g a m » ■ . tto - u j hatpin* turn. AN APOLOGY TO Bab Holmes made a business JORDAN VALLEY to Payette Tuesday morning. from Wetser Sunday and enjoyed el*. trip dinner s t Dewey Hotel In Nampa Word was received by friends that later going to Boise to visit. Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Brown and fam Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carl and Mr. ily are settled In their new home and Mrs. Ernest McClure were Sun Mr. Brown stood the trip well and L APPLE VALLEY We are In receipt of a letter from day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. feeling better. MEETHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL Dr. W. W. Jones of Jordan Valley, John Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Wilson of who says we are all wrong about the Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holmes visited Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson and Sunday School 10 o’clock. D. R. vote for Senator McNary In Jor at the Bill Toll home in Fruitland Jeanette were dinner guests at the Nampa spent Sunday visiting ( t the home of her mother Mrs. Mollie Nel DeGross, superintendent, subject: dan Valley, as the senator received Sunday evening. home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cald son and family and Mrs. John Wil Chained but not Silenced. a healthy majority, getting 45 out Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Holmes were well Sunday. son. Morning Warship 11:15. of the 74 votes cast in the precinct. In Vale on business Wednesday. The Ladles Aid will serve lunch Mr. and Mrs. William MacElpoy of Sermon Theme: The Spirit of We are very sorry if the wrong im at the sale Friday of H. E. Peterson. Nyssa called at the Leon Hlgbj Thanksgiving. The choir will sing pression has been created. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Vertrees and home Sunday. L aagu aga o f M ox lce "Give Me Thy Heart” The church We gave the vote as 21 to 0 in The language of Mexico Is Span Orvilla were Nampa visitors Satur Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell called welcomes you to this service of fel favor of Mahoney, and we noticed ish. About four and s half mil day afternoon. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn the only other county paper which lowship and Thanksgiving. Bring a Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Boston pur Van Landingham Tuesday after gave the vote by precincts gave the lion Indiana speak their own ver chased a new 1937 Chevrolet. friend. naculars, and many of the nine mil noon. some vote count, Epworth League 7 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Landing- llou of mixed race also speak Io- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fritts and Evening Worship 8 o’clock. Be that as it may, we think the dlan dialects aa well as Spanish. ham who have spent the past sev children were dinner guests at the Choir practice on Monday this good people of Jordan Valley and eral months in Colorado called at Tuning home in Roswell 8unday. week at the parsonage. Mrs. Earl Dr. Jones have an apology coming the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd IRONSIDE NEWS Caldwell Anderson, leader. for having the vote reported incor Sunday afternoon. rectly, and while we don’t like to Mr and Mrs. Andrew Ellerbroeck EPISCOPAL SERVICES take all the blame for the matter, we Eldorado Grange held Its election made a business trip to Ontario MARKET FINDER St. Paul’s Mission certainly are glad to have the op of officers on the 13th. The hold Tuesday. portunity of setting the people Try our Market Finder to d is overs were Carol Locey, Master, Mr. and Mrs G. S. Stout and Rev. Bj Stanley Moore, Minister right on the matter. According to Lucy Lofton, Lecturer, Earl Lofton, children shopped in Ontario Satur pose of surplus goods, rest a in-charge. Dr. Jones the people of Jordan Val house, find lost articles, to buy or Holy Communion and sermon ley do not seriously consider Sen treasurer, and Bertha Boar, secre day afternoon. La we nee TTirlece, Allen Reed and sell produoe and many other uses. each first Sunday of the month at ator McNary's remarks about the tary. The new officers elected are Floyd Howard, overseer: David Roy Boston