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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1936)
THE GATE CITY TOURNAI, Published At Nyssa, Oregon VOLUME XXIX. NO. 40. Protest Against Reducing Stock On Public Lands GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1936. T. A. COUNCIL TO MEET IN ONTARIO The Board of Managers of the Malheur County Council of Parents and Teachers will meet at the On tario high school Saturday, October 10th at 2:00, Albert B. Hopkins, county publicity chairman, an nounced today. Mrs. M. M Oreeling county president, is anxious to have Goes ¡all members present. Meeting At Ontario On Record Opposing Grazing Act Regulation Lettuce Packing ToStart Monday Fastest Growing Town in Oregon $1.00 PER YEAR AID PLANS FIRE DEPARTMENT [Local Boys Win LADIES BIG HARVEST SALE Legion Auxiliary FIGHTS WEED FIRE ^Farmers Asked 4-H Club Honors Given Citation To Sign 1937 At International By State Dept. Beet Contracts Alvin Duvall and William Peutz Have Prize Calves At Portland Exposition The Ladles Aid of the Community Church are planning to have a Har vest Sale next Saturday, October 10 on the comer next to the Kozy Cafe. Proceeds will go toward the church improvement fund. Any donations of produce will be appreciated and may be left with Rev. White. Your patronage will help a worthy cause. City Caucus To Be Held Tuesday Installation of Officers Principal Business of Thursday Night Meeting The fire truck was called out Sat urday morning when burning weeds ln the vacant lots back of the Ber nard Frost rehldence threatened to get beyond control. The firemen directed a stream of water for nearly a half hour before the weed fire could be subdued. Fortunately it was stopped ln time, and there was no damage. Townsend Clubs Sponsor Contest Meeting Held In Boise Wednesday Attended By Nyssa Representatives Vehement protest against any In One of the most sought-after The local Legion Auxiliary post terpretation of the Taylor Grazing Beet growers will be asked to sign honors In 4-H club work was award- was signally honored Thursday Act which would reduce the number 1937 contracts within the next few jed to Alvin Duvall of Nyssa when night when they were presented of livestock on the public domain days as the result of a conference | he was awarded first prize on his was lodged at a meeting of business with a citation from the Depart held Wednesday at the Hotel Boise. I Shorthorn steer at the Pacific In ment of Oregon for sucessfully com and professional men, livestock own- Present were officials of the Amal ersand fanners at a meeting held Many Men, Expected To ternational held in Portland from Candidates For Nyssa City pleting last year’s program as out gamated Sugar Company and repre- Saturday afternoon In the Ontario Find Seasonable Work ! October 3 to 10th. Competition was lined by the Department. The pro Cash Prizes Offered F o r 1 sentatlves of the various commun- keen in the 4-H club classes but Officials To Be Picked gram consists of nine points, and the H. S. Gymnasium under the spon ities of the Snake River Valley, In- sorship of the Western Livestock In Lettuce Harvesting | young Duvall’s steer went right on At Tuesday Meeting citation is an award eagerly sought Beat Essays Entered In eluding Nyssa, Ontario, Payette, to win the award of champion Producers Association. after by the posts of the state. Malheur County Contest ™ Morgan, * 11 Nampa and othere _py^k I Shorthorn, in addition to first prize The Association, in an open let The award consisted of beautiful A. L. Fletcher and Dr. ter to F. R. Carpenter, director of Lettuce packing will get underway 111 hls class' vase with the Auxiliary emblem ln J. J. Sarazin attended from here. grazing, said In part: “The develop- in earnest Friday when the F. H. I BM Peutz also got in the money A caucus of all interested citizens front. It was filled with popples, and , of , the ^ The Amalgamated Com- of has been called for Tuesday even The County Advisory Board thelr Sugar intention merit m me TaylOT gn^ng atoinis- Hogue pUnt wiU start their sea_sons with his very fine Aberdeen Angus ing, October 13th at the City Hall. is to be used ln initiation work. Pres- Townsend Club has announced a tration has been too rapid in Mai operations. Lettuce packers, trim- aiul was awarded fifth in his class, entation of the award was made by , a sugar refinery some at which time candidates for city Mrs Elma Eckley district president 1 contest for boys and girls between establishing heur county ;in fact, it is the opin mers, where in the but in order and others connected with the I Boys and girls from four states. offices The date j of ^ Grande the ages of 14 and 20, in or out of to be certain territory, of their acreage, are ion of many, and I think, of a great skiUed handling of the crop have 650 111 nil. took control