Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1936)
OCTOBER 8, 1936. The Gate City Journal BERWYN Bl'KKE . . . . . . Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN PO LITIC S AND RELIOION. O P T IM IS T IC IN D ISPO SITIO N —W IT H NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OF M ALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVERTISING RATES One Year ....................... *150 Six Months ....................... 75 Single Copies .05 (Strictly In Advance) Open rate, per inch......... 30c National. Per Inch ... - ..... 30c Local, Contract .......... — 25c Classllieds, Per word ......01c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoiflce at Nyssa, Oregon lor transmission through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. NEXT TO DEA P H ; A FIRE— you stand by and watch your life sav W HEN ings and possessions go up in flames, you are enduring life’s worst heartache— save the loss of a loved one. The nation’s heart goes out to the 1500 residents of Bandon, Oregon, who saw all they owned go up in smoke. Fire annually destroys, besides millions in property, more fish and game than all the hunt ers and fishermen bring home. This week is Fire Prevention week and the nation is reminded that fire can he both a friend and a fiend. Each ore of us can fight carelessness with fire, for the next worst thing to death is fire on the rampage. Most fires ^an be prevented, and most fires which have started can be stopped if prompt action is taken. A strong fire department is almost as necessary to a city as a good doctor. One saves homes, the other lives. Necessarily in the smaller cities, much of the work of the fire department must be volunteer labor. Citizens should consider this a civic duty where shirkers are unpopular, and an efficient fire depatment is something a city may view with pride. Nyssa is proud of it’s fire department and it’s work. As the city grows, we trust those charged with af fairs will see that the department grows in size and efficiency to keep pace with Nyssa. ------------------+ ----------------- CAUCUS TO PICK C IT Y CANDIDATES NEXT TU E SD A Y— T IME for election is rapidly drawing close to the zero hour, and the first guns in the city election will he fired next Tuesday at the city caucus, called by the council. It is time for all citizens in Nyssa to be thinking of who they want for candidates at this coming election, and be present Tuesday at the caucus. DUST DRAW S W R A TH OF L O C A L T A X P A Y E R S — T HE past few years has seen a wholesale mi- gatron of people from the mid-west to escape the so-called “ dust howl.” Dust flying in huge clouds made it unbearable to live, and crops unprofitable. However many of these people should feel right at home when they come to Nyssa. Not that we have a windy country; but for some reason we have a super-abundance of dust and dirt on our streets and sidewalks. Nor can we charge this to the city fathers or those entrusted with the care of our streets. In order to keep the dust o ff the streets and out of the merchant’s stock of goods, it is neces sary to sprinkle, and sprinkle liberally. To do this it takes money, and the budget does not pro vide for any great amount o f sprinkling. Complaints have come to our notice from all sides; from business men and housewives, and in drawing up the budget for the coming year, it might be well to take this dust problem into con sideration. A clean, well-kept town is a big asset ar.d it :s tir*.? rt. rr were taken in that direction. H A P P Y DAYS ARE HERE A G A IN — thankful we are living in one of nature’s favored spots, with rich soil, plenty of water and every thing in our favor. While the farmers of the irri gated west are prospering this year, the exact opposite is true in the wind-swept, parched middle-west. One section prospers at another’s misfortune. The millennium will have been reached when we get good prices every year for all we can raise. fSlippy, Udith Douglas. Dale Glenn and a cousin ol Nadine and Leslie Crocker. Mrs. Hugh Glenn who is conval escing from typhoid fever at her mothers, Mrs. Anna Larsen is some what improved. She has been bed ridden since July 4th. Mrs. Anna Larsen gave her daugh ter, Violet Rice and daughter in By John E. Public law, Mrs. Myrtle Larsen a birthday supper last Sunday evening. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Don _ . _ .___, ___ . . . Morgan, Albert Larson and son Les- Some day we may travel on high- “ ... ... . . . , ,, . . . . . ter. Orville Miles, Mr. and Mis. ways illuminated to day-light bnl- : ,, , . , .