returned Monday even Rates one cent a word per Inser 9:30 a. m. ION highway, and feel that “as soon tion. Minimum 15c. Morning prayer and sermon at as election is over, all would be for Laurance, steward: Dorothy Dickson ing from New Meadows where they Belle Lofton and Sylvia Locey, had been deer hunting the past 9:30 other Sundays. gotten by him and the ION road Ceres. Flora and Pomona. Gordon week. They were successful in get Church School at 10:30 a. m would be built Just the same.” Dickson, Ralph Boor and Arthur ting two deer. FOR SALE every Sunday. Beam, the executive committee and Mrs. Slls Birks and children and You are cordially invited to a t Paul Dickosn the gatekeeper. Roy Shumaker went to Boise Sunday FOR SALE OR TRADE—Bulck light OREGON TRAIL tend our services. 8. 1931 model sedan; trade for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lingle of Fruit- to see Mr. Birks who is In the Vet cows, tractor or hay. Jesse Sugg, 1 land and Cecil Hill of Ironside were erans hospital. To H a v . C ontentm aat, H appiness Loretta Mitchell has a new called to Burns last week to attend Monday morning the crew of the mile north, 3 miles west of Adrian. One of the first steps to con bicycle. the funeral of Ora Hill, uncle of the Apple Valley-Packing House flnish- tentment mid hupplness is to learn Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mettlen of latters. the work 'for the season. At noon a FOR SALE—Two chair barber shop In Nyssa. Oregon between two not to begrudge other people the Giltner, Neb., who have been visit C. F. Wise and grandson, Fay delicious dinner was prepared for things they have because you can ing at the Ewen and Marlon Chard Tague of Nyssa were at the Coy the entire ciew and served at the great projects. Bright future. Cheap not have them. homes for the past six weeks have Wise home last Monday. hotel by Mrs. J. S. Stout. Mr. E. G. good terms. P. O. Box 363, Nyssa. leased part of Tom Lowe’s brush Mr. Wells of Vale, the soil conser Johnson acted as host, guests be Oregon. ll-5-4tp. land at Mitchell Butte. Mr. and Mrs vation man was calling on various sides the crew were Sterling John M ISCE LLA N EO U S Mettlen are the parents of Mrs. farmers FYiday. son, Rich Welbourn and Paul Mor Ewen Chard and Mrs. Marlon The Earl Loftons were Ontario NOTICE—I want to do your plow Chard. business visitors on FYiday. LEGAL ADVERTISING work; nothing but first class work One of the nicest parties this sea Mrs. Herbert Van Cleave is stead or your money refunded. One trial son was given by the losing side in ily Improving from her illness of will convince you. Second to none N O T IC E O F SALE O F R E A L the Oregon Trail PTA ways and lnflamatory rheumatism, but is when It qomes to plow work and P R O P E R T Y A T P R IV A T E SALE means committee contest of last still confined to her bed. general blacksmlthing G. E. Snod- spring, last Friday evening. Contests Mrs. Walter Laurance left on Fri Notice is hereby given that In and stunts furinshed entertainment day for her home at Prairie City pursuance of an order of the County with Mrs. Marioh Chard, T. C. after a weeks visit at the home of Court of Malheur County, Oregon, Mitchell, F. C. Fry and Mrs. F. C her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. made on the 7th day of October 1938 Fry winning first prizes and Wm. Beam. in the matter of the estate of George DeOrofft, Mrs Ab Keck and Mrs. 8. Floyd White left Saturday to ac P. Green, deceased, the undersigned W. Jones consolation prizes. A cow company FYank Elms and several Administratrix of the estate of boy feed followed with the guests others of Unity on an elk hunting George P. Green, deceased, will helping themselves to cowboy food trip. sell at private sale, in one parcel, HOWDY FOLKS . Now that proe- served cowboy style. Mesdames John Arthur Bronson, Cherolet sales PIES Bowen. F. G. Holmes, J. B. Smith man of Ontario and Henry Parker to the highest bidder for cash and perlty is back, .can we get girls’ fin subject to confirmation by said gernails out of the red? Mae Flemming sponsored the were business visitors in Ironside We’re proud of our ¡and County Court, on or after November with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hop