Published THE GATE CITY JOURNAL At Nyssa, Oregon G A T E W A Y T O TH E O W Y H E E A N D B LA C K C A N Y O N IR R IG A T IO N PROJECTS VOLUME XXIX. NO. 41. N\SSA, OREGON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1936 Sugar Company W ill Pay All The Freight This Year Volunteer to Absorb 50c TEACH ER S H O N O R E D A T RECEPTION Per Ton Freight Char­ ges For This Year Crop. Fastest Grossing Town in Oregon For $1.50 PER YEAR Visions Nyssa Section As Indian Grave Is REPUBL,CANS LEAD Candidates Uncovered At City Jobs Picked “Sugar Bowl” of The West ' T Tuesday N ight W. Smith Farm IN R E G IST R A T IO N Republican registration over- shadows Democratic registration In ! Malheur county* according to fig ­ ures compiled by County Clerk Sack- I ett. A total of 3,251 Republicans were [ ! registered when the books closed I j October 3, and 2,722 Democrats were P A R M A SCORES Dunbar Sees Fine Future 31-0 V IC T O R Y For This Section As Sugar Beet Producer. ---------- About 85 was present at the re­ fighting Parma eleven prov­ Candidates F o r ed The Irl North Nyssa the total registra- Three ception given last Friday evening at Indian Relics Found Bur- too much for the Nyssa football The Amalgamated Sugar Company Lhe Eagles h ^ i for the Nyssa ¡¡d^ol ied With Skeleton. Dis- tion was 400, being divided 237 Re­ Mayor and 11 Up For squad Friday, the locals tasting de­ The sugar Industry of southwest­ will absorb all the freight charges teachers. A program was given which publican, 157 Democrat, 1 Socialist feat to the tune of 31 to 0. Parma ern Idaho and eastern Oregon came on beets shipped from this territory was followed by a ¡¡o c ^ and covered Tuesday. Council Jobs. and 5 Miscellaneous. In South Nys­ scored In all but the first quarter to m for considerable discussion at a during the 1936 season, according to refreshments. The hall was deco­ sa there is a total of 221 registered; run wild against Nyssa. meeting of the associated chambers nn announcement made today by R. rated wlth falI nOWers, which were 123 being Republicans. 96 Democrats, The Nyssa squad put up a stiff of commerce held Monday evening H. Tollman, district manager. T h e , furnished by Mrs. C. W Barrett andidates for city office were sel­ A grisley, yet interesting discoV' 1 Socialist and 1 Miscellaneous. In defense In the third quarter, hold- j at the Boise hotel and attended by contracts as drawn up last spring , Mrs _______________ Ray Emmott, , ____________ president of ____ the ery was made Tuesday at the W yatt the entire county there Is one reg ected at a citizen's caucus held lng Parma for downs on the two representatives from Welser to called for the grower to pay 50c a civic Club, was assisted In the serv- | Smith farm seven miles southwest istered Progressive voter, 5 Prohi- Tuesday evening In the city hall, yard stripe, but when Nyssa at- Boise. This section was pictured by ton frleght charges while the com- j mg of refreshments by Mesdames of Nyssa when the skeleton of a bition. 19 Socialist and 97 classified wlth three being nominated for tempted to pass a play later, Ora- J. J. Dunbar of Ogden, assistant to pnny would absorb the balance. This pioyd Whte, A. V. Cook, Dean Smth man was uncovered. According to as miscellaneous. mayor. Names placed In nomination hanVs heave was intercepted ^ the president of the Amalgamated provision in the contract Is to be and Doug McDonald. The program doctors, the skeleton was that of a| Analyizlng the list of registered for the mayor post were Mayor Don oough of Parma raced 20 vards fm Sugar Co„ as the future "sugarbowl disregarded by the company, and the | consisted o f of the following num- middle aged Indian man, of huge voters a little further we find out M. Oraham, A. C. Norcott and Dr. another touchdown of the United States.” price the grower receives for this ^ and was p rep a re by Mrs. Lar - frttme and l^ e ly buried from 75 to