GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER S, 1936 The Gate City Journal BERWYN BURKE.................Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITIC8 AND RELIQION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year .... -.................$150 Six Months ........................ 75 Single Copies —...................05 (Strictly In Advance) ADVERTISING RATES Open rate, per Inch............SOc National. Per Inch ............SOc Local. Contract ------- 25c Classifieds. Per word ......01c Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. DEATH TO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY?— uncertainty of the election is over, and T HE business can get down to normal again. Roosevelt goes in with huge popular support and every loyal American should drop partisan olitics now and abide by the popular majority. oosevelt’s policies have been ratified in no un certain terms and it will probably mean the “New Deal” will push their policies with re-new- ed vigor. Two land slide defeats cannot help but have their effect on the Republican party. It is doubt ful if the old Guard Republican party leaders can again drum up a strong enough following to carry an election. Some different alignment seems probable for the coming years, possibly a New Deal party and a party composed of Jef fersonian Democrats and liberal Republicans. Whatever the outcome, the political future looks interesting and filled with unexpected results. g High School News entlted suit Within four weeks pursuance of an order of the County Desert Land Entry under Acts above the date of the first publica Court of Malheur County, Oregon. March 3, 1891 and June 17, 1902. No from of this summons, and if you fall on the 7th day of October 1936.025475, far SEV*8W!«, SWV.SEK, or tion to to answer, for want thereof in the matter of the estate of George | Farm Unit “A". Section 10. Tuwn- plaintiff will apply to the Court for p Qreen, deceased, the undersigned t»hip 21, South. Range 46. East.-WU the relief prayed for in his own- Administratrix of the estate of Lamette Meridian, has filed notice paint herein, including a decree ad George p. Green, deceased, will <rf Intention to make final Proof, to plaintiff to be the fee simple sell at private sale, In one parcel, establish claim to the land above de judging owner of the SW'sSWV« of Section to the highest bidder for cash and scribed, before B W Mulkey, Notary- 26. subject to confirmation by said Public, at Vale, Oregon, on the 10th the SEV.SEY« of Section 27, the NtlWNEV» of Section 34. and the County Court, on or after November day of November, 1936. NWt4NW% of Section 35, all In 34th, 1936, at 10 A. M. of said day, all Claimant names as witnesses: the right, title, Interest and estate Frank Morgan; Andrew Ward; Township 28 S„ R. 45 E. W M, In The next home game for the Nys of said George P. Oreen, deceas Walter Alford; Bill Demm, all of Malheur County, Oregon, and quiet sa high school team will be on Arm ed, the ing said title In plaintiff and barring had the time of his death, and Nyssa, Oregon. istice Day. November Uth When On all right, at title defendants from asserting or at and Interest that W. F. JACKSON tario will play here. Ontario's record said estate has by operation of law. tempting any right, title Register. or Interest to in assert is much more Impressive than the otherwise acquired In and to the said property, and for 10-8 to 11-6 locals, but fans are certain of or such other and further relief as the that certain lot, piece, or parcel of sceeing a bitterly fought battle. Court may deem Just and equitable. land, particularly described as fol ALIAS SUMMONS This summons is published pur lows: A certain lot or tract of land IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE suant to an order of the Hon. Chas. Ellis. Judge of the above entitled situated in the Town of Nyssa, STATE OF OREGON, FOR MAL W. Court, which order Is of date of Malheur County, Oregon and lo HEUR COUNTY. September 30, 1936. cated upon the corner of First JAMES V. A. CARTER, publication: Oct. 8. 