Thursday. ------ B U IL D FH A W A Y ------ 24th, 1936, at 10 A M. of said day, all pies. They are made eats kins, Loyd Adams and Mrs. Archie Says Adolph the cynic—T hat Col th« right, title. Interest and estate of the best ingredients Smith on the entertainment com of the said George P. Green, deceas orado man who was fined $50 for BIG BEND NEWS mittee. Everyone voted the party a and are always fresh. social ed, had at the time of his death, and hugging a girl got off lucky. Most of success. Serve our pies when Remember the date. December 3 all right, title and interest that us get a life sentence for it. Ewen Chard is building a new ------ B U IL D FH A W A Y ------ you are entertaining house. Marion Chard has been and plan to enjoy a genuine home said estate has by operation of law, cooked, country supper at Park Hall; or otherwise acquired in and to the the lumber from Unity. 1st small chap—My daddy has a or for dessert any day. hauling Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johnson and enjoy the free program of talent that certain lot, piece, or parcel of leg made of hickory. son Bert were Sunday dinner guests from outside towns and take advan land, particularly described as fol 2nd Ditto—T hat’ nothing. My sis tage of the sale of home made ar lows: at the F. 8. Byers home. ter has a cedar chest. Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Hopkins ticles at the different booths. The A certain lot or tract of land ------ B U IL D FH A W A Y ------ last thing on the program is the were callers Saturday evening at situated In the Town of Nyssa, Which reminds us, do you have a auction. Everyone is Invited to come. the F. G. Holmes home. Malheur County, Oregon and lo PHONE 20 bln full of coal ready to ward off Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Harrison Ulrey Is building a new cated upon the comer of First NYSSA, OREGON these frosty days. Better call Jack house. Wyatt and Archie Smith are daughter of Nyssa were callers in Street and Green Avenue, the WE ARE SUPPORTING son's and remedy that right away. the Muntjewerff home last Wed same being Assessor’s Tax No. NYSSA GIFT DAYS nesday. ------ B U IL D FH A W A Y ------- 10 in Block 6$A of Green’s Addi SEWING WANTED — Satisfactory P O P -S L ID E -C L IC K ! “James, you may serve the ven tion to the Town of Nyssa and prices. Mrs. Homer Brewer. 11-19- “DENTURE STATIC BETRAYS ison." described as follows: Beginning 4tc. Adv. “O ’K., I’ll pass the buck.” y 's E. H. Brumbach spent a couple of at the intereseotlon of First ------ B U IL D FH A W A Y ------ Street and Green Avenue thence days in Vale on business. running north 150.84 feet; But nobody can tell you wear Now Is a good time to build new Walter Stradley and brother El- thence East 138.5 feet; thence plates, when you use FASTEETH mrt1 of Nyssa left this week on a shelves, bins and storage In the South 37.84 feet; thence West This adhesive powder grips plates trapping expedition. Mrs. W. Strad basement . . . or ask us for details AND PROFESSIONAL 50 feet: thence South 113 feet; tight for 24 hours. Gives clear speech ley and children are visiting at the on how easy It Is to build a recrea thenoe West 88.5 feet to point of Stops mumbling, hissing and click- Wm. Stradley, home. tion room out of that odd space In beginning. T s, popping out. Can’t cause sore basement or attic. Mr. and Mrs. Lester French, who ___________________ / gums, burning or denture breath, moved to the Bend recently, were Terms and conditions of sole: because it’s alkaline. Tasteless. Not honor guests at a farewell perty Cash In lawful money of the United States to be paid at time of sale. gummy. Get FASTEEH at any drug held in Roswell last Tuesday. All bids or offers must be made store. When mouth tissues change, Mr. and Mrs. Lawler and Mrs. see your dentist.