that out of the 37 precincts of the C. A. Abbott. I Parma xar Wti 1Ch a CreW ° f m en i 13,000 ton. Since then we have de- with this work The company is an- Wm Schireman. Will Beam, W. C. A ' Tacke Investigated the find, and n i n - i B° yd,*U “ - “ t r , K° ‘ awary and ,eU | veloped a seed that is resistant to xious to get their contracts signed jackson, John Burke and Earl Dan- the rest of the skeleton was un- I OSl 150CISIS A had announced he would not be a he ground, en u rin g Juries beneath | the disease. As a result we expect for the 1937 season, and with the ley The affalr was sponsored by the ' earthed Most of the bones crumb- | ca" dlda* \ , , „ r ; ®arazln °J Nyssa was present! to harvest ^ month 350 000 tons n n o I H v n f i m i r n e o f Vinn<4 » i l l l V.n n k l - __ J In J n n ______ t___t- i positive figures at hand, will be able Nyssa Civic Club. led n as the air struck them, but Candidates for places on the c ity , at the time and said that although o f on the _ area that to select the best location, geogra­ enough of the skull and some of the council are plentiful, with 11 being ! the machinery weighed over two j dL ^ u Z to n T ^ fo r e phically, for their two-million dollar B ALLO T MEASURES arm bones remained to identify the nominated at the caucus Tuesday tons, ln the excitement of the acci- Dunbar said If enough beets were factory, which is to be built in time evening. Several are expected to dent, four men lifted the load from DISCUSSED A T F T A ; nationality of the man. contracted, his company would start to process the 1937 crop. Buried with the Indian was a very wlthdraw. but there will still lik ely . Mr. Juries' head, building a two million dollar re­ Crop Yields Well . .. , . m em b e r h ere l>e hot competition for the four Mr. Juries was one of the better finery to be ready for operation by Legislative measures which have interesting collection of arrow heads, T , Mr. Tallm an said he was partic­ particular effect upon school child­ skinning Rnives and other relics. b w E T ’ i™ is Thom as Mrs i councllmen positions. Present coun- known residents o f the neighboring October 1, 1937. ularly well pleased with the size and ren and which will be voted on N ov­ Many of the arrowheads were per- „ WQr „ . „ L H „ r ' I cilmen are A - c Norcott, now a can- town and came to Parma 29 years “The mill will have a capacity of quality of the beets coming from ember 3 were discussed at the King- fectly formed and were of different ‘ ^ ¡¡d id a te for mayor; Dick Tensen. who ago from Illinois. Much of the time two thousand tons of beets a day,” this territory; and that yields here man Kolony P T A meeting held F ri­ designs. They were taken to On- t. f ,, ih. f f „ T m , i ls moving out of town and will not while In Parma he engaged ln the he said, "requiring four or five thus eligible for full Legion member- be ellglble; A1 •nwm pion and Dean feed and produce business. He was were comparative with anything in day evening at the school house. tario, along with the remaining the Legion hall is dedi- W“ S J hundred men during Its nine months the distrct. Mr. W ylie Hewitt, legislative bones, but the relics may be return- cated later this*fall, Mrs. Thomas is Smith, both of whom asked not to a members of the Odd Fellows a n d 'o f construction, and employ about be nominated. | Elks lodges and had been active ln 400 men a day on the three eight- chairman, led the discussion on the ^ t? , Ny“ a t0 * * Put on dlsplay 111 slated to take a prominent part ln BIG BEND GRANGE TO Those nominated for councllmen civic enterprises for years. Funeral hour shifts. I t will mean a payroll of amendments. Two representatives ° s ' j initiation and dedication ceremonies. Tuesday evening were Sid Burbldge, services were conducted DISCUSS MEASURES from the Idaho Power company gave Tuesday between 50 and 60 thousand dollars The man evidently had been bur- j Although