____ Hugh Glenn and sons Dale and Biliy liance. The Oregon state highway ® ; , . , , Bob Rice, Mr. and Mrs Grover commission has made plans for a , ’ . _ „ , three-mile test installation between D<~ ' llNf™ and 000 Dou« lftd the city of Portland and the suburb ■ au‘ 11 Ug . .. . o f Milwaukee. This highway is a “ r, and J ‘ tour-lane concrete highway of on Mrs Hugh G * nn Monday' Mrs Anna Larsen is planning on a the very latest type. Cost of In trip to central Oregon, with her stallation is about $4,000 per mile main stop being at Redmond where and maintenance and service comes to an additional *650 annually. Due h" daughter Mrs Ccttengim lives and Gateway where her sister Mrs. to the high cost, only those roads Vibbett and many of her old friends where the traffic is congested and and neighbors live. She plans on be road revenues high can justify in ing gone over the Thanksgiving holi stallation at present costs. days, making the ti ip with her son Albert and family. * * ■*> Dr. Earazin made a call on Mrs. A similar test installation was Hugh Glenn last Saturday night. made by Washington on the Pacific Mr. and Mrs Ellis Walters called highway for a distance of 2.9 miles on the Douglas home Tuesday night. south of Tacoma. As a result, en Mr. Welters, Mr. Douglas, Mr. Slip gineers declare that the lighting of py and son Gerald are planning a this stretch has been responsible for hunting trip this coming w'eek end the elimination of many accidents. Mrs. Russell Patton has been quite ill the past week but is feeling bet + Hh Hh ter at present. There is another problem in high Bruce English and Donald Fox left way safety much closer to home. Thursday morning to hunt deer We refer to the bicycle riders, and above Unity, there are a great many of them. No I Mr. and Mrs. William Schweizer boy or girl should be denied the 1 and Russell Patton nade a business pleasure and convenience of a bi- ■ trip to Vale on Monday, cycle, but how to best handle the ; Grandma Bradley is visiting at problem is a question. We have Unity with her neice, Mrs. George seen riders cut directly in front of Smith. approaching motor cars; and only Mr. and Mrs. William Schweizer the good brakes of the car prevent entertained the Owyhee Contract ed a serious accident. We have seen Club Saturday night. Mrs. John Low riders come within a fraction of run and Neil Dimmick won high score ning down pedestrians. We hope we while Mrs. Oce Schweizer and Klaas never see a serious acident, but it Stam won the consolation prizes. may come any day now. Mrs. Ellis Walters and Mrs. Oce Schweizer will entertain the Owy ■S' 4* hee Community Club at Mrs. Sch There is probably only one way weizers home Thursday afternoon ot handle the problem, and the re October 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Koons and sponsibility rests with the riders. I f they will keep strictly to their own Clayton Patton motored to the Owy side of the road and observe all the I hee dam on Sunday, rules of traffic, it would help a i Mrs. William Orr entertained the great deal. Under no consideration Pleasant Hour Club Friday after- should bicycles be allowed in the noon. It was decided to meet every streets in the business part of town 2nd and 4th Thursdays during the There shoud be no objection to using I winter months. The next meeting the sidewalks around town, but » ril1 be on October 22 at Mrs. John when approaching or passing pedes- Strickland's home, trlans they should slow up and give ' Miss Emelie Corfield has return the pedestrian the rlght-of way. We i pd home after visiting relatives in hope the riders take heed before we Portland the past two months. Mr. and Mrs. Olif Fillingness and have a serious accident . . . for then family have gone to Idaho Falls it woud be too late. where the men plan to work in the potato harvest. Mrs. Fillingness and * '*■ Other towns are having their younger children will visit with a troubles with bicycles. At Boise the married daughter who lives in Idaho other day a whole truck-load was Falls. j Mr. and Mrs. N. A Mitchell of hauled to the city hall, gathered up I Uintah Basin, Utah, arrived at the in front of a theatre where they ob- structed the sidewalk The riders had home 01 thcir daughter Mrs WilUam been warned, but it took action b e -! 0 rr on Thursday ^ Mitchells own fore they knew the city really meant f° “ y of new land nof h ° f Robert Cox's ranch and plan to business. start building a new heme at once. Mr. and Mrs. Devon Larson and 3 months old baby, also of Uintah Basin accompanied the Mitchells to On last Friday the young people Oregon. They are visiting at present of Owyhee gave Norman Douglas a with Mrs. Orr, who is a sister of Mrs. their surprise party. There were 25 at Larson and plan to make are successful tending who brought a number of home here if they lovely gifts. Before refreshments of i in finding work, ice cream and cake were served a A Rally Day Service was held at bon fire was built and marshmallows the Owyhee school house on Sunday were toasted. Those who helped The Reverend Sweeny of Kingman make the birthday party a success Kolony preached after Sunday were. Bob Rice, Leslie Crocker, Pete School. A covered dish dinner was