Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1936, K IN G M A N KOLONY steward: Mr. Kaylor, treasurer, Mr. Peterson, advisory board, with Wal ter Simmons, and Mr. Rogers as The Kingman Kolony Orange helpers. The next meeting of the held their regular meeting on Mon- Orange will be held on Monday day evening at which time several j evening, October 19th. new members joined. The rest of the Floyd Elliot motored to Boise new officers were elected. A very In the Fairview Service Station. beautiful Installation was conducted Saturday where he will be employed by Mr. Wicklander, state deputy, Bill Hamson has sold his farm Mr. Wiekal, county deputy, Mrs. M. livestock and equipment to a family M Greellng, Mrs. Sears and Dr f rom Wyoming. The Hamson's have Ware. The new officers are: C. E. rented the C. C. Cotton tenant house Elliott, master: D O. Anderson, and will reside there for the pres overseer: Wade Nichols, secretary; ent. Mrs. Schafer, lecturer; Mrs. Peter Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin and son, chaplain; Mrs. Truelson, Pom Miss Mae Beaumont are visiting In ona: Mrs. Curtis, Ceres; Mrs. Zesig- I Genesee, Idaho this week. er. Flora; Mr. Curtis, steward; Mrs. Elliott assistant steward; Lester I The Goulet's recently motored to Schafer, gate keeper; Oscar Schafer Yakima for a visit with relatives. | They brought back a tractor for Mr. Broulet. The M. L. Judd’s made a trip to Fruitland bringing back a load of ! 5 year old maple trees which they are planting on their new home on I the bench. The regular meeting of the PTA —and— will be held at Kingman on Friday afternoon. Acetylene Welding Several from here attended the —at— meeting of the state PTA in Parma on last Friday. SW AR M & SONS Mrs. Mary NichoL, and Mrs. Lily ■Formerly Pete Dear Wreck Bach motored with friends from ing Business, now located one Caldwell to Portland Wednesday. block west, near high school. They will visit their sister Mrs. Polland while there. j USEO PARTS KflLSOMINC * O i, i For a smooth, velvet- like finish. Wideiange o f modern pastel col ors. Economical. Easy to apply. A beautiful new wall finish at a few cen ts per room . ¥ u , Baldridge Implement Co. NYSSA OREGON NOW!! - 0 Good Re-conditioned Used Cars for LESS! 1930 CHEVROLET COUPE ........ .... .... $195 ............... $175 1929 CHEVROLET COACH Hand-To-Hand Fight FOR SALE—One fresh milk goat. Mrs. Frank Morgan and Mrs. J. | price $7.00 at W. F. Pomperian. 1 J. Sarazin will be hostess to the mile north, t4 miles west of Apple Episcopal Guild next Wednesday ¡Valley School. Up | _______________________________________ afternoon at the Parish hall. This j FOR SALE—A purebred Holstein will be a business and social meeting Here’s a story which hasn't been and all members and friends are | bull, coming two year old, price $50.00. George R. L. Smit. 2 Mi miles told yet, although It happened sev urged to come. |SE Nyssa bridge, ltc eral days ago. It seems Clyde Long FOR SALE—Four-wheel trailer. has been trapping for beavers as Herb Fisher, ltp. part of his work connected with the MISCELLANEOUS biological survey, and often keeps some of the beavers at his place NOTICE—I want to do your plow before being transferred to their work; nothing but first class work new homes. or your money refunded. One trial The other day cne of the largest will convince you. Second to none of his beavers got away and hid in when it comes to plow work and the ditch back of Dr. Norcott’s general blacksmithing G. E. Snod home. Clyde called on Doc, and the grass, Larsen and Towne shop. 8- two managed to get a piece