no definite date has a very interesting illustrated lecture led in a semi-sitting position, with been set for dedication of the Legion Frank Halverson, Lloyd Marshall, from the Parma community church. a month—most of the employes to Louis Thomas, Bobby Bums, Rob- come from the territory immediately his head slightly to one side and his baii, the building will soon be com- The regular meeting of the Big on the care of the eyes. Plans were made for the Hal­ arms folded across his chest. He was surrounding the mill.” ,s Dlete The Mastering was finished 6rt Thompson' McClure, W ll- OPERATED ON WEDNESDAY Bend Grange is to be held Tuesday, iv . ' ■ P’aatermK was finished Jackaon Berwyn Burke. Chas. EVENING FOR APPE N D IC ITIS n i c TUiMak- n n H I h p m a n r t o r r r t f r n p _____ The next meeting of the associat­ October 20th and all members are lowe'en party, which is to be held at approxlmately three feet under- - r this week and the main part o f the ’ _ ^ u c k "a^ d 'A d en Wl'ls^n“ The“ c7y ground. ed chambers will be held ln Payette urged to attend and see the pie eat­ the school house on October 30. hall has been kalsomined. Finishing j ,,_______„„ Mrs. Dale Ashcraft, membership Bill DeOrofft, prominent farmer in two months. Those who attended ing contest and to hear the measures Doctors were of the opinion that touches remain, but these will be gcn(,ral election, which chairman, reminded members that some of the bones found did not completed in a -hor comes on living on the Pipe Line ranch south the Boise meeting were Frank Mor­ on the ballot discussed. This Is an ■ riiort time. November 3 this year. I of Nyssa, was operated on for op- gan, A. L. Fletcher, Dr. J. J aae&cin important meeting and a full a t­ October 11 to 17 has been set aside belong to the man. and gave rise ■ to those helping* put the hall ln | pendlcitis about five o'clock W ed­ and W. C. Jackson. m th 6 G T nr ,0f ° reB°n as P T A the theory that perhaps more than shape are Archie Howell, Andy Mc- tendance is requested. JOHN REECE T AK E N nesday evening in the Holy Rosary Everyo'?,e one were Pprted in the grave, al- Qinnis, Commander Fred Oaterkamp TO O N TA R IO H O S P IT A L ' Hospital in Ontario He is getting ested in child welfare will find a .though the one skeleton was the | and Sid Burbidge. ------- i along nicely, according to reports. friendly meeting place at the PTA. ¡only one positively identified. I t is Here there is exhibited a real co­ believed the Indian was likely a John Reece was taken to the Holy W ILD LIFE M E ETING - , I ____________ ___________ operation between the teachers and high chief, due to the quantity and CALLED FOR TUESD AY \ Rosary Hospital in Ontario Tuesday , PIERCE TO BE HERE parents for the better home and quality of the weapons and tools ________ | by Al Thompson. Mr. Reece has | SATU RD AY, OCT 24 school envlroment for the child, it burled with him. A meeting of the Nyssa Wild Life never ful‘ y recovered from an injury I — — was pointed out. League has been called for Tuesday ; suffered last spring when he broke Congressman Pierce is slated to CHORAL CLUB TO HAVE . evening, October 20th in the base- I hls le«. and his present trouble I s , 1* “ > Nyssa on Saturday, October ORGANIZES G IRLS CLUB SOCIAL N IG H T TUESDAY ment of the Eagles hall. There w ill1 traced to that accident. Doctors 24th and a public meeting is being An enthusiastic response was i be considerable business to talk over were of the opinion his leg would arranged. Mr. Pierce expects to s t­ The 24th annual convention of Re- Mrs. Estelle Weed of Portland, and all those interested in sports need careful treatment If it is to be tend the open Orange meeting at made Friday night to a call for a __ j f V i a i / ,1 «1 *, i r ct L n ll VUnV , , n » I — » bekah District No. 25, comprising the president of the Rebekah assembly, meeting of those interested in the The Choral Club