Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1936)
G a t e c i t y j o u r n a l . T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r 5,1936 ROCKVILLE NEWS Norman and Finley McKenzie made a trip to Jordan Valley Friday The Otis Nichols made a trip to Humedale and Wilder Sunday to get their winters supply o f vegetables. Miss Beulah Wilson returned home Sunday. Duncan McKenzie made a trip to Jordan Tuesday. Dorrmond Wise has been on the sick last the past few days. John and Frank Beltzor were at the Andrew Greeley ranch Tusday preparing a camp to move to the Twin Caves where a nember of the men from several communities plan to run horses by airplane. Mrs. Andrew Greeley and Nora Wise were at Rockville Tuesday afternoon. Clifford Dixon, Maude Greeley and two children motored to O n tario Sunday. Mr. Williams o f the Oregon State highway commission passed through en route to McDermitt Monday. Mrs. Alfred Dltton of Cow Creek passed through en route to her hotn Tuesday. Olen Nichols Is working with Nor man Kemp. He called at the paren tal home of Otis Nichols Monday. The school children entertained their mothers with a Halloweeen party Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ellen Masonolder returned to her home on Cow Creek for a few days owing to a recent aickness of her husband. She hopes to be able to go back to her new home In Caldwell soon. Clarence MulUnlx was taken to Nampa Thursday, 111 with a severe case o f flu. Frank MulUnlx Is slowly Improving from an attack at flu, which very nearly went Into pneumonia. Lee Strode branded and dehorned his calves also vaclnated around 300 had In the past three days. Norman McKenzie, Em tel Claude, Mr. Stultz helped with the work. Norman and Finley McKenzie made a trip to Nyssa Wednesday. K IN G M A N KOLONY The first meeting of the Friendly Neighbors club was held at the home o f their president Mrs. Conrad Martin. A number o f ladles were present and plans made for the coming season. Mrs. Mary Nichols has sold her home to the Wilson famUy who come from South Dakota. The Nicho's family have moved to the house where Carl Kuhlmii'e has been living. Mr. Kuhlemire is at present in the Veteran’s hospital In Boise suffering from a back In jury. Miss Joy Crummett attended Let Us Protect Danger Spots YOU CAN’T SEE . . . Wear and tear gnaws at the chassis of your car in a dozen danger spots. They’re hidden away out of sight— but w.e know where to find them, and how to protect them. DRIVE IN TO D A Y STAN D ARD P R O D U C T S home coinin’ week for teachers at November 5th at the home of Mrs. D. A. Rogers. They plan to hold a La Grande this week end. Mr and Mrs. O. C. Stillings and bazaar this month. ■mail son, Gerry are visiting In the , Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schrader and J. G. Lane home. daughter made a business trip to Mrs. Stalling la the daughter of Boise Friday. Mrs. Lily Bach and a sister of Mrs Lane MRS. SADIE ORR D l’NBAR Mrs. T. T. EUlot and son Floyd TO V ISIT COUNTY left Wednesday for Agate Beach Oregon for a visit with Mrs. Elliot's daughter Mrs. T. C. Simmons. Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar, president A meeting of the 4-H club leaders o f the Oregon Tuberculosis Associa from Kingman was held at the tion, will conduct a seal sale trv*l- home of Mrs. C. C. Cotton on M on tute In Ontario the afternoon of day evening where plans for an a ch November 10th to which the public ievement program were discussed. Is Invited and at which all com m it 4—H Club people o f K ’ ugman are tee members and their chairmen very proud this year In having com are expected to be present. A lunch pleted the 12 clubs v.hich ihey eon of the finance committee at the started earUcr this year. Moore Hotel will precede the after The new members o f the grange noon meeting. Mrs. Dunbar being met at the C. E Elliott home W ed present at the luncheon. nesday at which time they elected The meeting of the afternoon wil’ Mrs. L. Thradher as their HEC open promptly at one-thirty and chairman. Mrs. Ted Rodgers, secre will be held In the auditorium o f the tary and Mrs. A. Curtis, treasurer. new school building. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Zeslger, Irma Obendorf ¡and Bob Winters were Toccoa Fall», Georgia Weiner visitors Saturday evening. Toccoa falls, Georgia, have a per M i. and Mrs. Tallman and family pendicular descent of 180 feet, were shopping In Nyssa Saturday. Miss Mildred Dutro was a week against HIT feet for Niagara falls. end guest in the Boyster home. The Boysters are newcomers from Texas C. E. Winters, Bob and Lester Gowey were In Vale on business Sunday. Clyde Dicierlcksorii and p lli^ rrd Snyder have completedthe digging o f their sugar beet*. Mildred Curtis who has been very 111 with a throat Infection has re sumed her studies In the Nysaa High school. Ode Ashcraft Is building a new home on his property. Bob Winters has a contract haul ing gravel for Mr. Sheldon w ho will build a new pump house on the Dead Ox Fait near WeLser. Goweys were Boise visitors M on day They are driving a new V8 pickup. Mrs. Hart ridge, a sister o f Mrs. M. M. Greeling, has returned to her home In New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder were dinner guests In the D. Anderson home Sunday. Mr. George Schiemer o f Big Bend has purchased the land owned by G. Johansen. Mr Farnsworth has rented the house. APPLE VALLEY Powell Service