1936. Street and Oreen Avenue, the PLAINTIFF. First Last publication: Nov. 5, 1936. same being Assessor’s Tax No. V*. FROM T H E LINOTYPE 10 In Block 65A of Green's Addi SYLVESTER FREDERICKS: W. H. BROOKE WIL tion to the Town of Nyssa and ROBT. E. LEES. LIAM O. FREDERICKS; THE described as follows: Beginning Attorneys for Plaintiffs. UNKNOWN HEIRS OF BETTY By John E. Public at the lnteresectlon of First Residing at Ontario, Oregon Roma Wine Co. Inc., Lod i, C .lil. ANN McBRIDE, DECEASED Street and Oreen Avenue thence ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR running north 150.84 feet; PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIM thence East 138.5 feet; thence Readers should pay particular at South 37.84 feet; thence West ING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, tention to the notice in this Issue LOWEST RATES ON ESTATE OR LIEN OR INTER feet; thence South 113 feet: of the Journal that the county has 50 EST IN THE REAL ESTATE DE thence West 88.5 feet to point of considerable land for sale some of beginning. SCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT it In fine tracts and lots. If you are Terms and conditions of sale: HEREIN, Interested you should go to the court DEFENDANTS. In lawful money of the United house and get descriptions of land Cash TO WILLIAM O. Let us insure your hay, avoid all risk. This is the States to be paid at time of sale. to be offered for sale; make an of All bids or offers must be made THE UNKNOWN FREDERICKS, HEIRS OP hazardous season for farm risks. fer on it and It will be placed in the in writing, and shall be left at the BETTY ANN McBRIDE, DE When better insurance is to be bad sale schedule for some time In De- office of A L. Fletcher, attorney for CEASED, AND ALL OTHER ember It Is necessary to make a bid the said We Will Have It. Administratrix, In Nyssa, PERSONS OR PARTIES UN on the land, and that right away, or Oregon. KNOWN CLAIMINO ANY the land will not be advertised for October 19, 1936. RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN sale. OR INTEREST IN THE REAL THEDA DODGE, Nyssa, Oregon Phone 31 HH Hh Hh Administratrix. ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, DE A crowd which at times crowded Oct. 22-29. Nov. 5-12 FENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: the Journal building to capacity was on hand Tuesday night to get the IN THE NAME OF THE STATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS county election returns as they OF OREGON: came by phone from all parts of the IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE You and each of you are hereby county. Most of the returns were STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL required to appear and answer the available a few minutes after the complaint filed against you In the Judges had completed their count, HEUR COUNTY. and when It was finally decided to IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE adjourn at three o’clock, a total of OF PATRICK McINTYRE, De /r»= 21 precincts had been accounted for ceased. and the results on most offices were NOTICE Hereby Is given by the pretty certain. Additional returns undersigned, of the were available Wednesday and the Estate of Patrick adminstrator McIntyre, Deceas phone was kept busy a good part ed, to the creditors of and all per of the day sharing results with sub sons having claims against the said scribers; and many came In to see to file them, with the nec our chart of how the election was deceased, vouchers within six months going In various parts of the coun essary after date of first publication of »Ms . . . Is the keynote of all ty. this notice, at the office of the said V, / that Is dignified and beau- Hh + HH administrator at Nyssa, Oregon. £ jq tiful. Our experience has Interest In the land on the Owy taught us how to apply hee project continues keen and every CARL H, OOAD these aesthetic principles mall brings several Inquiries from Admlnisrator of Estate of the perfection of fun all parts of the nation. Frank Mor of Patrick McIntyre, De eral to direction. Our complete, gan, as secretary of the Vale-Owy- ceased. equipment allows us MILK IS ONE OF OUR MOST IMPORTANT FOODS. People of hee Land Settlement Association is Dated and tirst published Oct. 29, modem to give service at the most all age* drink It. It plays a large part in babies’ diet. We are kept busy hauling prospective set 1936. moderate costs. Families with delivering high test Guernsey Milk, produced under sanitary con tlers out to view the new lands and Last publication, Nov. 26, 1936. more moderate Incomes find ditions—or we can furnish you with Ho’stein Milk, considered by a very fine class of settlers are our services conveniently ef many medical authorities as a superior type for babies and for coming to make their home with us ficient and well within their growing children. and