., Sheriff; Treasurer etc. $190.10. Pen- ent Mother for May .June and July Auctioneer Moore, County Stock Inspector $3353 for County $875. Malheur Enter ewell Cafe, Meals for Prisoners held $24. Edna Flanagad Farris, Services ter Cleta of Unity were Saturday supper. John Hart, Janitor, Courthouse *99.- prise, Election supplies $285. Bur- In Ontario $9.85. Guarantee Type as Health Nurse $50, Nelson Fun- visitors at the Bill Woodcock home. 34 years of selling experience 70. State Industrial Acc. Comm rough's Adding Machine Co. Sup writer Oo., Supplies for Clerks of Iture Store, Equlpmet for Old Mens Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wise of Nyssa USE JOURNAL WANT ADb Workmen's Compensation $1530. plies for Clerk’s and Assessor's of fice $6.21. Remington Rand Inc., Home $40. Dr. Hyden Hancher. Care and former Ironside residents, have Ontario National Bank, By Order of fice $1.50. City Water Department Rental of Typewriter for Circuit of Indgts. $15. Scribner-Adams Mot returned here to make their home. County Assessor $20. J and E Kil Water for lawn. Court House, 6 id Judge $3. Stanley Mallett, Water or Co., Repairs for Sheriff’s Car They are living In the Elmer Mol patrick, Wages: Mgrs Old Mens Men's Home $14.95. Bolse-Payette Master, Salary. $200. S L Cox, 8alary $29.75. Ontario Elevator, Supplies, than house below the school house. Home $75. Angela Unamuno, Rental Lumber Co., Supplies for Court Dependent Mothers $1.35. Thos. Mrs. Wm. Lofton accompanied her for Old Men's Home $30. Mrs. Edna House $4.45. C W Glenn, Sheriff. as_ Deputy Water Master $150. Dr. R. Welsh, Duplicate of Warrant No. son-in-law Loyd Judy of Unity to A. Tacke, Coroner’s expense $36.90. Board of Prisoners $24. Wanda Van F Ferris, Public Health Nurse; Ser 1630, lost *10. Bank of Malheur Ontario last Tuesday to see Mrs. vices for June $100. Mrs. Edna F. derford. Superintendent’s office ex City of Vale. Water for Court House Indigent fund $223. Bank of Mal Loyd Judy who Is recovering from $18.35. Malheur Enterprise, Supplies Farris, Public Health Nurse; Ser pense $15. Kathryn Claypool. Sup heur, Old Age Pension Fund $534.97. a serious operation. vices for half of May $50. Salvation erintendent's Traveling expense $4 - for Clerk; Court; Sheriff; Treasur ROAD FUND er; Supt. $117.64. Ontario Argus, Of Howard Elms and a high school Army, care Indigents $25. Ora E. 70. Mrs. F. G. Cleveland, Milk lor Oscar Presley, Labor *3. T H Craig, teacher from Haines spent last week ficial Advertising and supplies $88.24 Clark, Salary and expense as Coun Old Men's Home $10.50. Mrs. Marg Labor $11. O R Shira, Labor $13. ty Commissioner $24.45. E. H Brum- aret M Payne, Rent for WPA Bldg Gate City Journal, Official Adv. G. R. Dickson, Labor $54.50. Harry end at the Elms and White home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nichols were bach. Salary and Expense as County for May, June, Jan. Feb. $55. K ath supplies for Co. Treasurer $80.25. C. Reed Labor *12. Roland Stephen Commissioner $48.30. Mabel Peter ryn Claypool. supt. of. exp. $6.42. M Wanda Vanderford, 8up. office ex. son, Labcr $12. G H Dahle, Labor business visitors to Ontario last Monday. son, Laundry, Indgts. $9.96. Lewis Clarke Webb, Sealer of Weights $10. Idaho Typewriter Exchange rent Irvin L. Reed. Labor $15. Fred Bud Sherman hauled a trailer load Edmunson, Temporary Assistance $5 and Measures $13.87. Peenaugthy on typewriter for clerks office $3. $7.75. Labor *6.25. Norman Van of calves to Ontario one day last Stanley Mallett, Water Master $200. Machinery Co., Payment on Moter Graham's Dept. Store Supplies for Osborn, Order. Labor $3. J H Davis, Labor Petten week. S. L. Cox, Deputy Water Master Patrol $300. Golden Rule Store, Indlgents $7.50. V a n M D Clough, Labor $5.25. The Home Economics club met $150. Thompson's Restaurant Meals