will meet Tues- I are lnvlted attend. saved. the I Boulevard hall that n evening. towns of Vale, Ontario and Nyssa,, organized a Alpha Alpha Theta day evening at 8 o'clock at the Herb ______ , , , ------------------------ Arrangements are being made now growing of Honey Dew Melons for took place at the Odd Fellows hall Rho Girls Club No. 25 here F rid a y , Fisher home for a social night. All DEAD OX PU M PIN G P L A N T DANCE T O HELP F IR E 40 hold a meeting Saturday after- the coming season. H ie meeting was in Vale Saturday, October 10th, at the Rebekah lodge hall in the members and prospective members SUFFERERS WEDNESDAY noon ln the Ea* les Nall, at which held in the city hall, and some 80 FEEDER C ANAL UP FOR BID starting at 1:30 in the afternoon. Wilson building. This club is spon- are invited to attend. Regular prac- i time Congressman Walter Pierce prospective growers were ln at­ Estella Weed, president of the Re- sored by the Rebekah lodge, and tice will be held Wednesday night I will be the prinlcpal speaker. tendance. One of the big events next week U The Bureau of Reclamation will bekah assembly of Oregon was in at- members are girls between the ages before the Bandon relief dance. Joseph Becker, western represen­ open bids October 20th for the con­ the Bandon relief dance, which is CANDIDATES IN V ITE D tendance. j o f 12 to 18 years. An advisor for the tative of Frank Jill, Inc., of New struction o f earthwork and struc­ being sponsored by the Eagles lodge. The afternoon session opened with ' club will be chosen from the Rebek- HUNTERS BAG BEAR ON TO ADDRESS OPEN York City, was present and explain­ The affair will be held at the Eagles the hostess lodge in the chairs, and ah membership. Officers elected T R IP TO M O UNTAIN S tures of the Dead Ox pumping plant POM ONA M EETING ed hls firm's proposition The Frank hall, and a novel admission charge ________ feeder canal. Excavation of 18,000 surrendering them to the conven- Friday were Luella Leuck. president; Jill concern is one of the largest . . .. ¡yards for the canal is the principal will be made. In order to attend, tion officers, made up of Myrtle Eld- Jean Johnson, vice president; Ruth All candidates of Malheur county fruit and vegetable marketing or­ Chas. Newbill is telling about the ltem bring some household article, bed­ ridge, of Vale, chairman, E ffie Davis Edwards, secretary; Ann Johnson, are invited to be present at the ganizations in the country, and are bear he shot on a recent hunting ding or clothing which can be given of Ontario, vice chairman; Hattie treasurer; Luanna Wilson, warden; open meeting to be held at the Pom ­ Interested ln the promotion of Honey trip, but his wife bagged both a bear SIDEW ALKS G E T TIN G to those who lost all their posses­ Leavitt of Vale, secretary-treasurer; Virginia Pettre, marshall; Thelma ona Orange meeting on October 24 Dew melons for this section. and also a nice buck. Bernard Frost Rena Mansur of Vale, marshall; Root, conductor Eva Lynch, chap- This concern operates over a wide R E PA IR TH IS WEEK sions when forest fires destroyed the at Boulevard grange hall. The public was also sucessful in getting his entire town of Bandon. Daisy Johnson of Vale, conductor; lain; Margaret Toombs, guardian; meeting will begin at 8 o ’clock and territory handling many different deer. Evtella Weed of Portland, R.8. chair­ and Margie Howell, musician. The each candidate will be Invited to kinds of vegetables, but are convin­ Sidewalks on the main business Doug Benton and Oca Blaylock BOARD TO MEET man; Harriet Sears of Ontario, L. S. club will hold meetings twice a speak. Everyone is invited to attend. ced that climatic and soil conditions returned this week with their deer. district are getting a repair Job this chairman; Elizabeth Carey of Vale, month. The business meeting ln the here are ideal for the production of A party made up of Art Servo6s, week, the