of 61tfc. FOR RENT chicken netting and used It for a seine; and actually did bring the 80 Acres FOR LEASE—Southwest of WELDING—Don't throw your brok beaver out of his hiding place. When Nyssa, 40 acres cleared. Will give en parts away, bring them to us they got him up on bank the action all crops for two or three years to and we will weld them as good as started. He fought like a caged right parties for some work and new—save money at Pruyn Garage, tiger, and finally managed to water assessment. Address Box 85 tfc. break away, scampering off as fast Nyssa. 9-24-5tp as his short legs would carry him. HAULING—All kinds, Oregon and WANTED But you can’t get away from a Idaho License. Hugh Glasgow doctor by running. Doc grabbed him Phone 36-F3. Jan 16tf. by the tall and as the beaver turn WANTED—Two plow lays to forge and sharpen Monday, October SHARPENING— Scissors machine ed to bite him, he got a toe hold, sharpened; saws sharpened and hammer-lock and half-nelson on the 12th. First come, first served; no poor little prisoner and held him charges. First class work. G. E. gummed; tools of all kinds shar Snodgrass at Larsen & Towne pened; kalsomlning and plastering. until Clyde could bring re-enforce Andrew McGinnis. Augl3 tfc ment . . . and that’s how Doc got Blacksmith Shop. ltp. his title, “Bring 'em Back Alive FOR SALE Norcott!” — — FOR SALE—White Leghorn and i— ..... -■ ■■ 1 Rhode Island Red pullets. Nar- Plenty of rangansettet and Bronze turkeys. Would make excellent breeding stock. Bettie Forbo PhO"o 78F3. D4 miles nothwest of Nyssa. O l, 3tc. Word has been received from Gilt- ner, Neb, that Mr. and Mrs. Marlon FOR SALE -Two brood sc vs, 20 pigs, 2 sows: 1 mile east of Owy Chard are the parents of a baby For girl bom September 23rd. Mrs. hee Schoolhouss and *4 north. J. B. Chard is at the home of her mother Coulter. 10-8-2tp October Parties Mrs. W. R. Mettlen. FOR SALE!—A good Hawthorne bi Miss Mable Hearron and Miss An — At— cycle, new rubber and coaster nie Holmes visited at the J. E Hear brake Ira F. Cunningham, ltc. ron home near Vale last Tuesday afternoon. FOR SALE or Mr. and Mrs. Jake A tor have moved to Klamath Falls where Mr. pig.s Ira F. Cunningham, ltc Ator plans to work in the potatoes. FOR SALE—For all kinds of lots Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes and and land. See R. J. Davis, N' Mrs F S Byers made a business trip ltpd. to Boise Wednesday. SALE—Four heating stoves, Wm. DeGrofft and Ray Ceaven FOR one wood and three coal. First are driving new Chevrolet^. house west of Journal, ltp. »-.... > - — ...... Miss Katherine Brown and Miss Mable Hearron were over night guests Saturday of Miss Annie Holmes. Mrs. L. D. Whitehead, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Whitehead and daugh ter of Pavilliou, Wyo, are visiting at the J E. Bowen home. Mrs. L. O. Whitehead is the mother of Mr Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs R W Holmes and family, and the F. S. Byers family were camping above Unity from Friday until Monday. The men hunted but weren’t lucky. Marion Chard returned from a trip to Kansas and Nebraska. He brought back a load of household goods and hogs. j “ Bring’em Back Alive” | Oregon Trail Let us insure your hay, avoid all risk. This is the hazardous season for farm risks. When better insurance is to be had W e W ill Have It. Frank T. Morgan Nyssa, Oregon PORT TOKAY SHERRY ANGELICA MUSCATEL WHITE PORT H a llo w e ’en 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1931 1931 1934 1931 1930 Chevrolet Coach Chevrolet Coupe Ford Tudor Ford Tudor Marquette 1933 1929 1935 