Supplies for Dependent Mothers Lumber Co., Wood for Dependent $9.50. Fred Knlghten, Labor $2.50. Geo for Jurymen $7.00. Parma Tele $6.96. National Re-employment Ser Mothers $6.50. Jim Plumb, Rent of Eldredge, Labor *6.25. G H Dahle, with Mrs. Ralph Boor last Thursday phone Comany, County Commission vice, Agreement with County $90. house for Dependent Mother $6. Labor $76.75. Steve Oacy, Labor In her new home which she just re er call to Boise .35. David F. G ra Frankel Carbon 6c Ribbon Mfg. Co. Drs. Weese, Palmer and Belknap, $7.50. O. McRae, Labor. $4. Joe Car cently moved into. Business matters ham, Office Supplies $4.10. David Supplies for Clerk’s office $13. R A Services rendered Indgt. and De ter, Labor $39. L K Bullock, Sup were discussed and a pleasant after noon enjoyed. The hostess served a $6230. pendent Mothers $57.50. Stockwell’s F. Graham, Traveling Expense for Tacke, Coroner's services plies *20 L K Bullock, Tractor Ser June $15.10. David F Graham, Ianthla Green, eerv. rendered car IGA Store, Groceries and supplies vice $4.60. Feenaughty Machine Co. nice lunch. Members of Eldorado grange are Traveling Expense for May $1630; ing far Dependent Mother and fam for June and July for Old Men’s Payment on Machinery *300. Hager David F Graham, Expene of RR fare ily $45. Roy Burt, Sprinkling around Home, Court House and Indigents Hardware Co. Fencing $32.65. White practicing for a play "Hie Oregon for Leavitt Girl (Deaf and Dumb Court House $230. Dr. Anna B.| P rit $96.04. Vale Supply Co.. Supplies for Hardware Co., Repairs for Grader Cowboy” a 4-act, play which they school) $10. West Coast Printing and chett, Services rendered County Old Men’s Home $17.71. Vale Grain $3.33. Jackson Lumber Co., Material will present on December 5th. Mrs. Warden of Payette Is mak Insurance Si Feed Co., Potatoes for Old Mens Binding Co., Supplies, Sheriff’s of Indgts. $20. Graham for bridge *79.03. J D Thomas, Labor fice $19.85. Malheur Enterprise, Sup Agency, Insurance Policy Premium Home $1. Carl Allquist, Kalsomin- *5.00 Bob's Shell «Station. Gas *3.69 ing an Indefinite visit at the home plies School Supt. Sheriff, Clerk, on Sheriff's car $84.50. Hugh Cox Ing rooms In Old Mens Home $6. J Edwin Johnson. Salary and Ex of her daughter. Mrs. Orville Nich- $41.89. West Coast Printing and Purchase of House for Indigent as Mabel Peterson, Laundry for Old pense $151.80. Shell Oil Co., Gas and oU. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Locey were Binding Co, Supplies Clerk's office per agreement $40. Buddy Walker, Mens Home $11.25. Mrs. F G Cleve oil *102. Frank Coats, Blacksmithtng $67.85. West Coast Printing and Newpaper, Qld Mens Home $235. land. Milk for Old Mens Home $11.25 $2.00. Farmers Supply Co-op, Tires hosts at a dinner at their home near Binding Co., Supplies. Clerk's office Bank of Malheur, Old Age Assist. Pruitts Barber Shop , Barber Ser- *10.65. The R. Hardestry Mfg. Co. Malheur City last Thursday. Guests $1.40. Murray Morton, Traveling ex Fund $537.87. Bank of Malheur Acct ices for Tom Fredwell $1.60. Geo. T. Culverts $52.14. The R. Hardesty included, were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carey Barber Shop, Barber Services neth Grabner of Unity and Mr. and pense and office supplies $37. Mai- Indlgents Fund $428.38. for Old Mens Home for June and Mfg. Co., Culverts *73.68. T H Craig Mrs. Floyd White of Ironside. heur Home Tel Co, Phones and tolls/ GENERAL ROAD FUND Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Van Cleave $66.05. Jim Plumb, House rent for W. C. Holloway, Labor $44. Rufus July $21,85. Standard Oil C. Sup Labor $3. The J. K GUI Co. Office Supplies for County Engineer $26.69. Dependent Mother $18. Malheur C. Holman, Treasurer, Half fines plies for Old Men's Home $3.48 Home Lumber & Coal Co Bridge and children were Ontario