of the ex was set will by be the nominated. me. ting inj The Auxiliary also proudly dis school. Each entrant is to write an asking that growers sign 1937 con majority of those who have the best comlng ta from major position grounds Monday with one session Monday council on the subject, “What the evening. played their new colors at the meet essay now. This is only setting the understanding, that the development lettuce producing sections and it is of the features being a luncheon Economic and Humanitarian Town tracts date ahead a short time as growers of administration has been too rapid ______ ^ e v e d ___________ there will be no shortage of honoring the 42 boys and girls rated At this caucus nonnnations will be ing Thursday and they were dedi send Plan Is,” limiting their writing usually sign contracts for the fol and unstudied and that much of the ^ to handle the crop this year. as outstanding in their counties. made for mayor, four councilmen, cated by Mrs. Eckley. The colors to from 50 to 600 words. indicated administration is illy ad- | Growers and dealer8 allke m en- Judging of the stock took place city recorder ana treasurer. Present consist of the American and Aux These essays will be read by the low year ln the late fall or winter ln order to be ready for operations as holders are Don M. Graham, iliary flag and were purchased with , . . thusiastic over the quality this year, Monday night, when over 200 young office at the preliminary try soon spring breaks. mayor; Art Nortott, Dean Smith, funds raised by the play given last contestants farmers paraded their stock before „ Robt N £ Stanfield, r’ is the best ever grown outs to be held at the Community A as representative President of the here ^ new Arizona t ^ the judges. In the competion were Dick Tensen and A1 Thompson, spring by the Auxiliary, "The Road church of the sugar on Wednesday evening, Oct oompany will be ln Nyssa ready to Association went o n to say: “The was planted ln fleWs this year, boys and girls from Oregon, Wash councilmen; Bob Millar; recorder ¡To Glory.” 21 st, with the final contest to be start work Monday, and will oe ac The local post went over the top ober farmers and those directly depend- and the resuM.s have teen more ington, Idaho and Montana who | and A. H. Boydeli, treasurer, held ln Vale the 23rd. Essays ent upon the livestock industry and than 3aaafactory Nominations may be made by any in membership, being the first unit must be read . . a ten minute time companied on his rounds by some had been fattening steers for the qualified farming are almost unanimously, The white River Packln voter for the various city in the district to have it's quota fill- local person familiar with the ter Northwest 4-H baby beef contest. agreed that the length of period of o{ Kent Washington, who Grand champion of all breeds was offices and a big crowd is antlclpat- ed by installation night. Due to the limit. ritory. A fir- » •,:'$ In cash Is illness of Mrs. Don Graham, she of fere sufficiency of pubi c domain graz- have entered the field this wlu Las Carter of Pilot Rock, whose ed. The meeting will be called to could B- . Yielding Well .rize of $7.50 not be installed as president, and ing pasturage, combined with avail-! start operations their plant Mon_ Dog entry was an Aberdeen Angus. Al order at 8 o’clock. Some ver; »me beet yields are but this will be done at a later meet : in Ontario. There is more let vin Duvall of Nyssa won tops in the being reported and the loader near The lo^tu will furnish mat yardstick to measure public domain da>’ ing. Mrs. Victoria Schweiz»'- in tuce growing this year than ever Shorthorn class. According to the GRANGE INVITES the Dale Garrison ranch is busy erial for (.). - desiring to enter tti - grazing availability and not the before, stalled as tei ary president by say, and prices are judges, the quality of exhibits in the ALL CANDIDATES the installing officers, Mrs. Elma, C oates' xxnpete for cash prizes. every day loading beets into rail numbers of livestock grazed. To il expected dealers to be good this season. 4-H contest was the best in the his lustrate, the advisory boards, work At the Hogue plant, Paul Chilson tory of the stock show. Eckley, and Mrs. G. Maxum of La Those interested should see Mrs. road cars. Nearly all the growers of TO OPEN MEETING Grande. Mary Pruyn or Rev. Floyd White. the territory have started thel* ing under the direction of the local will be shed boss this year; “Red” Malheur county corn came to the director of grazing, have arrived at Raymond has the contract for front in the 4-H club corn growing Other officers Installed included Everyone is f ee to participate who harvest of beets now. are within the age limits and the In order to make a test a conclusion, in Malheur county, making of crates; Wayne Brand will contest for Eastern Oregon. Awards Dorothee The Pomona Grange will hold an dent; Ruth Burbidge Russell as 2nd 1st vl(* vice-presl- ; Lucille club expects to have a large group proximate that the term of “grazing" should be field boss and Jack Rogers is ex- being ms. made were Alvin Duvall, first; all-day meeting on Saturday, Oct- n oweu treasurer; Grace Larsen sec- ready for the preliminary contest DeGrofft tonnage be divided into 7 months of public pected from Kent next week to take Leonard measured a st > Nichols. 