Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1936. Mr. and Mrs. Warren McHargue | BIG B EN D N E W S were dinner guests at the Felton M ICKIE SAYS— Dunan home Sunday. A/EW r IS LIKE EGGS* Miss Virginia DuPre of Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Joe King returned IT POUT IMPROVE \ k / tk j wfc3 a week end visitor of her sister home from a hunting trip to moun SO IF VOU HAVE a ___ Mrs. Dale Garrison and family. S AGE* tains around Unity each getting a om etu / u ' y o u WMJT deer. TO SEE M/ 7 W PAPER, Little Jackie and Barbara Duncan of Walla Walla spent two days last week with their { please BP/Uâ rr m how and Rex Mr. Brumbach and Mrs. Fred Nightengale Mrs John Young was ill with the Donnie Hickey is ill with the scar grandmother Mrs. John Mull. of Ontario were guests in the let fever. flu the first of this week. Brumbach home Friday evening. | The John Lewellen family of Bonita were overnight guests at the Miss Mary Weir who teaches in Mrs. Vivian Van Cleave and her Mrs Bert Lienkaepmer and baby C. Ironside spent the week end visiting brother Arthur Beam spent Satur son John Abert returned home Sun Kllnkenberg home Sunday. her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Robert day from the Peterson home in Par Little Glenn Schireman fell out of day at the Will Beam home. Well. ma. a tree near the church Tuesday. His Mrs. John Mull is able to be up | Mrs. Edna Ferris, county nurse, Injuries necessitated the attention again after being confined to her Mrs. Maybelle Emlck of Loe An of was a business caller in the Bend Dr. Sarazin, but were not serious. geles, California came to Nyssa last bed for over a week. Tuesday. Wednesday and has been a guest Mrs. E. Quinley returned to Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Helm of Cald Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson at the C. B. Short home. Friday from near Los Angeles where well were dinner guests in the B G of Ontario spent a few days here at C. L. McCoy and Gayle and Bob she has been living with her sister Roberts home Sunday. the parental A1 Thompson home and brother. Wade P T. A. will meet Friday ! spent the week end visiting in La this week. afternoon October 2 at the Brum Grande with Mr. McCoy’s parents. Mrs. C. Kllnkenberg and son Gil bach home. Mrs. John Timmerman Those who attended the Snake Mr. and Mrs. John Oreulich. bert returned to Nyssa last Wednes and Mrs. Dyre Roberts are assistant River School Master’s banquet at day after taking Mr. and Mrs. W. hostesses. Vale Thursday from this section Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glasgow left | D. Sumpter, parents of Mrs. Klink- were Leo Hollenberg. John Young, Tuesday for Twin Palls with a truck . enberg to their home in Olympia, Mesdames Harry Russel, Horace V. Shoemaker. Owen Price and Al of freight. They plan to return to- Wash., after they had visited here. Chaney, Tom Godwin, Witty and bert B. Hopkins. I day.. Looney of Big Bend P.T.A. and Mes Mrs. Ralph Richardson of Hills dames F. A. Miller. B G. Roberts, The Barney Wilson family and Bill Plughoff of Pendleton was a City. Idaho was a guest at the John Elmer Prosser and E. H. Brumbach Mrs. Addie Wilson spent Sunday at luncheon guest at the home of his Hunter home Thursday and Friday. of Wade attended County Council at the Prank Ward sheep camp above aunt. Mrs. Will Beam Friday. He is Mrs. Richardson came to Nyssa Ironside. The men spent the day employed by the Consolidated Truck to have her tonsils removed by Dr. Try Journal Want Ads! at Ontario last Wednesday. Joe and Ezra Brumbach were hunting. J. J. Sarazin. company. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sterling and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Stoffle of family of Payette and Mr. and Mrs. near Caldwell and Jack Wiggins of CARD OF THANKS John Nelson, parents of Mrs. Ster Midvale were guests at the home of HOW TO "KEEP EDUCATED” ling. and their daughter Holly of | their sister Mrs. Chas. Paradis Fri Read Daily the World-wide Constructive Newg in Bellevue. Idaho, were visitors at the day. I wish to take this opportunity, The Christian Science Monitor Tom Nordale home Sunday. Am International Daily Neietpaper j Chas. Paradis, district command thru the pages of the Journal, to It give* all the constructive world new t but doe* not exploit crim e and er. installed the officers of the Am thank those who have been instru The Ed Schaal family, who have (caudal Meu lika the colum n, "T h e W orld’s D ay” — new» at a glance for tho bu»y reader. It h at interetting featu re pages for all tho fam ily. A erical Legion of the Union Post mental in placing my name on the been working for Wm. DeCroft the Monday W eekly M agasina Section, w ritten by distinguished authorities on eco night. He also installed the ballot, as an Independent candidate past summer are moving to Boise nom ic, social and political problem s, gives a survey of world affairs. this week. They expect to return to officers of the Ontario Post Wednes for the general election on Nov The Christian Science Publishing Society ember 3, for the position of State One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Nyssa next spring. Mr. Schaal says day night. Please enter my subscription to T h > C hristian S cirnc « M onitor he had intended to stay in Nyssa Mrs. Jonas Brown and family and Senator from the twenty-second for a period of this winter but was unable to get a Mrs. C. C. McVicker and family district. As perhaps you all know I □ 1 year $9.00 G 6 months $4.50 □ 3 months $2.25 □ 1 month 75c not solicit this position but was house. Wednesday issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year $2.60; 6 issues 25c sisters of Bernard Frost and Mrs did drafted to make the race and will to Name __________ Findling, came over from Payette the best of my ability keep faith Address _____________________ _____ ________________________ 1 to visit at the Frost home and with with my neighbors and friends. SAM PLE COPY OH R E Q V ÍST the Findlings who arrived that day REV. FLOYD WHITE KNOCK! KNOCK! from Nebraska. According to announcement re W ho’s T here? ceived in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Luehrs are the parents of an Chadwick, with larg 814 baby girl born September est assortment of can 24th pound at the Holy Rosary Hospital. dies in town. You’re She has been named Suzzanne A1 invited to listen to lane. Mr. Luehrs was formerly em World Series broad ployed at the Nyssa Pharmacy. Mrs. H. Blair Johnson enjoyed a cast at— If you w ant your clothing dollar to go as far as possible, you will find th at 1| visit with her sister Mrs. Margaret W ilson’s is best suited to serve your needs. W e are now show ing new fall ^ Mitchell of Los Angeles and daugh ter Mrs. A. R. Davis of Portland; clothing, priced right dow n to bed-rock, and at the sam e tim e, keeps up our also a friend Mrs. Allan Pride of reputation for quality m erchandise only! Long Beach Monday evening. The visitors were dinner guests here and then went on to Kuna to visit Mrs. Samples of How You Can Save!!! V eltex Products Mitchell's other daughter, Mrs. P. S. Pride and family. CALX Are You Scotch? Chadwick’s Station Specials Specials for Friday and Saturday, O ctober 2, 3 Corn Flakes Rice Krispies ^ O 1 n L I C 3c 2J 3 c Iokks’ 2 pkgs- Z Cream of W heat Package Syru P Dependable Cane and Maple, 5 lb. CA. üüC Pancake F l o u r s 28 •“ 19c 3c P & G, White Soap * Giant bars, 6 for f\* W h i t e K in g Large size 29C Appl< e Butter Î X q"art Salad Dressing Brooms ^ 9ne 4 tie siz'2 3 C 31 C 2SIc ic OC Pine< i p p l e 2 2U> for broken slice OC 10 lb. bag Suga * _ White Satin Q /C W ilson G rocery NYSSA mon Suits Medium weight cotton in sizes 36 to 46 69 ,arge 2 3 C Kelloggs, 2 pkgs For Pep MEN’S A Dependable Food Store OREGON Boys Unions Same high quality. Sizes 6 to 10 49c MEN’S BLACK WOMEN’S SILK H O S IE R Y Munsingwear, reg. 89c value reduced to 79c Service and Chiffon weight, Fall shades. Full Fashioned Paris H osiery $l 9 8 Men’s Good Quality W O R K S H IR T S Extra full cut <chambray 4 9 c Boy’s Heavy S U E D E S H IR T S Washable ad comfortable, well made, tans and grays. Size 8 to 14. 79c CORDUROY CLOTH For Produce Start Shipping Lettuce A s Soon A s Available WHITE RIVER PACKING CO. Opposite Post Office Ontario, Oregon Packing and Shipping from Boyer Warehouse, Ontario Grocery Specials For Friday, Saturday and Monday Cereals 4 for Pep, Corn Flakes Wheat Flakes, Shredded Wheat 37C 3 Jello, 1 Jello Chocolate All for 19C 19c 39c Sugar $1.35 Crackers 2 lb- b°x 23c W hite King 19c Matches, 6 box carton 1 7c 10c Health Soap S icated 2 5c Potatoes 98c Flour $1.29 Flour $1.09 M EAT DEPARTMENT I Lamb Stew 10c Hamburger 2 25c Sausage 35c Pork Roasts gZa“ 20c Boston Butts 28c Rolled Oats g£5 ? Syrup 5 lb. can 251 b. bag Package Large bottle Per o2wt. 69< Pride of Valley Velveteens New Shipment W O O L FLANNEL " Plains, plaids and in-hetweens— H For smart fall clothing. 79c to *1.45 Beautiful Pastel [5>u O ur Pounds S IL K S New York PATTERNS Idaho Ace pA>und 15 Hundreds of styles to choose from. R EG U LA R $10.95 New Fall Dresses DRESSES FOR .... *7.95 Don’t Miss This Bargain! Special For FRIDAY and SATURDAY Snappy Fall Dresses, sizes 16 to 20 in assorted fall shades ■N___________________________________________ r W IL S O N D R Y G O O D S NYSSA, OREGON Cash Paid C a tsu p Pastel Colored W O RK SH O ES Genuine Star-Brand genuine all leather, heavy leather soles. business visitors in Boise Wednes attended the school of instruction conducted by State officers at day. A number of Bend lad lee attended Boulevard grange hall Tuesday. the HEC club meeting at Mrs. C. Wesley Roberts of Ontario visited Martins In Kingman last Thursday home folks during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ferguson and afternoon. The next meeting of Big Bend children and Miss Helen Hatch re grange will be held Tuesday evening turned home Thursday from a two weeks visit with relatives in Cal October 6. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ferrell, who ifornia.. spent the summer at Irrigon, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer and returned to the Bend for the winter, baby moved from the Taylor ranch having rented the tenant house on I in Roswell to the Ashcraft place i which they have rented for the com- the Tate ranch. A number from Big Bend grange I ing year. PH O N E 32 2 Pounds VHou™dCure> W E D ELIV ER PH O N E 3 H ALVERSO N S PURE F O O D STO RE NYSSA OREGON