work being done by the An advisory board meeting o f the R S. vice chairman; Jessie Moore of Wendell Pogue, Bill Lowe, Berwyn city. Several good sized breaks have county Townsend clubs has been an- morning and the afternoon session a high quality melon. Some 200 acres Ontario, L. S. vice chairman; TOWNSEND CLUB TO have already been signed in the Nys­ and Ronald Burke combed the hills been repaired and put in good shape | nounced for October 19th; the meet- i wU11)6 open on5 grangers. MEET TUESDAY EVENING Frankie Russell of Ontario, inside sa district, and an equal if not larg­ above Unity Sunday without results, again. j ig to be held In Ontario. er acreage is being signed on the guardian; Angie Cook o f Nyssa, out­ LEG IO N A U X IL IA R Y M AKE The regular meeting of the Town- side guardian; Emma Duncan of Idaho side. PLANS FOR AN N U AL CARD Nyssa, chaplain and Mrs. Pogue of ! send Club will be held next Tuesday The company specifies the seed to P A R T Y TO BE HELD OCT. 29 Nyssa. musician. evening, and arrangements are being be planted and at harvest time The address of welcome was given ' made to get Orin Currie of Juntura handles the packing end of the deal. Elaborate plans are being made The melons are put up ln a fancy by C'Ceal Boswell of Vale and a fit­ to speak that evening. Mr. Currie is for the Legion Auxiliary Halloween pack, and ln a condition to top the ting response given by Jessie Moore the democratic candidate for state card party to be held Thursday markets o f the great cities of the of Ontario. Reports from the various representntatlve. evening, October 29th. The ladles United States Mr. Becker states lodges were then heard and mem­ promise an entertaining evening, * * * * * * * * that about a car an acre can be ex­ orial services were beautifully given LOCAL G IR L LEAVES with a bountiful lunch thrown ln FOR BIBLE SCHOOL by the Vale lodge. The Angus steer owned by Wm. placed third in the county exhibit, the Exchange building, which was for good measure. The public is in­ pected. if the crop is handled right; Different parts o f the ritual work Peutz, Jr„ 4-H club boy, and which which Includes the 5 best steers ln fitted up to care for from 150 to 200 vited to the affair, which is held an­ and that past history has shown Miss Waneta Graves left Wed- won 5th place at the Pacific Inter- each county. Steers ln this exhibit was exemplified during the after­ 4-H members. Judging of stock was nually at Halloween time. H ie a f­ very favorable returns to growers. The Frank Jill company have noon session. The contest o f unwrit­ nesday morning by stage for San naUonal g bow at Portland, was one were entered by Alvin Duvall, Wm. the principal feature of Monday, fair is to be held in the Eagles hall. at the sale. Young j Peutz, Jr„ Morris Godwin, Leonard with some 300 head of 4-H stock handled the Fruitland FYult Asso­ ten work by Noble Grands was won Francisco, where she will attend the ^ tbe Glad Tidings Bible school. ciation prune crop for the past few by the Ontario lodge. Peutz' steer brought 15(4 cents a Nichols and Dick Yundt. Leonard being passed on by the Judges. Mon­ Mrs. Ralph Beulter and baby arrangements have Entertainment was furnished by 840 pounds.' Nichols also won third place in fit­ day evening was the 4-H club ban­ daughter came this week from seasons, and w „ _____ pound, and weighed the various lodges, with Nyssa put' ---------- -------------------------- M r and M a A. / • . ^ . 