Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1936)
CALS THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1936. Mr. and Mrs Albert E. Wade of Service Examiners, Bureau of Rec Mrs. Roy James came down from Boise Monday to be with her grand Lewiston lutve been visiting tiie past lamation, Ontario, Oregon, not later week with friends and relatives of than October 21, 1936. mother Mrs. Mary Felton. this community. They have been Full information may be obtained Mr and Mrs. Wendell Pogue and guests in the home of Mrs. Wade's from the Secretary, Board of U. S | sons were week end guests in i sister, Mrs. H. R Otis in the Kol- Civil Service Examiners, Bureau of Boise at the Ed White home. ony. The Wades are former Kolony j Reclamation, this city, or the Man ager, Uth U. S. Civil Service District Mr. and Mrs Geo. Wlsner of Pay residents. 450 Federal Office Building, Seattle ette spent Sunday at the H. Blair Wash. Johnson home. 4-H CLUB WINNERS ENJOY BIG SHOW Buddy Armstrong of Wilder spent Mrs. Thos. B. Nordale spent Friday and Saturday in Boise She was a Sunday with his cousin, Jack Mc Ida Smit of Apple Valley and Vel MALHEUR COUNY SCHOOL Kee. guest at the Idanha. ma Hackathorn of Arena Valley CHILDREN GIVEN TESTS The Pacific Livestock Show in have gone to Lewiston to attend Portland during 1936 will long be a FOR T.B. REACTION Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Dean Johnston and Normal School. vivid memory to Doris Kingback and spent the week end in Boise with Mrs. Sid Burbidge were Boise visit Sid Burbidge has been fighting a Fred DeBoer who this week were in The tuberculin skin test was given ors Monday. friends. mild case of the flu and has been Portland to attend the Pacific In to the children of three school dis The Chas. Garrisons spent Sun The Ted Nelson family were din out of the meat market for the past ternational as guests of The First tricts in Malheur County near day with their son Ray Garrison ner guests Sunday at the Corbett two days. « 1 « National Bank of Portland, because Weiser September 30th and the tests they both lead all Malheur county home on the Owyhee bench. and wife at Jamieson. Mrs. Herschel Thompson spent a boys and girls in 4-H Club leader were read October 2. Annex, Jef Mis. Don Graham who has been few days in Emmett this week visit ship and achievement. The bank ferson and Porter’s Flat were the The Ernest McCure family were quite ill was able to be out this ing with her parents Mr. and Mrs. awarded 42 free trips, with hotel districts and the tests were given in visitors in Caldwell and Boise over week. H. B. Earp. accomodations, transportation, ex the Annex school by Dr. W. J the week end. penses and a great variety of en Weese. Out of the school population Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Anderson and Mrs. Russell Vinsonhaler and Mrs. | Mr and Mrs. Chas. Thomspon of tertainment, to one boy and one girl of the three schools which is 91 Chas Paradis spent Tuesday in ’ Emmett were visiting relatives in children were luncheon guests of from 21 Oregon county 4-H Club grade pupils, 88 took the test, of Mr and Mrs. George Haycock on Caldwell. Nyssa last Thursday afternoon. groups, deciding Che winners by these 88 there were no positive re Sunday. The Andersons live on a totaling their points of leadership actors. Of the three High School Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pilkenton and The W. F. Flndling family were ranch near Mitchell Butte. and achievement as shown on their children that took the test at the small son of Emmett were guests at dinner guests Sunday at the tiome same time 1 reacted positive. Eight Mrs. Russell Vinsonhaler and 4-H Club charts. the W. B. Hoxie home last Sunday. of Mrs. Findllng's sister. Mi's. C. C. preschool children took the test and baby son returned home Sunday Arriving in Portland Monday, McVickers and family in Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boydell, Mrs. from Midvale where they have spent these 4-H Club representatives were there were no positive reactors. Art Norcott, Mrs. Ed. Norcott and j Mr and Mrs. Wesley Browne and several weeks at the home of Mrs. greeted by Grant Hemphill and Fourteen adults took it and 8 or 57 Mrs. Artie Robertson were visitors Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin of On- Vlnsonhalers parents. Miss Bertha Singer, First National per cent plus reacted positive. Of in Boise Friday. I taio left Tuesday for a deer hunting Bank employees Who are special the eight that reacted. 