visitors Boise Payette Lumber Co., Supplies last Saturday. County Library Expense $220.74. collected by State officers $6.75. Indgts. $100. Carman’s Jersey Material $26.40. Howard Cooper Hardin Lockett is buying all kinds M A Biggs, Dist Atty. Expense as Claude L. Wright, Gravel $48. J. A. for Corp Supplies for roads $8.40. Home Farm, Milk for Old Men’s Home and Dlst. Attorney $23.98. E E Kendall, Wilson. Hauling gravel $32.25. J. Dependent Mothers $18.98. Carter’s Lumber Si Coal Co. Supplies $86.98. of cattle for Frank Slattery of Cald well. He Is now located at Hunting- Deputy Water Master $30. James Edwin Johnson, Salary and expenses Parker and Clark, Repairs $2. State II Tyler, Expense incurred securing $150.40. Vale Supply Co., Supplies, Service Comer, Supplies for Indgts. Industrial Acd. Com. Insurance ton. Henry Westfall of Ontario Is visit evidence for Liquor Law Enf. Fund $47.24. Troxel Implement Co., Road $4.06. Daley's Market Supplies for *11.07. Donald Wood, Labor, *11.50 $56. Vale Supply Co. Supplies for j Equipment $3. L K Bullock, Car ser- Indgts. and .O ld Men’s Home etc. David F. Graham, Expense *730. ing at the home of his daughter Mrs Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation tes. 19 Golden Rule Store Supplies Court House, Old Men's Home and vice $20. Monson's Garage, Gas for for Indgts. and Old Men’s Home Bunting Tractor Co, Payment on Bud Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grabner Indgts, for Apr., May and June Tractor $6.13. State Industrial Acc $3.15 Frank P. Ward. House rent for tractor $250. B C Struthers, Posts $105.95. C C Anderosn, Supplies, In- Comm. Insurance $18.32. L K Bul Dependent Mother for May, June $20.25. Harney County. labor. Gen ri'«rents $7.89: Pruitt's Barber Shop lock, Gas $5. The R. Hardesty Man and July $21. Golden Rule Store. eral road $150.00. World War Vet Barber Service for Indgts, Old Men’s ufacturing Co., Culverts and sup Merchandise for Dependent Moth erans’ State Aid Commission. Right Home $2.60. W & R Store, Groceries plies $140.93. Union Oil Co. of Calif ers $37.50. Luehrs Drug Store, Med of way, Fred Scott, et ux $530.50. for Indlgents $139.43; Daley’s Mar Gas and OU. $33.32. Kessler Chev icine for Dependent Mothers $2.35. C. L. Carson, Labor, Building fence rolet Co, Repairs for Road equip ment .55. Juntura Mercantile Co., Ontario Pharmacy. Supplies for In *31.75. LIBRARY FUND Camp supplies $21.82. Eder Hard dlgents,'Dependent Mothers $1.50. Malheur County Library, Library Pharmacy, Supplies for De S V ware Co., Bridge material $6.97. Hal Nyssa Skinner, Oravel $22.75. Van Pet ten pendent Mothers $5.85. W & R Store Expense $261.54. Lumber Co., Bridge Material $30.84 Supplies for Dependent Mothers E O Coble, Road Contract $7.50. The $71. Holy Rosary Hospital. Care of for Dependent Mothers $67. AND PROFESSIONAL R. Hardesty Co., Culverts $4.72. Ser Babies vice Comer, Repairs for Road Vale Hot Spring Laundry, Laundry Equipment $3. Parker and Clark Re for Jail $2.85. Idaho Power Co.. pairs $ 13. M J Schutter, Supplies Lights $86.10. City of Vale Water ^ f $1.25. Ed Thomsen, Labor. $8. Sal- Dept. Water for Old Men’s Home vadcre Guerrlcagoltla, Labor $20. Geo. Eldr.'dge. Labor $230. Frank Rembert, Labor $10. Donald Wood Labor $24.50. Leland J. McKinney ROBT. D. LYTLE Labor $10. Zeke Davis. Labor $10 The Perfect Coal ATTORNEY Frank A. Foiles, Labor $3.75. Ed And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Folles. Labor $3.75. John Pryse, See A1 today about this good First National Bank Building Labor $4.50. E. McConnell Labor coal . . . also ask him about Phone 66 $10. C. Anderson, Labor $30. J. Zat- using GEM LAYING MASH to ju st A Few Sips and— vale O r e g o n lca. Labor $30. A. Accordagortia. get more eggs this winter. Like A Flash— Relief! Labor $10. Tom Skinner, Labor $18. Spend a few