5dV|d^ °T *iT h e animals to top this price were ting and showmanshp. A total of 111 quet in Penney hall, followed by the Salem to visit with her parents, Mr. been made to distribute the seed ting on a song and drill of the Old *° Dayville, Oregon last Saturday to ^ ?rand champion, which brought head of beef steers were ln the 4-H entire group occupying reserved from the Fruitland Fruit Associa­ and Mrs. Al Thompson. ____ _ __ ___ - ( » 4 A n v, «J a ,1 i n t t m n n t in r r n f t nh ° Spinning Wheel. A solo by N e llie ' attend a district meeting of the 30(4 cents a pound and the reserve competion. tion. M r Evans is manager, and any seats at the Horse 8how and Rodeo. further information can be secured Lawrence of the Vale lodge was ! Townsend Clubs. champion, which sold for 18 cents a Judging of the county exhibit was Report Good Time by seeing or writing Mr. Evans at given and Nellie Carrol of Vale gave pound. Alvin Duvall's prize winning held Tuesday morning, and another A splendid time was reported by banquet was the entertainment that Fruitland. M r Becker stated. a pleasing reading. Shorthorn brought 11c over the Election o f officers was held and block. The steer was purchased by the boys, their parents and chap­ evening. The feed was put on by C O U N TY BUDGEST TO G ET installed for the next annual con­ an Ontario meat market and is to be erons, with something doing all the Meier and Franks, followed by a Hunters make life miserable for vention, which is to be held In On­ A T T E N IO N OCTOBER 19th placed on display, along with the time. The party left Thursday, Oct­ show at the Broadway theatre. The tario. E ffie Davis of Ontario was (Please phone Journal to have your ribbons won ln competion with the ober 1 for the show, and Included sale of fat stock was held Wednes­ Chinese pheasants . . . Wayne Brand Wm. Peutz, Merle Kurtz, Wm. Peutz day, followed that evening with an­ proves himself as a bird hunter . . . elected chairman Esther Laurence date ln this column) The county budget committee Is best 4-H steers in the northwest. Jr., Lester Panieke, Alvin Duvall, other banquet and tickets to the Weed fire back of Dr. Sarazlns to meet next Monday, October 19th Oct.19—City Budget meeting. of Nyssa. vice-chairman; Winnie A total of 18 head of beef steers Olen Downs. County Club Agent E. October 20—Wildlife Club meet­ Paramount Theatre. Although reluc­ Thursday didn't last long after fire ^ draw up the budget for the corn- Davis of Ontario, marshall; Slna county appomt- were sent from Malheur county to ’ M. Hauser, C. P. Yondt, Tom God- tant to leave when they were having boys arrived . . . Every candidate lng ypar C' nnor o f Ontario, conductor; ing. Tengen N y ssa ; Dan Oal- Oct. 21 —Bandon fire dance. the Portland show, and out of the win, Morris Godwin and Raymond such a fine time, the party left for you see these days is sure he's going |ted Angie Cook, Nyssa, L. 8. chairman; October 23—Nyssa vs. Welser there ^ Rjytn Duvall, captured 1st and Morfitt. Three boys left earlier with home Thursday morning, with the to win November 3rd. . . Oca H a y * U g h « of j untura and W H Laxon Ruby Robertson o f Nyssa, R. 8. Oct. 24— Potnana Orange meets. cbamplon shorthorn; Wm. Puetz J r . ! the cattle, Including Leonard Nich- exeptian o f the three boys who were lock tears up the night with gasoline o f Ontario to serve on the budget 'ice president: Merle Johnson of October 29—Legion Auxiliary pub- worl m the Angus class; Morris Lawrence Peutz and Dick caring for the feeding of the stock. bicycle . . . City candidates should coounittee with the county court, Nyssa, L 8. vice chairman; Mae The meeting will be held In the They remained until Saturday, when be announcing their platforms most Oodwin 7th and Alvin Duvall 19th , Yundt. P'-arson o f Nyssa, inside guardian; 11c card party. November 3—General Election. court house, starting a 10 o'clcok ln in competion among 18 head of An- | Arriving In Portland that evening the steers were weighed and deliver­ any day now. Minnie Fegtly of Vale, outside the morning. gus on exhibit. Malheur county also the party were assigned rooms ln ed to their purchasers. (Continued on last page) Lady Member Interest Keen In Melon Deal Rebekahs Hold Dist. Convention Wm. Peutz Angus Steer Brings One of The Top Prices For 4-H Baby Beef •■■aiasasiasans» EVENT CALENDAR ’ROUND TOWN