THE GATE JOURNAL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1936 ANN McBRIDE, DECEASED; PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS visited at the Haylett home Satur ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR day. PARTIES UNKNOWN c l a i m ----------- _ ._ I Dr. Harry Hamilton of Nampa in g ANY RIGHT. TITLE, Mr and Mrs. Peter conducted services in Jordan Valley have been visiting at the home erf ^ ^ D H Haylett and ESTATE OR LIEN OR INTER aunt Mrs. ' Frank . daughters Maxine and Fem at- Mrs Boardmans a »mil EST IN THE REAL ESTATE DE ^ Newblll Mrs. Boardman is an old SCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT time resident, here having been HEREIN, Frank Hains, Jr., finished thresh- BERWYN B U RK E................. Editor and PubUaher DEFENDANTS. Miss Ruby Martin. Mr. and ^ alfalia seed last weeki and is Boardman expect to vis now threshing grain. Mr. Ha ins re- By John E. Public TO WILLIAM O. FREDERICKS, INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC and relatives in Kansas | ports a very fine crop of seed, turning to their home in San - Mr ^ Mrs 0 N Stanford and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF IN DISPOSITION- WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE BETTY ANN McBRIDE, DE ctsco' . ____ . „ s o n were Jordan Valley visitors EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY A meeting of the young peoples Mond CEASED, AND ALL OTHER Arthur Jones, 18, oi Bums was society was held at the Rev^Sweney ( doe FenWick Sam Scott and Geo. PERSONS OR PARTIES UN fatally Injured in a hunting acci KNOWN CLAIMING ANY home Friday evening. e c MUnford spent Sunday deer hunting ADVERTISING RATES dent, The boy went to pick up his SUBSCRIPTION RATES RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN practiced some new sons® 411 in the Owyhee canyon, but with no gun after a rest, and it discharged; .... 30c games were played. Refreshments results Open rate, per inch $1 50 OR INTEREST IN THE REAL j the bullet entering the right side 30c National. Per Inch ..... .75 Six Months were served by Mrs. Sweeney. | p ^ j Haylett made a trip to Unity ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE ; near the hip, ranging upward 25c EN JO Y R E L IE F B EFO RE The farmers who have beets are Local. Contract 05 COMPLAINT HEREIN, DE last week for a load of poles. through the right lung and shoulder. YOU’VE F IN IS H E D D R ESSIN G Classifieds, Per word ...„.Ole all busy digging them at present. (Strictly in Advance) FENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: The ION Grange gave a dance at The accident happened on Emigrant There seems to be a very good crop. the community hall Saturday night. creek and it was four hours before IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Miss Irene Tucker and Miss Eve- , _ . , „„ The music was furnished by the he could be brought to the hospital Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. OF OREGON: S l a v e r y family of Nampa, supper at Burns. This was the first hunting of Miss Joy Crummett and Miss i Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission served by HEC About ninty per- You and each of you are hereby accident of the year for eastern Betty Nelson Sunday. They also I through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under required to appear and answer the the act of March 3. 1879. Oregon. Ä friend, of Miss Tucker while - ^ w e ^ p r e s e n t In 2 a econ d s by slop Carter and daughter j complaint filed against you in the watch, n genuine in Kingman. ¡Marie were visitors in Nampa over above entited suit within four weeks BAYKK Aspirin tablet HH ■#> + starts to disintegrate New lady members * « £ * * ■ : the week end. where Marie was fit- from the date of the first publica and go to w ork. D rop a G range met at the home of ^ ^ ^ The Oregon law provides that for Bayer Aspirin tablet in tion of this summons, and if you fail A SIX THOUSAND DOLLAR any hunter or other user of firearms Mrs. Greeling on Monday afternoon to a glass o f water. By Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Baltzor, Mr. so to answer, for want thereof the tim e it hits the b ot The traditional story of the three who accidently Injures or kills an GIFT TO SUGAR BEET GROWERS— tom o f the glass It is and Mrs. Jack Gabourie, and Miss plaintiff will apply to the Court for d is in t e g r a t in g . W h a t other person, that hunter can never graces was reviewed by Mrs. Oscar Gladys Baltzor of Nampa attended the relief prayed for in his corn- happens In this glass again carry a