Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1,1936 Last Day To Register For General Election Is Saturday, October 3-Register So You Can Vote Nov. farmers contented attitude. It is in don. Hie sole question Involved in ored to Star. Idaho for a visit with Sadie Orr Dunbar will hold a deed a job for magician to present the reciprocal trade policy and its Mrs Schafer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Christmas Seal Sale in this county a case that will cause any reasonable relationship to American agriculture Lineg&r. farmer or his wife to turn against is its effect on the wefare of farm Last year there were eight Baby sometime in November, the exact the president, much less create any ers in the United States. Has the Beef calves taken from Malheur date is not fixed yet. Mrs. Embree Knot Hole News general sentiment against the well- plan, which has resulted in flooding County to the Pacific International of Ontario and Mrs. Edna Ferris, night universal feeling of well being American markets with foreign farm and this year there were 18. Hie county health nurse, attended a Seal GREETINGS: Have you payed and security. News stories from products, helped agriculture? Are calves were loaded in a cattle car at Sale Institute in Baker last Satur the Knock, Knock game? Here's how The Journal is politically independent, but offers this column for every section of the state reflects the j farmers, after they know what is the stock yards in Ontario on Tues day. Representatives were there it goes: KNOCK! KNOCK! Whose use by all parties and individuals. Contributions must not be prosperity and good times that is the happening to them, convinced that day. from Malheur. Baker and Grant there? SUN. Sun who? Sun be personal and we reserve the right to select what we have room common situation of the of the farm | they want such a program contin Boys from Kingman who will at counties. winter. Fix your house now. to publish. Please sign all communications. people of the state of Oregon today. ued? Or, like Senator Borah and so tend the stock show are Leonard many other American leaders, do 1 Nichols, Alvon Duvall and Merle Mr and Mrs. Earl Sager of Big Cy, pulling —KNOTS— infant son's thumb they believe that the American Kurtz. Bend spent the week end at the par from his mouth, "Hey, don’t chew suitable to the interest of the ob Mrs. Tom Lowe was a guest in the farmer is entitled to the American ental E. Wolfe home. that thumb off: you may need it server but the fact remains that the T. T. Elliot home Tuesday after market? when you get old enough to travel." Intense interest of the farmers of That's the issue. It isn't the Du- noon. —KNOTS- four years ago, is glaringly lacking I r- Miss Nellie Case of Big Bend was Ponts, the Maine eletcion, or whom Modem novels may not reflect this year. a week end guest in the Winters among us happen to be favoring the life, but most of them contain a lot Where worried, agitated and mili election of Landon to the presidency. home. of raw material. tant agriculturalists hung desper Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Zesiger were Secretary Wallace evades the is —KNOTS— ately on the words of politicians four dinner guests in the Oscar Schaffer sue because there is no logical de We have raw building material years ago, only passive interest and home Sunday. fense. The record speaks for itself. and all it takes is the work to put smiling indifference is manfest to Therefore, he turns his verbal bom A birthday dinner was held Sun AS THERE an Item of them together, and presto! You have day. bardment upon a lot of phantoms day at the C. E. Winters home hon W home. It’s easier to own your ov)n There can be little doubt that the and actual personages, failing de oring Margaret Winters ar-d John self or that of your family or a home now than ever before. Come in reason for this indifference is found liberately to refresh the American Gowey. friends that did not appear in and talk it over. in the infinitely happier situation of memory to the fact that four years the last issue of The Jour the farmer over his plight of four Material in this column from Re ago Roosevelt, the candidate, him PLANS GETTING UNDERWAY nal? If so, it was omitted be years ago. Programs of expansion publican headquarters, self basked in the benign and FOR CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE cause we did not learn of it ’and development of their farms are wholly acceptable sunlight of their and you did not tell us. We From Democratic State Committee ' taking their time and attention, and NEW DEALERS INVENT want every piece of news in support. IMAGINARY BOGEY MAN is going by the board. Espec- Plans for the fall Christmas Seal this community and ask you Political observers of both parties politics do the compliments of discon TO EVADE REAL ISSUES Sale are already getting underway, to kindly tell us or phone us have noted that while party workers ally tented politicians touch their con- What are the issues in this cam KINGMAN KOLONY with Mrs. M. C. Imbler having what you know that will be Nyssa, Oregon have been active, there has been a siousness only in their retrospective paign? ordered material to be used and will of Interest to the community. notable lack of interest on the part contemplation of the lean days of of the farmers of Oregon. What this thirty cent wheat and fourteen cent They should be perfectly appar The regular meeting of the PTA appoint her committees soon. Mrs. means has been diagnosed in ways butterfat. They know, all too well ent to every American citizen by has been postponed until one week this time. And yet new dealers from this Friday which will be Oct I that those who weep for them, sor seem concentarting on a pro ober 9th. row only to be returned to the flesh- gram to of be evasion, charges on mat Among those from Kingman who pots of patronage. They are wary I of pictures of evil in the face of con ters not related to the real issues at attended the Grange State Confer vincing prosperous condition. They all and a campagin of villification ence of officers at Boulevard grange BUSINESS know too, that clever artificers of measuring up to Jim Farey’s pre were, Mrs. M. M. Greeting, Mrs. Candidate For AND P R O F E