1930 1930 Chevrolet Sedan Chevrolet Coach V-8 Pickup Nash Sedan Dodge Sedan 1930 Chevrolet Master Sedan 5 0 * GALLONS Vermouth Fr«noh or Italian Type Alcohol 20 % 80 « Bottle by volume Selected grapes from the nine leading grape producing counties of Califor nia, are carefully crushed, fermented and bottled. Then ROMA offers them to you under this label. N e w s and Features Galore Tim ely-Authoritative C o m p lete Buck Jones in RIDE’EM C O W B O Y 2nd Feature SA V E UP TO *150 W m . Gargan and Subscription will start when desired, and present Claire Dodd in subscription may be extended one year “NAVY BORN” SUN-MON-TUE. October 11-13 “W H ITE FANG” # Once a year The Oregonian makes a special bargain sub scription rate to mail subscrib ers in O re g o n , W ashington and Idaho, during one month only. The time is now here— throughout October, subscrib ers who order delivery by mail may save up to $1.50 annually y . and Jean Muir This offer is m ade Just once a year. October 31st is the last d a y ! SUBSCRIBE N O W I 14-15 Regular Bargain Ratea Ratea Savin gì Gene Raymond and (by mail) Dally Oregonian Dally and Sunday Sunday Oregonian W idely read features include: A wrir»photo page The editorial page The sports section The women's page The radio page The (heater page Oregonian comics The market page And on Sunday A complete editorial lection A now magazine, la two eoctlooe The Farm. Home 4 Garden magazine 10 iarorlte cornice (la color) —pine a0 the daily teaturee ■M LOOK AT THESE SA V IN CS WED-THURS. With the largest news-gathering a gg rega tion of a n y Portland new spaper, backed up b y the com plete world w ide facilities of the Associated Press, the C hicago Tribune Leased W ire and the North American News paper Alliance, The Oregonian consistently publishes important local, national and In ternational new s first— accurately, authori tatively, and without bias. by ordering any time during this 30-day p erio d . Delivery will commence when desired, and if you are a lr e a d y a subscriber, renewals will be extended a full twelve months from expiration date. with Micheál Whalen October ONTARIO • ROM A Purchaser's permit not required. ONTARIO, ORE. to “ Call of the W ild” Cables Chevrolet Co. PRICES RO M A WINE CO. Ine.# L o d i, C a liio in ia r Jack London’s Sequel Our Used Car Prices are right down to bed rock in price now, and it is to your adantage to buy now before prices rise. Call in at our garage, drop us a card or see one of our rep resentatives about the car you want. ACT TODAY! NEW LOW QUARTS FRI.-SAT., Oct. 9, 10 W E H AVE M ANY CARS FOR YO U TO CHOOSE FROM . . . ALL RE CONDITIONED BY EXPERT W ORKM EN AND THE LATEST TYPE MACHINERY. HERE ARE SOME TYP ICAL USED CARS ON OUR LOT. Phone 31 ROXY " Program *\____________ 1930 PONTIAC C O U P E ................. ...............$231 Reliable Hay and Grain Insurance JOHNS« IN VARIET Y 1928 CHEVROLET C O U P E .......... ............... $ 85 1931 FORD 2-Door S E D A N ............. ..............$220 LOW EST RATES ON N o v e ltie s THEATRE ....... Say to your merchant, “ I $aw your ad in The Journal.” Buy from advertisers, it pays! f } With Beaver Won By $115 1928 CHEVROLET COACH EPISCOPAL GUILD TO MEET [ f o r SALE -125 Barred Rock pul- lets, now laying. One mile west of NEXT WEDNESDAY AT HALL Nyssa. A. M. Hlghsmlth Up $ 6.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.00 (by mail) $ 5.00 $8.50 $ 4.50 $ 1.00 $ 1.50 $ .50 OREGONIAN Æ * * P O R T L A N D • O R E G O N Ann Southern in PHONE 62 mmmmmmmmwmmwwÆmmmmÆmmim W A L K IN G ON AIR THIS OFFER NOT COOD AFTER NOVEMBER 1st, 1936