cents today at any go J Sam Rose, Labor $25. Clarence drugstore for a bottle of triple actirg B U C K L EY 'S M IX TU K I— take a couple J Howard Labor $20. Walter Weaver dose-, and sleep sound all night long — Labor $4. Dave Buchanan. Labor your irritating cough of bronchitis is u n der control. $1230. Ernest Locey, Labor $28. L E J. S. COOPER One little »Ip and the ordinary cough Brock, Labor $2.50. Fred E. Burgess, it on Its wey— continue for 2 or 3 dayt often you'll hear no more from that Business Analysis Labor $4.00. Bert Koplin. Labor $80 end "The Fanner's Own Co-Op” tough old hang-on cough that nothing Daley's Market. Work pen-famed by seems to help: if not joyfully satisfied Accounting Auditing Phone 26 Nyssa Audy Bare and owing to store $46. w ith BUCKLEY’S M IXTUKE money back Income Si Social Security Tax -Jvî! i t i , . - ' A F Hill, Labor $23. Harry Van Wey —Nyssa Pharmacy agent. Specialist. Labor $5. Ben Packard. Labor $12.50 Roy Bendlxon, Labor. $4. Home Moore Hotel Bldg. Lumber Sc Coal Co., Fencing Mater Ontario, Ore. Phone 159 ial $20.60. Geo. A. Hart. Road Signs $6. The R. Hardesty Co. Culverts $21.84. Flecther Oil Co., Oil and Gas $130.90. Union Oil Co of California. Gas $34.88. The Malheur Enterprise TIME TO GET THE CAR SEWED UP IN ITS Printing $29. Van Pet ten Lumber d Y « iat E y w Guarantee Work WINTER UNDERWEAR AND READY FOR Co. Bridges $4.68. Fish Lumber Co. CHILDREN—1 in S Bridges $13.81. Vale Supply Co., COLD WEATHER. Road Supplies $1J2S. Ontario Con Good eyesight k praeaona, no ■ o tte r whet WYCKOFF crete Pipe Oo„ Culverts $100.65. Ezra your ago. But like everything eke, it wanre WINTER GREASE— COLLEGE STUDENTS—2 T Brumbach, Labor on roads $1.50. JEWELRY STORE out unless it k guarded welL la i are handicapped by paar Save your battery and disposition by havin IRONSIDE NEWS Bank of Malheur Since 1913 In Malheur County Vale Oregon BUSINESS DIRECTORY Bronchial Coughs STANDARD A1 Thompson B rrr! - . . Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Ontario Oregon OPTOMETRIST “See Mr Fail and See Better” DR. J. A. McFALL Eyesight Specialist ONTARIO OREOON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol lowing claims against Malheur County for the month of July. 1936. were considered and ORDERED paid as follows. AUGUST 5, 1936 GENERAL FUND Arthur Heer, Deputy Sheriff, $124.69 Chas. 8. Leavitt, Deputy Sheriff $124.69. Valeda Thayer. Clerk. Sheriff’s office $9969 Marg aret McCambridge. Deputy Clerk. $125. Lorraine Laicar Clerk’s Sten ographer $80. l a Verne Pruitt. Clerk's Stenographer *75 Jean Bur- relle. Deputy Assessor *125. Mild red Bennett. Clerk, Assessor's office $100. Ora C. Hope. County Treasurer $100. Kathryn Claypool. County School 8upertnendent $125. Dr Anna B Pritchett. County Health Officer $25 A O Moore. County Stock In spector $3333 John Hart Janitor Court House $09 69 8tate Industrial Accident Comm. Workmens Com us put winter grease in the transmission an differential. WINTER OIL— Gives proper lubrication when starting the car on cold mornings, and for all winter driv ing. ANTIFREEZE— Don’t take a chance—let us put in Anti-Freeze before it is too late. HEATERS— Keep EYES Young! Balanced Lighting I. E. S. LAMPS Poor light results in ggootnuo, wad oye- strain may permanently impair vision. You eon have light th at k ade«tiflce%-deaig«ed to protect your oyto wtth L k l te m p i k your home. The L B. 8. Lamp, jointly three scientific groups, gtv light w h e n needed ee the nrihnarj Imnp. ft banishes eye-straining —you'll And a model fa r Necessary for ¿old weather driving. Powell Service Station L ie * Hat* 9 « n r« r in LOW MAI SPECIAL—We have new equipment for flushing transmission and differential gears Come in and have the Job done right. Bert Lienkaemper Chas. Leuck WE ARE SUPPORTING NYSSA GIFT DAYS A D U L T S -« in S IDA WER