firearm of any kind Schafer. The remainder of the the Grange dance Saturday night. OR many long and weary years the elector . . . happens in your paint herein, including a decree ad afternoon was spent by Mrs. Dale within the state of Oregon. The sec Mr. Harry Looney, Theron Beers, judging plaintiff to be the fee simple \ ate has listened to political harangue, and tion reads: “ It shall be unlawful for Ashcraft and Mrs. Greeling helping and Mrs. Claypool were electioneer owner of the S W 'iS W 1, of Section in their appeal to the masses, political stumpers any person who has killed or Injured the new members learn parts of the ing In the valley the past week. another with a firearm at any time seating drill. often crucify the large corporations as being 2 h th6 I When you wake up with a head- The new dragline is at the Knight NE',NE*4 of Section 34, and the ' ache> d£ this: Take two nuick-act- Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kuhl of Agate after said killing or injury to carry “ soulless.” Nor is this charge hurled by politic ranch on its way to Wagontown NW'.NWVi of Section 35, all in ¡ng, quick-dissolving BAYER ASPI- Beach, Oregon, were visiting with or bear firearms of any kind or where it is to work at the Placer Township 28 S„ R. 45 E. W. M, in BIN tablets with a little water. ians alone. It is fashionable to hold the big boys description within the state of Ore Mrs. Kuhl’s mother and sister Mrs. mines. The Dredge company have Malheur County, Oregon, and quiet- I By the time you've finished dress Susie Johnson and Mrs. Dollie Mc- up to the light as terrible examples, trying to gon." ing said title in plaintiff and barring X f T o m i n i T “ “ ^ I Creary. They also spent one day built a good road to the Dredge. crush the life blood from those less fortunate. Miss Eleanor Flfer spent Sunday defendants from asserting or at- j Genuine Bayer Aspirin provides (with Mrs. Kuhl’s neice Mrs. C E *8* HH *8* with her parents near Vale. tempting to assert any right, title 1 this quick relief because it is rated The informed public know this is not true, but Indications are that more and _______ or interest in said property, and for among the quickest methods for re- LEGAL ADVERTISING more of our young people are seek it remained for a several million dollar corpora such other and further relief as the ief science has yet discovered. Try it this way. But ask for it by ing higher educations. Word comes Court may deem just and equitable. ts full name. BAYER ASPIRIN: tion this week to prove to the people o f Nyssa from Oregon State College that the NOTICE OF PUBLICATION This summons is published pur lot by the name “ aspirin” alone. that corporations do have a soul. We refer to the Nine members of the ION grange enrollment this year reached the No. 025475 suant to an order of the Hon. Chas. Amalgamated Sugar Company. all-time high of 3716 students. This attended the Grange Conference Department of the Interior W. Ellis, Judge of the above entitled 1 5 C FOR is in contast to an enrollment of 1945 held at Boulevard hall at Ontario. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Court, which order is of date of A DOZEN Last spring when the beet contracts were sign Oregon, September 29, 1936 September 30, 1936. ■ j r J FULLOC. sity of Oregon registration has C. F. Falen; Mr. and Mrs. I R Fal- ed, there was a rider attached to those in this First publication: Oct. 8, 1936. DOZEN 4 JU NOTICE is hereby given that reached a total of 2876, an Increase en; Mr and Mrs Guy Wise; Mrs Last publication: Nov. 5, 1936. territory, specifying that the grower was to pay of six per cent over this time last Lois Overton, Mrs. D H Haylett and Ruah Ward, of Prairie City, Oregon, Virtually W. H. BROOKE 50 per ton on the freight charges from here to who, on February 20, 1913, made year. Fred Haylett. le a tablet ROBT. E. LEES. Desert Land Entry under Acts Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Falen spent the factory at Twin Falls. The total freight Attorneys for Plaintiffs. the past week visiting relatives and March 3, 1891 and June 17, 1902, No. L O O K F O R TM E B A V E R C R O S S charge is $1.75 per ton and the company origin Residing at Ontario, Oregon 025475, for S E 'iS W ‘4, SW '.SE ti, or friends in Caldwell and Boise. The city of Bandon, recently com ally agreed to absorb $1.25 of this amount. Now The ION Grange held their Boost Farm Unit “A” , Section 10, Town pletely destroyed by fire, will be re the “ soulless” corporation volunteers to absorb built as a planned community, ac er Day program at their regular ship 21, South, Range 46, East, Wil the entire amount, and thus directly put approx cording to word received by the Ore meeting night October 2nd. A good lamette Meridian, has filed notice gon state planing board. Bandon program of almost an hour in length of intention to make final Proof, to imately $6,000 more money into the pockets of establish claim to the land above de has an opportunity to rebuild as a was given by Grange members. local growers. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bardsley, scribed, before B. W Mulkey, Notary model coast industrial and recrea tional center, and residents are en who were Just recently married, are Public, at Vale, Oregon, on the 10th The company was not petitioned to do this, day of November, 1936. thusiastic over the future of their working at the Hains ranch. Mr. Claimant names as witnesses: Bardsley Is Mrs. Hains’ brother. and their action came as a pleasant surprise to city. Frank Morgan; Andrew Ward; The Haylett family and Jess Ytur- growers, meaning as it does an additional $7.50 raspe made a trip to the Dredge on Walter Alford; Bill Demm, all of per acre on a conservative yield of 15 tons to Nyssa, Oregon. Jordan Creek Sunday. We note in the report from the the acre. W. F. JACKSON Don Stults made a business trip to Biological Survey that Robert "Pud" Nampa Sunday. IS N O W A T HAND! Register. Long tied for high place during This is the kind of company which wishes to Mrs. K. J. Ditton sold her sheep 10-8 to 11-5 September in the amount of coy last week and delivered them to come into the territory with a two million dollar otes captured, but led the state in Homedale. W E H AVE M AN Y NEW Mrs. Ditton has pur factory. “ By their actions, you shall know them” predatory animals by catching 4 chased a five acre tract, at Caldwell ALIAS SUMMONS bobcats during the month. His and is preparing to move there at ami it looks like the company is a mighty nice AND USED HEATERS nearest rival was M. E. Jacobs of once. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE film to do business with. Lake county who tied Long with 58 n fire started ... y field STATE OF OREGON, FOR MAL A in the _____ Molloy -------------------------+ --------------------------------- coyotes during the month, big, only to burn ^ weeds got beyond con- HEUR COUNTY. captured 2 bobcats as against 4 for trol and bumed lnto the wlnows up JAMES V. A. CARTER, Long Nearly every month the Nyssa the creek through the Fenwick field PROPAGANDA COMES IN PLAINTIFF. j ea.. 63 3 hunters working and only a change in the wind, kept vs. EVER-INCREASING FLOOD— e e 10 °8^hl survey. I the fire from spreading into the SYLVESTER FREDERICKS; WIL NYSSA OREGON LIAM O. FREDERICKS; THE meadows and hay stacks on the YVJ E are not surpised to see extra heavy mail UNKNOWN HEIRS OF BETTY Fenwick ranch. The fire broke out " " trains doing double duty these days. Prob again the next day and has required ably never before have the newspapers of the constant watching to keep under control. nation been dulged with such a flood of propa The Home Economics Club met ganda on every conceivable subject. Letters by at the home of Mrs. Letha Falen the dozens clutter up the mail until it is quite a Saturday and plans for the Bazaar METHODIST CHURCH task to separate the wheat from the chaff. to be held soon were arranged. Floyd E White, Pastor A- W. Masonholder purchased five WE RECOMMEND THEM Sunday School 10 o'lcock. Lesson »ore tract near Caldwell and will The Journal fills a wastebasket to overflowing Title: Evangelism and the Bible, move his family there from Nampa. every day and so do thousands o f other papers. Mrs. Masonhalder and Mrs. Ditton Acts 17. 1 Thessalonians 2. 7-12. Little of it reaches the public eye, but opening Morning Worship 11:15. Dr. H. G. will again be close neighbors. Mrs. Mae Wroten and Mrs. Stults the mail has become almost a full time job at McAllister will preach at this ser C A R L II. C O A D A. L. FLETCHER vice. Quarterly conference will fol every newspaper office. low. Population, (1930) ______ ......... 821 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Epworth League 7 o'clock. Recent estimates _______ ........ 