Sleeper, Juanita FYanklin, Byrd served in the basement. In the Walters, Margaret Mitchell, Cook afternoon a singing service was Mitchell, Louise Klingback. Henry much enjoyed by those present. Mitchell, Doris Hite, Margaret Mrs. Oscar Pinkston has left for Klingback. Mickey Hite, Russel Pat- Nebraska to visit with her two ton, Nadine Crocker. Phil Mitchell, daughters. She went by train to Dorothy McClure, Irven Charland. Cheyenne where she was met by Betty Schweizer, Claton Patton. Doc one of her daughters and made the Douglas. Doris KUngfmck, Gerald remainder of the Journey by auto. Squirts FROM THE LINOTYPE The early potato harvest has been over for some time, and some very handsome returns made this year on a favorable market. Beets are now being harvested, with good yields reported and a price that makes this crop one of the best. Lettuce price prospects are excellent and about the only dark spot is the current onion quota- ions. Eg£ production is profitable again and but- terfat prices bring smiles to the dairymen. I^ate potatoes have been quoted at profitable prices and com growers are sitting pretty. Yes, indeed, happy days are here again and the farmers are getting a break. We should be gone a [ OWYHEE SCHOOL NEWS Your Husband Needs Watching, Under The Weight of Serious Responsibilities, He Forgets. Yet In Business G o o d P ersonal A p p earan ce Is A n A sse t Your Job Is To Make It An Asset By Having His Clothes Regularly Cleaned and Pressed at the NYSSA TAILOR SHOP Don Morgan, Prop. Nyssa, Ore. IM P O R T A N T — W e have just received our fall line o f Kahn Suit and Overcoat samples and Styles. Come In Today. Now Ease Neuritis Pains Fast 15C Heating Stove SEASON W E H A VE M A N Y NEW A LIA S SUMMONS A N D USED H EATERS IN THE C IR C U IT CO URT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FO R M AL- I IIE U R COUNTY. JAMES V. A. CARTER. P L A IN T IF F . VS. SYLVESTER FRED ERICKS; W IL L IA M O. FRED ERICKS; THE UN KNO W N H EIRS OF B E TTY Nordale Furniture Store NYSSA OREGON J - NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY W E RECOMMEND THEM FACTS ABOUT NYSSA CAUL A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W NYSSA A. L. FLETCH ER I I . C O A I) OREGON Population, (1 9 3 0 )______ Recent estimates _______ Elevation _______________ 821 .1000 TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS i j Mootings of the Townsend Club are held every Tuesday at the Community Church. The Public is Invited lp h Frost .............President Mrs. A. V. Pruyn ... .........Sec| N YSSA L I B R A R Y OPEN SATURDAY Out-of-town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 A L L PATR O N S WELCOME Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W .2186 City Officer* Town P atron s..... .2:30 to 5:30 Watch Your Husband . . . AN N MCBRIDE, DECEASED. ALSO A L L OTHER PERSONS OR P A R T IE S UNKNOW N C L A IM IN G ANY R IG H T, TITLE , ESTATE O R LIEN OR IN T E R EST IN THE REAL ESTATE DE SCRIBED IN THE C O M PLAIN T HEREIN, DEFENDANTS On Wednesday afternoon the upper room organized a Little C it izen's League, the purpose of which is to assist in conducting the school activities and duties. The following T O W IL L IA M O. FREDERICKS. officers were elected, president, TH E UNKNO W N H EIRS OF Buddy Schweizer, vice president; B E T T Y ANN McBRIDE, DE- I Grace Kygar; secretary, Ileta CEASED, AND ALL O TH ER I Franklin; treasurer, Virgil Jordan. PERSONS OR PA R T IE S UN- Bayer Tablets Raymond M orfltt left for Port KNOWN C L A IM IN G ANY , Dissolve Alm ost land early Thursday morning in R IG H T, T IT L E , ESTATE, LIEN j Instantly Company with Mr. Hauser and OR INTEREST IN THE REAL I d 2 second« by «top other 4-H club boys. The boys will ESTATE DESCRIBED IN TH E , w a t c h , a g e n u in e exhibit their 4-H calves at the Pac- BAYKK Aspirin tablet C O M PLA IN T HEREIN, DE ifio International Livestock Expo starts to disintegrate and go to work. Drop a FENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: sition. Bayer Aspirin tablet In Since Columbus Day, October 12, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE to a glass of water. By the time it hits the bot is near, the Primary room is prepar- tom of the glaaa It is OF OREGON: disintegrating. What ! ing a project to be given on that happens in this glass You and each of you are hereby ! day. A very realistic sand table . . . happens in your I scene is being prepared showing an required to appear and answer the ch. ¡Indian village very much excited by complaint filed against you in the | the arrival of Columbus and his above entited suit within four weeks men. All parents and friends of the from the date of the first publica For Amazingly Quick Relief school are invited to come at 2:30 tion of this summons, and if you fail G et Genuine Bayer Aspirin on this date. As the birthday of ; so to answer, for want thereof James Whitman Riley, the