GATE CITY JOURNAL, TH URSD AY, NOVEMBER 5, 1936 IR O N S ID E N E W S The Mtues Dorothy and Ella Mae Dickson and Ina Rose members of the 8th grade class gave a Hallo ween party for the Ironside school children .their teacher and par ents. Various games were enjoyed and a jolly good time was had by all The girls served a nice lunch con sisting of sandwiches, pumpkin pie and cocoa. Mr and Mrs. Guy Wise and family of Rockville were last week end guests at the Coy Wise and Bill Woodcock homes. Orville Nichols Is spending most of his time in Ontario where he has under construction a brick business building. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laurance mot ored to Prairie City last Monday. vm 'rttP ih fc c t lu t# /. Mrs. Esther Perkins, inkiher of the later who spent the p o s t two months here accompanied them to her home there. Gordon Dickson and wife and the Caxrcd Looeys attended Pomona at Bouleverd Orange last Saturday The Ladies Home Economics club met at the home of Mrs Earl Loft on last Thursday and finished their quilt which they will sell on Novem ber 7 when Eldorado grange holds Its dance and bazaar. The Maklns of Ontario threshed alfalfa seed at the Chas. Boor. Coy Wise and Arthur Nichols ranches last week. The Lester Derrick family visited at Weiser several days last week. Their daughter Bessie Ann returned with them for a visit here. Mis* Joy 8lmpaon of Ontario was a last week end guest of Ina Rose. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Beam and No Fuss or Bother With COAL Coal has been the preferred fuel for years. For economy it can’t be beaten. It gives off a health ful heat that is always sufficient even during the coldest weather. It is specially washed and made perfectly dustless. It gives off no odor while burning and is therefore safe. Order today and save on winter fuel bills. Phone Orders Filled— Call 26 ÂI Thompson PHONE 28 NYSSA, OREGON Not Just Coal . . But Standard Coal Use GEM LAYING MASH . . . and get more eggs granddaughter Barbara. their laughter Mrs. Vivian Van Cleave and children were guests last Sun day at the Ralph Beam h one at Unity. Herbert Van Cleave who has been employed at Pendleton the past two months Is visiting a few days with his family. He will return Sunday Mrs. Sylvester Ross. Mrs. Bill Woodcock and daughters were busi ness visitors to Unity last Wednes day. Orville Nichols hauled a load of alfalfa seed to Ontario last Tuesday for Coy Wise. The latter accompan ied him and spent several days there. Oregon Trail The Halloween party and white elephant sale sponsored by the Ore- ton Trail P. T. A. last Friday even ing was well attended. The party was In charge of the Ways and Means committee, Lloyd Adams. Mrs. Wm. DeOrofft and Mrs. Chas. Thomason. The school house was gaily decked out In Hallowen deco rations. The program committee. Mrs. Albert Hopkins. Dwight John ston assisted by Mrs. GeOorge Mc Kee and Clias Jones had charge of the entertainment. The crowd was divided Into groups and various games were played. Mrs. McKee led the adult group; Mrs. Hopkins the small children and Dwight Johnston and Chas. Jones the larger children. The Hospitality committee, Mrs. F. O. Holmes and Mrs. John Bowen assisted by other PTA members served doughnuts, elder and coffee at the close of the evening. The white elephant sale cleared over $12. Everyone reported a very nice Up-To-Date Plumbing evening. Harrison Ulry has finished digging a well and has started to erect a bam on his new land which he re cently purchased from Wyatt Smith. Mrs. Floyd Hershey of Nyaaa Is substituting for Mr. Hopkins until after election Mrs. Hershey Is staying at the John Bowen home B. L LandreCh Is drilling a well for Mr Calhoun. Mrs. O. L Mitchell and Mrs F. O Holmes are on the sick list this week. Lloyd Landreth, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Landreth had a nar row escape last Saturday when the team he was driving became fright ened and ran away. Lloyd was badly shaken up but not. seriously hurt. Mrs. Lloyd Adams was taking the school census last Wednesday. T. Olsen and Elmer spent several days last week In Nampa. Wayne Ulery was absent from school last week due to a very bed case of tonsllitis. F. 8. Byers is digging a well. C. L. Mitchell had his hogs vac cinated for hog cholera last week. Miss Anna Holmes attended a Halloween party In Boise Saturday evening. A representative from the Idaho Power Company was in this vicinity 'ast wek making a map of the pro posed power line on the project. Mrs. Mae FLming Is working at the Albert Hopkins home. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holmes were Sunday dinner guests at the par- Cough^ Colds Acts Liks a FLASH *» different - It'» feeter H srtlen— ft*« pounded on awertor, medical fact A nd- new In thl* country. . u a u i r t MIXTtlM (tuple ecllng» » Itw neme of tfiu ---- em ulng cough end COM ---- prescription that Is so pure „ L ¿ .. j _ eke harmful drugs thst a child can take snd stop coughing. One little dp a end the ordinary coughJJ n c .---------- ,— , m r t ~ tew doses and that tough — isng-on cough Is seldam hoard again— t'a realty wonderful to watch haw tpsad ly hard. Uncaring colds art put out of iuainoaa tUCKLIYt MIXTUglia now on ale at ail good stores—guaranteed. N O TICE! 7ö \jOUl likiwjl To All Interested In the Purchase of County Land W lU U N FAM ILY S6.S proot 70% gnim o c « Supervised by The WUkm P a o if. Jos. & Koch ft Co., Tur for fanning, lands for grazing, or town lots for For Colder Days FIRESTONE GROUND-GRIP TIRES (They Do Away With Chains) ARVIN HOT WATER CAR HEATERS FROST SHIELDS PRESTONE And Your Worries Are Over building from the County— now is the time to do so. Get your descriptions, and make your offers, right away, as there is a big sale scheduled for early in December. The list of offerings is being completed and will be published in the newspapers very soon; local probably the middle of November. It is a long one and contains many choice tracts and lots at real bargains. Now is the time to buy land ; prices will never be lower; while values are increasing every day. 0 - Norcott Service PARMA For Bronchitis If you are thinking about buying some acreage - GEO. J. KINZER Plumber PHONE 134-J-2 nival in their own way which war ental F O. Holme« home. Albert B. Hopkins made a business very clever and interesting The PTA sold tickets on a beautiful cake with trip to Watson Saturday. io gold candy and cider Cookies Mr. Whit Redsuil winning U. They and doughnuts were served the erv L IN C O L N N EW S wtth proceeds from the affair going to the school for playground equip Gollen Fenton of Ontario was an ment. overnight guest of Thelma DuPre RETURNS FROM VISIT Saturday and Sunday nights. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson, son and Mrs Jim Boor returned last Thurs wife and daughter have artrved from day from a six weeks visit In Iowa Salem and moved on their eighty She says the fall rains helped the acre tract of land south of the O. T. late gardens, and some of the com Pennington place They are old ac growers. Due to the rains this fail, quaintances of the Peningtons hav many of the farmers are planting ing lived for 18 years neighbors at quite an acreage of winter wheat. Ola. Idaho Mr and Mrs. Ed. C&sto and daughter Clarence of Harper were Sunday visitors at the Ed DuPre home. There was a very successful Hallo ween party given at the Lincoln school house Friday night. The children of the school put an a car- SHELL GAS FOR QUICK STARTING SHELL WINTER OILS & GREASES COMPLETE SHELLUBRICATION JOB The day is past when people ^re content to get aong with out-of-date plumbing, or worse still, no plumbing at all. Modem plumbing gives you a newer, more enjoyable and convenient home. Let's talk It over. ■■■ ------- DAVID F. G R AH AM County Judge Nvssa. Oregon BUY NOW & SAVE While Re-modeling W e’re Still Selling Merchandise At Exceptionally Low Prices. Buy Now and Save Squibb Mineral Oil, Qt. 12 oz. 79c Castoria . . Pepsodent Tooth Paste 40c size 33c Milk of Magnesia, Quarts . 51 C Hot Water Rubbing Alcohol, Pirnt . - 2! )c Aspirin, 1 Dozen 8c Bottle Aspirin, Bottle of 24 15c Aspirin,1100’s . 39c Guaranteed A D S Mouth Wash, I*int . 43c Listerine, 14 oz. Size 59C 29 c Mentholatum, 60c Size . • 49c Modess 19c THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS IN OUR BIG SALE Squibb Cod Liver Oil, % 29c ..................... 33c Vick’s Vapo Rub, 35c size . EXTRA SPECIAL Two-Quart The Nyssa Pharmacy oS« .____________________ I