4 were mark Mrs. W. M. Hart and small son of chaperones for the group during ed as having 1 plus reaction and < trip. They planned to hunt in the Mr. and Mrs. Neil Jackson arrived Prairie City country. Ogden, Utah, Is here to spend a I their stay in Portland. A visit to the were advised to repeat the test with here Sunday from Portland. Mr. in a few months and the other four couple of weeks at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Powell spent and Mrs. Malcolmn Crawford. Mrs. | Pacific International Livestock Ex reacted more than plus and were Jackson is employed on constuction position was first event of Monday's work here. For the present they are the week end here, comming from Hart Is a sister of Mrs. Crawford. entertaiment, followed by atten advised to have chest X-Rays or to staying at the parental W. C. Jack- their mine near Prairie City. They dance at the 4-H Club Banquet held see their phyisician for advice. The son home. They are building a new were preesnt to help Mr. Powell's Mrs. P. J. Walsh and her sister in Penney Hall on the Exposition tests were interpreted by Dr. E. F. small home near the Ronald Burke mother Mrs. Fred Powell, celebrate Miss Opal Brooks left Tuesday grounds. The remainder of the Johsnon of Ontario. One hundred morning for San Diego after s(lend residence. I her 80th birthday on Saturday. thirteen tests were given and read. ing over two weeks with their mother evening the bank’s 4-H Club guests participated in the Boys’ and Mrs. Ruth Brooks. Girls’ 4-H Livestock parade in the Mr. and Mrs Andew Boersma and Exposition arena and attended the family. Mr. Denny Moore and Mr. horse show. S. E Flanagan were Sunday dinner Entertainment during their visit (Continued from page 1) guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Lester included: a tour of the head office Goulet of the Adrian Bench of The First National Bank of Port domain has insufficient carrying land early Tuesday morning, visits Mr. and Mrs. Owen Stoffle were to the Exposition, sight-seeng tours capacity for the duration of the 7 dinner guests here at the home of of Portland, a banquet with First Mrs. Stoffle's sister Mrs. Chas Par National Bank officers as hosts on ^ - © adis Monday, when en route to their Tuesday evening and an evening at © 0 = « ir“''* i=* — * — home near Caldwell after a visit one of Portland’s finest theatres. with relatives at Midvale. Following a farewell luncheon on Mr. and Mrs. Barr Doolittle, son Wednesday Doris Klingback and George; Jack Doolittle and Mrs. El Fred DeBoer left Portland for their mer Cloninger left today for Port return trip. land The Doolittle will visit Miss Verda Doolittle and will attend the FROST YOUNGSTER RUN OVER BY CAR SATURDAY Oallfomia-Oregon State football game. Little “Bunky" Frost, small son of Opposite Post Office Rev. Floyd White accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost, had a Mr. and Mrs A. V. Pruyn of Nyssa narrow escapte Satunday momJng Ontario, Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. George Bridwell when the Frost car passed over him. of Vale went to Ironside Monday He was playing in front of the car Packing and Shipping from WHAT HAS THE SUMMER evening where Rev. White addressed and Bernard did not see him as he Boyer Warehouse, Ontario a crowd at the school house on the drove away. It is thought likely he WEATHER DONE TO Townsend plan. About 45 were pres received a good blow from the fro n t! YOUR HAIR? ent. axle as he was unconscious when A Hot Oil Shampoo Will help Mr and Mrs. Luther Fife and his parents picked him up. lie was 1 Restore its Natural Beauty. rushed to the Ontario hospital, but small daughter Betty left Saturday morning for Salt Lake City where aside for bruises and a few cuts, Call or come In and make an they will attend the general confer seems none the worst for his exper appointment now. ence of the L. D. S. church at the ience. tabernacle. These conferences are Permanent