Hoosier plaintiff will apply to the Court for If you suffer from pains of neuritis Poet is October 7, the upper room the relief prayed for in his com- what you want is quick relief. Genuine Bayer Aspirin tablets will give some of his poems and a paint herein, including a decree ad give quick relief, for one reason, be discussion of his life on the same judging plaintiff to be the fee simple cause they dissolve or disintegrate afternoon. owner of the S W 'iS W 'A of Section almost instantly they touch mois Friday afternoon Owyhee played 26, the SEUSE'/i of Section 27, the ture. (N ote illustration above.) Hence — when you take a real basket ball at Adrian. At the close N E '.N E 'i of Section 34, and the Bayer Aspirin tablet it starts to dis o f the game the score was 12 to 10 N W h N W 'i of Section 35, all in solve almost as quickly as you favor of Adrian. Township 28 8., R. 45 E. W. M, in swallow it. And thus is ready to Mrs. Lowell, graduate nurse, was Malheur County, Oregon, and quiet start working almost instantly . . . at the Owyhee school Friday where ing said title in plaintiff and barring headaches, neuralgia and neuritis she gave all the chldren a physical defendants from asserting or at pains start easing almost at once. That’s v»hy millions never ask for examination. tempting to assert any right, title aspirin by the name aspirin alone or interest in said property, and for when they buy, but always say LEGAL AD V E R TIS IN G such other and further relief as the "B A Y E R A S P IR IN ” and see that Court may deem just and equitable. they get it. T ry it. You’ll say it’s marvelous. NO TICE OF PU B LIC ATIO N This summons is published pur No. 025475 suant to an order of the Hon. Chas. W. Ellis, Judge of the above entitled Department of the Interior FOR A D O Z tN U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Court, which order is of date of Oregon, September 29, 1936 September 30, 1936. 2 FULLO-j. DOZEN ¿ d b First publication: Oct. 8, 1936. NO TICE is hereby given that Last publication: Nov. 5, 1936. Virtually Ruah Ward, of Prairie City. Oregon, W. H. BROOKE lc a tablet who, on February 20, 1913, made ROBT. E. LEES. Desert Land Entry under Acts Attorneys for Plaintiffs. March 3, 1891 and June 17, 1902, No. L O O K F O R CHE BA Y ER CRO SS Residing at Ontario, Oregon 025475, for S E '.S W 1,. S W '.S E 'i, or Farm Unit "A ” , Section 10, Town ship 21, South. Range 46, East, W il lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before B. W. Mulkey, Notary Public, at Vale, Oregon, on the 10th day of November, 1936. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Morgan: Andrew Ward; Walter Alford; Bill Demm. all of Nyssa, Oregon. W. F. JACKSON IS N O W A T H A N D ! Register. 10-8 to 11-5 OWYHEE NOTES T HE harvest is now on, with crop prices better than for the past several years. Whether the credit should go to the administra tion, to the weather or to world conditions . . . we don’t argue about that. The important thing is that prices are better this year and the sun is really breaking through the ciouds. .1rs. Pinkston plans to be month. Mayor Don Graham Councilmen __________ Art Norcott, A l Thompson, Dick Tensen, Dean Smith. City Clerk ___ _____ __ .A. R. Millar City Treasu rer......... Arthur Boydell Marshall ______________ A. V. Cook Watermaster ....JÏ. H. Pinkerton .. Dr. J. J. Sarazln Health Officer County Officer* County Judge ......David F. Graham Commissioners_________ Ora Clark, E. H. Brumbach. S h eriff________________ C. W. Olenn Clerk ............................. Roy Daley Assessor ________ Murray Morton Treasurer__________ Mrs. Ora Hope County Attorney ...........M. A. Biggs County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson County Physician... . Dr. Anna B. Pritchett. C oroner______________ R. A. Tacke Superintendent. Kathryn Claypool Nyssa Public Schools NYSSA ; OREGON DR. E. D. N O R C O T T D E N T I S T Office Phone 35F2 X -R A Y E X A M IN A T IO N S NYSSA OREGON Nyssa Aerie F. O. E. No. 2134 VIEETS W EDNESDAY N IG H T A T EAGLES H ALL Visiting Eagles Welcome CLAUDE KERM TT W ILLSO N , Pres. LIE N K AE M PE R Secretary Superintendent ..... Leo Hollenberg Facts About Owyhee Project ON TH E O L D JOB H. D. Holme* TRANSFE R and BAGGAGE All Kinds of Hauling In City Limit* NYSSA. OREGON Phono * Cost of Owyhee Dam ....... *6,000.000 7H miles of Tunnel .........*4.000.000 Siphons, canals, etc........... (3,000,000 Owyhee dam storage capacity----- _____________ 715,000 acre feet Helghth of dam ...............520 feet From lowest point of foundation to top. Leading project city, Nyssa. Oregon Elevation of land ..... 2,250 to 2,500 Acres In Owyhee project, 100,00 acre* Principal products ..... -hay, com. dairying, » t o ck raising, grain« not «tors clover seed. peas, ieiluce, oiuons and canola. C IT Y T R A N SFE R TRUCKING and TRANSFERRING Phone 15 and Phone ZS C. Klinkenberg