2nd; Anthony * retary; Mable Poage, historian; October 21st. domain and 5 months off. In other over the accounting end of the deal. ! Allen, 3rd and James Nichols, 4th. ober 24th at the Boulevard toppers completed Saturday aftei with bi-annual election of officers j Ang(e Gook sargeant-at-arms and words, the permittee, to qualify, noon. It measured 1.9 acres and t*- being the princi.Al Item of business. | Edith Ba 4 iey chaplain must show that he controls pastur beets were weighed over the sugar The meeting will start at 10 o’clock Commlttw appolntmenU for the age and feed sufficient to carry his company scales The beets Just lacked Auxiliary Ladies Help the morning. Election of officers ooming year have been announced livestock for a 5 months period. If 332 pounds of yielding 28 tons to the and routine order of and include, Mrs. Abbott, child wel Repair Library Books in resolutions it should ever appear that the public acre, and the toppers were ln beets business is expected to take up fare; Mrs. Paradis hospital; Mrs. (Continued on last page) this week which were conslderd bet As part of their community ser much of the day. ter than those topped Saturday. Howell, Americanism; Mrs. vice work, volunteer workers from All the candidates for county of Archie Sid Burbidge. membership; Mrs. L. the local American Legion Auxiliary fices have been invited to attend an national defense; Mrs. ______ I post helped to repair books at the open evening sesssion. Each of the Johnson, Russell, constitution and by In an effort to assist those folks will be Introduced and Ruth Transients will not be certified for cd,y library Wednesday. They candidates Mrs. Angie Cook, community ln Bandon, Oregon who lost all thelr assisted by Mrs. Marshall, lib given an opportunity to say a few laws; WPA work this winter, but prefer were service and unit activities; Mrs. V. possessions when a raging forest fire words. A musical program Is also rarian; Mildred Oleson. county lib ence will be given to local people, rarian and Miss Johnson. The ladles being arranged to round out the Schwelzer, legislation, education and; desUxjyed the town, the local Eagle the members of the Malheur County enjoyed a covered dish luncheon at evenings entertainment. war orphans; Mrs. Don Graham ~ Aerie is sponsoring a dance to be Relief Committee decided at a meet noon. Volunteer workers included publicity; Mrs. Andy McGinnis, pop held Wednesday, October 22 ln the ing held ln the local city hall Wed py poster; Mrs. Wesley Browne, Eagles Hall. Admission will be by The city budget for 1937 will re nesday night. Committee members Mrs. Howard Larsen, Mrs. Andy popples; Mrs. J. Poage. music; Mrs. some article of bedding, clothing, ceive attention at the budget meet present at the meeting were Mrs. McGinnis and Mrs. Douglas Mc O. Schwelzer, Fldac; Mrs. Laura Mc cooking utensil or some other useful Frank Jill, Inc., of New York City, ing scheduled for Monday evening, Tensen, Chas. P. Flegel, E. H. Donald. Coy. radio Mrs. Rachel Abbl, nat article which can be used by a resi one of the largest dealers in pro October 19th in the city hall. Each Dick and T C. McElroy. ional news; Mrs. Elmer Cloninger, dent of Bandon ln starting life duce in the United States are inter of the councllmen will pick another Brumbach W. C. T. Ü. MEETS AT Five new applications for old age juniors and Mrs. Osterkamp organ ested ln this section. They claim taxpayer to serve on the budget assistance were received, and three CHAS. MARSHALL HOME ist. Hostesses for last Thursday were anew. they have received the finest committee, and sums allocated for were approved, and two rejected, With winter coming on, and hund Past Presidents Mrs. Larson, Mrs. reds without sufficient clothing, that flavored honey-dew melons from possible expenditure next year. Bird hunters are anxiously await The WCTU met Tuesday at the one former grant was cancell Mrs. Browne and Mrs. Mc bedding or household necessities, the here of any place in the United As a guide, the committee will while ing the opening of the Chinese McCoy. home of Mrs Chas. Marshall, with 11 ed. Three applications for CCC work Donald. have before them the amounts bud were approved, and two repected. members present. Reports were pheasant season when Malheur After the business meeting, boys folks of Bandon face tremendous States