—Advertisement. Harris of Sunny Slope and Mr. and in writing, and shall be left at the ROBT. D. LYTLE Mrs. Jim Wright and Orandma office of A .L. Fletcher, attorney for Nyssa, Oregon ATTORNEY Wright of Nampa were dinner the said Administratrix, In Nyssa. Oregon. And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW WE ARE SUPPORTINO guests in the Ray Cartwright home Ifcudcnt have First National Bank Bufldtiig NYSSA GIFT DAYS Sunday. Mrs. Harris remained far a October 19, 1938. Phone 86 THEDA DODGE, longer visit. ♦o enjoy foc/t whiskey! vale OREGON Administratrix. The Jolly Janes met at the home Old Quaker brings you a barrel of Mrs. Bud Dennan la3t Thursday. Oct. 22-29. Nov. 5-12 of quality in every Dottle and il Mrs. Walter Stradley and Mrs. doesn’t cost you a barrel of money. Charles Witty furnished refresh A t y*u p rtftr in Bourbon or Rye ments. The Old Quaker Co.. Lawreaccbura. lad Jim Miller has been out of school J. S. COOPER •CHIN LEY’S this week suffering with ear ache. Business Analysis Mr. and Mrs. E .Abbl and children OLD Q U A K E R Accounting Auditing returned home from a visit in Buhl. Mrs. Barnett, principal of Wade ll.lll W MI '-H I Income & Social Security Tax school Joined a party of relatives Specialist. Church News grtM, •itf& Larsen bivi Townb shop* t> W ELD IN G D on’t throw your brok en parts away, bring them W Us and we will weld them as good as new—save money at Pruyn Garage. HAULING—All kinds. Oregon ana Idaho License. Hugh Glasgow Phone 36-F3. Jan 16tf. I KAU90MTNIN0 AND PLASTER- UK»"-All aKSht guaranteed; also acissnfct, saws and tools of all kinds sharpened. Andrew McOlnnla. tic COAL! STANDARD USED PARTS Acetylene Welding SWARM & SONS Formerly Pete Dear Wreck ing Business, now located one block west, near high school. The Perfect Coal See A1 today about this good coal . . . also ask him about using GEM LAYING M A S H to get more eggs this winter. A1 Thompson “The Farmer’s Own Oo-Op" Phone 26 Nyssa YOU NEED HORSEPOWER Avoid makeshifts and “remedies” which only cause grief. Get yonr motor completely rebuilt and enjoy care-free, new-car performance. A lady came into the garage with something wrong with her car. After investigation, the a t tendant said, “Lady, the timing gear is off and needs adjusting.” She replied, “Oh. if th at is all just leave it off. I don’t need a clock in my car anyway." WE ARE SUPPORTING NYSSA GIFT DAYS E. W . Pruyn Auto Repair E. W. Pruyn, Prop. Phone 56F2 K n o t H o le N e w s SWAN BAKERY BUSINESS News Flash!!! The furniture factories on the «coast are again in full operation and we are now able to supply your wants in most anything in furniture. Come in and see our latest shipments . . . DAVENOS—DAVENPORTS—STUDIO COUCHES—SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES SPRING AIR MATTRESSES—BED AND SPRINGS—RANGES AND RUGS WE ARE SUPPORTING NYSSA GIFT DAYS Nordale Furniture Store NYSSA FALSE TEETH OREGON DIRECTORY \ Jackson Lumber Company Pre-Holiday Sale Moore Hotel Bldg. Ontario, Ore. Phone 159 Guarantee Work WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Ontario Oregon OPTOMETRIST Out o f the Bottle 1 our Pharmacist Selects . . . THINK what it means when your druggist fills your prescription. Out of a thousand and one bottles he selects his essences, tinctures, extracts, etc. . . . (Carefully measures them, and then double checks the result. Only fresh, f u l l strength materials are used by qualified register ed pharmacists. BUY YOUR DRUG NEEDS AT OUR STORE WE ARE SUPPORTING NYSSA GIFT DAYS O N T A R IO OREGON H EAT AMERICAN S u n lla t tu , OIL BURNING HEATER Paulus Jewelry is making an attractive of fer to encourage early shopping and during their big sale, all merchandise, except Elgin and Hamilton watches, Westclox clocks and Schick Dry-Shavers— Comes Your Health “See McFall and See Better“ DR. J. A. McFALL Eyesight Specialist HEALTHFUL , SAFE N YSSA PH ARM ACY NYSSA : : : OREGON Prices Reduced IO Percent —From— Nov. 2 0 to Dec. I Select your gifts, make a small deposit down in our Lay-Away-Plan and save 10 per cent to spend on your Christmas dinner. WE ARE SUPPORTING NYSSA GIFT DAYS Paulus Jewelry NYSSA OREGON An oM fashioned wpod or coal hunting h e a t e r b not only troobUfome, dirty and ma$«y . . . it is actuely unheelthful. Give your family dean, healthful, safe heat by hwtaling an AMERI CAN Ofl Burning Heater. Ihaaa heater« are the most economical to Operate. They are built to deliver the heat to your room*—rather than to watte it up the ohimney. Wa'I gladly prove R to you. Sea the AMERICAN Sunfleme Heater for yourtelf. We have a the and type to meat 'our need«. WE ARE SUPPORTING NYSSA GIFT DAYS Baldridge Implement Co* NYSSA, OREGON