1000 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Evening Worship 8 o’clock. Elevation _______________ ___ .2186 NYSSA OREGON 4-H CLUBS HONORED AT NYSSA : OREGON FATHER COMES FOR City Officers PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL— ALL WINTER VISIT M ayor............. Don Graham ALHEUR county 4-H club members helped Councllmen ......... Art Norcott, A1 Thompson, Dick Tensen, Dean W. E. King of Witchita, Kansas, put the county on the map at the Pacific The day is past when people TOWNSEND CLUB Smith. expects to spend the winter with his DR. E. D. NORCOTT are content to get aong with MEETINGS International held in Portland by carrying off City Clerk ___________A . R. Millar daughter here, Mrs. Walter Mar out-of-date plumbing, or D E N T I S T Meetings of the Townsend a respectable number of prizes. The boys and City Treasurer......... .Arthur Boydell shall. Mr. King is 82 years old, but worse still, no plumbing at Club are held every Tuesday Marshall ______________ A. V. Cook girls attending the show, along with parents and made the trip out here alone, ar Office Phone 35F2 all. Modern plumbing gives at the Community Church. Watermaster............N. H. Pinkerton riving last Tuesday. He takes a keen X-RAY EXAMINATIONS you a newer, more enjoyable chaperons in attendance were all shown a most The Public Is Invited Health O ffice r __ Dr. J. J. Sarazin Interest in political matters, and and convenient home. Let'i royal time while there, and are loud in their Eph Frost ............. President believes Roosevelt should have an talk it over. NYSSA OREGON County Officers praise o f treatment received. other chance, even though he does Mrs. A. V. Pruyn .............Bec| come from the Landon state of Kan County Judge ..... David F. Graham A need for putting Malheur county on the GEO. J. KINZER sas. Commissioners ........... _....Ora Clark, map was glaringly exposed when one o f the men Plumber E. H. Brumbach. Mrs. Wendell Pogue and two sons Nyssa Aerie charged with helping with the 4-H exhibits had S h eriff_______________ C. W. Glenn NYSSA LIBRARY PHONE 134-J-2 PARMA spent Saturday with the M. S. Birkes C lerk __________________ Roy Daley to rack his brain and memory to place Malheur F. O. E. No. 2134 OPEN SATURDAY family in Apple Valley. Assessor ......... ......... Murray Morton as one of Oregon’s counties. While amusing, in MEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT Treasurer _________ Mrs. Ora Hope Town Patrons___ 2:30 to 5:30 a way, to local representatives at the show, the County Attorney ............M. A. Biggs AT EAGLES HALL Out-of-town patrons County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson incident has its serious side. Visiting Eagles Welcome 2:30 to 7:30 County Physician,...... Dr. Anna B. ------- work being done through w the 4-H clubs Pritchett. The CLAUDE WILLSON, Pres, ALL PATRONS WELCOME C oron er______________ R. A. Tacke eserves all the su deserves support possible, for the work Your Husband Needs Watching, Under The Superintendent. Kathryn Claypool KERMIT LIENKAEMPF.R Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian is building worthwl yhile citizens. Weight of Serious Responsibilities, He Secretary Nyssa Public Schools KINGMAN KOLONY The Gate City Journal Squirts FROM THE LINOTYPE DO THIS when you wake up with a Headache Bayer Tablets Dissolve Almost Instantly F SHEAVILLE NEWS Heating Stove SEASON Nordale Furniture Store Church News NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY FACTS ABOUT NYSSA Up-To-Date Plumbing IVT [ r Watch Your Husband . . . Forgets. Yet In Business CLARK WOOD COMMENTS Few motorists give a toot for the pedestrian. Good Personal Appearance Is An Asset The most intelligent men are usually the least opinionated. Your Job la To Make It An Asset By Having His Clothes Regularly Cleaned and Pressed at the Although Lemke can by no means win in a walk, he seems to be running in one. Don Morgan, Prop. Gertrude Stein may write like a lady lunatic, but she is smart enough to get her stuff printed in the Saturday Evening Post. NYSSA TAILOR SHOP Nyssa, Ore. IMPORTANT — We have just received our fall line of Kahn Suit and Overcoat samples and Styles. Come In Today. Superintendent Leo HoUenberg Facto Abont Owyhee Project ON THE OLD JOB H. D. Holmes TRANSFER and BAOGAGE AU Kinds of Hanllng In City Limito NYSSA. OREGON Phone ( Cost of Owyhee Dam ____ $6,000,000 714 miles of Tunnel _____ $4.000,000 Siphons, canals, etc.............$3,000,000 Owyhee dam storage capacity----- ____________ 715,000 acre feet Helghth of dam _________ 520 feet From lowest point of foundation to top. Leading project city, Nyssa, Oregon Elevation of land ___ 2,250 to 2,500 Acres in Owyhee project, 100.00 acres Principal products ___________ bay, com. dairying, s t o ck raising, grain« potatoes, clover seed. peas, lettuce, onions and carrots. CITY TRANSFER TRUCKING TRANSFERRING Phone 15 and Phone 28 C. Klinkenberg — ----------------- -------------------------- 4