and they are interested ln geted and the amounts spent during Three more candidates are needed heard on the state convention dur county’s leading game bird will of the local post joined in a social odds. A state-wide drive is being getting an acreage grown for next year. They would like to get 500 the past five years of city admini to fill this County’s COC quota. ing the business session. Mrs. Emil likely be subjected to a steady bom evening. Plans were also made by made to help start these folks up acres and say that profits of $125 an stration. again, and the Eagles feel the dance Paulus tendered her resignation as bardment until the closing of the The committee passed a resolution treasurer, as she cannot attend j season on November 15th. The first the Auxiliary far their annual Hal will receive universal patronage. The acre can be expected. At the regular council meeting requesting the State Relief Oommit- loween party to be held Thursday Joseph Becker, their represnta- Monday evening a committee of . tee to arrange music, hall, advertising and other meetings regularly, and Mrs. Mary day for Chinese pheasant shooting WPA quota evening, October 29th. The Auxiliary expenses are all being donated ln tlves, would like to meet with all taxpayers appeared and requested or flmds to care a special Toombs was appointed to fill the is next Thursday, October 15th. for transients who the graveling of two blocks ln the have come lnto the county and who vacancy. Mrs. Cora Newton was ap- The season is open longer in this promises lots of fun and good eats order that the entire proceeds may those Interested at the Owyhee Irri- be used for helping our unfortunate gaion office Friday night, October south part of town. A committee was cannot otherwlse ^ rared for p, pointed publicity director for the county than any other county in the to those attending. 9 at 7:30 p. m. County Agent Ray neighbors on the west coast. appointed to ascertain the cost and L , , have 4 ^ compiled which indl- coming year. I state. The season is from October 15 Larson will be present. The new within the budget, to proceed with C8te that WUOmu count has the The organization reports a steady to October 31 in most places, the ex THEATRE MAN HAS lands of the project are adapted to the work. Setting the date for the second translent ln growth, with two new members Join ceptlons being Klamath county HUNTERS BRING IN the growing of these melons, Mr. caucus was another matter brought Oregon, comprised mainly of drouth ing Tuesday’s meeting. NARROW ESCAPE which Is open from October 1 to 31st MANY NICE DEER Becker says. up and this will be held October 13th area emigrants. and ln Harney county, where only at the city hall. Nate Leigh narrowly escaped what four shooting days are allowed. to ^ with STONER MEAT PLAN A. V Cook asked for a month s the Another mll resolution made „ the had state might have been a fatal accident DESTROYED BY FIRE TO Bag limit ln Malheur county Is when his car was crowded off the Several oilier Nyssa hunters have EAGLE ORGANIZER leave of absence, and the council maktIlg lt necessary for eye exam- 4 birds In any one day and not to BE HERE WEDNESDAY t trned over the task of hiring a sub- inatlons to * made by an ophtho_ The $10,000 Stoner Meat Company exceed 8 ln any 7 consecutive days; highway one and a half miles east been successful ln bringing home stitute to the police committee. lmoglst bllnd *» 4 * ^ can packing plant at Ontario was de provided, that it Is unlawful to of Fruitland Tuesday morning. As the venison during the pest week. D. D Hall, state organizer for the was about to pass another Warren Blodgett, who hunted near Eagles Lodge will meet with the by fire Tuesday night, with take more than 1 female Chinese Mr Leigh * Biven Since there are no ophtho- and details are to be handled by the ,n one.half the of stroyed he said, the driver made a left Ed Beam home at Ironside brought local only a portion of the meat stored in pheasant ln any 7 consecutive days. car, next Wednesday evening. turn without any signal or back a nice 4- point buck. Out of a It was Aerie H y on C" sidewalk ttef„ repair WT the state and the expense of trans- the plant saved from the rav Hunters who are quick on the hand announced In the meeting rtarted Tuesday warning and the Leigh car plunged hunting party composed of Mr. and porting applicants to these men is ishing flames. have been a few off the grade down a 12 -foot em- „ ^ " | last night that the district conven- ing. . partridges . . . bringing .. the in season high, the resolution asked that the Ontario firemen xpsponded trigger Hungarian as ( ^ a dratn dltch »11 ^ r e n C e J »fUZZ would La Orande on ruling be modified to permit optom promptly to the call but were handi has been open since September 15th. Mr. Leigh suffered bruises and Ray and son