Station Bert Lienkaemper Chas. Leuck Keep In Touch Minnie Nelson entertained about thirty-six young people at a party given In her home Monday evening. Delicious refreshmnts were served at a late hour. Lawrence Treice, Gene Reed. Mr. Hobbs and George Hobbs left Tues day morning for L om one Valley where they plan to spend a few days deer hunting. Stanly Stout made a business trip to F*ayette Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G len Johnson en tertained at a supper Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Conley W il son and Jeanette, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wilson and Donna and Mr and Mrs. Oedrlc Cald well and child - ren. Charles and Virginia Schultz at tended the Luthem Young Peoples | Rally in Parma Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schrader ! and Duane, and Mr. and Mrs. Sch- | rader, Sr„ enjoyed a trip to the | Owyhee Dam Sunday. I Milt Freeman and Phyllis and j Mrs. Freeman, Sr., are leaving this | week for I a Grande where he has | Purchased a home and shop. The Ladies Aid served a delicious het lunch f t the S. P. Brown sale I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown and family I left Monday morning for Portand i They will be greatly missed by their ! friends in this community. | The Freshmen enjoyed a Hallo ween party Saturday evening In the high school gym. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Vertrees at tended the Parm a-W ilder football game Friday. Ladies Aid will meet Thursday BOOR TO PI-AY AT PENDLETON Pendleton— (Special) — Howard ’Tiny’ Boor, former Nysaa star, will be on hand to spark Bob Quinn's Eastern Oregon Ncmral p'rver the Teachers clash with Oregon Stat yearlings In an Eastern Oregon gridiron classic at Pendleton on the afternoon of November 6. This Is the first college football game he la In Pendleton In many years. The kickoff Is slated for 3 p SS il Cheap" Floor Paint W on’t Take Punishment AUCTIONEER When you paint softwood floors, you paint for sturdiness as well ss looks. But "cheap" paint won't do the job. Poor paint, because its colors won't hold and its film is weak, will not stand the strain of scuffing, hasty feet and repeated washings. If you are contemplating on having a public sale, write or phone 1216, Nampa, Idaho. On the ocher hand Bass-Hueter Quick-Drying Floor Paint takes punishment with a smile. And it is eco nomical because it takes less to cover well and it wears longer. Its 8 colors arc mellow and lasting. Come in and see them. COL. MUNYON Auctioneer 24 years o f selling experience 2 K FLOOR PAINT Clean, Helathful, Uniform Dependable Meats Heating at low cost with the Norge Feel sure when you shop at the Nyssa Pack ing Co. that the meat you buy will be absolutely fresh and of the finest quality. Dependable meats are the foundation of our business. Shop economica’ly at the Nyssa Packing Co. for qual ity meats. FRESH MEATS Heat Circulator. From * 42.50 DRIED MEATS SALTED MEATS SAUSAGE SEA FOOD CHEESE up SPREADS RELISHES N YSSA PA CK IN G C O . COME IN AND SEE ED ER H A RD W A RE CO . NYSSA, OREGON ^CHEVROLET-«? Pke Q m n le X e . Can.- Gmiplet¿iít| 1 (eu/ ON DISPLAY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES NEW HIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE (WMi Doubla-Arttculatad Braka Shot Linkage) Much more powerful, much m«*-c spirited, and the thrift king of ita price claw. a t * . m t m tm fm ir . CoiMrattfcm) Wider, roomier, more luxurious, and the f i r U all-steel bodies combining silence with safety. (WMi U N IS TEEL T u m t Toy The Next Directory Closes Soon Call our business today Telephone Number 100 Malheur Home Telephone Co. Recognized everywhere as the safest, smoothest, most dependable brakes ever built. I t ’ s the newest of all low-priced NEW ALL-SILENT, ALL-STEEL BODIES A telephone does so much and costs so little. You can enjoy its convenience and protection for a few cents a day. There’s still time to get your name in the next directory, arrange for addi tional listings or advertising, but Please let us know! Oil Burning NEW DIAMOND CROWN SPEEDLINE STYLING Drink SHELTON’S for Growth Milk is the most import ant factor in the grow ing child's diet for iU strength— and health-giv ing qualities. And he likes the taste of SHELTON’S prod octo. For the Milk Purer In Quality, Try Shelton Dairy Making this new 1937 Chevrolet the smartest and most distinctive of all low-priced cars. in every feature, fitting and fabric. . . also the m ost thor oughly safe, the m ost thoroughly IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE* (at no txtra coat) Proved by more than two million Knee- Action users to be the world's safest, smoothest ride. proved, the m ost thoroughly de pendable. Visit your nearest Chev rolet dealer. See and drive the SUPER-SAFE SHOCKPROOF STEERING* (st no antra coat) Steering so true and vibrationless that driving is almost effortless. complete car—completely new. GENUINE FISHER NO DRAFT VENTILATION Eliminating drafts, smoke, windshield clouding—promoting health, comfort, safety. SAFETY PLATE GLASS ALL AROUND A IL THESE FEATURES AT CH EVR O LET'S I 0 W PRICES * Knee- Action a n d Shockproof S tm t ing on M atter D e f u** -nothin only. Chevrolet M otor Com pany , Detroit, M it (at no octra coat) The finest quality, clearest-vision safety plate glass, included as standard equipment. CA B LES C H EV R O LET C O . Phone 62 , Ontario, Oregon