take their place In community NOTICE OF PUBLICATION means. affairs. No. 025475 * * * Department of the Interior Halloween has come and gone, U. 8. Land Office THE NYSSA at The Dalles, and aside from a few soaped win Oregon, September 29, 1936 FUNERAL HOME dows, misplaced machinery and up NOTICE is hereby given that PHONE Ï6F3 rooted booths; very little actual Ruah Ward, of Prairie City, Oregon, damage was done. Kids are get who, on February 20, 1913, made ting more sensible . . . In the old days Halloween was too often the excuse for real vandalism and ser ious brushes with the law. ■V. 32 to 0. Shunn of Vale, who plays in a half-back position, hit pay dirt in the first quarter and again in the second quarter. The Vale steam roller, gaining momentum, added three more touchdowns in the third quarter; Shunn accounting for them by long dashes from mid field Nyssa failed to threaten at any time during the game Squirts Reliable Hay and Grain Insurance Frank T. Morgan EDITOR ...... LLOYD WILSON ing and horseback riding for outside REPORTERS ............... Member* of points. the Junior Class There will be a regular Q.A.A. meeting Tuesday at 12:40. Jack McKee had to have the cast put back on his leg last Saturday. HALLOWEEN PARTY It was reported his leg was not get The High School Halloween party ting along as well as expected. Saturday turned out to be a Everyone had the laugh on Ted last enjoyable affair. Everyone tried Morgan last week when Ellen Mc very to do his part. After the games were Connell pushed his chair over and over refreshments were served. he landed In the lap of Nell Amos. The remainder In Civics class during registration spent In dancing. of the evening was of the voters of members of class, we discovered to our amazement there were 14 Democrats and 18 Republi SPORTS cans. They drew for the election team lost a game to board, and Ovey Brown was elect the The Vale Nyssa eleven, Friday to the score ed Town Orier (hear ye!) of 32-0. Nyssa pilays The Freshmen and Juniors are Friday. Lets do it again. Roswell next getting quite anxious about their units In History as they have only two weeks left to finish them up In. Several absences from school Thursday were results from Soccer. "Be careful girls you are rougher than the boys football team." The members of the faculty and their wlfes enjoyed a pheasant din ner at the Haworth home in Big Bend Sunday. The men furnished the pheasants, the ladles prepared C h u rc h N e w s the rest of the dinner. Seventeen enjoyed the Jolly affair. Oames were played till late evening. METHODIST CHURCH Mrs Alice Wilson and Mrs. McCoy Floyd E. White, Pastor were visitors at school Monday afternoon. Sunday School 10 o’clock. Lesson Miss Elizabeth Jones attended topic. The Oospel F'aclng the forces Home Coming at La Grande last of Evil. week end. Morning Warship 11 ; 15. Sermon Mrs. Medesker has entertained as Subject: Units of Power! house guests her brother and his League 7 o’clock. This is FILL THE COOKIE JAR wife from Joseph, Oregon the past The Nyssa high school team is an Epworth of devotion and discussion looking toward to a victory this far hour week. our young people. with our delicious cookies The Civic class voted Tuesday on Friday when they Journey to Ros Evening 8 o’clock. Ser well. the first victory in a very lean mon Theme: Worship the general election. Sugar cookies That We May Save season. Up to date Nyssa has scored Some! Fruit Bars but once, that against Frultand in Qhurch Board Meeting Monday LETTERMEN'S MEETING the second game of the season Nys Oatmeal cookies 8 o’clock at the Al Thom Th Letter-mens' club met at 12:45 hopes to strike paydirt again Evening Spice cookies pson home. on Wedensday to vote on officers sa against Roswell, although the boys Choir practice Monday evening 8 for this year. They are as follows: have no setup Friday. Hie only way o'clock at the Parsonage. You can buy them cheaper Robert Jackson, president; Jerry you could Nyssa stronger Ladles Aid will meet Thursday than you can make them— Rust, vice pesldent; and Joe Rob than Roswell figure la by comparative ertson, secretary. scores against Frultland. Fruttland afternoon with Mrs. Al Thompson. and have a variety too. defeated Nyasa 12 to 6 while Fruit- STUDENT BODY MEETING LEGAL ADVERTISING land defeated Roswell last Friday by 24 to 0 count. On the other hand, A regular Student Body meeting a Nyssa generally regarded as weak NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL was held Otcober 30. After the er now is than they were early In the PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE business meeting a program was season; PHONE 20 so anything might happen. given by the Senior class. Hie pro Notice is hereby given that In NYSSA, OREGON gram was an amateur hour with Robert Jackson, the Major. On the Coach Young has abandoned any program were: Flora Wimp and lilans of building up for this year, Nellie Jean Shweizer. a Jazz band; a hla team of freshmen and polltlaol talk by Jack Bordia; a skit but sophomore« will be heard from be by Mary Oom and Evelyn Haworth; fore they graduate. Although they a negro skit by Hlnemoa Cloninger; light and Inexperienced now. clarinet solo by Lloyd Wilson; an are they will be ready to go to town nouncement by Loren Earnest; a next year and the year following. He song by Wanda Earnest; trumpet la giving the younger boys the *olo by Leland Morris, song by five experience all necessary boys, Troy Roberts, James Nichols, football team, with the for Idea a of winning being Warren Larsen. Frank Pierson and Jack Bodta: and a nego spiritual by a real power next year. a group of seniors, You can’t afford to take the risk of having your Parma and Wilder staged a thrill hay burn and lose hundreds of dollars. Let us ing game Friday, which ended In a G. A. A NEWS scoreless tie Parma business houses take the risk. Don’t delay another day, see . . . Two game« of the Interclass closed to enable the business men to Soccor Tournament have been see the last home game of the season played- Freshmen vs. Sopomote. Emmett turned on the power In th# Juniors vs. Seniors. Hie Sophomores last half and defeated Meridian 19 were victorious and the Juniors and to 0. Seniors fought a hard battle with DON M. GRAHAM. Manager neither team scoring. The Vale eleven steam-rollered Some of the girls have been hlk- Ny*s* Friday and ran up a score of SWAN BAKERY See Us For DEPENDABLE, LOW PRICED Hay Insurance Nyssa Insurance Agency YOU PAY THE PRICE Why hot Have The Best? Sunshine Dairy NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY WE RECOMMEND THEM CARL H. COAD FACTS ABOUT NYSSA ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Population, (1930) ____________821 Recent estimates____________1000 Elevation __________________ 8186 City Officer* M ayor---------------------Don Graham Councllmen_________ Art Norcott, A1 Thom peon. Dick Tenseo, Dean Smith. City Clerk -------------- A. R. Millar City Treasurer —..... Arthur Boyijell M arshall-------------------A. V. Cook Watermaster_____ M. H. Pinkerton Health Officer__ Dr. J. J. Barazin County Officer* County Judge----David F. Oraham Commissioner*________Ora Clark, E. H. Brumbach. Sheriff--------------------c. W. Glenn Clerk------------------------Roy Daley Assessor---------------Murray Morton Treasurer------------ Mrs. Ora Hope County Attorney............. M. A. Biggs County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson County Physician^__ Dr. Anna B. Pritchett. Coroner ------------------ R, A. Tacke Superintendent. Kathryn Claypool NY8SA OREOON TOWNSEND CLUB MEETING8 Meetings of the Townsend Olub are held every Tuesday at the Community Church. The Public la Invited Epti Frost ..............President Mrs. A. V. Pruyn ______ Sec) NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY Town Patrons__ .3:30 to 5:30 Out-of-town patron* 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian Nyssa Public School* A. L. FLETCHER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW NYSSA ; OREGON DR. E. D. NORCOTT DENTIST Office Phone 35F2 X-RAY EXAMINATIONS NYSSA OREGON Ny*»a Aerie F. O. E. No. 2134 MEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome CLAUDE WILLSON, Pres. KERMIT LIENKAEMPER Secretary Superintendent ......Leo HoUenberg ON THE OLD JOB H. D. Holme« TRANSFER and BAOOAOI All Kinds *f Hauling la City Limits NYSSA. OREOON Phone 1 Facts About Owyhee Project Cost of Owyhee Dam - $6.009.000 7H miles of Tunnel $4.000.000 Siphons, canals, etc. ._ $3,000,000 Owyhee dam storage capacity ----------------715,000 acre feet Heigh th of d a m ________ 530 feet From lowest point of foundation to top. Leading project city. Nyssa. Oregon Elevation of land .....2J2S0 to 2.500 Acres in Owyhee project. 100,00 acres Principal products __________hay, com. dairying, s t o ck raising, grains, potatoes, clover seed, peas! lettuce, onions and carrots. CITY TRANSFER TRUCKING and TRANSFERRING Phone 15 and Phene 28 C. Klinkenberg