Stanley Mrs Blodgett ti,m Sunday. October held 11th, and a car-load SON BORN was the only succ«*ful hunt«, com- iOT two of Eaglp() plan to att(,nd capped by the lack of water under etrists to make the necessary exam The season on this bird also closes A husky son was bom to Mr. and _____ , [ t ____ pressure, as the plant was located a on November 15 in this county Bag his companion, O. A. (Edi Johnson ing home with a 2-polnt buck. They Mrs. A. A. Essex Sunday at the fam inations. was seriously cut about the face and were hunting on Hk Creek Aden m 1 m Joan Broudotte of Yakima. mile from the nearest city main. limit is 6 in a day and not to exceed sustained ily home in the south part of town. a wrenched wrist and a Wilson and1 Henry Oari had the un- ta w(n.klng w,th her ^ „„ When the blaze reached the vats of 12 In any 7 consecutive days. Path mother and child are getting FARM SALE TO BE few bruises. The car was badly usual experience of both shooting j Lester Goulet lard and grease, it was beyond Deer hunters still have 17 days In along nicely, according to Dr. Sar- HELD NEXT TUESDAY checking. The plant was the distri the same deer, with Aden getting which to get their venison, as the damaged.—Parma Review. a in, attending physician. »,j r the deer. They were hunting on buting point for several retail mar season does not close until Sunday, ironside mountain. A farm sale will be held Tuesday, kets In southwestern Idaho and October 25th. TEACHERS TO BE Artie Robertson. Bernard Frost, October 13 on the Pete Williams eastern Oregon. ROUND TOWN Llenkaemper, Dr. Abbott. Chas. farm, one-half mile west and four HONORED FRIDAY Bert EVENT CALENDAR miles Paradis and Chas. Newtolli are south of Ontario by Roy C. NEXT MONDAY IS Boggs. He will sell some horses, SCHOOL BUDGET TO BE friends, patrons and parents among the deer hunters out at the Wilson’s crew total profits on LEGAL HOLIDAY are All reminded World Series . . . Adolph Jaenke (Please phone Journal to have your nine head of cattle, hogs, farm DISCUSSED AT MEETING that the Teachers Re present time. wearing bodge for new political date in this column) machinery and furniture. Col. Bert ception. on Friday evening, October Next Monday is Columbus 9 at the Eagles Hall is open to the CHORAL CLUB TO MEET Party . . . Phillips building being Oct. 9—Teacher reception. Anderson is the auctioneer. A school meeting of District 26 Is Day, a legal holiday set aside public and everyone is urged to at modernized . . . Dewey Ray escorting Oct. 9—Parma vs Nyssa there to be held at the school house on ln honor of the discoverer of tend. A very good program will be WITH MRS. RAY EMMOTT Bu.*er Collls around . . . Nick Rud- Oct. 10—Ladies Aid Harvest Sale I.O.O.F. HOLD BOOSTER Saturday. October 24th, starting at America. The stores ln Nyssa Oct. 13—Roy Boggs Farm Sale. MEETING TUESDAY EVE two o'clock for the purpose of dis NEXT WEDNESDAY EVE llck doing some political master having been arranged by a will not be closed for this given, minding . . . Ed Warren and crew Oct. 13—City Caucus. cussing the budget for the coming holiday, committee composed of Mrs How but the bank and ard Larsen, Mrs. W C. Jackson. hammering away steadily on im Oct. 14—Choral Club meeting. An enthuslstlc meeting was held year and to vote on the proposition postoffice will be closed all Mrs. Frank Morgan and Mrs. Wm. A meeting of the Nyssa Choral proved home . . . Weed cutting Oct. 15—Pheasant season opens Tuesday night by the Odd Fellows of levying a district tax. along the sidewalks draws ap Oct.19—City Budget meeting. lodge ln their first meeting of the The budget, showing estimated day Monday. Those having Schlreman. This is an annual af Club will be held next Wednesday plause . . Mrs Herb Fisher twists Oct. 21—Bandon fire dance. fall season. Several newcomers were receipts and expenditures, indebt business at these places fair sponsored by the Nyssa Civic evening at the home of Mrs. Ray Oct. 24—Pomana Grange meets. present for the initial meeting and edness and other items will be found should do so by Saturday Club, to officially welcome the Nyssa Emmott, It was announced today. I fey,.°fi °“rJlnd htts walk home November 3—General Election. plans were made for a lively year. on another page of this issue and noon to avoid having to wait school teachers and to give the par All members are urged to attend as J? ^ h“*band «'tertalning Archie Howell was given the third should be studied by every taxpayer until Tuesday. ents and others an oppotunity to plans will be discussed for the club’s | th* Wudy Club" ’ • • • fil degree as part of the business. in the district. meet with them. fall program. ■HI Budget Meeting Called Oct. 19th Bandon Relief Dance Set For Wed., Oct. 21st Transients Not Eligible To Get WPA Work Pheasant Season To Open Oct. 15 Melon Growing Has Possibilities