S S IO N A L , the pen are drawing these pictures diction that this would be a “dirty Conrad Martin. Mr. and Mrs. C. campaign.” C. Cotton, Mrs. Hazel Schafer, Mrs ! In the hope of touching some chord COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT of prejudice to make them strike the Governor London, in Minneap Dale Ashcraft and Mr. and Mrs. C. DIRECTORY THANKS his many friends and supporters who that has wored this miracle. olis and the heart of agricultural E Elliott. S hand That it has not, and is not making United States, last week assailed the Mr and Mrs. J. Wiley Hewitt of made it possible for him to place first in the non an impression on the farmer is reciprocal trade treaty program of Adrian were dinner guests in the partisan Primary Election for this office and to the new deal. His entire address was Conrad Martin home Friday. found in the steadily manifest lack ROBT. D. LYTLE the scores who have brought his candidacy to the confined to that subject, certainly Mrs. C. C. Cotton’s two sons, of interest in political ballyho. ATTORNEY With his taxes paid, loans refin one of the major campaign ques Charles Claybom of Wendell and attention of their friends during the summer And COÜNSELOR-AT-LAW anced at lower rates of interest, his tions before the farmers in this and Elmer Claybom were visiting her months . . . First National Bank Building bank account insured by the govern all other states. this week. They also visited friends Phone 66 ment against loss and every product But Friday night, when Secretary in Fruitland while here. ASKS that undecided voters check his school ad VALE OREGON that he has to sell doubled, and in of Agriculture Wallace “answered” Mrs. H. R. Otis and her sister Mrs. ministration at the Oregon Trail School, where many cases tripled in price, there is that attack, he almost ignored the Albert Wade were visting old friends little difficulty to understand that fundamental question of the wisdom in Kingman this week. he is teaching for his seventh year. of reciprocal trade treaties and the Members of the Wade HEC of the REQUESTS the continuance of the loyal support effect they have on the American grange held their regular meeting J. S. COOPER farmer. Instead, he talked about the with Mrs. Martin Thursday. The that he has received. Liberty League, “oil men. munitions afternoon was spent in sewing for Business Analysis "As Maine Political Adv. Paid For by Albert B. Hopkins, makers, former magnates, big pack the bazaar which they expect to hold Accounting Auditing ers, grain gamblers" and a lot of later. Nyssa, Oregon. Goes So Goes Income & Social Security Tax other bogey men to divert att 2 n- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Zesiger were the Union” dinner guests in the Oscar Schafer Specialist. tion from the real issue. That's no way to “answer” Lan- home Sunday. Later they all mot Moore Hotel Bldg. Ontario, Ore. Phone 159 Political Forum Kindly Tell Us Jackson Lumber Company ALBERT B. HOPKINS ______________ Guarantee Work WYCKOFF JEW ELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Ontario Oregon OPTOMETRIST “See McFall and See Better" DR. J. A. McFALL Eyesight Specialist ONTARIO OREGON PROTECT YOUR CITIZENSHIP Registration closes Oct. 3. Don’t get caught unawares. Be s u re yo u are registered. If there is any doubt visit the R e g istra tio n Office. Then study the is sues. Get all the facts. Be prepared to vote to . . . Preserve American Institutions P atd adv, — R epublican S tate C en tral C om m lttee, I.ars B ia dine, S ecretary, 1012 F ailin g B uilding. Maybe You Believe In Gambler’s Luck To The Voters: If you do you probably haven’t had your car looked over recently. You don’t know whether the motor it in good condition or not. You’re taking a gambler’s chance that it is . . . The educational system throughout Malheur County was never in better shape than at present. Help keep it that way by reelecting an adult, experienced official. New Scientific Machine Reveals All Motor Operations If your car actually had a MOTOR OF GLASS, the exact condition of all inner parts would not be as clearly revealed as they are by a marvelous, new machine we have installed. This amazing new machine REVOLUTIONIZES motor test ing and servicing. It ends all GUESSWORK . . . permits absolute accurate diagnosis of every motor trouble, and enables us to guar antee you PEAK performance from your car at all times. In addi tion, we can actually LOWER your servicing and operating ex penses. By means of this marvelous new, scientific machine, you can virtually SEE THROUGH THE METAL WALLS OF YOUR OWN MOTOR. Every (connection, every operation, or the slightest mis-adjustment anywhere in your motor is fully REVEALED. Now you can feel SURE that no unnecessary work will be done, no needed work overlooked and that each part functions exactly as it should. We cordially invite you to come in and see our new The Sun Motor Sun Motor Tester in oper W ouldn’t y o u Tester is recom ation. Let us show you like to see the you can get more mended and used how pleasure and satisfaction exact condition in factory service every mile you drive . . . of your motor? saves j*ou money and stations. lengthens the life of your motor. KATHRYN CLAYPOOL County School Superintendent Four years experience as County School Super intendent backed by 14 years teaching exper ience in Malheur County Schools, and 28 years residence in the county. General Election, November 3, 1936 Non-Partisan Ballot Political Adv. Pd. for by Kathryn Claypool, Vale YOU PAY THE PRICE “OVERT” Why hot Have The Best? Says a friend, “OVERT” Norcott Ser vice they sure do show appreciation for your trade. He’s right. We do appre ciate our customers. Sunshine Dairy Norcott Service MILK IS ONE OF OUR MOST IMPORTANT FOODS. People of all ages drink it. It plays a large part In babies’ diet. We are delivering high test Guernsey Milk, produced under sanitary con ditions—or we can furnish you with Holstein Milk, considered by many medical authorities as a superior type for babies and for growing children. 535348532323535353 BRING IN YOUR CAR TODAY See For Yourself! Cable’s ONTARIO, Chevrolet Co. OREGON Nyssa, Oregon SI llllllllllilllllliilllili..... Illllllllllllllillllllilllllllllillllllllllllli F.