Waving and All held twice a year and are attended Lines of Beauty Work at by church people from all the states. Reasonable Priees Chas. Paradis, district commander The United States Civil Service of the American Legion, left here " 0 - Tuesday morning and after attend Commission announces an examin ation for Ditchrider (with auto ing to business connected with the reemployment bureau along the way mobile) for filling vacancies on the will be In Portland Sunday to attend j Owyhee Project, near Nyssa, or On an executive meeting of the Legion. tario, Oregon, in the Bureau of R e B EA U TY SHOP New crop While there he will attend the clamation. Phone 55F3 Applications must be on file with 4 pounds Califomla-Oregon State football the Secretary, Board of U. S. Civil game on Saturday. months, the protestants believe that 1 public domain be remained undis Instead of a reduction of livestock turbed at least until a competent that the cut should be made in the | range study and survey has been completed. Another resolution said length of the grazing period . . The meeting of business and pro | "That the welfare of the range and fessional men, farmers, laborers, and ¡range livestock in Malheur county livestock men passed several resolu 'requires the immediate development tions .including one asking that the of waterholes, especially along ail present number of livestock on the I livestock trails and driveways.’’ Stop That Cold Before It Stops You Use . . . ALKA SELTZER CITROCARBONATE COD LIVER OIL And . .. Other Vitamin Products ANTISEPTIC GARGLES STOCK YOUR MEDICINE CHEST NOW WITH WINTER REMEDIES PROTEST AGAINST REDUCING STOCK Cash Paid Nyssa Pharmacy Nyssa, Oregon For Produce Grocery Specials Start Shipping Lettuce As Soon A s Available For Friday, Saturday and Monday WHITE RIVER PACKING CO. Canned Vegetable Special See Us Before You Sell Specials JOBS OPEN FOR DITCH RIDERS Specials for Friday and Saturday, October 9, 10 Raisins 27c 2i/j, Gold Bar Peaches 2 Apricots 2i/2, Gold Bar 2 cans for 39c cans for 39c 2i/„ Gold Bar Plums Deluxe, 2cans for r* _ 29c Shm-fine, 1 lb. bags ground fresh V ^ o r te e 25c Catsup Shurfine, large bottle, 2 for Oysters Blue Plate, 5 oz. cans, 2 for Blue Plate 2 cans for Shrimp Fosters, 5 lb. can New crop. Honey Rinso LuX Large package Large size pkg. Life Bouy 1 Ilk/ LUX Jbara Soa|’' soau 3 bars T o i,e t 29c ¡ m íí 27c 45c H¡ CALDWELL’S are prepared to serve your needs with one of the largest assortments of quality merchandise ever assembled in Nyssa. We invite you to compare values in our store. UNDERW EAR We have a winter-weight garment of cotton, selling for ONLY 89c R a y o n a n d C o tto n 10%f W o o l 20% W ool F le e c e lin e d c o tto n 25% Wool 23c 23c 19c 19c A Dependable Food Store OREGON wsm m Fall Merchandise Has Arrived 25c W ilson G rocery NYSSA THE VOGUE BLANKETS $1.00 $1.25 $1.45 $1.45 H E A V Y S H IR T S Mens winter shirts, in a big selec tion. We invite you to inspect these. Heavy Cotton ................ ... 89c Pendleton Woolen .................$3.95 G IR L S S W E A T E R S Colorful designs and dozens to choose from . . . slip-overs, button and zipper styles. Prices start at 89c All Wool and Cotton Prices Start At 89c DRESS G O O D S Personality Frocks Sparkle Crepe, Yd..................... 49c Heavy yard wide, Outing Flannel, Yd................15c Colorful Yard wide Print Goods, vat dyed................15c Better grade Prints................... 19c Big Selection at the low price of ONLY $1.95 WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF SHOES AT PRICES THAT ARE ROCK BOTTOM! C A L D W E L L S ST O R E - - - Nyssa Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Hominy, Beans, Kraut, etc. Spaghetti 6 Cans 49C Brooms SpeciaLit** 33c Vegetable Soup Hack A good soap L sa a n powder. 5 lbs. 25C Baking Powder J .. Candy 39c size 21c Fancy Mixed ibs. 35c 2 Mince Meat 25c 32oz-Jar Pure Preserves u gallon 65c L * o lT e e Hills Blue Can pOUnd 23c Purex Quarts 13c 1 3u Over M E A T Hamburger Sausage DEPARTM ENT 2 Pound3 I 25c 2 Pounds 35c Veal Stew Pound 10c Beef Stew Pound 12c Picnic Hams 21c Pound Lunch Meats p S ed Swiss Steak 21c Pound WE DELIVER 20c PHONE 3 H A L V E R S O N ’S PU RE F O O D ST O R E NYSSA : : : : OREGON